35 resultados para territorial development
In spite of the wealth generation potential of the world's large metropolitan cities, poor living conditions for much of the world's urban population persist. Although the city has been widely studied, urban policy often remains ineffective. The paper adopts a policy process approach to analyze the relationship between knowledge and governmental action. Impediments to improving urban policy are found in the inadequate capacity of government to act and in the politics of democratic decision-making. The paper recommends that a pragmatic view of knowledge generation be adopted.
Tourism has reached world importance in the economy. The competition in tourism has intensified between destinations, whether the destinations are cities, regions or countries. In this sense, the evaluation of the tourism competitiveness of these destinations may be helpful in planning and prioritizing actions that will benefit the industry. This article discusses the concept of competitiveness by the multidimensional view of performance, efficiency and unit analysis. Using the theoretical framework lifted, this article shows the 'Study on the competitiveness of the 65 destinations inducers of regional tourism development' prepared by the Tourism Ministry, the Brazilian Support Service to Micro and Small Enterprises (Sebrae) and Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), its assumptions that guided this study as well its methodological aspects. Based on this methodology, it was carried out a diagnosis of these 65 destinations selected by the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism to be inducers of tourism in their respective regions. The result of competitiveness reached by these 65 inductors destinations is presented in this article, providing a map of the level of competitiveness of tourism in Brazil.
An important constituent group and a key resource of higher education institutions (HEIs) is the faculty or academic staff. The centrality of the faculty role makes it a primary sculptor of institutional culture and has implications for the quality of the institution and therefore has a major role in achieving the objectives of the institution. Demand for academic staff in higher education has been increasing and may be expected to continue to increase. Moreover the performance of academic staff as teachers and researchers determines much of the student satisfaction and has an impact on student learning. There are many factors that serve to undermine the commitment of academics to their institutions and careers. Job satisfaction is important in revitalizing staff motivation and in keeping their enthusiasm alive. Well motivated academic staff can, with appropriate support, build a national and international reputation for themselves and the institution in the professional areas, in research and in publishing. This paper aims to identify the issues and their impacts on academic staff job satisfaction and motivation within Portuguese higher education institutions reporting an ongoing study financed by the European Union through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.
This paper aims to evaluate the social impacts of the Tourism Development Program (Prodetur) in the northeastern town of Porto Seguro, Bahia, Brazil. The method used is based on the difference in difference technique applied to the 1991 and 2000 Census microdata. The results suggest social advances following from poverty relief based on income - where the benefits are distributed, generally, in a relatively equal manner between the native and migrant population. There is a relative deterioration in the sanitary situation, which consists of a very serious problem in the mid- and long-term, whose costs are mostly borne by the native population. Therefore, maintaining the natural capital is the main aspect that distances Porto Seguros tourism supply from the concept of sustainability. The article also relies on difference in difference estimators to assess the impacts of local public policies related to the sector.
Este trabalho analisa a dinâmica de participação dos atores sociais na gestão social da política de desenvolvimento territorial e como ela influencia o processo de alocação dos recursos públicos por meio da elaboração e monitoramento dos projetos no Território Serra do Brigadeiro (TSB), Minas Gerais. Constata-se que a experiência da política permitiu construir e legitimar uma nova institucionalidade (Colegiado Territorial), que viabilizou a discussão e seleção de projetos coletivos. O colegiado, por meio de sua ação deliberativa, conseguiu estabelecer uma agenda relativamente autônoma, o que possibilitou discussões mais amplas sobre o desenvolvimento rural, apesar das limitações da operacionalização do programa de política pública e da qualidade da participação.
Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir o desenvolvimento territorial sustentável a partir da atuação de diferentes atores sob a ótica da gestão social e o processo de cidadania deliberativa. Analisa-se a construção do "Programa de Manejo Agroambiental da Bacia do Rio Almada" na região pertencente ao território de cidadania Litoral Sul da Bahia. Organizaram-se os dados, as informações e as entrevistas por meio de estudo de caso. Para construção do caso, foi utilizada a triangulação de técnicas da história oral e do sensemaking. O caso em tela contribui para a reflexão sobre os desafios e oportunidades referentes à gestão social, indicando que o processo de cidadania deliberativa pode se constituir em estratégia necessária para o desenvolvimento territorial sustentável. Assim, fica claro que o diálogo, a participação dos atores na elaboração e implantação de políticas públicas é algo complexo, porém imprescindível, quando se almejam transformações das realidades sociais.
Este artigo analisa a ação coletiva promovida pelo Colegiado de Desenvolvimento Territorial (Codeter) da Serra Catarinense, buscando verificar se essa ação colaborou para mobilizar um processo de coprodução do bem público no planejamento e gestão do desenvolvimento rural no território. Foi empregada uma estratégia de investigação de estudo de caso que combinou a utilização de diversas técnicas qualitativas de coleta de dados, análise e interpretação dos resultados. Diferentes paradigmas que tratam da ação coletiva foram considerados, no intuito de examinar a ação concertada promovida no Codeter e suas características principais. Com base no conceito de coprodução e suas variáveis, verificamos que essa ação coletiva engendrou um novo tipo de ação pública, ampliando a participação e a colaboração entre os atores sociais na coconstrução de soluções para os problemas públicos do território.
Institutional Development for Good Governance: the role of intermediary NGOs in Pará state, Amazonia
The paper analyses the roles of intermediary NGOs for linkages between government and rural communities in carrying out socio-environmental development programs as a mean of institutional development for good governance. In particular, the paper focuses on the Proambiente program that was carried out in Pará State, Amazonia, Brazil. This program was the first experience of a socio-environmental development program in Brazilian Amazonia that took into account local communities' demands to link environmental conservation and small-scale family-based rural production. Methodologically, the research was based on qualitative analysis and used semi-structured interviews for data collection. The paper shows that NGOs as intermediaries between government and rural communities is a significant mechanism to promote the strengthening of the power of local communities, to create bridges between federal government and local communities; and to stimulate participatory processes by engaging rural communities' culture and knowledge in socio-environmental development program as Proambiente.
How the policy of action and professional standards have influenced the development and decentralization of health education is discussed. It is concluded that a review of policies both of developing as well as of developed countries could help to put some observations into a perspective that is closer to the Brazilian reality.
A review is presented of the interrelationships between arthropod vectors, the diseases they transmit and agricultural development. Particular attention is given to the effects of deforestation, livestock development and irrigation on the abundance of vectors and changing patterns of diseases such as malaria, trypanosomiases, leishmaniasis, Chagas' and some arboviral infections. The question as whether keeping livestock diverts biting away from people and reduces diseases such as malaria - that is zooprophylaxis, or whether the presence of cattle actually increases biting populations is discussed.
Aedes albopictus were reared in different containers: a tree hole, a bamboo stump and an auto tire. The total times from egg hatching to adult emergence were of 19.6,27.3 and 37.5 days, respectively, according to the container. The first, second and third-instar larvae presented growth periods with highly similar durations. The fourth-instar larvae was longer than the others stages. The pupation time was longer than the fourth-instar larvae growth period. The temperature of the breeding sites studied, which was of 18° C to 22° C on average, was also taken into consideration. The mortality of the immature stages was analysed and compared as between the experimental groups; it was lower in the natural containers than in the discarded tire. The average wing length of adult females emerging from tree hole was significantly larger (p < 0.05) than that of those emerging from the tire.
INTRODUCTION: Among psychiatric disorders schizophrenia is often said to be the condition with the most disputed definition.The Bleulerian and Schneiderian approaches have given rise to diagnostic formulations that have varied with time and place. Controversies over the concept of schizophrenia were examined within European/North American settings in the early 1970s but little has since been reported on the views of psychiatrists in developing countries. In Brazil both concepts are referred to in the literature. A scale was developed to measure adherence to Bleulerian and Schneiderian concepts among psychiatrists working in S. Paulo. METHODOLOGY: A self-reported questionnaire comprising seventeen visual analogue-scale statements related to Bleulerian and Schneiderian definitions of Shizophrenia, plus sociodemographic and training characteristics, was distributed to a non-randomised sample of 150 psychiatrists. The two sub-scales were assessed by psychometric methods for internal consistency, sub-scale structure and test-retest reliability. Items selected according to internal consistency were examined by a two-factor model exploratory factor analysis. Intraclass correlation coefficients described the stability of the scale. RESULTS: Replies were received from 117 psychiatrists (mean age 36 (SD 7.9)), 74% of whom were made and 26% female. The Schneiderian scale showed better overall internal consistency than the Bleulerian scale. Intra-class correlation coefficients for test-retest comparisons were between 0.5 and 0.7 for Schneiderian items and 0.2 and 0.7 for Bleulerian items. There was no negative association between Bleulerian and Schneiderian scale scores, suggesting that respondents may hold both concepts. Place of training was significantly associated with the respondent's opinion; disagreement with a Bleulerian standpoint predominated for those trained at the University of S. Paulo. CONCLUSIONS: The less satisfactory reliability for the Bleulerian sub-scale limits confidence in the whole scale but on the other hand this questionnaire contributes to the understanding of the controversy over Bleulerian and Schneiderian models for conceptualisation of schizophrenia, the former requiring more inference and therefore being prone to unreliability.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a ocorrência da tuberculose, identificando variáveis definidoras de situações coletivas de risco que determinam sua distribuição espacial, como subsídio à implantação de um sistema de vigilância de base territorial para controle da tuberculose. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico realizado no período 1996-2000, em Olinda, município da região metropolitana do Recife, PE. A mediana do número de casos de tuberculose, notificados por setor censitário, serviu como ponto de corte para caracterização das áreas de alta e baixa transmissão. Um modelo de regressão logística, utilizando essa variável resposta, permitiu estimar as "odds-ratio" de algumas variáveis socioeconômicas do Censo Demográfico de 2000 e de outras co-variáveis relacionadas com a transmissão da doença. RESULTADOS: A tuberculose em Olinda apresentou altas taxas de incidência no período (média de 111 casos por 100.000 habitantes). Verificou-se que são significativamente associadas à ocorrência da tuberculose, as variáveis: média de moradores por domicílio (OR=2,2; IC 95%: 1,3; 3,6); existência de famílias com mais de um caso no período (OR=5,1; IC 95%: 2,3; 11,3); e presença de casos de retratamento (OR=6,8; IC 95%: 2,7; 17,1). Setores censitários com a ocorrência desses dois últimos eventos concentraram 45% do total de casos do período, representando apenas 28% da população do município. CONCLUSÕES: Duas das três variáveis explicativas associadas a maiores taxas de incidência da doença são informações que devem ser monitorizadas, em nível local, pelo sistema de vigilância da tuberculose. O simples mapeamento de casos de retratamento e de domicílios com ocorrência de repetidos casos, permitiria refinar o foco de atenção em micro-áreas prioritárias para intervenções intensivas, como forma de enfrentar o problema da tuberculose.