303 resultados para I ANTIBODIES


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Sabida la importante seroprevalencia en la Isla de Margarita para el HIV-1 nos propusimos conocer la seroprevalencia de HTLV-I/II en muestras de grupos epidemiologicamente importantes en su transmisión. El estudio se desarrolló con 141 trabajadoras sexuales y 40 hombres gays entre 1994 y 1997. Nuestros resultados permitieron establecer infección por HTLV-I en un hombre. Este es el primer reporte conocido sobre pesquisa epidemiológica de la infección por HTLV-I/II en la Isla de Margarita.


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A eficácia e segurança do antimoniato de meglumina e do estibogluconato de sódio BP 88R foram comparadas no tratamento da leishmaniose cutânea em Corte de Pedra, Bahia, área endêmica de leishmaniose causada por Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. Realizou-se um estudo quase-experimental que incluiu 127 pacientes cujo diagnóstico baseou-se na observação clínica e a intradermorreação de Montenegro. Cinqüenta e oito pacientes receberam antimoniato de meglumina e 69 estibogluconato de sódio. Utilizou-se a dose de 20 mg/Sb v/kg/dia por 20 dias, em ambos os grupos. Os pacientes foram acompanhados a cada dez dias durante o tratamento e mensalmente por três meses. Observou-se a cura em 62% dos pacientes tratados com antimoniato de meglumina e em 55% daqueles tratados com estibogluconato de sódio (p = 0,42). A cefaléia foi mais freqüente na primeira metade do tratamento no grupo tratado com estibogluconato de sódio (p = 0,026). Na segunda metade do tratamento, os pacientes tratados com estibogluconato de sódio apresentaram maior freqüencia de mialgia/artralgia (p = 0,004) e dor abdominal/anorexia (p = 0,004). Três pacientes tratados com o estibogluconato de sódio apresentaram efeitos colaterais graves.


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Cats are the definitive hosts of Toxoplasma gondii. Infected cats excrete oocysts in their feces, infecting humans and other animals. The objective of the present study was to determine the presence of anti-Toxoplasma antibodies in cat owners and their pets, and determine if there was a relationship between Toxoplasma infection and humans who live with infected cats. IgG anti-Toxoplasma antibodies in sera of 59 cat owners were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), in 24 sera from their cats, IgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies were found using Burney's ELISA. Thirty-eight (64%) of 59 cat owners were positive to IgG anti-Toxoplasma. Seropositivity for cats was 70.8% IgG, 8.3% IgM, and 62.5% IgA. Cohabitation with cats infected by T. gondii, feeding with leftovers or raw viscera, and lack of control over how their feces were handled are risk factors conducive for humans to become infected by T. gondii.


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Este estudo determinou a riqueza de espécies e a abundância relativa dos flebotomíneos da comunidade de Lagoas, em Buriticupu, na Amazônia Maranhense. O estudo consistiu na captura de formas adultas com auxílio de armadilhas luminosas tipo CDC e armadilha de Shannon, das 18 às 6 horas, uma vez por mês, de dezembro/95 a janeiro/97, em ambiente florestal e extraflorestal (peri e intradomicílios). No total, capturou-se 9.392 espécimens (4.302 machos e 5.090 fêmeas) distribuídos em 38 espécies (1 Brumptomyia e 37 Lutzomyia). A riqueza e abundância de espécies foram maiores na mata, seguida do peri e intradomicílio. Na mata, as espécies mais freqüentes foram Lutzomyia whitmani (64,9%), L. migonei (27%) e L. serrana (3,6%). No peridomicílio, predominaram L. evandroi (55,4%), L. whitmani (33,4%) e L. migonei (6,4%) e no intra, L. evandroi (97,9%). O predomínio no ambiente silvestre resulta das potencialidades ainda encontradas nas glebas remanescentes da floresta tão explorada pelas atividades madeireira e agropecuária. Por outro lado, a peridomiciliação de 7,7% das espécies reverteu-se de grande importância epidemiológica, haja visto a existência de pacientes com leishmanioses que julgam ter adquirido a infecção nas proximidades de suas habitações.


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This study was designed to investigate whether saliva could be a feasible alternative to serum for the diagnosis of recent rubella infection in a clinic setting. Forty-five paired blood and saliva samples collected 1 to 29 days after onset of illness were tested for specific immunoglobulin (Ig) M by antibody-capture radioimmunoassay (MACRIA). Rubella IgM was detected in all serum samples and in 38 (84.4%) saliva specimens. Forty-six serum and saliva samples from other patients with rash diseases were tested by MACRIA for control purposes and two saliva specimens were reactive. The saliva test had specificity of 96%. These results indicate that salivary IgM detection may be a convenient non-invasive alternative to serum for investigation of recent rubella cases, especially for disease surveillance and control programmes.


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Three patients (males, black, ages 37, 40 and 57) attended a university clinic with a progressive paraparesis of obscure origin. One patient who referred disease duration of more than 16 years, showed diminished deep reflexes, bilateral Babinski's sign, diminished sensation of vibration, abnormal bladder function and back pain. The other two patients (with one and six years of disease duration) complained of weakness in one leg, increased deep reflexes and back pain. Babinski's sign and bladder disturbance were also present in the patient with six years of disease. Blood samples tested by an enzyme immune assay and a discriminatory Western blot were positive for HTLV-I. The familial analysis of one patient showed a possible pattern of sexual and vertical transmission of the virus. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first cases of a proven association between HTLV-I and TSP/HAM in Belem, Para, and emphasize the need to actively look for cases of neurological disease associated to the virus.


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A infecção pelos vírus HTLV-I/II encontra-se presente em todas as regiões brasileiras, mas as prevalências variam de um estado para outro, sendo mais elevadas na Bahia, Pernambuco e Pará. As estimativas indicam que o Brasil possui o maior número absoluto de indivíduos infectados no mundo. Testes de triagem de doadores e estudos conduzidos em grupos especiais (populações indígenas, usuários de drogas intravenosas e gestantes) constituem as principais fontes de informação sobre essas viroses em nosso país. O HTLV-I causa a leucemia/linfoma de células T do adulto (LLTA), a paraparesia espástica tropical/mielopatia associada ao HTLV (TSP/HAM), uveíte associada ao HTLV (HAU) e anormalidades dermatológicas e imunológicas. O HTLV-II não se mostrou associado a nenhuma doença até o momento. O diagnóstico é feito com testes de triagem (ELISA, aglutinação) e confirmatórios (Western Blot, PCR). Estes vírus são transmitidos pelo sangue e agulhas contaminadas, através de relações sexuais e de mãe para filho, especialmente através do aleitamento materno. Medidas de prevenção devem focalizar a orientação de doadores soropositivos, mães infectadas e usuários de drogas intravenosas.


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A localidade de Taquarendi (Bahia) está situada em zona de caatinga, porém com pequena faixa de terra irrigada, onde se encontram caramujos Biomphalaria glabrata. Dos 1.532 habitantes, 1.105 (72,1%) submeteram-se ao exame clínico e, destes, 1.058 (95,7%) fizeram exame parasitológico de fezes. A prevalência da esquistossomose foi de 73,1%, sendo que 16,2% destes eliminavam mais de 1.000 ovos por grama de fezes. O exame clínico mostrou que o lobo esquerdo do fígado estava aumentado e/ou endurecido em 54% dos pacientes e o baço foi palpado em 21,8%. Foram classificados como hepatosplênicas 9,8% dos examinados e como portadores da forma hepatintestinal avançada 3,7%. Houve relação direta entre estas formas clínicas da doença e a intensidade da carga parasitária acima de 1.000 ovos de S. mansoni por grama de fezes.


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To investigate epidemiological and pathogenetic features of HTLV-I infection, a cohort of carriers has been followed at the USP Teaching Hospital since 1991. This study describes the establishment of cell lines from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of infected subjects. Ex vivo PBMC were cultured with those from a seronegative donor and morphologic evidence of cell transformation was obtained after 90 days with detection of multinucleated cells exhibiting cerebriform nuclei. Integration of HTLV-I proviral DNA and expression of viral antigens was demonstrated in culture by PCR and immunofluorescence. Cell lines were maintained for 240 days, gradually weaned from exogenous IL-2. Immunophenotyping of cell lines on flow cytometry yielded evidence of cell activation. Establishment of HTLV-I-infected cell lines from ex vivo PBMC is feasible and may be useful for studies on lymphocyte phenotypic changes and on mechanisms of HTLV-induced cell proliferation. Moreover they may be used with diagnostic purposes in immunofluorescence tests.


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The prevalence and age distribution of Epstein-Barr virus infection varies in different populations and there is little information about the epidemiology of this infection in Brazil. We studied the prevalence of EBV antibodies in a sample of 283 children and adolescents between 1 and 21 years old. The sample was taken from two neighborhoods in Vitória (capital city of Espirito Santo, Brazil). The São Pedro (SP) neighborhood represented an area with lower socioeconomic status and the Praias (P) neighborhood represented an area with higher SES. Anti-VCA (Virus Capsid Antigen) antibodies were detected by ELISA and anti-EBNA (Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen) antibodies were detected by an anti-complement immunofluorescence method, both using commercial kits. The results showed an overall prevalence rates of anti-VCA and anti-EBNA of 71% and 54% respectively. The prevalence for both anti-EBV antibodies was higher and probably the infection occurred earlier in the SP neighborhood. Among the various socioeconomic factors studied only low family income and maternal education level were significantly correlated with a higher frequency of positive serology for anti-VCA. These results demonstrate that there is a high prevalence of EBV antibodies in children and adolescents living in Vitória, that occurs more frequently at a younger age in children from families with low socioeconomic status. In addition, the results demonstrate an intermediate age distribution pattern between those reported in developed and underdeveloped countries.


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The diagnosis of neurotoxoplasmosis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is mainly based on tomographic or magnetic resonance findings and on the response to specific treatment. We studied 55 patients with AIDS and neurotoxoplasmosis according to these diagnostic criteria (group 1), 37 patients with AIDS and neurological involvement of other etiology (group 2), and 16 anti-HIV-negative individuals with neurological manifestations (group 3). Serum and cerebrospinal fluid were examined for the presence of anti-T. gondii IgG, by indirect immunofluorescence. In 72 of them, the total amounts of these antibodies were determined in order to assess local production of anti-T. gondii antibodies in the central nervous system and to correlate their titers with infection activity in patients with AIDS and neurotoxoplasmosis. IgG titers > 1/64 in cerebrospinal fluid reached 100% specificity for the diagnosis of neurotoxoplasmosis in AIDS. Evidence of local synthesis of these antibodies was detected in 42.8% of patients of group 1, in 29.1% of patients of group 2 and in no patient of group 3. The test showed 70.8% specificity and therefore was not useful in our study for the differential diagnosis of neurotoxoplasmosis in patients with AIDS.


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This report describes the prevalence of anti-HAV antibodies in children from elementary school in the Municipality of Vila Velha, ES, Brazil. Anti-HAV antibodies were investigated by ELISA method in the serum of 606 children (four to fourteen years old) from three elementary schools, located in neighborhoods with varying household monthly income levels: São José School, 200 chidren, household income higher than US$700; São Torquato School, 273 children, US$200 to 300; and Cobi School, 133 children, less than US$200. From each children data on age, gender, skin color, sanitary conditions, frequency of contact with sea or river water and family history of hepatitis were recorded. Anti-HAV antibodies were present in 38.6% of all children, 9% in São José School, 49.1% in São Torquato School and 61.7% in Cobi School. Logistic regression analysis demonstrated a positive correlation of positive anti-HAV test with age, non white color of the skin, absence of sewage treatment and domestic water filter, and a past history of hepatitis. The prevalence of anti-HAV antibodies in school children in Vila Velha, ES, was lower than that observed in the same age group in North and Northeast Brazil and was significantly higher in children from families with low socioeconomic status. In addition the results indicate a changing epidemiologic pattern of hepatitis A in our country, with an increasing number of children and adolescents with high risk for HAV infection, mainly in high socioeconomic class. A consideration must be given to the feasibility of vaccination programs for children and adolescents in our country.