981 resultados para Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz
Com a finalidade de se conhecer a distribuição de S35 em cafeeiro, o presente experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação e em campo. No primeiro caso "plantinhas" de café, de 6 meses de idade foram mantidas em solução nutritiva e receberam: a) S35 na superfície inferior das fôlhas do 3.° par; b) S35 na solução. No ensaio (a), as "plantinhas" foram divididas em suas partes constituintes (raízes, caule, fôlhas novas e fôlhas velhas), sendo que as fôlhas foram subdivididas em pecíolo, limbo e nervuras. O ensaio (b) era formado por 3 grupos de "plantinhas": - 1) estudo da migração, como em (a); 2) autoradiografia; 3) verificação da lavagem de S35 das fôlhas, sob chuva artificial. No experimento conduzido em campo utilizamos cafeeiros de 4 anos de idade e o enxofre radioativo foi fornecido por pulverização foliar. Os resultados demonstram a pouca mobilidade do enxofre pela planta e que: 1) o S35 migra das fôlhas velhas principalmente para as fôlhas novas e muito pouco para as raízes; 2) das raízes o S35 se distribui para os demais órgãos da planta, concentrando-se principalmente nas fôlhas mais velhas; 3) os dados obtidos pela detecção da radioatividade nas várias partes da planta foram corroborados pela autoradiografia; 4) o enxofre é lavado das fôlhas pela água das chuvas.
This paper deals with the mineral composition fresh and dry matter production of different organs of 4, 5 old guava (Psidium guajava L.) growth on sandy soil (Savanna) without fertilizer. The data obtained for fresh and dry matter productior are present in table 2 (in Portuguese). The concentration of the elements are presented in table 3 (in Portuguese). Finally, the total amounts of elements absorbed by guava are given in the following table: Element Plant (grams) Fruits (grams) Nitrogen (N) 42,55 20,4 Phosphorus (P) 3,84 2,3 Potassium (K) 52,01 31,3 Calcium (Ca) 47,81 0,2 Magnesium (Mg) 2,4
In order to study the phosphorus availability from various phosphates fertilizers an experiment was performed according to the biological seedling method of Neubauer. The physico-chemical properties of the soil "terra roxa-misturada", a red soil derived from basaltic rocks are given in the Portuguese text. Rice (Oryza sativa, L.) instead of rye (Secale cereale, L.) was used. Five replications of each of the following treatments were made: 1 - check, with 350 g of sand 2 - 350 g of sand plus 100 g of soil 3 - 350 g of sand and plus 100 g of soil plus 40 mg of P2O5, from superphosphate. 4 - 350 g of sand plus 100 g of soil plus 40 mg of P2O5. from Olinda (Brazil) phosphorite. 5 - 350 g of sand plus 100 g of soil plus 40 mg of P2O5 from Florida (U. S. A.) phosphorite. 6 - 350 g os sand plus 100 g of soil plus 40 mg of P2O5 from Hyperphosphate, a commertial name of a North African (Gafsa) phosphorite. 7 - 350 g of sand plus 100 g of soil plus 40 mg of P2O5 from Araxá (Brazil) apatite. After 18 days of growth, the roots and tops of rice seedlings were harvested and analysed for phosphorus, and the results are summarized in table 1. Table 1 - Milligrams of P2O5 determined in rice seedlings. Treatments Mean of 5 replications mg of P2O5 1 ..................... 24.196 2 ..................... 23.850 3 ..................... 30.724 4 ..................... 27.620 5 ..................... 27.480 6..................... 30.210 7 ..................... 26.032 The least significant difference at the 5% level by Tukey's procedure for comparisons among the treatments means is 1.365 mg of P(2)0. It is interesting to observe that rice plants did not take any phosphorus from the soil according to he data of the treatments n.° 1 and n.° 2. This can be explained by the high phosphorus fixing capacity of the soil "terra roxa misturada".
The author studied the application of chick's feces from battery brooder in the feeding of weaning pigs. He employed a basal ration and substituted 5%, 10% and 15% of that basal ration with similar proportions of chicks' feces. He did not observe statistical significance among the treatments. The results measured in terms of average daily gain and feed conversion indicated that the substitution of 5% to 10% by equal proportions of chicks' feces produced satisfactory results, the 5% proportion being the most advantageous.
At the 2nd. Department of Zootechny of the E. S. A. L. Q., in Piracicaba, between 1953 and 1955 an experiment of sugar cane varieties was carried out, with the objective of discovering varieties to substitute "Taquara" (the variety most widely used) and Co 290 (the most recommended). The former was condemned as being too susceptible to cane smut and the latter showes signs if degeneracy. In the experiment, 8 varieties were used with 3 replications in randomized blocks, in 3 rows each. The cane was crop not in the same period, but when they were at comparable ripeness (70 cm of apparent culm). They were crop twice during the year, with a sharp hoe near the soil. The summary of the results and the statistical analyses are shown in tables 1 to 3, showing the possibility of there being 3 groups: A superior one composed of Co 419, a median one, in decreasing order of production, composed of Kassoer, CB 40-69. Co 413, IAC 36-25 and POJ 161 and an inferior group composed of Co 290 and Taquara. There is a possibility that POJ 161 belongs to the last group. Nevertheless, this variety is not recommend because of its susceptibility to smut. As Kassoer is more healthy, vigorous and enduring than Co 419 and other varieties, it is shown recommendable. IAC 36-25 is being recommended presently for forage since its productions is lower than Kassoer, placing 5th productivity, although statistical significance was not detected. As our final conclusions, Co 419, Kassoer, CB 40-69, Co 413 and IAC 36-25 can be planted as forage while POJ 161, Co 290 and Taquara should not. The last two were exactly those used as forage reserve in the 2nd. Department at the beginning of the experiment.
The author studied the size variation in pollen grains of species in Compositae, Myrtaceae and Leguminoseae (Caesal-pinoideae and Papilionoideae) comparing pollen with and without acetolysis treatment. Pollen grains showed different reactions to the same treatment, according to the diferent species of same family. The increase in size of pollen grains was directional and did not affect their shape.
Diseased plants of artichoke (Cynara scolimus L.) from the Instituto Agronômico, Campinas, Brazil, harboured nematodes in the leaves. The nematodes proved to belong to the species Protorhabditis oxyuris (Claus, 1862) Dougherty, 1955. As it could not be charged as the primary agent of the disease, a study of the bacteria found in the material was made. This disclosed that 4 different bacterial forms were present, namely Bacillus subtilis, Bacterium udum, Xanthomonas beticola var. cynarae n. var., and Cory neb acterium fascians var. cynarae n. var. The typical forms of X. beticola and of C. fascians are known as pathogenic to a number of plants: but, in the present case, unfortunately no inoculation trial could be made as an attempt to clear up the possible pathogenicity of any of them also to Cynara scolimus. The nematode P. oxyuris is the secondary agent, which however possibly play an important part in the distribution of the bacteria, as it has been repeatedly pointed out by previous writers with reference to closely related species. The symptoms of the disease are described. The main injuries found on leaves were necrotic areas progressing from the distal part of the limb, resulting in a great reduction of the leaf superficies.
Células de Saccharomyces carlsbergensis (IZ-1834) foram crescidas e adaptadas, progressivamente ao meio de caldo de cana esterilizado e contendo 0,001%, 0,002%, 0,003%, 0,004% e 0,00% de emulsan Al (v/v) além do tratamento testemunho isento de Emulsan Al. Estas células, levadas a Warburg fermentaram: glicose, rafinose. Não fermentaram: galactose, maltose e lactose. Não exibiram praticamente fermentação endógena. Glicose e caldo de cana tiveram seus rendimentos elevados, no caso das células utilizadas serem aquelas adaptadas aos diferentes teores de Emulsan Al. A fermentação da rafinose sofreu notável aceleração quando as células utilizadas foram adaptadas à Emulsan Al, sendo que a aceleração foi da ordem de 2 a 3 vêzes àquela observada no experimento com células crescidas em meio isento de Emulsan Al. A diferença da permeabilidade entre um e outro tipo de célula parece explicar o fenômeno.
Células de 5. carlsbergensis crescidas em meio de cultura DPE diferenciados apenas em sua principal fonte de carbono (glicose, galactose e maltose) tiveram diferentes comportamentos quando postas a fermentar glicose, galactose, maltose e rafinose, em manômetro de Warburg. Presume-se que sejam enzimas constitutivos para o citado microorganismo, sacarase e hexoquinase e enzimas adaptativos, maltase, alfa-galactosidase e galactowaldenase.
The uptake of potassium fertilizers, namely, KC1, K2S04 and KN03, by beans and coffee leaves was studied in the experiment described herein. The fertilizers were applied as leaf sprays at the rates of 2,25, 4,50 and 9,00 grams, of K20/tree split in 3 applications which were made every week; the proper amount of salts were dissolved in 1 liter of water with wetting agent. Fifteen days after the last application both beans and leaves were sampled for analysis. No leaf injury resulted from the potassium sprays. Leaf -K and bean -K was significantly raised as consequence of the foliar applications of the K- bearing salts.
O presente trabalho relata os dados obtidos, segundo uma modificação do método de Neubauer, comparados aos obtidos pelo método usual do citado autor. A modificação consistiu no uso de cristalizadores menores e no emprêgo de um número de plantas e de um pêso de terra muito menores. Assim, foram colocadas 25 sementes de arroz em 20 g de terra, intimamente misturadas com 40 g de areia de praia lavada, em cristalizadores de 80 mm de diâmetro, por 20 mm de altura. Decorridos 18 dias após a germinação, as plantas foram colhidas, incineradas e o potássio foi determinado por fotômetro de chama. Os resultados foram comparados com os dados obtidos através de um experimento feito com as mesmas amostras de terra e no mesmo tempo, conforme a técnica usual de Neubauer. Praticamente, os dois métodos se equivalem, conforme mostram os dados do quadro 1 em Resultados e Discussão. As principais vantagens do método modificado, em relação ao método usual de Neubauer, podem ser resumidas nas seguintes: redução do pêso da amostra de 100 para 20 g e redução do pêso da areia de praia lavada de 350 para 70 g; redução da área ocupada pelos cristalizadores para menos de um terço; redução do número de plantas para um quarto (de 100 para 25 plantas) e redução do trabalho exigido para a execução do método, desde o preparo dos cristalizadores, até o preparo das plantas, incineração e análise.
This paper deals with field investigations on the biology of "saúva parda" (brown parasol ant, Atta capiguara Gonçalves, 1944), performed at Piracicaba and several other counties (State of São Paulo, Brazil). This ant is very noxious to several grasses and seems to make its colony only in very poor soils. Formerly the insect was known only in three counties; the writers found it in other fourteen ones.
In 1961, field investigations on "saúva de vidro" (parasol ant, Atta laevigata (Fred. Smith, 1858) were carried out at Piracicaba and other regions of the State of São Paulo (Brazil). This species was found to be a serious pest of cultivated plants, specially Eucalyptus and cotton. The ant makes its colony in any kind of soil, but it prefers to live in the poor ones.
In this paper, some notes on "saúva mata pasto" (paraol ant, Atta bisphaerica Forel, 1908) are presented. This ant is very common in good soils and it is a pest of gramineous plants, mainly com, rice, sugar cane, and so son. In poor land it is too difficult or even impossible to ind it.
O presente trabalho foi realizado com o fito de estabelecer uma seleção prévia entre 32 variedaeds de soja (Glycine max. (L.) Merril), com base nas análises bromatológicas das sementes. Foram determinados teores de umidade (U), cinzas (RM), proteína bruta (PB), gordura bruta ou extrato etéreo (EE), fibra bruta (F) e extrativo não nitrogenado (ENN). As análises da variância permitem tirar as seguintes conclusões: 1) Entre as variedades classificadas no grupo forrageiro e comestível, tem-se: Mandarin 8a (40,16% PB), Bicolor de Calai (39,64% PB) e Aliança (38,70% PB). 2) De acordo com a classificação estabelecida, para o grupo produtor de óleo, as variedades Lee, Hood, Lincoln (Blanco) Improved Pelican (2), Lincoln (Morado) e Improved Pelican (1), se destacam com 21,76, 21,65, 21,62, 21,35, 21,13 e 21,04% de EE respectivamente. 3) As variedades que apresentaram menor percentagem de fibra são: Hernónjn.0 107, Hood, Mogiana, Hill e Selection n.° 135, com 9,59; 9,62; 9,68; 10,02 e 10,12% F respectivamente. 4) Encontrou-se uma correlação positiva entre o teor de proteína bruta e o de cinzas.