445 resultados para Comportamento, Grampus griseus


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the crystallization behavior of binary mixtures of lard and soybean oil in different ratios and their respective structured lipids obtained by chemical interesterification. Crystallization kinetics and polarized light microscopy were used to analyze the mixtures before and after interesterification. The addition of soybean oil changed the lard crystallization, by the effect of the dilution. Crystal diameter increased, while the number of crystals decreased, as a function of temperature. Interesterification resulted in the formation of fewer crystals, with larger diameter in comparison with the original mixtures.


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Phosphates have been used for lead immobilization in soils but the influence of soil type is not fully understood. In this work, lead chemical behaviour in two Brazilian latosoils (LA and LV) was studied via treatment with phosphates. The Pb concentration in Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) solutions was decreased in all treatments. After treatment with H3PO4 the Pb concentration in the LA remained within the regulatory limit established by EPA. The ecotoxicological results with Daphnia pulex showed that this treatment reduced the lead bioavailability. Sequential extraction analyses showed that the lead was transferred from the most available to the residual fraction. Relevant decrease of soluble lead was observed in all phosphate treatments.


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The electrochemical behavior of N-nitrosothiazolidine carboxylic acid (NTAC) on gold and hanging mercury electrodes, using the cyclic and square wave voltammetries, was studied. Whereas NTAC suffer reduction in a single step on the mercury electrode, two peaks appears on the cyclic voltammograms on the gold electrode, one anodic peak overlaying the gold oxide process at 1.2 V and one cathodic peak at -0.41 V vs Ag/AgCl, KCl 3.0 mol L-1. The cathodic peak depends on the previous oxidation of NTAC at the electrode surface, presents irreversible and adsorption controlled characteristics and it is suitable for quantitative purposes.


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The De Broglie's relation was a fundamental step in the development of a wave nature for matter. Therefore, we have examined it from the perspective of the new atomic theory. This relation makes successful predictions of the stable energy levels for electrons orbiting a nucleus. The formulation of the de Broglie's relation is a fundamental application of the theory of wave-particle duality for a material particle. In this work, the direct demonstration employing the equations E = mc² and E = hcλ, was avoided. We provide a complete analysis of this relation considering features of the special theory of relativity.


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Copper electrode can be used for determination of complexing compounds through complexation reactions between Cu(II) and the analites. In this work some studies with three compounds were performed: glycine (precursor of glyphosate synthesis), herbicide glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid (main metabolite of glyphosate). These compounds are complexing agents for Cu electrodes. Through simple experiments (cyclic voltammetry and corrosion studies) the applicability of the copper electrode as electrochemical sensor for complexing compounds in flow systems was presented.


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São Paulo state (Brazil) has an important area of sugarcane production, mainly for obtaining alcohol and sugar, where there is an intensive use of pesticides. An important recharge zone of Guarani aquifer, with supplies water for the local population, is located at Ribeirão Preto city, so the local behavior of pesticides must be investigated. The GUS index was obtained by using the paramenters Koc and half-life for hezazinone herbicide, determinated in representative soil of this region. This study has demonstrated that there is potential risks of hexazinone leaching to ground water, indicating that this herbicide must be monitored in ground water.


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Behavior of mercury in soil profiles with archaeological black earth (ABE) and surroundings area (SA) from Sítio Ilha de Terra, Caxiuanã, can provide information on anthropogenic activity of the Amazonian habitat. The samples of ABE and SA soil profiles were submitted to mineralogical chemical (total and sequential) analysis. The data show that the Hg occurs mainly in goethite and kaolinite in the two soil profiles. The highest concentrations of Hg and Fe are observed in the SA profile. These results indicate that the prehistoric human occupation contributed to the decrease of the concentration of Hg in soil ABE from Caxiuanã.


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Antimicrobials, among other veterinary drugs, are used worldwide in industry and agriculture to protect animal health and prevent economic loss. In recent years, they have been detected in various environmental compartments, including soil, surface and groundwater and have become a topic of research interest. Emphasizing this class of compounds, this review presents the different pathways which veterinary drugs enter in the environment, in particular contaminate soils. Also are presented regulatory aspects and guidelines, adsorption/desorption and degradation of these compounds in soils and the consequences of its dispersal in the environment.


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Hydrated compounds prepared in aqueous solution by reaction between amidosulfonic acid [H3NSO3] and suspensions of rare earth hydroxycarbonates [Ln2(OH)x(CO3)y.zH2O] were characterized by elemental analysis (% Ln, % N and % H), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermogravimetry (TG). The compounds presented the stoichiometry Ln(NH2SO3)3.xH2O (where x = 1, 5, 2.0 or 3.0). The IR spectra showed absorptions characteristic of H2O molecules and NH2SO3 groups. Degree of hydration, thermal decomposition steps and formation of stable intermediates of the type [Ln2(SO4)3] and (Ln2O2SO4), besides formation of their oxides, was determined by thermogravimetry.


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The aim of this work was to study monoalkyl ester synthesis catalyzed by immobilized lipase Lipozyme RM IM via the esterification reaction. Yields of over 90% were obtained with butanol in esterification reactions with oleic acid. In the reactions with deodorizer distillates of vegetable oils and butanol, the conversion obtained was greater than 80% after 2.5 h. For the esterification reaction of palm fatty acid deodorizer distillate (PFAD) and butanol, seven reuse cycles of Lipozyme RM IM were carried out and the final conversion was 42% lower than the initial conversion.


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Iontophoresis is a method of administering substances through the skin, which uses electrical current or potential to promote transdermal delivery. We focused on α-tocopherol (vitamin E), a natural antioxidant able to reduce or block the oxidation reactions induced by free radicals in biological membranes. The aim of this study was to perform electrochemical evaluation and analysis of vertical diffusion of gel + α-tocopherol undergoing iontophoresis. The results showed a reduction in peak current at 0.78 V of α-tocopherol molecules when subjected to iontophoresis, increasing the diffusion and degradation of the system.


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No presente trabalho foi avaliada a resistência de 40 cultivares de feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris) à murcha-de-Curtobacterium, inoculadas separadamente com dois isolados de Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens, e o desenvolvimento da parte aérea de cultivares resistentes e suscetíveis a essa doença, inoculadas ou não com um isolado da bactéria. As reações apresentadas pelas cultivares permitiram verificar que 'IAC Carioca Aruã', 'IAC Carioca Akytã' e 'IAC Carioca Pyatã' foram resistentes e que 'A - 768', 'Aeté', 'Aporé', 'Bambuí', 'Bico de Ouro', 'BR IPA 11 - Brígida', 'Carioca MG', 'Carioquinha', 'Catu', 'Corrente', 'Diamante Negro', 'FT Bonito', 'FT Nobre', 'FT-120', 'IAC Carioca', 'IAC Maravilha', 'IAC Una', 'IAPAR 14', 'IAPAR 16', 'IAPAR 31', 'IAPAR 44', 'IPA 6', 'Iraí', 'Jalo Precoce', 'Jamapa', 'Onix', 'Ouro Negro', 'Pérola', 'R - 161', 'RAO 33', 'Rio Tibagi', 'Rosinha G2', 'Roxo 90', 'Rudá', 'Safira', 'Tarumã' e 'Xamego' foram suscetíveis à murcha-de-Curtobacterium. Plantas de feijoeiro das cultivares resistentes (IAC Carioca Aruã, IAC Carioca Akytã e IAC Carioca Pyatã) apresentaram menor redução da matéria seca da parte aérea do que das suscetíveis (IAC Carioca e Pérola), quando inoculadas com C. flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens.


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O colapso em cucurbitáceas é uma síndrome complexa na qual podem estar envolvidos numerosos agentes fitopatógenos, sendo bastante freqüente o ataque associado de vários deles. No presente trabalho é apresentado o comportamento de 19 cultivares de meloeiro (Cucumis melo) e duas de melancia (Citrullus lanatus), cultivadas no Brasil, frente a Acremonium cucurbitacearum e Monosporascus cannonballus, dois dos patógenos fúngicos associados a esta síndrome em diversos países. Todas as cultivares de meloiro e melancia mostraram-se susceptíveis a estes patógenos, obtendo-se valores de 2,2 até 4,4 de índice geral de doença (IGD) para as cultivares de melão inoculadas com ambos os fungos e 2,4 até 2,5 para as cultivares de melancia inoculadas com A. cucurbitacearum. As cultivares de melancia mostraram resistência na combinação com M. cannonballus. A conveniência de efetuar estudos com outras cultivares utilizando a metodologia desenvolvida neste trabalho é discutida.


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Caracterizou-se a evolução de variáveis relacionadas à clorose variegada dos citros em plantas de três regiões do Estado de São Paulo (Noroeste, Centro e Sul), visando determinar diferenças no padrão sazonal do patógeno, dos vetores, do hospedeiro e da doença. Foram avaliadas mensalmente 20 plantas sintomáticas em talhões de laranja (Citrus sinensis) 'Pêra' enxertada em limão (Citrus limonia) 'Cravo', em três regiões do Estado de São Paulo, no período de dezembro de 1998 a dezembro de 2000, utilizando-se as seguintes variáveis: número de brotações novas (bn); percentagem de ramos sintomáticos (prs); percentagem de ramos assintomáticos infetados (prai); percentagem total de ramos infetados (ptri) e estimativa de concentração bacteriana (ecb). Em cada região foram obtidas as variáveis temperatura mínima, temperatura máxima, precipitação pluviométrica e número de cigarrinhas capturadas em armadilha amarela. Para a determinação de correlação entre variáveis, utilizou-se a análise de Lags Distribuídos e para a comparação de regiões e estações do ano, a análise de Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman e o teste de Nemenyi (p<0,005). As variáveis relacionadas à doença (prs, prai, ptri e ecb) apresentaram padrões sazonais, mas não se observou diferença estatística entre as estações do ano. O pomar da Região Noroeste apresentou maior quantidade de brotações novas e maior quantidade de ramos sintomáticos. O pomar da Região Sul apresentou maior quantidade de ramos com infecção assintomática. Não houve diferença de concentração bacteriana entre os pomares das três regiões.