305 resultados para Pinhão-manso - Espaçamento


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In this study, we evaluated the hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotype distribution and HBV genomic mutations among a group of human immunodeficiency virus-HBV co-infected patients from an AIDS outpatient clinic in São Paulo. HBV serological markers were detected by commercially available enzyme immunoassay kits. HBV DNA was detected using in-house nested polymerase chain reaction and quantified by Cobas Amplicor. HBV genotypes and mutations in the basal core promoter (BCP)/pre-core/core regions and surface/polymerase genes were determined by sequencing. Among the 59 patients included in this study, 55 reported prior use of lamivudine (LAM) or tenofovir. HBV DNA was detected in 16/22 patients, with a genotype distribution of A (n = 12,75%), G (n = 2,13%), D (n = 1,6%) and F (n = 1,6%). The sequence data of the two patients infected with genotype G strongly suggested co-infection with genotype A. In 10 patients with viremia, LAM-resistance mutations in the polymerase gene (rtL180M + rtM204V and rtV173L + rtL180M + rtM204V) were found, accompanied by changes in the envelope gene (sI195M, sW196L and sI195M/sE164D). Mutations in the BCP and pre-core regions were identified in four patients. In conclusion, genotype G, which is rarely seen in Brazil, was observed in the group of patients included in our study. A high prevalence of mutations associated with LAM-resistance and mutations associated with anti-HBs resistance were also found among these patients.


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The hepatitis B virus (HBV) is among the leading causes of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. In Brazil, genotype A is the most frequent, followed by genotypes D and F. Genotypes B and C are found in Brazil exclusively among Asian patients and their descendants. The aim of this study was to sequence the entire HBV genome of a Caucasian patient infected with HBV/C2 and to infer the origin of the virus based on sequencing analysis. The sequence of this Brazilian isolate was grouped with four other sequences described in China. The sequence of this patient is the first complete genome of HBV/C2 reported in Brazil.


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In Leishmania amazonensis, kinetoplastid membrane protein-11 (KMP-11) expression increases during metacyclogenesis and is higher in amastigotes than in promastigotes, suggesting a role for this protein in the infection of the mammalian host. We show that the addition of KMP-11 exacerbates L. amazonensis infection in peritoneal macrophages from BALB/c mice by increasing interleukin (IL)-10 secretion and arginase activity while reducing nitric oxide (NO) production. The doses of KMP-11, the IL-10 levels and the intracellular amastigote loads were strongly, positively and significantly correlated. The increase in parasite load induced by KMP-11 was inhibited by anti-KMP-11 or anti-IL-10 neutralising antibodies, but not by isotype controls. The neutralising antibodies, but not the isotype controls, were also able to significantly decrease the parasite load in macrophages cultured without the addition of KMP-11, demonstrating that KMP-11-induced exacerbation of the infection is not dependent on the addition of exogenous KMP-11 and that the protein naturally expressed by the parasite is able to promote it. In this study, the exacerbating effect of KMP-11 on macrophage infection with Leishmania is for the first time demonstrated, implicating it as a virulence factor in L. amazonensis. The stimulation of IL-10 production and arginase activity and the inhibition of NO synthesis are likely involved in this effect.


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Because an enriched environment (EE) enhances T-cell activity and T-lymphocytes contribute to immunopathogenesis during heterologous dengue virus (DENV) infections, we hypothesised that an EE increases dengue severity. To compare single serotype (SS) and antibody-enhanced disease (AED) infections regimens, serial intraperitoneal were performed with DENV3 (genotype III) infected brain homogenate or anti-DENV2 hyperimmune serum followed 24 h later by DENV3 (genotype III) infected brain homogenate. Compared AED for which significant differences were detected between the EE and impoverished environmental (IE) groups (Kaplan-Meyer log-rank test, p = 0.0025), no significant differences were detected between the SS experimental groups (Kaplan-Meyer log-rank test, p = 0.089). Survival curves from EE and IE animals infected with the AED regimen were extended after corticoid injection and this effect was greater in the EE than in the IE group (Kaplan-Meyer log-rank test, p = 0.0162). Under the AED regimen the EE group showed more intense clinical signs than the IE group. Dyspnoea, tremor, hunched posture, ruffled fur, immobility, pre-terminal paralysis, shock and death were associated with dominant T-lymphocytic hyperplasia and presence of viral antigens in the liver and lungs. We propose that the increased expansion of these memory T-cells and serotype cross-reactive antibodies facilitates the infection of these cells by DENV and that these events correlate with disease severity in an EE.


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Despite the effectiveness of current hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccines, it is estimated that 350 million individuals suffer from chronic HBV infection and more than 50% of these affected individuals live on the Asian continent. Panama is a country with a great diversity of foreign groups; the Chinese community is a large example of this phenomenon. There is an urgent need to perform studies that evaluate the prevalence and the genetic diversity of HBV in this community. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of HBV and its genotypes and mutant variants in the Chinese population residing in Panama. In total, 320 subjects were enrolled in the study. Forty-two subjects (13.1%) were positive for HBsAg and HBV-DNA from 18 subjects revealed the presence of genotypes B2 and C1. Secondary mutations associated with drug resistance at positions rtV207L and rtN239T of the reverse transcriptase gene were identified. Additionally, the mutation pair A1762T/G1764A was found in three samples and the mutation G1896A was detected in an HBeAg-negative subject. In conclusion, to our knowledge, this is the first study to report high HBV prevalence rates in resident ethnic Chinese in Central America and the presence of genotypes B2 and C1 in this region.


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Heteroxenic and monoxenic trypanosomatids were screened for the presence of actin using a mouse polyclonal antibody produced against the entire sequence of the Trypanosoma cruzi actin gene, encoding a 41.9 kDa protein. Western blot analysis showed that this antibody reacted with a polypeptide of approximately 42 kDa in the whole-cell lysates of parasites targeting mammals (T. cruzi, Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania major), insects (Angomonas deanei, Crithidia fasciculata, Herpetomonas samuelpessoai and Strigomonas culicis) and plants (Phytomonas serpens). A single polypeptide of approximately 42 kDa was detected in the whole-cell lysates of T. cruzi cultured epimastigotes, metacyclic trypomastigotes and amastigotes at similar protein expression levels. Confocal microscopy showed that actin was expressed throughout the cytoplasm of all the tested trypanosomatids. These data demonstrate that actin expression is widespread in trypanosomatids.


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Since the emergence of West Nile virus (WNV) in North America in 1999, there have been several reports of WNV activity in Central and South American countries. To detect WNV in Brazil, we performed a serological survey of horses from different regions of Brazil using recombinant peptides from domain III of WNV. Positive samples were validated with the neutralisation test. Our results showed that of 79 ELISA-positive horses, nine expressed WNV-specific neutralising antibodies. Eight of the infected horses were from the state of Mato Grosso do Sul and one was from the state of Paraíba. Our results provide additional evidence for the emergence of WNV in Brazil and for its circulation in multiple regions of the country.


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The bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine is the only licensed vaccine for human use against tuberculosis (TB). Although controversy exists about its efficacy, the BCG vaccine is able to protect newborns and children against disseminated forms of TB, but fails to protect adults against active forms of TB. In the last few years, interest in the mucosal delivery route for the vaccine has been increasing owing to its increased capacity to induce protective immune responses both in the mucosal and the systemic immune compartments. Here, we show the importance of this route of vaccination in newly developed vaccines, especially for vaccines against TB.


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This study aimed to evaluate the use of conventional polymerase chain reaction (cPCR) and real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) in the diagnosis of human strongyloidiasis from stool samples in tropical areas. Stool samples were collected from individuals and were determined to be positive for Strongyloides stercoralis (group I), negative for S. stercoralis (group II) and positive for other enteroparasite species (group III). DNA specific to S. stercoralis was found in 76.7% of group I samples by cPCR and in 90% of group I samples by qPCR. The results show that molecular methods can be used as alternative tools for detecting S. stercoralis in human stool samples in tropical areas.


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An increasing amount of research has been conducted on immunoglobulin Y (IgY) because the use of IgY offers several advantages with respect to diagnostic testing, including its easy accessibility, low cost and translatability to large-scale production, in addition to the fact that it can be ethically produced. In a previous work, immunoglobulin was produced and purified from egg yolks (IgY) reactive to hepatitis A virus (HAV) antigens. In the present work, this anti-HAV-specific IgY was used in an indirect immunofluorescence assay to detect viral antigens in liver biopsies that were obtained from experimentally infected cynomolgus monkeys. Fields that were positive for HAV antigen were detected in liver sections using confocal microscopy. In conclusion, egg yolks from immunised hens may be a reliable source for antibody production, which can be employed for immunological studies.


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Tuberculosis has great public health impact with high rates of mortality and the only prophylactic measure for it is the Mycobacterium bovisbacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine. The present study evaluated the release of cytokines [interleukin (IL)-1, tumour necrosis factor and IL-6] and chemokines [macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α and MIP-1β] by THP-1 derived macrophages infected with BCG vaccine obtained by growing mycobacteria in Viscondessa de Moraes Institute medium medium (oral) or Sauton medium (intradermic) to compare the effects of live and heat-killed (HK) mycobacteria. Because BCG has been reported to lose viability during the lyophilisation process and during storage, we examined whether exposing BCG to different temperatures also triggers differences in the expression of some important cytokines and chemokines of the immune response. Interestingly, we observed that HK mycobacteria stimulated cytokine and chemokine production in a different pattern from that observed with live mycobacteria.


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Neste artigo, tem-se por objetivo investigar a capacidade dos portais eletrônicos de câmaras municipais do estado de Santa Catarina para a construção de accountability. A pesquisa é do tipo descritiva, realizada por meio de um estudo survey, com abordagem quali-quantitativa. O objeto de análise refere-se às câmaras municipais do estado de Santa Catarina que possuem portal eletrônico. Nesse sentido, foram pesquisados 93 portais eletrônicos, representando 31,74% dos 293 municípios existentes no estado. Na coleta de dados utilizou-se um protocolo de observação. As visitas aos portais foram feitas seguindo-se os itens do protocolo de observação. Concluiu-se, pela evidência empírica coletada, que o conjunto de portais eletrônicos de câmaras municipais localizadas em municípios catarinenses mostra ausência de capacidade de viabilizar a construção das dimensões de accountability. Os portais analisados configuram muito mais a existência de murais eletrônicos do que espaços de construção de accountability. Os portais respondem a um requerimento, um impulso da modernidade expresso por um imperativo tecnológico dominante, porém não contribuem para o desenvolvimento democrático. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que essas condições ainda estão longe de serem atendidas.


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Discorre-se sobre as necessidades de qualificação específica das equipes de enfermagem dos Centros de Referência de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis e Aids da Secretaria Municipal da Saúde de São Paulo, para a assistência aos clientes portadores do HIV e da Aids. Foram enviados questionários abertos, para todos os profissionais da equipe de enfermagem de todas as unidades do Programa Municipal de DST/Aids. Do total de 671 profissionais de enfermagem, 453 responderam ao questionário. Como necessidades de qualificação foram apontadas: biossegurança, preparo e administração de medicamentos específicos e assistência de enfermagem aos clientes com HIV e Aids.


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Discute-se a informática na educação, os benefícios, implicações éticas e ideológicas da apropriação desta no ensino de enfermagem e no trabalho do enfermeiro. Relata o desenvolvimento de conteúdo de vigilância epidemiológica na disciplina Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva com Enfoque nas Doenças Transmissíveis do curso de graduação oferecida em 2000. Utilizando-se do banco de dados de aids, os alunos expressaram sua compreensão sobre os problemas de saúde da população, tomando exemplarmente os casos de aids em São Paulo, associando à indicadores socioeconômicos.


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Este estudo apresenta um panorama sobre a inserção da temática do relacionamento terapêutico e da comunicação terapêutica no ensino de graduação em enfermagem, mais particularmente nas universidades públicas do Estado de São Paulo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa e descritivo-analítica. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário aplicado a professores da área de enfermagem psiquiátrica e saúde mental das nove escolas do Estado, sendo que oito devolveram o questionário preenchido. Os dados foram agrupados levando-se em consideração a instituição, as disciplinas, os conteúdos abordados, os objetivos das atividades práticas e campos práticos. Verificamos que a maioria das escolas aborda o relacionamento terapêutico em suas propostas de ensino, configurando-se como uma possibilidade de se resgatar a enfermagem enquanto profissão que se preocupa com o ser humano em sua complexidade, em que o saber-fazer preconizado é direcionado ao respeito das limitações, potencialidades, necessidades e relações interpessoais dos pacientes.