35 resultados para spectral map


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Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars with a high degree of resistance to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap) are not available in Brazil. Despite many studies, a low degree of resistance to Xap continues to exist due to its complex genetic inheritance, which is not well known. The objectives of this research were to complement a common bean genetic map based on the cross between a susceptible genotype 'HAB-52' and a resistant genotype 'BAC-6', and to map and analyze genomic regions (quantitative trait loci – QTLs) related to Xap resistance. Eleven linkage groups were determined using 143 RAPD markers, covering 1,234.5 cM of the genome. This map was used to detect QTLs associated with Xap resistance on leaves and pods. The averages of disease severity on leaves (represented by the transformed disease index – TDI) and pods (represented by the diameter of lesion on pods – DLP) were added to the data of the linkage map. Five TDI QTLs and only one LDP QTL were detected. The TDI QTLs were placed in the A, B, G and J linkage groups, with phenotypic variations ranging from 12.7 to 71.6%. The DLP QTL explained 12.9% of the phenotypic variation and was mapped in a distinct linkage group. These results indicate that there are different genes involved in the control of resistance on leaves and pods.


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The complexes of 2,6-dimethoxybenzoic acid anion with ions of Co(II), Ni(II), and Cu(II) have been synthesized as polycrystalline solids, and characterized by elemental analysis, spectroscopy, magnetic studies, and also by X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric measurements. The analysed complexes have following colours: pink for Co(II), green for Ni(II), and blue for Cu(II) compounds. The carboxylate group binds as monodentate, and bidentate bridging and chelating ligands. On heating in air to 1173 K the complexes decompose in four, three or two steps. At first, they dehydrate in one or two steps to anhydrous salts, that next decompose to oxides of the respective metals. The solubility of the investigated dimethoxybenzoates in water at 293 K is of the order of 10-2 mol/dm3. Their magnetic moments were determined in the temperature range of 76-303 K. The results reveal the compounds of Co(II) and Ni(II) to be high-spin complexes and that of Cu(II) to form dimer.


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Complexes of Ni(II) 2,3-, 3,5- and 2,6-dimethoxybenzoates have been synthesized, their physico-chemical properties have been compared and the influence of the position of -OCH3 substituent on their properties investigated. The analysed compounds are crystalline, hydrated salts with green colour. The carboxylate ions show a bidentate chelating or bridging coordination modes. The thermal stabilities of Ni(II) dimethoxybenzoates were investigated in air in the range of 293-1173 K. The complexes decompose in three steps, yelding the NiO as the final product of decomposition. Their solubilities in water at 293 K are in the order of 10-2-10-4 mol×dm-3. The magnetic susceptibilities for the analysed dimethoxybenzoates of Ni(II) were measured over the range of 76-303 K and the magnetic moments were calculated. The results reveal that the complexes are the high-spin ones and the ligands form the weak electrostatic field in the octahedral coordination sphere of the central Ni(II) ion. The various position -OCH3 groups in benzene ring cause the different steric, mesomeric and inductive effects on the electron density in benzene ring.


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Physico-chemical properties of 3-chloro-2-nitrobenzoates of Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) were synthesized and studied. The complexes were obtained as mono- and dihydrates with a metal ion to ligand ratio of 1 : 2. All analysed 3-chloro-2-nitrobenzoates are polycrystalline compounds with colours depending on the central ions: pink for Co(II), green for Ni(II) and blue for Cu(II) complexes. Their thermal decomposition was studied in the range of 293 ­ 523 K, because it was found that on heating in air above 523 K 3-chloro-2-nitrobenzoates decompose explosively. Hydrated complexes lose crystallization water molecules in one step and anhydrous compounds are formed. The final products of their decomposition are the oxides of the respective transition metals. From the results it appears that during dehydration process no transformation of nitro group to nitrite takes place. The solubilities of analysed complexes in water at 293 K are of the order of 10-4 ­ 10-2 mol / dm³. The magnetic moment values of Co2+, Ni2+ and Cu2+ ions in 3-chloro-2-nitrobenzoates experimentally determined at 76 ­ 303 K change from 3.67µB to 4.61µB for Co(II) complex, from 2.15µB to 2.87µB for Ni(II) 3-chloro-2-nitrobenzoate and from 0.26µB to 1.39µB for Cu(II) complex. 3-Chloro-2-nitrobenzoates of Co(II) and Ni(II) follow the Curie-Weiss law. Complex of Cu(II) forms dimer.


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2,4 - Dimethoxybenzoates of Mn(II), Co(II) and Cu(II) have been synthesized as hydrated or anyhydrous polycrystalline solids and characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, magnetic studies and X-ray diffraction measurements. They possess the following colours: Mn(II) - white, Co(II) - pink and Cu(II) - blue. The carboxylate groups bind as monodentate, or a symmetrical bidentate bridging ligands and tridentate. The thermal stabilities were determined in air at 293-1173K. When heated the hydrated complexes dehydrate to from anhydous salts which are decomposed to the oxides of respective metals. The magnetic susceptibilites of the 2,4-dimethoxybenzoates were measured over the range 76-303 K and their magnetic moments were calculated. The results reveal the complexes of Mn(II), Co(II) to be high-spin complexes and that of Cu(II) to form dimer.


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The complexes of silver(I) with 2,3-, 2,4-, 2,6-, 3,4-, 3,5-dimethoxy-, and 2,3,4- and 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid anions have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric and X-ray studies. Their solubility in water has been also determined at 293K. All analysed complexes were found to be crystalline, anhydrous compounds with low symmetry. The carboxylate groups act as bidentate or monodentate ligands. The thermal stability of compounds has been examined in air in temperature range of 293-1173K. The analysed complexes were found to be stable at room temperature and their solubilities in water at 293K to be in the order of 10-4 mol.dm-3.


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In this work, a new mathematical equation correction approach for overcoming spectral and transport interferences was proposed. The proposal was applied to eliminate spectral interference caused by PO molecules at the 217.0005 nm Pb line, and the transport interference caused by variations in phosphoric acid concentrations. Correction may be necessary at 217.0005 nm to account for the contribution of PO, since Atotal217.0005 nm = A Pb217.0005 nm + A PO217.0005 nm. This may be easily done by measuring other PO wavelengths (e.g. 217.0458 nm) and calculating the relative contribution of PO absorbance (A PO) to the total absorbance (Atotal) at 217.0005 nm: A Pb217.0005 nm = Atotal217.0005 nm - A PO217.0005 nm = Atotal217.0005 nm - k (A PO217.0458 nm). The correction factor k is calculated from slopes of calibration curves built up for phosphorous (P) standard solutions measured at 217.0005 and 217.0458 nm, i.e. k = (slope217.0005 nm/slope217.0458 nm). For wavelength integrated absorbance of 3 pixels, sample aspiration rate of 5.0 ml min-1, analytical curves in the 0.1 - 1.0 mg L-1 Pb range with linearity better than 0.9990 were consistently obtained. Calibration curves for P at 217.0005 and 217.0458 nm with linearity better than 0.998 were obtained. Relative standard deviations (RSD) of measurements (n = 12) in the range of 1.4 - 4.3% and 2.0 - 6.0% without and with mathematical equation correction approach were obtained respectively. The limit of detection calculated to analytical line at 217.0005 nm was 10 µg L-1 Pb. Recoveries for Pb spikes were in the 97.5 - 100% and 105 - 230% intervals with and without mathematical equation correction approach, respectively.


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This study aimed at identifying different conditions of coffee plants after harvesting period, using data mining and spectral behavior profiles from Hyperion/EO1 sensor. The Hyperion image, with spatial resolution of 30 m, was acquired in August 28th, 2008, at the end of the coffee harvest season in the studied area. For pre-processing imaging, atmospheric and signal/noise effect corrections were carried out using Flaash and MNF (Minimum Noise Fraction Transform) algorithms, respectively. Spectral behavior profiles (38) of different coffee varieties were generated from 150 Hyperion bands. The spectral behavior profiles were analyzed by Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm considering 2; 3; 4 and 5 clusters. T-test with 5% of significance was used to verify the similarity among the wavelength cluster means. The results demonstrated that it is possible to separate five different clusters, which were comprised by different coffee crop conditions making possible to improve future intervention actions.


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The soybean is important to the economy of Brazil, so the estimation of the planted area and the production with higher antecedence and reliability becomes essential. Techniques related to Remote Sensing may help to obtain this information at lower cost and less subjectivity in relation to traditional surveys. The aim of this study is to estimate the planted area with soybean culture in the crop of 2008/2009 in cities in the west of the state of Paraná, in Brazil, based on the spectral dynamics of the culture and through the use of the specific system of analysis for images of Landsat 5/TM satellite. The obtained results were satisfactory, because the classification supervised by Maximum Verisimilitude - MaxVer along with the techniques of the specific system of analysis for satellite images has allowed an estimate of soybean planted area (soybean mask), obtaining values ​​of the metrics of Global Accuracy with an average of 79.05% and Kappa Index over 63.50% in all cities. The monitoring of a reference area was of great importance for determining the vegetative phase in which the culture is more different from the other targets, facilitating the choice of training samples (ROIs) and avoiding misclassifications.


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View angle and directional effects significantly affect reflectance and vegetation indices, especially when daily images collected by large field-of-view (FOV) sensors like the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) are used. In this study, the PROSAIL radiative transfer model was chosen to evaluate the impact of the geometry of data acquisition on soybean reflectance and two vegetation indices (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - NDVI and Enhanced Vegetation Index -EVI) by varying biochemical and biophysical parameters of the crop. Input values for PROSAIL simulation were based on the literature and were adjusted by the comparison between simulated and real satellite soybean spectra acquired by the MODIS/Terra and hyperspectral Hyperion/Earth Observing-One (EO-1). Results showed that the influence of the view angle and view direction on reflectance was stronger with decreasing leaf area index (LAI) and chlorophyll concentration. Because of the greater dependence on the near-infrared reflectance, the EVI was much more sensitive to viewing geometry than NDVI presenting larger values in the backscattering direction. The contrary was observed for NDVI in the forward scattering direction. In relation to the LAI, NDVI was much more isotropic for closed soybean canopies than for incomplete canopies and a contrary behavior was verified for EVI.


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The experimental technique used for detection of subcooled boiling through analysis of the fluctuation contained in pressure transducer signals is presented. This work was partly conducted at the Institut für Kerntechnik und zertörungsfreie Prüfverfahren von Hannover (IKPH, Germany) in a thermal-hydraulic circuit with one electrically heated rod with annular geometry test section. Piezoresistive pressure sensors are used for onset of nucleate boiling (ONB) and onset of fully developed boiling (OFDB) detection using spectral analysis/ signal correlation techniques. Experimental results are interpreted by phenomenological analysis of these two points and compared with existing correlation. The results allow us to conclude that this technique is adequate for the detection and monitoring of the ONB and OFDB.


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Dense molecular genetic maps are used for an efficient quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping and in the marker-assisted selection programs. A dense genetic map was generated with 139 microsatellite markers using 256 F2 plants generated by the crossing of two tropical maize inbred lines (L-02-03D and L-20-01F). This map presented 1,858.61 cM in length, where 10 linkage groups were found spanned, with an average interval of 13.47 cM between adjacent markers. Seventy seven percent of the maize genetic mapping bins were covered, which means an increase of 14% coverage in relation to the previous tropical maize maps. The results provide a more detailed and informative genetic map in a tropical maize population representing the first step to make possible the studies of genetic architecture to identify and map QTL and estimate their effects on the variation of quantitative traits, thus allowing the manipulation and use in tropical maize breeding programs.


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The human immunoglobulin lambda variable locus (IGLV) is mapped at chromosome 22 band q11.1-q11.2. The 30 functional germline v-lambda genes sequenced untill now have been subgrouped into 10 families (Vl1 to Vl10). The number of Vl genes has been estimated at approximately 70. This locus is formed by three gene clusters (VA, VB and VC) that encompass the variable coding genes (V) responsible for the synthesis of lambda-type Ig light chains, and the Jl-Cl cluster with the joining segments and the constant genes. Recently the entire variable lambda gene locus was mapped by contig methodology and its one- megabase DNA totally sequenced. All the known functional V-lambda genes and pseudogenes were located. We screened a human genomic DNA cosmid library and isolated a clone with an insert of 37 kb (cosmid 8.3) encompassing four functional genes (IGLV7S1, IGLV1S1, IGLV1S2 and IGLV5a), a pseudogene (VlA) and a vestigial sequence (vg1) to study in detail the positions of the restriction sites surrounding the Vl genes. We generated a high resolution restriction map, locating 31 restriction sites in 37 kb of the VB cluster, a region rich in functional Vl genes. This mapping information opens the perspective for further RFLP studies and sequencing


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Spectral sensitivities of visual systems are specified as the reciprocals of the intensities of light (quantum fluxes) needed at each wavelength to elicit the same criterion amplitude of responses. This review primarily considers the methods that have been developed for electrophysiological determinations of criterion amplitudes of slow-wave responses from single retinal cells. Traditional flash methods can require tedious dark adaptations and may yield erroneous spectral sensitivity curves which are not seen in such modifications as ramp methods. Linear response methods involve interferometry, while constant response methods involve manual or automatic adjustments of continuous illumination to keep response amplitudes constant during spectral scans. In DC or AC computerized constant response methods, feedback to determine intensities at each wavelength is derived from the response amplitudes themselves. Although all but traditional flash methods have greater or lesser abilities to provide on-line determinations of spectral sensitivities, computerized constant response methods are the most satisfactory due to flexibility, speed and maintenance of a constant adaptation level


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TGF-ß1 regulates both cellular growth and phenotypic plasticity important for maintaining a growth advantage and increased invasiveness in progressively malignant cells. Recent studies indicate that TGF-ß-1 stimulates the conversion of epitheliod to fibroblastoid phenotype which presumably leads to the inactivation of growth-inhibitory effects by TGF-ß1 (Portella et al. (1998) Cell Growth and Differentiation, 9: 393-404). Therefore, the investigation of TGF-ß1 signaling that leads to altered growth and migration may provide novel targets for the prevention of increased cell growth and invasion. Although much attention has been paid to TGF-ß1 responses in epithelial cells, the above studies suggest that examination of signal transduction pathways in fibroblasts are important as well. Data from our laboratory are consistent with the concept that TGF-ß1 can act as a regulatory switch in density-dependent C3H 10T1/2 fibroblasts capable of either promoting or delaying G1 traverse. The regulation of this switch is proposed to occur prior to pRb phosphorylation, namely prior to activation of cyclin-dependent kinases. The current study is concerned with the evaluation of a key cyclin (cyclin D1) which activates cdk4 and p27KIP1 which in turn inhibit cdk2 in the proliferative responses of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and their modulation by TGF-ß1. Although the molecular events that lead to elevation of cyclin D1 are not completely understood, it appears likely that activation of p42/p44MAPK kinases is involved in its transcriptional regulation. TGF-ß1 delayed EGF- or PDGF-induced cyclin D1 expression and blocked the induction of active p42/p44MAPK. The mechanism by which TGF-ß1 induces a block in p42/p44MAPK activation is being examined and the possibility that TGF-ß1 regulates phosphatase activity is being tested.