507 resultados para rio Grande basin


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O Rio Grande do Sul apresenta a maior área de cultivo de videiras no Brasil; neste Estado, a Região da Campanha possui características edafoclimáticas adequadas à produção de cultivares viníferas de origem europeia e apresentou, na primeira década deste milênio, significativa expansão de área. A partir de 2005, o ácaro-da-ferrugem-da-videira, Calepitrimerus vitis, passou a ser encontrado com frequência nos vinhedos da Campanha. Nos países onde esta espécie está estabelecida, reduções significativas na produção de uva são observadas, e a necessidade de controle é constante, não havendo, até o momento, produtos autorizados no Brasil para o controle de C. vitis. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar diversos agrotóxicos quanto à eficiência de controle de C. vitis em um vinhedo comercial, na região da Campanha do Rio Grande do Sul. O experimento foi conduzido durante os anos de 2008 e 2009, comparando o nível de infestação nas plantas através do emprego de armadilhas adesivas. No ano de 2008, a eficiência de controle durante o outono não diferiu da testemunha. O emprego de enxofre em uma única pulverização no outono, ou em duas pulverizações, sendo uma no outono e outra na primavera, controlou eficientemente C. vitis na primavera. Os acaricidas abamectina e espirodiclofeno foram eficientes no controle de C. vitis na primavera, tanto com uma única pulverização, como com duas pulverizações, sendo uma no outono e outra na primavera. No outono de 2009, os tratamentos com espirodiclofeno e cihexatina foram eficientes no controle de C. vitis. O ácaro-da-ferrugem-da-videira é controlado eficientemente com pulverizações de cihexatina, enxofre ou espirodiclofeno no outono ou durante a primavera com abamectina, enxofre ou espirodiclofeno.


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Na Região da Campanha do Rio Grande do Sul, o ácaro-da-ferrugem-da-videira, Calepitrimerus vitis (Nalepa) (Acari: Eriophyidae), é encontrado com frequência em vinhedos de cultivares europeias, desde a safra de 2004/2005, causando bronzeamento nas folhas. A dinâmica populacional de C. vitis nas cultivares Chardonnay e Merlot foi avaliada em vinhedo comercial localizado no município de Dom Pedrito, na região da Campanha, durante os anos agrícolas de 2005/2006 e 2006/2007, por meio de amostragem realizada em folhas das posições basal, intermediária e apical de ramos de produção. O pico populacional de C. vitis ocorre entre o final de fevereiro e o início de março, sendo seguido de forte declínio populacional. A infestação variou de intensidade entre as cultivares de acordo com o ano, sendo a cultivar Chardonnay mais infestada no primeiro ano, e Merlot, no segundo. Folhas na posição basal, mediana e apical apresentam níveis similares de infestação. Uma correlação positiva foi encontrada entre o número de C. vitis na face abaxial das folhas e o percentual de folhas com infestação.


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As cochonilhas-com-escudo (Hemiptera, Diaspididae) têm causado prejuízos significativos à cultura da videira no Rio Grande do Sul, principalmente em Vitis labrusca L. da cv. Niágara. No período de setembro de 2009 a outubro de 2011, foi realizado um inventário das espécies de Diaspididae ocorrentes no tronco das videiras e dos parasitoides associados. Foram avaliadas 32 propriedades localizadas nos municípios de Bento Gonçalves, Caxias do Sul, Flores da Cunha e Sarandi-RS. A espécie mais frequente e abundante foi Hemiberlesia lataniae (Signoret, 1869). Melanaspis arnaldoi (Costa Lima, 1924) e Pseudaonidia marquesi Costa Lima, 1924 foram registradas pela primeira vez em V. labrusca. Todas as espécies de cochonilhas apresentaram perfurações nos escudos indicando níveis de parasitismo natural que variaram de 11,3 a 76,5% para H. lataniae, de 9 a 58,8% para M. arnaldoi e de 3,4 a 22,2% para P. marquesi. As seguintes associações entre parasitoides e cochonilhas foram encontradas: Encarsia sp. (Aphelinidae), Plagiomerus sp. (Encyrtidae), Amitus sp. (Platygastridae) e o hiperparasitoide Chartocerus sp. (Signiphoridae) a H. lataniae; Homalopoda sp. (Encyrtidae) a P. marquesi e Chartocerus sp. a M. arnaldoi. Amitus sp., Homalopoda sp. e Chartocerus sp. foram associados pela primeira vez com estes diaspidídeos.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar o perfil do consumidor, caracterizar a frequência, os principais hábitos de consumo de frutas e analisar os fatores que interferem no consumo da população residente na Fronteira Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul com Argentina e Uruguai. Foi realizada em 2012 uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório, transversal e de base populacional, constituindo-se na aplicação de questionários à população residente nos municípios de Uruguaiana, Itaqui, São Borja e Santana do Livramento. A mostra foi constituída de 400 consumidores entre as quatro cidades estudadas. Os resultados indicam que apenas 1/3 dos entrevistados consomem frutas diariamente, sendo o consumo mais frequente entre as mulheres. O local preferencial de compra das frutas para consumo ocorre em supermercados. Dentre os motivos que levam as pessoas a consumirem frutas, destaca-se a distinção da fruta como um alimento saudável, sendo a aparência o critério mais adotado na escolha das frutas. As principais frutas consumidas pelos entrevistados na região são as bananas, maçãs, laranjas, mamões e mangas, respectivamente. A redução do preço, a criação do hábito e a melhoria da qualidade das frutas são os fatores preponderantes para que ocorra aumento do consumo de frutas nesta região.


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The current article presents the first data on physical-chemical parameters of wet precipitation collected at single collection point in the city of Rio Grande, during the period of 12 months in 1997-1998. The employed technique of rainwater separation into several portions made clear the process of the atmosphere self-purification during a precipitation event. The pH of rainwater depends on the extent of industrial emissions and increases during a precipitation event. The first portion of rainwater shows an obvious neutralizing effect of soil and ocean-derived components, whose intensity depends on the duration of the preceding dry period.


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An experience aiming to promote a residue interchange and recovery between the teaching laboratories of the Chemistry Institute of this University is described. At the present, several residues interchange have already appeared as advantageous. To make the work easier, a software has been developed in order to keep a record of all the residues generated by the teaching laboratories. Standard labels have been developed for the residues in order to organize them. The software and the label design are described.


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Fluoride concentration was determined in rainwater, ground water and soil in the zone of fertilizer industry in the city of Rio Grande. In contaminated rainwater fluorine concentration was registered up to the value of 4,4 mg.L-1. Fluorine concentration in the shallow ground water in general reflects its distribution in the atmosphere, but cannot be used as marker of atmosphere contamination in the urban area due to dissolving influence of residential effluents. The 0,01% HCl extracts from the set of surface soil samples demonstrates fluoride distribution in the zone of influence of industrial emissions, which coincides to the numerical simulation of fluorides dispersion in the air.


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Essential oils from M. richardiana, M. arborescens, M. selloi, M. oligantha, M. rostrata, M. lajeana, M. obtecta, M. pubipetala and M. hatschbachii were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Sixty-seven compounds have been identified ranging from 90-99% of the oil contents. All analyzed species were rich in cyclic sesquiterpenes (66-99%), mainly those from the cadinane, caryophyllane and germacrane cyclization pathway, among them b-caryophyllene, germacrene D, bicyclogermacrene, d-cadinene, spathulenol, caryophyllene oxide, globulol and a-cadinol. The acyclic sesquiterpene series was well represented by M. lajeana (32.1%), with 25,3% of (E)-nerolidyl acetate.


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Mercury (II) adsorption studies in top soils (top 10 cm) from the Rio Negro basin show this process depends strongly on some selected parameters of the aqueous phase in contact with the soils. Maximum adsorption occurred in the pH range 3.0-5.0 (>90%). Dissolved organic matter shows an inhibitory effect on the availability of Hg (II) to be adsorbed by the soils, whereas a higher chloride content of the solution resulted in a lower adsorption of Hg (II) at pH 5.0. Soils with higher organic matter content were less affected by changes in the salinity. An increase in the initial Hg (II) concentration increased the amount of Hg (II) adsorbed by the soil and decreased the time needed to reach equilibrium. A Freundlich isotherm provided a good model for Hg (II) adsorption in the two types of soil studied. The kinetics of Hg (II) adsorption on Amazonian soils showed to be very fast and followed pseudo-second order kinetics. An environmental implication of these results is discussed under the real scenario present in the Negro River basin, where acidic waters are in contact with a soil naturally rich in mercury.


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This article presents an evaluation of the pollution of river water by herbicides used in the culture of irrigated rice in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Firstly, a theoretical evaluation was made using the approaches suggested by EPA-USA, the "Groundwater Ubiquity Score" index and the Goss method to estimate the pollution possibilities. Afterwards, a monitoring program was established for the rivers of the area from 2001 to 2003 to investigate the presence of herbicide residues. The results indicate that the herbicides clomazone and propanil are the ones with larger presence and frequency in the analyzed samples. The theoretical forecast was confirmed by the results of the monitoring program.


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The alteration in the quality of groundwater in the industrial zone of Brazil's southernmost state was assessed by a hydrogeochemical study. In 70-85% of the studied area, fluoride, nitrate and phosphate in groundwater surpass the maximum limits for human consumption according to Brazilian environmental legislation. The chemical spectrum of contaminants and their spatial distribution show that fertilizer production processes are responsible for groundwater pollution. The natural conditions of the region are not favorable for minimal protection against infiltration of pollutants into the aquifer.


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Beginning students in chemistry usually do not realize that wastes generated in their experimental classes constitute an environmental problem and that residues must be treated or disposed of in a suitable way. In this manuscript we describe the work that we have been doing in the inorganic chemistry course of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul with the objective of creating a critical consciousness in the students about the chemical wastes they generate. With this policy, students are required to take into account the nature of the residues they generate, how they can treat or segregate them, and how they can keep them in a suitable way for final destination, instead of simply throwing them away.


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The objective of this paper was to determine nitrate and nitrite anions in toasted fish skin tea, which the population of southern Rio Grande do Sul believes to have pharmacological properties for trating asthma. Two methods were compared, an official and one described by Guozhen et al., that has the advantage of not needing reduction of nitrate to nitrite on a Cd column. The samples were the skin of the fish species Balistes capriscus (peixe porco) and Menticirrhus littoralis (papa-terra), both crude and toasted, as traditionally used. The method of Guozhen et al. was used due to its performance (detection limit 0.005 µmol/L NO3- and 0.02 µmol/L - NO2- and mean recuperation of 100 and 97% respectively for each anion) and results similar to those of the official methods under conditions used by the population, the estimated daily intake, of the teas is equivalent to 0.03 to 0.05 mg of nitrate and 0.007 to 0.014 mg of nitrite. These values are in accord with safety recommendations and don't represent a health risk.


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Ilex paraguariensis is a native plant in Southern Brazil, whose leaves are utilized in beverages such as chimarrão and tererê. This study investigated variations of total methylxanthines in leaves from two Ilex populations collected at one-month intervals over the course of one year. The levels varied from 1.92 to 10.37 mg/g (Ijuí) and 1.77 to 9.17 mg/g (Santa Maria). Statistical analysis indicated a significative variation in the contents of all samples analysed, confirming seasonal fluctuations. These results show that the period of harvest might decisively influence the organoleptic characteristics of raw material used in industry and therefore in commercial products.


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Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence methodology (EDXRF) was used to determine Al, Ba, Ca, Cr, Fe, K, Mn, Pb, Rb, S, Si, Sr, Ti, V, Zn in pottery sherds from seven archaeological sites in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The potteries' chemical fingerprints from Ijuí River, Ibicuí Mirim River, Vacacaí Mirim River and Jacuí River were identified. Interactions between sites from the Jacuí River, Vacacaí Mirim River and Ibicui Mirim River could have occurred because some samples from these sites are overlapping in a principal component analysis (PCA) graphic. The pottery provenance could be the same.