73 resultados para tendon rupture
PURPOSE: The dura mater bioprosthesis was developed in the Department of Cardiopneumology of the Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School in 1971. Here, we present the clinical results of the dura mater bioprosthesis over 30 years of follow-up. METHODS: We studied 70 consecutive patients who underwent mitral or tricuspid valve replacement with a dura mater bioprosthesis between January 1971 and August 1972. RESULTS: The early mortality was 10% (7 patients). The follow-up was 87% complete (9 patients were lost to follow-up). Two patients were alive and asymptomatic 30 years after valve replacement; 33 patients underwent reoperations due to valve dysfunction, and 19 died during the follow-up period. At 30 years, the actuarial survival was 49.2 ± 8.6%; freedom from rupture, 27.0 ± 10.2%; freedom from calcification, 78.8 ± 8.6%; and freedom from reoperation, 18.8 ± 7.5%. CONCLUSIONS: The dura mater bioprosthesis played an important role in the treatment of patients with mitral and tricuspid valve disease. The low rate of thromboembolism and the long period of follow-up without evidence of valve dysfunction, which occurred for several of our patients, are important characteristics of these bioprosthesis.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to assess portal hemodynamics in patients with portal hypertension due to hepatosplenic schistosomiasis as well as to assess the contribution of splanchnic hyperflow to the pathophysiology of the portal hypertension. METHODS: Sixteen patients with schistosomal portal hypertension and previous history of upper digestive bleeding due to esophageal varices rupture underwent elective esophagogastric devascularization and splenectomy and were prospectively studied. All patients underwent intraoperative invasive hemodynamic portal monitoring with a 4F-thermodilution catheter. The intraoperative portal hemodynamic assessment was conducted after laparotomy (initial) and after esophagogastric devascularization (final). RESULTS: The initial portal pressure was elevated (mean 28.5 ± 4.5 mm Hg), and a significant drop of 25% was observed at the end of the surgery (21.9 ± 4.9 mm Hg). The initial portal flow was elevated (mean 1766.9 ± 686.6 mL/min). A significant fall (42%) occurred at the end of the surgical procedure (1025.62 ± 338.7 mL/min). Fourteen patients (87.5%) presented a portal flow of more than 1200 mL/min, and in 5 cases, values greater than 2000 mL/min were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Esophagogastric devascularization and splenectomy promote a significant reduction of the elevated portal pressure and flow in schistosomal portal hypertension. These data favor the hypothesis of portal hyperflow in the physiopathology of portal hypertension of schistosomiasis.
A patient with heart failure and acute atrial fibrillation received the final diagnosis of atrial infarction associated with ventricular infarction based on clinical findings of ischemia in association with atrial fibrillation and heart failure (mechanisms probably involved: contractile dysfunction and loss of atrial contribution). Although a transesophageal echocardiography, which could refine the diagnosis of anatomic abnormalities, was not performed, all evidence led to the diagnosis of atrial involvement. Electrocardiographic findings were consistent with Liu's major criterion 3. Therapy with digitalis, quinidine and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors was chosen, as the patient had acute pulmonary edema. The use of beta-blockers and verapamil was restricted. No other complications, such as thrombo-embolism or atrial rupture, were noted.
A possible relationship between C.pneumoniae (CP) infection, atherosclerosis and acute myocardial infarction is a debated matter. Now we performed the search of CP in histological segments of fatal ruptured plaques and of stable plaques by histochemistry (Macchiavello stain), immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization techniques. Electron microscopy and confocal laser microscopy techniques were used in two additional cases. The semi-quantitification of CP + cells (0-4+) and quantification of lymphocytes demonstrated greater amount of CP + cells and more inflammation in the adventitia of vulnerable plaque vessel segments than of stable ones, larger amount of CP + cells in adventitia than in the plaque and high frequency of CP + cells in all groups studied. This preliminary study strongly suggests a direct pathogenetic involvement of adventitial CP in the rupture of the atheromatous plaque, development of acute myocardial infarction and also in the development of atherosclerosis.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze our experience with percutaneous aortic balloon valvuloplasty in newborn infants with aortic stenosis, emphasizing the extraordinary importance of myocardial perfusion.METHODS: Over a 10-year-period, 21 neonates underwent percutaneous aortic balloon valvuloplasty. Age ranged from 2 to 27 days, weight ranged from 2.2 to 4.1 kg and 19 were males. All patients presented with congestive heart failure that could not be treated clinically. The onset of symptoms in the first week of life occurred in 9 patients considered as having critical aortic stenosis. Severe aortic stenosis occurred in 12 patients with the onset of symptoms in the second week of life.RESULTS: Mortality reached 100% in the patients with critical aortic stenosis. The procedure was considered effective in the 12 patients with severe aortic stenosis. Vascular complications included the loss of pulse in 12 patients and rupture of the femoral artery in 2 patients. Cardiac complications included acute aortic regurgitation in 2 patients and myocardial perforation in one. In an 8.2±1.3-year follow-up, 5 of the 12 patients died (2 patients due to septicemia and 3 patients due to congestive heart failure). Five of the other 7 patients underwent a new procedure and 2 required surgery.CONCLUSION: Percutaneous aortic valvuloplasty in neonates is not an effective procedure in the 1st week of life, because at this age the common presentation is cardiogenic shock. It is possible that, in those patients with critical aortic stenosis, dilation of the aortic valve during fetal life may change the prognosis of its clinical outcome.
Marfan's syndrome is an inherited disorder of the connective tissue. Cardiologic manifestations, especially aortic dilation, are important causes of morbidity and mortality in the clinical course of the disease in adults and teenagers. In children, the presence of aortic aneurysm and its dissection or rupture is rare, occurring in patients with genetic mutation of the fibrillin gene but not in those who have the familial form of the disease. We describe here 2 patients, from the same family (siblings), diagnosed with gigantic aortic aneurysm early in infancy, one of them successfully undergoing surgery.
A case of typhus levissimus or splenotyphus is reported whose death ocurred approximately at the beginning of the 2nd week as a consequence of rupture of the spleen and hematoperitoneum (2 liters). Acute perisplenitis and intracapsular hemorrhages as well as marked distention of the capsule pertinent to the extreme increase in volume of the organ in this stage of the disease are thought to be the changes concerned with the rupture of the organ, possibly influenced by overlooked minimal trauma.
In an attempt to define the mouse-model for chronic Chagas' disease, a serological, histopathological and ultrastructural study as well as immunotyping of myocardium collagenic matrix were performed on Swiss mice, chronically infected with Trypanosoma cruzi strains: 21 SF and mambaí (Type II); PMN and Bolivia (Type III), spontaneously surviving after 154 to 468 days of infection. Haemagglutination and indirect immunofluorescence tests showed high titres of specific antibodies. The ultrastructural study disclosed the cellular constitution of the inflammatory infiltrate showing the predominance of monocytes, macrophages with intense phagocytic activity, fibroblasts, myofibroblasts and abundant collagen matrix suggesting the association of the inflammatory process with fibrogenesis in chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy. Artertolar and blood capillary alterations together with dissociation of cardiac cells from the capillary wall by edema and inflammation were related to ultrastructural lesions of myocardial cells. Rupture of parasitized cardiac myocells contribute to intensify the inflammatory process in focal areas. Collagen immunotyping showed the predominance of Types III and IV collagen. Collagen degradation and phagocytosis were present suggesting a reversibility of the fibrous process. The mouse model seems to be valuable in the study of the pathogenetic mechanisms in Chagas cardiomyopathy, providing that T. cruzi strains of low virulence and high pathogenecity are used.
To assess the therapeutic possibilities of injection sclerosis in schistosomotic portal hypertension, a 5-year prospective study was conducted in northeast Brazil, where this parasitosis is endemic. Fifty patients undergoing endoscopy for upper gastrointestinal hemorrage from rupture of esophageal varices from July through December 1981 were chosen for the study. The 32 consenting patients were submitted to injection sclerotherapy paravariceally, using ethanolamine oleate; the 18 refusing to participate were assigned to the control group. The incidence of rebleeding was 28.1% in the former and 44.5% in the latter, a difference wich was not statistically significant (Fisher's test, p = 0.017). Since sclerotherapymarkedly improved the long-term survival rate of the patients, this procedure is advocated for the treatment of esophageal varices in cases of portal hypertension due to schistosomiasis.
There are over 100.000 patients affected by schistosomotic portal hipertension, that may suffer rupture of the esophageal varices. Besides the portal hypertension, local factors must be emphazised as responsible for the three distal centimeters of the esophagus, called "zona vulnerável" (vulnerable zone). The beter liver functional reserve of these schistosomotic patients as compared to the cirrhotic, present two favorable condititions: (1) beter possibility of conservative treatment during acute hemorrhage; (2) elective surgical treatment may be undergo without a mandatory step of large portal descompression. The Author only indicate surgical treatment in patients with hemorrhage antecedence and his preference consist in splenectomy plus obliterative suture of the varices at the "vulnerable zone" and when possible, ligature of left gastric vein also; 358 patients were undergone surgery with operative mortality 3.07%, 347 were followed during 1 to 25 years; late mortality 8.38%; recurrence hemorrage 11.58%; none porto-sustemic encephalopaty was observed.
The present paper reviews our recent data concerning the use of immunological methods employing monoclonal antibodies and synthetic peptides to study malaria transmission and immunity and to diagnose plasmodial infection. As concerns malaria transmission, we studied the main vectors of human malaria and the plasmodial species transmitted in endemic areas of Rondônia state, Brazil. The natural infection on anopheline was evaluated by immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) using monoclonal antibodies to an immunodominant sporozoite surface antigen (CS protein) demonstrated to be species specific. Our results showed that among six species of Anopheles found infected, An. darlingi was the main vector transmitting Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax malaria in the immediate vicinity of houses. In order to assess the level of anti-CS antibodies we studied, by IRMA using the synthetic peptide corresponding to the repetitive epitope of the sporozoite CS protein, sera of individuals living in the same areas where the entomological survey has been performed. In this assay the prevalence of anti-CS antibodies was very low and did not reflect the malaria transmission rate in the studied areas. In relation to malaria diagnosis, a monoclonal antibody specific to an epitope of a 50 kDa exoantigen, the major component of supernatant collected at the time of schizont rupture, was used as a probe for the detection of P. falciparum antigens. This assay seemed to be more sensitive than parasitological examination for malaria diagnosis since it was able to detect plasmodial antigens in both symptomatic and asymtomatic individuals with negative thick blood smear at different intervals after a last parasitologically confirmed confirmed attack of malaria.
Several factors appear to affect vertical HIV-1 transmission, dependent mainly on characteristics of the mother (extent of immunodeficiency, co-infections, risk behaviour, nutritional status, immune response, genetical make-up), but also of the virus (phenotype, tropism) and, possibly, of the child (genetical make-up). This complex situation is compounded by the fact that the virus may have the whole gestation period, apart from variable periods between membrane rupture and birth and the breast-feeding period, to pass from the mother to the infant. It seems probable that an extensive interplay of all factors occurs, and that some factors may be more important during specific periods and other factors in other periods. Factors predominant in protection against in utero transmission may be less important for peri-natal transmission, and probably quite different from those that predominantly affect transmission by mothers milk. For instance, cytotoxic T lymphocytes will probably be unable to exert any effect during breast-feeding, while neutralizing antibodies will be unable to protect transmission by HIV transmitted through infected cells. Furthermore, some responses may be capable of controlling transmission of determined virus types, while being inadequate for controlling others. As occurence of mixed infections and recombination of HIV-1 types is a known fact, it does not appear possible to prevent vertical HIV-1 transmission by reinforcing just one of the factors, and probably a general strategy including all known factors must be used. Recent reports have brought information on vertical HIV-1 transmission in a variety of research fields, which will have to be considered in conjunction as background for specific studies.
The most critical phase of exposure to schistosomal infection is the infancy, because of the more frequent contact with contaminated water and the immaturity of the immune system. One of the most severe presentations of this parasitosis is the involvement of the spinal cord, which prognosis is largely dependent on early diagnosis and treatment. Reports on this clinical form of schistosomiasis in children are rare in the literature. We present here the clinical-epidemiological profile of schistosomal myeloradiculopathy (SMR) from ten children who were admitted at the Instituto Materno-Infantil de Pernambuco over a five-year period. They were evaluated according to an investigation protocol. Most of these patients presented an acute neurological picture which included as the main clinical manifestations: sphincteral disorders, low back and lower limbs pain, paresthesia, lower limbs muscle weakness and absence of deep tendon reflex, and impairment of the gait. The diagnosis was presumptive in the majority of the cases. This study emphasizes the importance of considering the diagnosis of SMR in pediatric patients coming from endemic areas who present a low cord syndrome, in order to start the appropriate therapy and avoid future complications.
Parasite differentiation from proliferating tachyzoites into latent bradyzoites is central to pathogenesis and transmission of the intracellular protozoan pathogen Toxoplasma gondii. The presence of bradyzoite-containing cysts in human hosts and their subsequent rupture can cause life-threatening recrudescence of acute infection in the immunocompromised and cyst formation in other animals contributes to zoonotic transmission and widespread dissemination of the parasite. In this review, we discuss the evidence showing how the clinically relevant process of bradyzoite differentiation is regulated at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. Specific regulatory factors implicated in modulating bradyzoite differentiation include promoter-based cis-elements, epigenetic modifications and protein translation control through eukaryotic initiation factor -2 (eIF2). In addition to a summary of the current state of knowledge in these areas we discuss the pharmacological ramifications and pose some questions for future research.
Spontaneous perforation of gallbladder is a severe and infrequent complication of acute cholecystitis that requires early and accurate diagnosis. Concomitant development of intrahepatic collections is rarely observed in such cases. The present report emphasizes the relevance of imaging studies in this setting, describing the typical sonographic and tomographic findings for the diagnosis of such condition.