48 resultados para tripartição da alma


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Este artigo apresenta uma comparação conceitual entre a obra De anima, de Aristóteles, e a concepção das faculdades da alma no Kitáb al-Nafs - edição árabe - (Livro da Alma, De anima), de Ibn Sina (Avicena), com o intuito de mostrar similitudes e influências de Aristóteles sobre o pensamento de Ibn Sina, nessa temática. Destaca, ainda, como e a época em que o estagirita foi recebido em terras do Islã, indicando o seu primeiro receptor, o filósofo Al-Kindi, assim como, de modo pormenorizado, uma comparação sobre a definição de alma dada pelos dois filósofos, e as três espécies de alma, com ênfase para o conceito de alma racional. Apresenta, também, a estrutura de cada uma das obras


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A alma é, sem dúvida, um dos problemas que mais interessou a Santo Agostinho; ele a define como uma substância partícipe da razão adequada ao governo de um corpo. A alma não tem quantidade corporal, contudo, é uma coisa grande. Este estudo pretende refletir sobre os sete graus de atividade da alma, os quais o autor apresenta na sua obra De quantitate animae. São eles: a animação, a sensação, a arte, a virtude, a tranquilidade, o ingresso e a contemplação.


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Partindo do caso específico dos Matsigenka que habitam as selvas montanhosas do sudeste do Peru, este artigo questiona algumas das suposições associadas à concepção predominante sobre o perspectivismo amazônico. Por meio da análise de diversos registros culturais, como rituais de nascimento e narrativas míticas, noções dos Matsigenka sobre o ser, a alma e o eu são aqui discutidas e confrontadas com a importância freqüentemente atribuída à forma física na conceituação do mundo. Contrastando com a ênfase dada ao corpóreo, defendo que, segundo gente matsigenka, é o eu ciente e não corpóreo o que determina a perspectiva e a identidade. Em sintonia com isso, a transformação corporal é vista como conseqüência do desejo de sociabilidade do Eu, e não das intenções predatórias do Outro.


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O objetivo do trabalho é analisar os funerais bororo como momentos de desfiguração e refiguração do mundo (Taussig, 1999). Entre os Bororo, a morte dá início a uma série de transformações que envolvem o morto, seu corpo, a alma, a escolha e investidura do representante do morto, assim como transformações nas relações sociais entre os vivos. Todas essas transformações, que são objeto de segredo público, são elaboradas ao longo dos rituais que fazem parte do ciclo funerário. O texto é acompanhado por uma seleção de fotos captadas por mim ao longo de trinta anos de pesquisa entre esses índios, de modo a ilustrar os funerais bororo como momentos de recriação do mundo, com base nas perspectivas teóricas elaboradas por Taussig (1999) e Overing (1989, 1990).


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A enfática reafirmação da inabalável fé dos jesuítas no cumprimento de sua missão é padrão narrativo recorrente nas cartas ânuas que tinham, dentre seus objetivos, o enaltecimento da própria Companhia de Jesus e de sua obra evangelizadora. O destaque dado às atuações exemplares de alguns missionários "como as que encontramos descritas nos necrológios inseridos nas ânuas e nas biografias produzidas em tempos variados" parece apontar para a reiteração da conduta virtuosa definida por Inácio de Loyola, tanto para os membros da ordem dos jesuítas quanto para aqueles que buscavam a garantia da salvação da alma. Nosso propósito neste artigo é o de analisar os relatos produzidos sobre "atos heróicos de virtude" de missionários, presentes tanto nas narrativas epistolares quanto em suas biografias, destacando a função pedagógica desempenhada pela consagração póstuma para a Companhia de Jesus.


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An HIV seroprevalence and molecular study was conducted among 935 subjects: 723 female commercial sex workers, 92 men who have sex with men and 120 HIV-positive volunteers. The reported injection drug use rates were 0.7% in female commercial sex workers and 3% in men who have sex with men. Sexually transmitted infections were reported in 265 (37%) of the female commercial sex workers and 38 (41%) of the men who have sex with men. A total of 20 (2.8%) female commercial sex workers and 12 (13%) men who have sex with men became HIV infected during the study period. A history of sexually transmitted infection increased the risk of subsequent HIV infection twofold (adjusted odds ratio of 2.5) among the female commercial sex workers, while cocaine use had an adjusted odds ratios of 6.61 among men who have sex with men. From 130 samples, and based on heteroduplex mobility assaying for the env gene, with sequencing of part of pol and/or full genomes, subtype B was the predominant subtype identified (66%); followed by subtype F (22%) and subtype C (4%). Recombinant CRF12-BF strains were identified in 6% and CRF17_BF was identified in 2%.


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In the State of Campeche, Mexico, zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis is mainly due to Leishmania (L.) mexicana. The parasite population is maintained in a mammalian species, a reservoir in which the ideal course of infection should be long and relatively nonpathogenic. The objective of the present study was to document the retention of L. (L.) mexicana in 29 naturally infected rodents. These cricetids lived in captivity for up to two years and were tested monthly for the presence of the parasite, by cultures of needle aspirates from the base of the tail. Peromyscus yucatanicus and Ototylomys phyllotis were incriminated as the primary reservoir hosts. The finding that the multiplication of parasites in P. yucatanicus might be triggered by temperature, suggests that this animal would be a good choice for further research on L. (L.) mexicana.


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Localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL), known as "chiclero's ulcer" in southeast Mexico, was described by Seidelin in 1912. Since then, the sylvatic region of the Yucatan peninsula has been identified as an endemic focus of LCL. The purpose of the present work was to describe the clinical picture of LCL caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana in the Yucatan peninsula. A total of 136 cases of LCL, based on isolation and characterization of L. (L.) mexicana by isoenzymes and/or monoclonal antibodies, were selected. Some variability of clinical features regarding number, type, size, form, location and time of evolution of the lesions was observed. The most frequently observed presentation was a single, ulcerated, rounded small lesion, located on the ear, with an evolution time of less than three months, with neither cutaneous metastases nor lymphatic nor mucosal involvement. This picture corresponds to previous studies carried out in the same endemic area where an organism of the L. mexicana complex has been incriminated as a major aetiological agent of classical "chiclero's ulcer", confirming that in the Yucatan peninsula LCL due to L. (L.) mexicana when located on the pinna of the ear is a remarkable characteristic.


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A high prevalence of occult hepatitis B (OHB) genotype H infections has been observed in the native Mexican Nahua population. In addition, a low incidence of hepatitis B virus (HBV)-associated hepatocellular carcinoma has been described in Mexico. The immune response to infection among OHB-infected patients has been poorly evaluated in vivo. Therefore, we assessed the expression profiles of 23 cytokines in OHB genotype H-infected Nahua patients. A total of 41 sera samples from natives of the Nahua community were retrospectively analysed. Based on their HBV antibody profiles, patients were stratified into two groups: OHB patients (n = 21) and patients that had recovered from HBV infection (n = 20). Herein, we report distinctive cytokines profiles in OHB-infected individuals. Compared to healthy controls (n = 20) and patients who resolved HBV infection, OHB-infected patients displayed an increase in interleukin (IL)-2 secretion in addition to a characteristic inflammation profile (decrease in IL-8 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha levels and increased levels of tumour growth factor-beta). IL-15 and interferon-gamma levels were reduced in OHB-infected individuals when compared to those patients who resolved HBV infection. In contrast, OHB patients showed an increase in monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 and MCP-2 compared to healthy controls and patients who resolved HBV infection. These findings suggest that cytokine expression can influence the severity of OHB disease and could lead to new investigation into the treatment of liver and other infectious diseases.


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Despite the effectiveness of current hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccines, it is estimated that 350 million individuals suffer from chronic HBV infection and more than 50% of these affected individuals live on the Asian continent. Panama is a country with a great diversity of foreign groups; the Chinese community is a large example of this phenomenon. There is an urgent need to perform studies that evaluate the prevalence and the genetic diversity of HBV in this community. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of HBV and its genotypes and mutant variants in the Chinese population residing in Panama. In total, 320 subjects were enrolled in the study. Forty-two subjects (13.1%) were positive for HBsAg and HBV-DNA from 18 subjects revealed the presence of genotypes B2 and C1. Secondary mutations associated with drug resistance at positions rtV207L and rtN239T of the reverse transcriptase gene were identified. Additionally, the mutation pair A1762T/G1764A was found in three samples and the mutation G1896A was detected in an HBeAg-negative subject. In conclusion, to our knowledge, this is the first study to report high HBV prevalence rates in resident ethnic Chinese in Central America and the presence of genotypes B2 and C1 in this region.


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Organic matter dynamics and nutrient availability in saline agricultural soils of the State of Guanajuato might provide information for remediation strategies. 14C labeled glucose with or without 200 mg kg-1 of NH4+-N soil was added to two clayey agricultural soils with different electrolytic conductivity (EC), i.e. 0.94 dS m-1 (low EC; LEC) and 6.72 dS m-1 (high EC; HEC), to investigate the effect of N availability and salt content on organic material decomposition. Inorganic N dynamics and production of CO2 and 14CO2 were monitored. Approximately 60 % of the glucose-14C added to LEC soil evolved as 14CO2, but only 20 % in HEC soil after the incubation period of 21 days. After one day, < 200 mg 14C was extractable from LEC soil, but > 500 mg 14C from HEC soil. No N mineralization occurred in the LEC and HEC soils and glucose addition reduced the concentrations of inorganic N in unamended soil and soil amended with NH4+-N. The NO2- and NO3- concentrations were on average higher in LEC than in HEC soil, with exception of NO2- in HEC amended with NH4+-N. It was concluded that increases in soil EC reduced mineralization of the easily decomposable C substrate and resulted in N-depleted soil.


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Chemical studies of the plant family Annonaceae have intensified in the last several decades due to the discovery of annonaceous molecules with medicinal potential (e.g., benzylisoquinoline alkaloids and acetogenins). Approximately 500 alkaloids have been identified in 138 Annonaceae species in 43 genera. In addition, until 2004, 593 annonaceous acetogenins (ACGs) had been identified, from 51 species in 13 genera.This suggests that plants from this family allocate important resources to the biosynthesis of these compounds. Despite the diversity of these molecules, their biological roles, including their physiological and/or ecological functions, are not well understood. In this study, it was provided new data describing the variety and distribution of certain alkaloids and ACGs in annonaceous plants in distinct stages of development. The potential relationships among some of these compounds and the seasonally climatic changes occurring in the plant habitat are also discussed. These data will improve our understanding of the secondary metabolism of these pharmacologically important molecules and their expression patterns during development, which will help to determine the optimal growth conditions and harvest times for their production.


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Annonaceae seeds are known by presenting dormancy mechanisms, whose reports ranging from coating impermeable to the physiological dormancy. By this way, the present study aimed to evaluate water uptake in Annona diversifolia Saff and Annona purpurea Moc & Sessé ex Dunal seeds. For this study, seeds were placed under immersion in distilled water, and used four replicates of 25 seeds of each species, which were weighed during the 480 hours that were immersed. To determine the place of purchase of water, Annona diversifolia seeds were sealed with paraffin at different locations. Based on the results, seeds from both species reached the phases I and II of water uptake, which indicates they are not hard; however, germination (Phase III) was not reached. Annona diversifolia seeds completed Phase I with, 50h and Annona purpurea with 70h from imbibitions begin, which shows that even slowly, water is acquire.


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Platão não é o iniciador, e sim o herdeiro da "velha divergência" entre filósofos e poetas. A motivação ético-teológica, que já animava Xenófanes,vai se reatualizar na República. Para poder apreciar o sentido dessa reatualização, importa que não se considere o Livro X isoladamente, mas se atente para os primeiros livros do diálogo. Neles, e com vistas a uma melhor determinação do justo -que é o que está em pauta-, Platão mostra a necessidade de se discutir as afirmações dos poetas. Trata-se assim de destituí-los da autoridade de que ainda gozam na educação e na opinião comum. Só graças à discussão filosófica e a uma educação por ela inspirada -o que pressupõe a produção ou a seleção de mitos- é que se pode esperar uma maior realização da justiça, tanto no plano do indivíduo (do governo de sua alma) quanto no nível da cidade. A leitura aqui proposta das "razões" de Platão na República não impede que reconheçamos a importância da tragédia para a compreensão da existência humana, inclusive no que toca à idéia do divino.


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Dada o caráter polêmico da trajetória intelectual do "Jovem" Lukács, sobretudo em relação às obras A alma e as formas e A teoria do romance, o objetivo central do presente artigo é delinear com largos traços a trajetória de Lukács em sua fase de juventude, tendo como base seus próprios textos e depoimentos, com vistas a problematizar certas atribuições feitas a esse importante período de sua produção intelectual.