361 resultados para Neotropical horseflies


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The Phylloscyrtini occurs from eastern United States to Argentina and includes 21 valid species. It is a highly neglected group of crickets and little is known about its biology and distribution. Cranistus colliurides Stål, 1861 and Phylloscyrtus amoenus (Burmeister, 1880) were recorded for the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, and information on calling song, stridulatory file and recognition characters were provided.


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A fauna de Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) foi amostrada através de armadilhas de queda iscadas com excremento humano e peixe apodrecido em fragmentos florestais de Silveira Martins, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, de novembro de 2010 a janeiro de 2011. Foi coletado um total de 1.611 indivíduos, pertencentes a seis tribos, 11 gêneros e 28 espécies. As espécies mais abundantes foram Canthon latipes Blanchard, 1845 (49,9%), C. chalybaeus Blanchard, 1845 (13,9%), Deltochilum sculpturatum Felsche, 1907 (4,9%) e Eurysternus caribaeus (Herbst, 1789) (4,3%), que juntas representaram 73% do total de indivíduos capturados. As armadilhas iscadas com excremento humano capturaram maior número de espécies do que as iscadas com peixe apodrecido. Não houve diferença estatística significativa entre os tipos de iscas utilizados em relação à abundância de Scarabaeinae. A maior parte da comunidade de Scarabaeinae capturada foi representada por espécies de hábito alimentar generalista e comportamento escavador. A comunidade amostrada segue os padrões gerais de estrutura trófica e comportamental de Scarabaeinae encontrados por toda a região Neotropical.


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Três espécies de Cryptachaea Archer, 1946 são descritas, duas delas para o Brasil: C. amazonas sp. nov. da Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke, Manaus, Amazonas e Cryptachaea maldonado sp. nov. da Base de Operações Geólogo Pedro de Moura, Porto Urucu, rio Urucu, Coari, Amazonas, com base em machos. Uma nova associação de macho e fêmea é proposta para Achaearanea hieroglyphica (Mello-Leitão, 1940). O macho da Guiana Francesa, atribuído à última espécie, é considerado uma espécie nova de Cryptachaea, C. ingijonathorum. O macho de Achaearanea tingo Levi, 1963 é descrito pela primeira vez. Novas ocorrências são listadas para A. trapezoidalis (Taczanowski, 1873).


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Las especies de los subgéneros Phloridosa y Drosophila (este último en relación con los grupos de especies: D. flavopilosa, D. onychophora y D. bromeliae) son especies de Drosophila que se desarrollan únicamente en flores. El grupo D. onychophora fue propuestopara agrupar a especies exclusivamente antófilas. El grupo D. onychophora está integrado por 18 especies, que se encuentran relacionadas con las flores de Asteraceae. En el Parque Arqueológico Rumipamba, provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador, se realizaron capturas de Drosophila, en los meses de febrero, mayo, julio, septiembre y diciembre del 2009. Las especies fueron recolectadas directamente en las flores con un aspirador entomológico. En total se capturaron 427 individuos de Drosophila y se identificaron 11 especies, de las cuales seis son nuevas especies del grupo D. onychophora y una es un nuevo registro para el Ecuador. En este trabajo se describen cuatro de las seis especies nuevas.


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In this paper seven new species of Latonigena Simon, 1893 are described, including the first descriptions of males of this genus. Latonigena beni sp. nov. is described from Bolivia and Brazil and six species are described exclusively from Brazil: L. colombo sp. nov. from Paraná; L. lami sp. nov. from Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul; L. santana sp. nov., L. sapiranga sp. nov. and L. taim sp. nov. from Rio Grande do Sul; L. turvo sp. nov. from Tocantins, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. Latonigena africana Tucker, 1923 is transferred to Trichothyse Tucker, 1923 with basis on the morphological characters.


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Lontra longicaudis (Olfers, 1818) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) is a semi-aquatic animal spread through the Central and South America, except in Chile. The implantation of a hydroelectric power plant along a river alters the dynamics of the watercourse, transforming a lotic environment into a lentic or semilotic one, what can damage the otter's feeding. From April 2008 to March 2009 we analysed the otter's food habits in lotic (streamlet) and semilotic (hydroelectric reservoir) environments of Paranapanema Valley, in southeastern Brazil. Aiming to compare the otter's diet of these two environments, we analyzed statistically the frequency of occurrence of main items in the scats. Fishes represent the base of the diet both in the reservoir and in the streamlet and, despite of the total otter's diet showing up similarities in the two environments, the results evidenced modifications on the fish species consumed between them. In the reservoir the otters ate more exotic fish Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) probably because it is an easy capture prey in this place. The fact that the otters get established and feed in the reservoir doesn't mean that this structure is benefic to the species because the food supplied for it consists mainly of exotic fish species.


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As espécies de Termitococcinae são revisadas. Esta subfamília, restrita à Região Neotropical, é composta de cinco espécies válidas, incluídas em dois gêneros: Termitococcus aster Silvestri, 1901, Termitococcus carratoi Silvestri, 1936, Eurhizococcus brasiliensis (Wille, 1922), Eurhizococcus brevicornis (Silvestri, 1901) e Eurhizococcus colombianus Jakubski, 1965. O estudo traz a redescrição das espécies da subfamília, incluindo a caracterização morfológica dos três estágios de desenvolvimento (ninfa ambulatória, cisto e fêmea adulta). Chaves de identificação e ilustrações são também incluídas. São designados lectótipos e paralectótipos para duas espécies.


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A new species of Eupalaestrus Pocock, 1901 from northern Argentina is described and illustrated. Males and females of Eupalaestrus larae sp. nov. differ from those all other species of the genus by the color with distinct two parallel longitudinal stripes on the femora, patellae, tibiae and one longitudinal stripe reaching half of metatarsi; the presence of a thickened femur and tibia IV; a straight embolus of the male palpal bulb and retrolateral keel pronounced. Specimens were captured in Chaco province, inhabiting unflooded flat grasslands open areas inside forest in transitional Chaco eco-region.


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Hentziectypus tayrona sp. nov. é descrita com base em um macho de Santa Marta, Colômbia. A fêmea de H. rafaeli Buckup & Marques, 1991, é descrita pela primeira vez e a distribuição é estendida a Bolívia e ao sul do Brasil.


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The new genus Neodrassex is proposed to include two new species of Gnaphosidae from Brazil. Neodrassex aureus sp. nov. is described from Amazonas, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul states, and N. iguatemi sp. nov. is described from Paraná state. Neodrassex gen. nov. is characterized by small size, pale coloration, large anterior median eyes surrounded by black pigmentation, absence of a dorsal abdominal scutum in males and by the cheliceral dentition with 2-3 teeth on the promargin and 2-4 on the retromargin. The new genus is tentatively placed at the Leptodrassex group.


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A new genus of Parastenocarididae is described from the Neotropical region. Iticocaris gen. nov. is established to include Parastenocaris itica Noodt, 1962. Iticocaris gen. nov. is defined by the following characters: 1) male leg 3 with 2-segmented exopod; 2) first exopodal segment short and rectangular; 3) thumb hypertrophic, longer than the second exopodal segment and inserted on the distal edge of exopod segment 1, occupying the whole distal margin; 4) exopod 2 or apophysis strongly sclerotized, articulated with the exopod segment 1 on its inner margin and curved against the thumb, forming a strong forceps; 5) leg 4 endopod without dimorphism in shape and size vs. minor dimorphism in ornamentation; 6) leg 5 with three setae and 7) lack of the anterolateral furcal seta II. The new genus is monotypic, represented by Iticocaris itica (Noodt, 1962) comb. nov., from El Salvador, Central America. A close relationship is hypothesized between I. itica and the genus Brasilibathynellocaris Jakobi, 1972, the males of which both share the forceps-like elongated apophysis.


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Portanus Ball, 1932 comprises 45 species that occur in Brazil, including Portanus felixi sp. nov. described and illustrated herein. The genus is close to Paraportanus Carvalho & Cavichioli, 2009 and can be distinguished from it by having a transversal groove on the basal third of the subgenital plates. The new species can be distinguished from the other species of the genus by the characters of male genitalia, especially by the pygofer with the apical process pointed, sclerotized and dorso-ventrally directed; and by the aedeagus with apodeme on the basal third.


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The freshwater prawns of the genus Macrobrachium Spence Bate, 1868 are widely distributed in rivers of tropical and subtropical regions and represent an interesting group with controversial taxonomy. The morphological characters traditionally used to separate species have shown a high intraspecific variation. Doubts about the status of M. birai Lobão, Melo & Fernandes, 1986, M. holthuisi Genofre & Lobão, 1978 and M. petronioi Melo, Lobão & Fernandes, 1986 have been arisen due to the high resemblance of the former two species with M. olfersi (Wiegmann, 1836), and the latter one with M. potiuna (Müller, 1880). Therefore, we performed a detailed morphological analysis of these species, including new characters not usually used in the species recognition. The present results here with molecular data lead us to conclude that M. birai and M. holthuisi are junior synonyms of M. olfersi, and M. petronioi is a junior synonym of M. potiuna. Considering these synonymies, 17 valid species are now reported for the Brazilian territory.


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The male of Mangora brokopondo Levi, 2007 is described and illustrated for the first time. Variation in the color pattern of the females is documented. Mangora woytkowskii Levi, 2007 is considered a junior synonym of M. hirtipes (Taczanowski, 1878). New records of M. alinahui Levi, 2007 and M. pia Chamberlin & Ivie, 1936 are presented.


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The male of Latonigena auricomis Simon, 1893 is described for the first time and the female is redescribed. New records are provided for Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Notes on the natural history and a potential distribution model of the species are presented in the Neotropical Region.