293 resultados para Estadiamento tumoral


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Occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been reported among patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Our aim was to evaluate the presence of occult HBV infection in patients with HCV-related liver cirrhosis (LC) with or without HCC in São Paulo, Brazil. Serum and liver tissue samples from 50 hepatitis B surface antigen-negative patients with HCV-related LC who underwent liver transplantation at the University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital from 1993 to 2004 were divided into groups with LC only (N = 33) and with LC plus HCC (N = 17). HBV DNA was assayed for serum and paraffin-embedded liver tissue (tumoral and non-tumoral) using real time PCR and only 1 case with HCC had HBV DNA-positive serum. All liver samples were negative. HCV genotype 3 was detected in 17/39 (43.7%) cases. In conclusion, using a sensitive real time PCR directed to detect HBV variants circulating in Brazil, occult hepatitis B infection was not found among HCV-positive cirrhotic patients and was rarely found among HCV-positive HCC patients. These results are probably related to the low prevalence of HBV infection in our population. Furthermore, we have also shown that HCV genotype 3 is frequently found in Brazilian cirrhotic patients, particularly when they also have HCC. More studies involving a large number of cases should be carried out to confirm these data and to further characterize Brazilian HCV genotype isolates to elucidate genetic features that might be related to its carcinogenic potential.


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The anti-tumor effect of the Moroccan endemic thyme (Thymus broussonettii) essential oil (EOT) was investigated in vitro using the human ovarian adenocarcinoma IGR-OV1 parental cell line OV1/P and its chemoresistant counterparts OV1/adriamycin (OV1/ADR), OV1/vincristine (OV1/VCR), and OV1/cisplatin (OV1/CDDP). All of these cell lines elicited various degrees of sensitivity to the cytotoxic effect of EOT. The IC50 values (mean ± SEM, v/v) were 0.40 ± 0.02, 0.39 ± 0.02, 0.94 ± 0.05, and 0.65 ± 0.03% for OV1/P, OV1/ADR, OV1/VCR, and OV1/CDDP, respectively. Using the DBA-2/P815 (H2d) mouse model, tumors were developed by subcutaneous grafting of tumor fragments of similar size obtained from P815 (murin mastocytoma cell line) injected in donor mouse. Interestingly, intra-tumoral injection of EOT significantly reduced solid tumor development. Indeed, by the 30th day of repeated EOT treatment, the tumor volumes of the animals were 2.00 ± 0.27, 1.35 ± 0.20, and 0.85 ± 0.18 cm³ after injection with 10, 30, or 50 µL per 72 h (six times), respectively, as opposed to 3.88 ± 0.50 cm³ for the control animals. This tumoricidal effect was associated with a marked decrease of mouse mortality. In fact, in these groups of mice, the recorded mortality by the 30th day of treatment was 30 ± 4, 18 ± 4, and 8 ± 3%, respectively, while the control animals showed 75 ± 10% of mortality. These data indicate that the EOT which contains carvacrol as the major component has an important in vitro cytotoxic activity against tumor cells resistant to chemotherapy as well as a significant antitumor effect in mice. However, our data do not distinguish between carvacrol and the other components of EOT as the active factor.


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Epithelial intercellular cohesion, mainly mediated by E-cadherin (CDH1) expression and function, may be deregulated during cancer cell invasion of adjacent tissues and lymphatic and vascular channels. CDH1 expression is down-modulated in invasive lobular breast carcinomas but its regulation in invasive ductal carcinomas (IDC) is less clear. CDH1 expression is repressed by transcription factors such as Snail (SNAI1) and its product is degraded after Hakai ubiquitination. We compared CDH1, SNAI1 and HAKAI mRNA expression in IDC and paired adjacent normal breast tissue and evaluated its relation with node metastasis and circulating tumor cells. Matched tumor/peritumoral and blood samples were collected from 30 patients with early IDC. Epithelial cells from each compartment (tumor/peritumoral) were recovered by an immunomagnetic method and gene expression was determined by real time RT-PCR. There were no differences in CDH1, SNAI1 and HAKAI mRNA expression between tumor and corresponding peritumoral samples and no differential tumoral gene expression according to nodal involvement. Another 30 patients with a long-term follow-up (at least 5 years) and a differential prognosis (good or poor, as defined by breast cancer death) had E-cadherin and Snail protein detected by immunohistochemistry in tumor samples. In this group, E-cadherin-positive expression, but not Snail, may be associated with a better prognosis. This is the first report simultaneously analyzing CDH1, SNAI1 and HAKAI mRNA expression in matched tumor and peritumoral samples from patients with IDC. However, no clear pattern of their expression could distinguish the invasive tumor compartment from its adjacent normal tissue.


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In vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (¹H-MRS) is a technique capable of assessing biochemical content and pathways in normal and pathological tissue. In the brain, ¹H-MRS complements the information given by magnetic resonance images. The main goal of the present study was to assess the accuracy of ¹H-MRS for the classification of brain tumors in a pilot study comparing results obtained by manual and semi-automatic quantification of metabolites. In vivo single-voxel ¹H-MRS was performed in 24 control subjects and 26 patients with brain neoplasms that included meningiomas, high-grade neuroglial tumors and pilocytic astrocytomas. Seven metabolite groups (lactate, lipids, N-acetyl-aspartate, glutamate and glutamine group, total creatine, total choline, myo-inositol) were evaluated in all spectra by two methods: a manual one consisting of integration of manually defined peak areas, and the advanced method for accurate, robust and efficient spectral fitting (AMARES), a semi-automatic quantification method implemented in the jMRUI software. Statistical methods included discriminant analysis and the leave-one-out cross-validation method. Both manual and semi-automatic analyses detected differences in metabolite content between tumor groups and controls (P < 0.005). The classification accuracy obtained with the manual method was 75% for high-grade neuroglial tumors, 55% for meningiomas and 56% for pilocytic astrocytomas, while for the semi-automatic method it was 78, 70, and 98%, respectively. Both methods classified all control subjects correctly. The study demonstrated that ¹H-MRS accurately differentiated normal from tumoral brain tissue and confirmed the superiority of the semi-automatic quantification method.


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Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors are overexpressed in most neoplastic cell lines and provide a mechanism for the internalization and concentration of drug-laden nanoemulsions that bind to these receptors. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the administration of standard chemotherapeutic schemes can alter the expression of LDL and LDL receptor-related protein 1 (LRP-1) receptors in breast carcinoma. Fragments of tumoral and normal breast tissue from 16 consecutive volunteer women with breast cancer in stage II or III were obtained from biopsies before the beginning of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and after chemotherapy, from fragments excised during mastectomy. Tissues were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for both receptors. Because complete response to treatment was achieved in 4 patients, only the tumors from 12 were analyzed. Before chemotherapy, there was overexpression of LDL receptor in the tumoral tissue compared to normal breast tissue in 8 of these patients. LRP-1 receptor overexpression was observed in tumors of 4 patients. After chemotherapy, expression of both receptors decreased in the tumors of 6 patients, increased in 4 and was unchanged in 2. Nonetheless, even when chemotherapy reduced receptors expression, the expression was still above normal. The fact that chemotherapy does not impair LDL receptors expression supports the use of drug carrier systems that target neoplastic cells by the LDL receptor endocytic pathway in patients on conventional chemotherapy.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Nefroma Mesoblástico Con-gênito é uma rara neoplasia renal pediátrica. Apresenta dois subtipos histológicos, clássico e celular, sendo o último de pior prognóstico e responsável por aproximadamente dois terços dos casos. Esse tumor ainda é um desafio diagnóstico aos patologistas devido à similaridade com outras neoplasias pediátricas renais mais frequentes. RELATO DO CASO: Criança do gênero feminino, 2 anos e 9 meses de idade, foi encaminhada a serviço médico com referência em oncologia apresentando massa renal à esquerda. Após nefrectomia, o estudo do espécime mostrou, macroscopicamente, extensa área tumoral granular, brancoacinzentada, ocupando aproximadamente todo o rim, invadindo seio renal, cápsula e gordura perirrenal, com áreas de hemorragia e necrose. Histologicamente, caracterizava-se pela presença de células fusiformes e mitoses, sem atipias celulares. O diagnóstico foi de Nefroma Mesoblástico Congênito subtipo celular e a paciente foi submetida a quimioterapia. Durante o primeiro ano de tratamento, houve recidiva do tumor, apresentando-se irressecável e sem resposta a nova quimioterapia. A paciente foi a óbito aos 4 anos de idade. DISCUSSÃO: O subtipo celular do nefroma mesoblástico tende a ser mais agressivo, apresentando uma taxa de sobrevivência de 85%, comparada com 100% para a variante clássica. Geralmente, a recorrência ocorre no primeiro ano de tratamento, principalmente quando o subtipo é o celular.


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A disfunção renal é um fator de risco para doença cardiovascular (DCV). Estudos experimentais controlados que possam analisar o impacto da disfunção renal no sistema cardiovascular, isolando esses fatores relacionados à uremia dos fatores de risco tradicionais, que são altamente prevalentes na população com doença renal crônica (DRC), ainda são escassos. OBJETIVO: Analisar o impacto cardiovascular em ratos com disfunção renal, analisando biomarcadores de risco cardiovascular e a histologia das artérias subepicárdicas desses animais. MÉTODOS: Estudo experimental envolvendo trinta ratos machos Wistar, divididos em dois grupos. Um grupo foi submetido à ablação renal e o outro grupo SHAM (grupo controle) à manipulação do pedículo renal. Ambos os grupos foram acompanhados por oito semanas, período em que foram feitas dosagens de ureia, fósforo e do fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-α). Lâminas obtidas de cortes do miocárdio foram confeccionadas para análise das características das arteríolas subepicárdicas. RESULTADOS: O grupo DRC apresentou níveis elevados de uréia e fósforo em relação ao grupo SHAM. Já os níveis de TNF-α, em todas as análises, foram indetectáveis nos animais do grupo SHAM, em contraste com o grupo DRC, onde se observaram elevados níveis de TNF-α (p < 0,05). A espessura da camada média dos vasos subepicárdicos do grupo DRC foi significativamente maior do que em relação ao grupo SHAM (p = 0,011). CONCLUSÃO: A indução de disfunção renal determinou alterações em biomarcadores de risco cardiovascular e um aumento na espessura dos vasos subepicárdicos estudados em comparação aos animais com função renal normal.


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Introdução: A doença renal crônica (DRC) interfere diretamente na capacidade funcional, na independência e, consequentemente, na qualidade de vida (QV). Objetivo: Comparar a capacidade funcional e a qualidade de vida de doentes renais crônicos em hemodiálise (G1) e pré-dialíticos (G2). Métodos: Estudo transversal descritivo, 54 pacientes com DRC, 27 do G1 (58,15 ± 10,84 anos) e 27 do G2 (62,04 ± 16,56 anos). Verificaramse os fatores de risco cardiovasculares, medidas antropométricas, força muscular respiratória verificada por meio da pressão inspiratória (PImax) e expiratória (PEmax) máximas, teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6'), teste cardiopulmonar de exercício, teste de sentar e levantar de um minuto (TSL1') e o Short-Form Questionary (SF-36) para avaliar a QV. Os pacientes apresentavam estadiamento da doença entre 2 a 5. Realizou-se o teste de normalidade Kolmogorov-Smirnov e utilizou-se o teste t (Student) ou o teste U (Mann Whitney) para a comparação das médias das variáveis quantitativas e o teste de Quiquadrado de Pearson e exato de Fischer para as variáveis qualitativas. Para identificar as correlações, foi utilizado o teste de Pearson ou de Spearman. Resultados: Não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre G1 e G2, no VO2pico (p = 0,259), no TC6' (p = 0,433), na PImax (p = 0,158) e somente foi encontrada diferença na PEmax (p = 0,024) para G1. Os escores do questionário SF-36 mostram em ambos os grupos um pior estado de saúde evidenciada pela pontuação baixa nos escores de QV. Conclusão: Os pacientes com DRC apresentaram reduzida capacidade funcional e QV, sendo que a hemodiálise não demonstrou estatisticamente ter repercussão negativa quando comparados com os pacientes pré-dialíticos.