21 resultados para supervision
Eduardo Fausto de Almeida Neves, Professor Emeritus of the Universidade Federal de So Carlos and formerly Full Professor at the Instituto de Qumica - Universidade de So Paulo (USP), So Paulo, Brazil, was born in November 7, 1933 in Pedra Azul, MG, and deceased in July 2, 2006 in So Carlos, SP. He graduated under supervision of Professor Paschoal Senise, pioneer of Analytical Chemistry at USP, and developed his post-doctoral work at Caltech, USA, with Professor Fred Anson. His brilliant career as teacher, scientist, supervisor and mentor resulted in a prolific science school in Analytical Chemistry, with some sixty PhDs and masters supervised by him, amplified to over four hundred in the 2nd to 4th generations (still growing), spread throughout the country and nucleating new research groups. The contents of a hundred papers reflect Prof. Eduardo's wide range of scientific interests. Passionate inclination for creative intellectual activity, rooted in profound knowledge of all branches of Chemistry, broadminded thinking, sound experimentation, generous scientific cooperation and true friendship - that's why friends, colleagues and students referred to him as "master" or "my guru".
This work describes a mentorship experience. Mentorship of novice teachers by experienced teachers is an important aspect in training teachers for universities. The strategy followed in this work consisted of a double improvement cycle (or clinical supervision cycle), based on the use of recordings of classes. Each of these cycles included planning, recording, viewing and analysis. Conclusions were reached in a final meeting after video analysis. In order to systematize the viewing, analysis and assessment of the videos, an observation test was employed. Class planning, contents, methodology, and verbal and nonverbal communication skills were evaluated using the test.
AbstractIn the beginning of the 19th century, Portugal received from Brazil several barks that were used as cure for fevers for the purpose of chemical analysis. These analyses were intended to determine the principle compositional components responsible for the febrifuge power of these barks. At the University of Coimbra, the samples were analyzed under the supervision of Thom Rodrigues Sobral, the Director of the university's Chemical Laboratory. In the interpretation of the obtained results, Sobral put forward his own ideas about the febrifuge principles of the analyzed barks in relation to their chemical composition. Here, we refer to both Rodrigues Sobral's reported results and his ideas about the febrifuge principle.
OBJECTIVE: to describe a new model of training in microsurgery with pig spleen after splenectomy performed by undergraduate students of the Discipline of Operative Technique of the UFPR Medical School. METHODS: after the completion of splenectomy we performed dissection of the vascular pedicle, distal and proximal to the ligation performed for removal of the spleen. After complete dissection of the splenic artery and vein with microscope, clamps were placed and the vessels were cut. We then made the anastomosis of the vessels with 9.0 nylon. RESULT: the microsurgical training with a well-defined routine, qualified supervision and using low cost experimental materials proved to be effective in the practice of initial microvascular surgery. CONCLUSION: the use of pig spleen, which would be discarded after splenectomy, is an excellent model for microsurgical training, since besides having the consistency and sensitivity of a real model, it saves the sacrifice of a new animal model in the initial learning phase of this technique.
Despite the importance of human taeniasis/bovine cysticercosis for public and animal health and the economy, its actual epidemiological status in Brazil is not well-studied. We sought to assess the epidemiological profile of this zoonosis in the rural area of Viosa County, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The prevalence of bovine cysticercosis was 0.42%, whereas no case of human taeniasis was diagnosed. Factors favoring the persistence of zoonosis were identified. These included the supply of untreated water to animals, animals raised for slaughter without sanitary supervision, poor mechanization of raising techniques, and the use of untreated water for human consumption. Bovine meat for human consumption acquired in the city or from the farm itself was characterized as a risk factor for bovine cysticercosis (Odds Ratio (OR) =16.77; p<0.05). Nevertheless, the families on the investigated farms did apply several appropriate measures to control this disease, such as the virtual lack of open sewers and the consumption of well-cooked meat. The presence of bovine cysticercosis cases, and the factors favoring its persistence, point to the need for constant epidemiological and sanitary surveillance in this county.
Capital Flows, External Fragility and Currency Regimes: A Theoretical Review. The major integration and deregulation of the international financial markets increased the degree of interdependence and risk of incompatibility between the financial and monetary policy adopted by different countries. The consequences of these facts are the financial instability and the currency crisis. In this article we develop arguments advocating that independent of the currency regime adopted the national policy makers should take into account, between other factors, the major capital mobility and the integrations of markets. One of the corollaries of our analyses is that countries should pursue policies that reduces the degree of short-term capital volatile by the adoption of capital controls or though measures of prudential supervision.