314 resultados para 338.43[822.1]


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Objective: to assess post-angioplasty myointimal hyperplasia in iliac artery of rabbits treated with extract of Moringa oleifera leaves. Methods : we conducted a randomized trial in laboratory animals for five weeks of follow-up, developed in the Vivarium of Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba. We used rabbits from the New Zealand breed, subjected to a hypercholesterolemic diet and angioplasty of the external iliac artery, randomized into two groups: M200 Group (n=10) - rabbits treated with 200mg/kg/day of Moringa oleifera leaves extract orally; SF group (n=10) - rabbits treated with 0.9% saline orally. After five weeks, the animals were euthanized and the iliac arteries prepared for histology. Histological sections were analyzed by digital morphometry. Statistical analysis was performed using the Student's t test. The significance level was 0.05. Results : there was no significant difference in myointimal hyperplasia between M200 and SF groups when comparing the iliac arteries submitted to angioplasty. Conclusion : there was no difference of myointimal hyperplasia between groups treated with saline and Moringa oleifera after angioplasty.


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Objective: Io evaluate the expression of p16INK4a and p53 biomarkers in conization specimens from patients with high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (HG-CIN), correlating them with the ability to predict the recurrence. Methods : we conducted a retrospective study of patients with HG-CIN in cervical biopsy treated with conization between January 1999 and January 2006 who had a minimum follow-up of 18 months. The expression of the p16 and p53 was assessed by tissue microarrays and correlated with disease recurrence. For analysis, we used the test of proportions (chi-square), considering value p<0.05, 95% CI and calculations of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of these immunomarkers in predicting recurrence. Results : the series comprised 83 patients aged between 16 and 86 years (35±11.7), divided into two groups: 30 with HG-CIN recurrence (study group) and 53 without recurrence (control group). Mean age, parity, smoking and conization technique were similar in both groups. The p53 expression was present in 43% of the study group and 57% of the control group, and the p16 was present in 43% of the study group and in 57% of the control group (p>0.05). p53 had a positive predictive value (PPV) of 42% and negative predictive value (NPV) of 73%, sensitivity 70%, specificity of 47% and accuracy of 59%. The p16, PPV 42%, NPV 72%, sensitivity 66%, specificity of 49% and accuracy of 56%. Conclusion : immunohistochemistry expression of p53 and p16 showed low sensitivity and low specificity as predictors of HG-CIN recurrence after conization treatment.


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Objective: to analyze the epidemiology, clinical features and survival rate of patients undergoing orbital exenteration (OE) in a tertiary referral hospital. Methods : we conducted a retrospective study of all patients undergoing OE at the Hospital das Clínicas, FMUSP between January 2007 and December 2012. We collected data records related to gender, age, origin, length of stay, duration of the disease, other treatments related to the disease, number of procedures outside of the face related to the disease, follow-up and histological diagnosis. Results : we treated 37 patients in the study period. The average survival in one year was 70%, in two years, 66.1%, and 58.3% in three years. There was no significant difference in the one-year survival related to histological diagnosis (p=0.15), days of hospitalization (p=0.17), gender (p=0.43), origin (p=0.78), disease duration (p=0.27) or the number of operations for the tumor (p=0.31). Mortality was higher in elderly patients (p=0.02). The average years of life lost was 33.9 in patients under 60 years, 14.7 in patients in the 61-80 years range and 11.3 in patients over 80 years. Conclusion : the present series of cases is significant in terms of prevalence of orbital exenteration; on the other hand, it shows one of the lowest survival rates in the literature. This suggests an urgent need for improved health care conditions to prevent deforming, radical resections.


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Objective : to evaluate the effect of topical delivery of latex cream-gel in acute cutaneous wounds induced on the back of rats. Methods : we subjected sixteen rats to dermo-epidermal excision of a round dorsal skin flap, with 2.5cm diameter. We divided the animals into two groups: Latex Group: application of cream-gel-based latex throughout the wound bed on postoperative days zero, three, six and nine; Control group: no treatment on the wound. Photographs of the lesions were taken on the procedure day and on the 6th and 14th postoperative days, for analyzing the area and the larger diameter of the wound. We carried out euthanasia of all animals on the 14th postoperative day, when we resected he dorsal skin and the underlying muscle layer supporting the wound for histopathological study. Results : there was no statistically significant difference in the percentage of wound closure, in the histopathological findings or in the reduction of the area and of the largest diameter of the wounds among the groups studied on the 14th postoperative day. Conclusion : according to the experimental conditions in which the study was conducted, latex cream-gel did not interfere in the healing of acute cutaneous wounds in rats.


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Objective: to investigate the effects of preoperative fasting abbreviation with oral supplementation with carbohydrate in the evolution of grip strength in patients undergoing cholecystectomy by laparotomy. Methods : we conducted a clinical, randomizeddouble blind study with adult female patients, aged 18-60 years. Patients were divided into two groups: Control Group, with fasting prescription 6-8h until the time of operation; and Intervention Group, which received prescription of fasting for solids 6-8h before surgery, but ingested an oral supplement containing 12.5% carbohydrate, six (400ml) and two (200ml) hours before theprocedure. The handgrip strength was measured in both hands in both groups, at patient's admission (6h before surgery), the immediate pre-operative time (1h before surgery) and 12-18h postoperatively. Results : we analyzed 27 patients, 14 in the intervention group and 13 in the control group. There was no mortality. The handgrip strength (mean [standard deviation]) was significantly higher in the intervention group in the three periods studied, in at least one hand: preoperatively in the dominant hand (27.8 [2.6] vs 24.1 [3.7] kg; p=0.04), in the immediate preoperative in both hands, and postoperatively in the non-dominant hand (28.5 [3.0] vs 21.3 [5.9] kg; p=0.01). Conclusion : the abbreviation of preoperative fasting to two hours with drink containing carbohydrate improves muscle function in the perioperative period.


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Objective: to describe and evaluate the acceptance of a low-cost chest tube insertion porcine model in a medical education project in the southwest of Paraná, Brazil. Methods: we developed a low-cost and low technology porcine model for teaching chest tube insertion and used it in a teaching project. Medical trainees - students and residents - received theoretical instructions about the procedure and performed thoracic drainage in this porcine model. After performing the procedure, the participants filled a feedback questionnaire about the proposed experimental model. This study presents the model and analyzes the questionnaire responses. Results: seventy-nine medical trainees used and evaluated the model. The anatomical correlation between the porcine model and human anatomy was considered high and averaged 8.1±1.0 among trainees. All study participants approved the low-cost porcine model for chest tube insertion. Conclusion: the presented low-cost porcine model for chest tube insertion training was feasible and had good acceptability among trainees. This model has potential use as a teaching tool in medical education.


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OBJETIVO: reavaliar a função adrenal em pacientes com síndrome dos ovários policísticos, após a introdução dos critérios de Roterdã. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo de corte transversal, incluindo 53 pacientes com média de idade de 26±5,1 anos. Glicose, hemoglobina glicada, lipídios, estradiol, progesterona, 17-OHP4, DHEAS, FSH, LH, TSH, PRL, androstenediona, tiroxina livre, insulina, testosterona total, SHBG e índice de androgênios livres foram estimados. Resistência à insulina, examinada pelo modelo homeostático, foi admitida com índice >2,8. A resposta adrenal à cortrosina foi avaliada pelo incremento hormonal observado após 60 minutos e área sobre a curva. RESULTADOS: entre as 53 pacientes elegíveis, hiperandrogenismo bioquímico foi encontrado em 43 (81,1%). Trinta e três delas, com idade de 25,1±5,0 anos, apresentaram hiperandrogenismo adrenal (62,2%), pesavam 74,9±14,9 kg; tinham IMC de 28,8±6,0 e razão cintura/quadril de 0,8±0,1. DHEAS foi >6,7 nmol/L em 13 (39,4%) e androstenendiona >8,7 nmol/L em 31 (93,9%). Cortisol, 17-OHP4, A e progesterona tiveram incremento de 153%, 163%, 32% e 79%, respectivamente. O modelo usado para avaliar a resistência á insulina foi >2,8 em 14 (42,4%). Não foi encontrada correlação entre as concentrações de insulina ou estradiol com as de cortisol ou androgênios. CONCLUSÕES: a utilização de múltiplos parâmetros hormonais revela alta prevalência de hiperandrogenismo bioquímico na SOP, sendo que as adrenais têm participação em dois terço dos casos. Níveis de estradiol e insulina não influenciam a secreção adrenal de androgênios e cortisol.


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OBJETIVO: Estudar se a artrite reumatoide (AR) sofre influências de idade de menarca, número de gestações e tempo de vida reprodutiva. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal e retrospectivo dos prontuários de 247 pacientes com AR, cujos dados sobre menarca, menopausa, número de gestações, autoanticorpos, serosites, nódulos reumatoides e índice funcional de Steinbrocker foram coletados. Os estudos de associação foram feitos pelos testes t de Student e Mann Whitney; os de correlação, pelos testes de Pearson e de Spearman. A significância adotada foi de 5%. RESULTADOS: A idade média de diagnóstico da AR foi de 43,2±14,1 anos, a idade mediana da menarca de 13 anos e o número mediano de gestações foi de 3. Em 63,9% existia fator reumatoide; o fator antinuclear em 20%; os nódulos reumatoides em 8,8%; derrame pleural em 2,8% e pericardite em 2,4%. O índice funcional de Steinbrocker mostrou que 45,6% tinham escore 1; 40,8% o escore 2; 9,1% o escore 3 e 4,3% o escore 4. Encontrou-se correlação inversa entre a quantidade de gestações e idade de surgimento da AR (p CONCLUSÃO: A precocidade da menarca e brevidade da vida reprodutiva indicam pior prognóstico, já que se relacionam com pleurites. A maior quantidade de gestações e menopausa tardia mostram efeito protetor, retardando o aparecimento da doença.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os fatores associados à anemia em gestantes atendidas pela rede pública de saúde de uma capital do Nordeste do Brasil.MÉTODOS: Estudo de caráter transversal, envolvendo amostra (n=428) obtida, considerando a prevalência de anemia em gestantes (50%), um intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95%, um erro de 5% e uma perda amostral de 20%, sendo elegíveis gestantes que residiam no município e que eram atendidas pela rede pública de saúde municipal, das quais foram coletados dados socioeconômicos, de estilo de vida, clínicos, de consumo de ferro dietético, antropométricos e medida de hemoglobina capilar. A anemia foi identificada por um nível de hemoglobina <11 g/dL e sua associação com os fatores de risco foi testada por meio de análise de regressão múltipla de Poisson, com os resultados expressos pela Razão de Prevalência (RP) e IC95%.RESULTADOS: A prevalência de anemia foi de 28,3%, sendo maior naquelas gestantes com mais membros no domicílio (RP=1,49; IC95% 1,01-2,22; p=0,046) e naquelas que viviam com insegurança alimentar (RP=1,43; IC95% 1,00-2,04; p=0,047).CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de anemia nas gestantes atendidas pela rede pública de saúde do município é um problema moderado de saúde pública, tornando necessário o planejamento de medidas efetivas para o seu controle.


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Brucella spp. são bactérias gram-negativas, intracelulares facultativas que são patogênicas para muitas espécies de mamíferos causando a brucelose, uma zoonose difundida mundialmente. Por isso a busca de alternativas de controle mais eficientes se faz necessário como o desenvolvimento de novas cepas que possam ser testadas como potenciais imunógenos. Neste estudo realizou-se a deleção do gene virB10 da cepa S2308 de Brucella abortus gerando uma cepa knockout provavelmente incapaz de produzir a proteína nativa correspondente. O gene virB10 faz parte de um operon que codifica para um sistema de secreção do tipo IV, essencial para a sobrevivência intracelular e multiplicação da bactéria em células hospedeiras. A deleção foi realizada pela construção do plasmídeo suicida pBlue:virB10:kan e eletroporação deste em células eletrocompetentes de B. abortus S2308, ocorrendo a troca do gene selvagem pelo gene interrompido, com o gene de resistência a canamicina, por recombinação homóloga dupla. Camundongos BALB/c foram inoculados com as cepas S19, RB-51, ΔvirB10 de B. abortus e B. abortus S2308 selvagem; os resultados demonstraram que camundongos BALB/c inoculados com S19 e camundongos BALB/c inoculados com S2308 apresentaram queda mais rápida de linha de tendência, quando comparadas aos demais grupos, para recuperação bacteriana (RB) e peso esplênico (PE) respectivamente. Os grupos que receberam ΔvirB10 S2308 de B. abortus e RB-51 demonstraram comportamento semelhante para ambas as características. Na sexta semana após a inoculação, os resultados para RB (log de UFC ± desvio padrão) e PE (peso esplênico ± desvio padrão), respectivamente, mostraram: grupos inoculados com as cepas S2308 (4,44±1,97 e 0,44±0,11), S19 (1,83±2,54 e 0,31±0,04), RB-51 (0,00±0,00 e 0,20±0,01) e ΔvirB10 S2308 (1,43±1,25 e 0,19±0,03). Considerado o clearance bacteriano, todos os grupos diferiram estatisticamente do grupo que recebeu S2308 (p<0,0001), o grupo inoculado com ΔvirB10 S2308 de B. abortus foi semelhante ao grupo S19 (p=0,4302) e diferente do grupo RB-51 (p=0,0063). A avaliação da persistência revelou que o gene virB10 é essencial para a manutenção da virulência da bactéria. Os resultados obtidos possibilitarão que outras pesquisas sejam realizadas avaliando o potencial imunogênico desta cepa mutante.


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Cucurbitaceae species depend on pollination by honey bees for fruit production. The overall objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of C. pepo for pollen and nectar production, that could help maintain colonies placed in the field. Plants of pumpkin were cultivated in field, in 1996 and 1997. Before anthesis, male flowers were covered to prevent visits by bees and other insects. After anthesis the flowers were uncovered and the following parameters were evaluated: 1) nectar production; 2) total sugar concentration in the nectar; 3) nectar replacement; and 4) production of pollen and flowers during the crop cycle. Nectar production varied from 18 to 79 µL flower-1 and increased progressively from 7h to 13h. The sugar concentration, measured at 7h, 9h and 11h, did not vary, averaging 50.5% ± 0.5% in 1996 and 40.5% ± 0.6% in 1997. At 13h the concentration decreased to 42% in 1996 and to 35% in 1997. Total daily nectar production was not influenced by removing nectar several times per day, indicating that nectar secretion is not stimulated or inhibited by frequent removal. The number of pollen grains did not differ in the two years, with an average of 43,669 ± 1,382 grains per flower. The peak rate of male and female flowers occurred from 60 to 66 days after planting (DAP) with 34.6 male flowers and 2.2 female flowers per plant, respectively. Cucurbita pepo has a potential for honey and pollen production of about 105 and 160 kg per hectare per season, respectively, which is enough to sustain, at least, five honeybee colonies.


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The present study was designed to evaluate the time course changes in peripheral markers of oxidative stress in a chronic HgCl2 intoxication model. Twenty male adult Wistar rats were treated subcutaneously daily for 30 days and divided into two groups of 10 animals each: Hg, which received HgCl2 (0.16 mg kg-1 day-1), and control, receiving the same volume of saline solution. Blood was collected at the first, second and fourth weeks of Hg administration to evaluate lipid peroxidation (LPO), total radical trapping antioxidant potential (TRAP), and superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and catalase (CAT). HgCl2 administration induced a rise (by 26%) in LPO compared to control (143 ± 10 cps/mg hemoglobin) in the second week and no difference was found at the end of the treatment. At that time, GST and GPx were higher (14 and 24%, respectively) in the Hg group, and Cu,Zn-SOD was lower (54%) compared to control. At the end of the treatment, Cu,Zn-SOD and CAT were higher (43 and 10%, respectively) in the Hg group compared to control (4.6 ± 0.3 U/mg protein; 37 ± 0.9 pmol/mg protein, respectively). TRAP was lower (69%) in the first week compared to control (43.8 ± 1.9 mM Trolox). These data provide evidence that HgCl2 administration is accompanied by systemic oxidative damage in the initial phase of the process, which leads to adaptive changes in the antioxidant reserve, thus decreasing the oxidative injury at the end of 30 days of HgCl2 administration. These results suggest that a preventive treatment with antioxidants would help to avoid oxidative damage in subjects with chronic intoxication.


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Myocardial ischemic preconditioning up-regulated protein 1 (Mipu1), a novel zinc finger protein, was originally cloned using bioinformatic analysis and 5' RACE technology of rat heart after a transient myocardial ischemia/reperfusion procedure in our laboratory. In order to investigate the functions of Mipu1, the recombinant prokaryotic expression vector pQE31-Mipu1 was constructed and transformed into Escherichia coli M15(pREP4), and Mipu1-6His fusion protein was expressed and purified. The identity of the purified protein was confirmed by mass spectrometry. The molecular mass of the Mipu1 protein was 70.03779 kDa. The fusion protein was intracutaneously injected to immunize New Zealand rabbits to produce a polyclonal antibody. The antibody titer was approximately 1:16,000. The antibody was tested by Western blotting for specificity and sensitivity. Using the antibody, it was found that Mipu1 was highly expressed in the heart and brain of rats and was localized in the nucleus of H9c2 myogenic cells. The present study lays the foundation for further study of the biological functions of Mipu1.


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Transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) plays an important role in the fibrogenic process in the liver. The aim of the present study was to explore the action of TGF-β1 on fibronectin expression in rat hepatic stem-like cells and the underlying mechanisms. The level of fibronectin expression was determined in hepatic stem-like cells (WB cells) before and after TGF-β1 stimulation by RT-PCR and Western blot methods. Using immunogold transmission electron microscopy and the Western blot method, we observed the result of the expression and the distribution of cAMP, phosphorylated Smad3 and Smad7 before and after TGF-β1 treatment. The levels of fibronectin expression in both mRNA and protein increased 4- to 5-fold after TGF-β1 stimulation, reaching an optimum level after 8 h and then gradually falling back. Similarly, TGF-β1 stimulation resulted in an increase of cAMP in WB cells, peaking at 8 h. After treatment with TGF-β1 for 24 h, the expression of cAMP gradually decreased. In addition, we found that TGF-β1 treatment also contributed to the increased expression and to changes in cellular distribution of phosphorylated Smad3 (translocation from the cytoplasm to the nucleus) and Smad7 (translocation from the nucleus to the cytoplasm) in WB cells. The present study demonstrates that TGF-β is involved in the fibrogenic process in hepatic stem cells through up-regulation of fibronectin expression, and the mechanisms underlying this process may be associated with the activation of cAMP and Smad pathways.


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The loss of brain volume has been used as a marker of tissue destruction and can be used as an index of the progression of neurodegenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis. In the present study, we tested a new method for tissue segmentation based on pixel intensity threshold using generalized Tsallis entropy to determine a statistical segmentation parameter for each single class of brain tissue. We compared the performance of this method using a range of different q parameters and found a different optimal q parameter for white matter, gray matter, and cerebrospinal fluid. Our results support the conclusion that the differences in structural correlations and scale invariant similarities present in each tissue class can be accessed by generalized Tsallis entropy, obtaining the intensity limits for these tissue class separations. In order to test this method, we used it for analysis of brain magnetic resonance images of 43 patients and 10 healthy controls matched for gender and age. The values found for the entropic q index were 0.2 for cerebrospinal fluid, 0.1 for white matter and 1.5 for gray matter. With this algorithm, we could detect an annual loss of 0.98% for the patients, in agreement with literature data. Thus, we can conclude that the entropy of Tsallis adds advantages to the process of automatic target segmentation of tissue classes, which had not been demonstrated previously.