872 resultados para Espécies de Qualea


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Os folículos testiculares nas ordens dos insetos, vêm demonstrando papel relevante sob o ponto de vista da Sistemática e Filogenia. Nos triatomíneos, os folículos testiculares são em número de sete, sendo que o comprimento e a espesura variam consideravelmente entre os gêneros, e pouco entre as espécies. Verificou-se que em Rhodnius spp existem dois folículos longos e grossos e cinco curtos e fuinnos; em Triatoma spp existem dois longos e finos, dois médios e grossos e três curtos e finos; e em Panstrongylus spp existem sete aproximadamente iguais. Através das medições do comprimento dessas estruturas, evidenciou-se que os valores das médias e desvios padrão das médias, foram muito próximos entre as espécies do mesmo gênero, tornando-se inviável estabelecer limites que pudessem caracterizá-las. Em busca de resultados mais precisos, fizeram-se comparações interespecíficas através da análise de variância: entre as diferentes espécies do mesmo gênro (comparação simultânea); entre cada duas espécies do mesmo gênro (comparação aos pares); e entre espécies iguais de procedência diferentes. Os resultados obtidos não demostraram possibilidades de utilização na Sistemática, contudo foram promissores no que concerne à Filogenia, desde que seja observado um número maior de espécies.


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Três novas espécies de tripanosomatídeos foram isoladas em Alfenas, MG, Brasil: Herpetomonas anglusteri sp. n., do intestino posterior de Liopygia ruficorins (Diptera: Sarcophagidae); Crithidia roitmani sp. e.e Crithidia de souzai sp. n., do intestino médio e o posterior de Ornidia obesa (Diptera: Syrphidae). O isolamento foi feito em meio complexo de roitmanmas os três isolados cresceram bem no meio definido do mesmo Autor. Os clones foram obtidos em ágar-sangue de carneiro, desfibrinado, em placas de Petri, a 28ºC, por 2-7 dias. Um único clone de cada espécie foi utilizado neste trabalho. Dados morfológicos e morfométricos foram obtidos em câmara clara após coloração dos flagelados. H. anglusteri cresceu em meio complexo tanto a 28 como a 37ºC e, em meio definido, apenas a 28ºC. Não exige treonina e biotina para seu crescimento. C. roitmani apresenta tamanho médio maior que C. desouzai, não cresce em água de coco e seu crescimento é mais lento comparativamente a C. desouzai, apesar de terem sido isoladas critídias exige hemina e adenina para seu crescimento. Alguns ácidos aminados e vitaminas componentes do meio definido utilizado no ensaio, também não são exigidos, o que sugere serem estes tripanosomatídeos portadores de endossimbiontes.


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Objetivando estabelecer novos parâmetros taxonômicos para o gênero Zelurus Hahn, 1826, foi feito um estudo detalhado e comparativo da genitália externa dos machos de duas espécies: Z. circumcinctus (Hahn, 1835) lepeletierianus (Kirdaldy, 1909). Foram evidenciadas como mais representativas as seguintes estruturas fálicas: processo do pigóforo, parâmetro, falosoma, suporte do falosoma e processo 2 do endosoma.


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From March 1985 to February 1987 montly cast net and beach seine sambles were collected at the Marapendi lagoon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to describe its ichthyofauna and analyze associations between species and their distribution in areas with different salinity regimes. A stratified random sampling design was used and the lagoon diveided in four areas (1-4) according to salinity gradient. The "Bravais-Pearson" correlation index was utilized to analyze the similarity between species and between areas and also group them according to the UPGMA method. According to the results eight species groups were established. The majority of the species were wuryhaline, having a marine origin and were distributed in areas 1, 2 and 3 (high salinity areas). The formation of smaller groups with species of fresh water origin, which occurred in areas 2, 3 and 4 is also discussed.


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The authors describe a new genus and two new species of Brazil as follows: Juinacoris n. gen., J. hugoi n. sp., from Juina, Mato Grosso; Perissobasis hugoi n. sp., Juina, Mato Grosso. Figures of habitus and male genitalia are included.


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Durante 1987, nas regiões sul e central do Estado de Roraima, foram realizadas coletas de flebotomineos nas bases de árvores e em armadilhas CDC colocadas a 1,5 e 10m de altura do solo. Foram obtidos 2812 espécimes, de 45 espécies: 35 na região sul e 27 na região cental; 18 espécies foram comuns as duas áreas e 21 estão sendo aqui assinaladas pela primeira vez no Estado. A presente publicação eleva a 54 o número de espécies conhecidad no Estado.


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Cnemidochroma lopesi, sp. n. and Xenochroma seabrai, sp. n., from Brazil are described.


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In order to stablish new taxonomic characters for the genus Opisthcidius a detailed comparative study of the male external genitalia was performed in O. rubropictus (H. Shaeffer, 1848), the type species, and O. pertinax (Breddin, 1903), mantioned as predators of triatomines. The most representative phallic structures were: the median process of pygophore, the phallosoma struts and the vesica process.


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A new subgenus Glossuropoda is proposed for Euglossa intersecta Latreille, 1837, as the type species. It is distinguished from Glossura by having a very peculiar configuration of the mid basitarsus of the male and lack of the median spur. Two new species Euglossa (Glossuropoda) hugonis, from Tabatinga, AM - Brasil, and Euglossa (Glossuropoda) juremae, from Vigia, PA - Brasil, belonging to the same subgenus but strickingly different from the type species by their prevalent green color with brassy and golden hue on the last abdominal segments and hind legs.


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Data on the genus Ophyra and on its known neotropical species are presented as well as a key to segregate them.


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Five new species Eudorylas Aczél are described from Maracá Ecological Station, Roraima, Brazil, namely: E. aquinoi, E. bentoni, E. caccabatus, E. megasurstylus and E. souzalopesi.


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Some species of Amphibia and Reptilia are listed as new hosts of spargana, from material deposited in the Helminthological Collection of Oswaldo Cruz Institute. It is discussed the difficulties in identifying the larvae (Sparganum) and also the identification of adults of Luheella species from South America. The histopathology induced by spargana in the liver of a species of Amphibia is briefly described.


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Hermanlentia n. gen. of Tribe Triatomini, with a List of Species of Triatominae (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) - Hermanlentia n. gen. was established in the tribe Triatomini, based on differences of external morphology, phallic structures and chromatic characters of Triatoma matsunoi Fernandez-Loayza 1989, in relation to other species of Triatoma. The head is long with disproportionally small eyes 1:0,16; the relation of the head and the pronotum is 1: 0,4; and the coloration of the hemelytron is whitish. Characters of the male genitalia that distinguish the new genus are the articulatory apparatus with twice the size of the aedeagus, phallosoma with fingerlike apex, 1 + 1 dorsal conjuntive processes with the inner edge toothed, and absence of endosoma process and vesica


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Geographical Distribution and Alti-latitudinal Dispersion of Some Genera and Species of the Tribe Triatomini Jeannel, 1919 (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) - With the currently known distribution of genera and species of the tribe Triatomini Jeannel, 1919, maps and diagrams were prepared, showing the geographical area occupied by the species and their respective dispersion in grades of latitude and altitude. Two genera are not treated: Panstrongylus Berg, 1879, already published and Triatoma Laporte, 1832, that is being published partially in several articles. Genus Eratyrus Stal, 1859, has two species, while Dipetalogaster Usinger, 1939, Mepraia Mazza, Gajardo & Joerg, 1940, Paratriatoma Barber, 1938 and recently created genus Hermanlentia Jurberg & Galvão, 1997, have only one each. The study of these maps and diagrams permits a better knowledge about some ecological requirements of Chagas' disease vectors and detects gaps in the geographical distribution, where the species were not found but probably they could be prevalent


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The objective of this work was to analyze the morphological, morphometrical, and histological characteristics of eggs of four triatomine bugs species still not studied, in order to understand phylogenetic aspects and to facilitate parameters used in taxonomy, with the purpose of a specific and generic characterization of these vectors in public health. The eggs of each species had come from the collections of the Laboratory of Triatomine bugs and Culicid mosquitoes of the Faculdade de Saúde Pública - USP (Faculty of Public Health/USP). The morphologic studies were carried out through optic microscopy (OM) and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). The eggs were measured with the help of the digital paquimeter Starrett® 727. In relation to histological measures, Microtome Leica RM 2145® was used. Similarities were evidenced in the exocorial architecture of the eggs when they were studied by OM and SEM. This similarity among the eggs suggests a recent speciation, probably derived from common ancestry, representing a monophyletic group. Some structures were also detected by the histological cuts. The study has contributed to the magnification and recognition in generic and specific terms of the Triatominae subfamily. These new data will be able to subsidize a better understanding to determine roles for each vector species and to facilitate parameters to be used in taxonomy.