73 resultados para rib cage
Foi realizado Inquérito epidemiológico com o objetivo de estimar o uso de substâncias psicoativas e a prevalência de alcoolismo. Tomou-se como referência a população de maiores de 13 anos de idade de região administrativa da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil), da qual se extraiu uma amostra aleatória de 1.459 indivíduos. Os resultados referentes ao uso de bebidas alcoólicas e alcoolismo, identificados através do teste CAGE, mostraram: prevalência de 51% para o consumo de álcool e de 3% para alcoolismo, sendo 4,9% em homens e 1,7% em mulheres; maior proporção de consumidores de álcool e de alcoolistas entre homens de 30 e 49 anos; abstinência mais freqüente entre os viúvos, protestantes e indivíduos com níveis de renda inferiores.
OBJETIVO: Verificar a existência da associação tabagismo-alcoolismo em amostra da população geral e comparar uma amostra alcoolista com outra abstêmia, pareadas pela idade e sexo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Na Unidade Sanitária Murialdo de Porto Alegre, RS numa área delimitada, com uma população estimada de 65.000 habitantes, foi feito estudo por corte transversal em que se definiu uma amostra representativa de indivíduos com 35 anos e mais. Através da Escala CAGE, identificou-se a população alcoolista que foi comparada a uma amostra aleatória de não-alcoolistas, pareada à alcoolista pela idade e sexo. Dentre 1.387 adultos com 35 anos ou mais, identificaram-se 129 indivíduos alcoolistas. Da listagem geral, selecionou-se aleatoriamente, uma amostra-controle de 129 indivíduos não-alcoolistas, criando-se, assim, dois grupos comparativos. Foram obtidos dados comparativos através de 19 itens de um questionário. As informações de caráter genérico eram pessoais ou familiares, como renda e hábito tabágico. O grau de escolaridade, ocupação, doenças e sintomas respiratórios, medida do fluxo expiratório (Pico do Fluxo) e história de alcoolismo eram exclusivas dos indivíduos com 35 anos ou mais que responderam ao questionário. RESULTADOS: Dos 129 indivíduos (9,3%) alcoolistas, 109 (84,4%) eram do sexo masculino e 20 (25,6%) do feminino. Entre alcoolistas, é maior a prevalência de fumantes (67%) se comparada com a prevalência entre os não-alcoolistas (43%) (p<.002). O tipo de ocupação profissional distinguiu os dois grupos. A ocupação de grau elementar prevalece entre alcoolistas enquanto a de grau médio é mais freqüente entre não-alcoolistas (p< .003). A renda familiar bem como a pessoal é maior entre não-alcoolistas (P < .001). Há predominância não significativa de não brancos e iletrados bem como é maior o número de fumante na família dos alcoolistas, do que na de abstêmios (p< .06). Mesmo não atingindo níveis de significância, houve tendência dos alcoolistas iniciarem-se no tabagismo mais cedo, fumarem durante mais tempo um maior número de cigarros. CONCLUSÕES: O estudo demonstra que, na amostra da população geral, houve associação estatística entre a dependência alcoólica e a tabágica. Nessa amostra o alcoolismo predominou entre as categorias de mais baixa renda e de nível cultural e profissional, considerados elementares.
INTRODUÇÃO: Como parte do programa de investigação sobre violência familiar e desnutrição severa na infância, especificamente um estudo do tipo caso-controle foi avaliada a confiabilidade dos instrumentos utilizados no processo de obtenção de dados. Estudou-se a confiabilidade de quatro componentes do instrumento principal: (a) as Escalas sobre Táticas de Conflitos (Conflicts Tactics Scales - CTS) que medem o grau de conflito/violência familiar; (b) o instrumento CAGE (Cut-down; Annoyed; Guilty & Eye-opener) usado para indicar suspeição de alcoolismo; (c) o NSDUQ (Non-student Drugs Use Questionnaire) que visa aferir o uso de drogas ilícitas; e (d) a medida antropométrica de comprimento. MÉTODO: Para os três primeiros componentes citados foram avaliadas a estabilidade (confiabilidade intra-observador ou teste-reteste) e a equivalência (confiabilidade inter-observador), usando-se os 50 primeiros sujeitos captados no estudo caso-controle de fundo. Para a análise, usou-se o índice Kappa (k) com ajustamento (pseudo-Bayes) para lidar com problemas de estimabilidade. Em relação ao componente "d", foi estudada somente a equivalência (n=73), usando-se o Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (Intra-class Correlation Coefficient - ICC) como estimador. RESULTADOS: Todos os componentes mostraram estabilidade e equivalência aceitáveis. Quanto à estabilidade das CTS, CAGE e NSDUQ, as estimações de k foram em torno de 0,70, 0,78 e 0,85, respectivamente. Em relação à equivalência, encontrou-se os valores de 1,0 para as CTS e NSDUQ e 0,75 para CAGE. A equivalência estimada através do ICC para comprimento foi de 0,99. Algumas situações desviantes foram observadas. Os resultados apontam para uma adequada padronização dos observadores e refletem a boa qualidade do processo de aferição referente ao estudo de fundo, encorajando a equipe de pesquisa a prosseguir com maior segurança.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de casos suspeitos de uso inadequado de álcool durante a gestação entre mulheres atendidas na rede pública de saúde. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 537 parturientes selecionadas aleatoriamente em maternidades públicas do Rio de Janeiro entre março e outubro de 2000. Entrevistadoras adequadamente treinadas identificaram os casos suspeitos de uso inadequado de álcool utilizando os instrumentos Cut-down, Annoyed, Guilty e Eye-opener (CAGE), Tolerance Cut-down, Annoyed e Eye-opener (T-ACE) e Tolerance Worry Eye-opener Annoyed Cut-down (TWEAK). Na análise segundo variáveis socioeconômicas e demográficas utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: Cerca de 40% das mulheres relataram fazer uso de algum tipo de bebida alcoólica durante a gestação, sendo a cerveja a bebida mais consumida (83,9%). Dependendo do instrumento de identificação, estimou-se que entre 7,3% e 26,1% das mulheres eram casos suspeitos de uso inadequado de álcool. A suspeição de utilização inadequada foi mais comum entre as mulheres de idade mais avançada; de baixa escolaridade; que não se declararam brancas; que não viviam com companheiro; que relataram tabagismo e uso de drogas ilícitas por um dos membros do casal; e com pouco apoio social. CONCLUSÕES: A alta prevalência de suspeição de uso inadequado de álcool e sua superposição com diferentes fatores de risco para desfechos deletérios na gestação indicam um importante problema de saúde pública, merecendo ser rotineiramente rastreada durante o acompanhamento pé-natal.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a freqüência de ingestão alcoólica em vítimas de causas externas atendidas em hospital. MÉTODOS: Estudo realizado com vítimas atendidas em um hospital geral universitário em Uberlândia (MG), de fevereiro a agosto de 2004. A alcoolemia foi determinada em 85 pacientes no pronto-socorro e entrevistaram-se outros 301 internados nas enfermarias sobre possível ingestão alcoólica previamente ao trauma; em ambos os grupos foi aplicado o questionário Cut-down, Annoyed by criticism, Guilty and Eye-opener (CAGE). Para as comparações das freqüências foi utilizado o teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: A alcoolemia foi positiva em 31,8% dos pacientes testados, os quais mais freqüentemente necessitaram de internação (70,4% versus 37,9%; p<0,05). Proporcionalmente, alcoolemia positiva foi mais freqüente (p<0,05) entre as vítimas de agressão física (57,1%) do que as de queda (18,2%) ou de acidente de trânsito (29,3%). Nas enfermarias, 29,9% dos pacientes referiram ingestão alcoólica, proporcionalmente mais freqüente (p<0,01) entre as vítimas de agressão física (67,4%) do que entre as de acidente de trânsito (27,8%) ou queda (19,3%). Entre aqueles que ingeriram álcool, abordados no pronto-socorro e nas enfermarias, observou-se, respectivamente: que a maioria era homens (85,2% e 80,4%), a ocorrência de trauma foi maior (p<0,05) nos finais de semana (63% e 57,8%) e no período noturno (59,3% e 57,8%), e o questionário CAGE foi positivo em 81,5% e 82,2%. CONCLUSÕES: Cerca de um terço dos pacientes ingeriu bebidas alcoólicas previamente ao trauma e, entre eles, a maioria era homens. Proporcionalmente, a ingestão prévia de bebidas alcoólicas foi mais freqüente entre os pacientes vítimas de violência. Os resultados da aplicação do CAGE mostra que a maioria dos pacientes vítimas de causas externas após ingestão etílica não era alcoolista ocasional, e sim provável usuário crônico ou dependente de álcool.
Using an elevated plus maze apparatus and an activity cage, behavioral changes in Rattus norvegicus concomitantly infected by Toxocara canis and Toxoplasma gondii were studied, during a period of 120 days. Rats infected by Toxocara canis or Toxoplasma gondii showed significant behavioral changes; however, in the group coinfected by both parasites a behavioral pattern similar to that found in the group not infected was observed thirty days after infection, suggesting the occurrence of modulation in the behavioral response.
Melnick-Needles syndrome is an X-linked dominant bone dysplasia, lethal in males, characterized by a typical facies and characteristic radiological findings: including sclerosis of skull base and mastoids, S-shaped appearance of tibia; cortical irregularities with a ribbon appearance of the ribs. About 48 well-documented cases have been reported, most of them were sporadic. Parental transmission has been published in only 11 kindreds. We are presenting the first Brazilian family with mother-daughter transmission.The proposita presented the typical clinical and radiological features with characteristic facies, severe thoracic cage restriction and pulmonary hypertension. Her mother was more mildly affected.
OBJETIVO: Esse inquérito epidemiológico verificou a prevalência de alcoolismo e o uso de álcool nas famílias mais antigas e numerosas da população da ilha de Fernando de Noronha, estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, e tentou identificar o perfil sociodemográfico associado a este problema naquela região. MÉTODOS: A amostra representativa da população foi composta por 119 pessoas. O instrumento de investigação incluiu perguntas sobre os dados sociodemográficos da amostra e caracterização do consumo de álcool. Para avaliar a prevalência de alcoolismo, entre estes indivíduos, utilizou-se instrumento de rastreamento para distúrbios relacionados ao álcool - o CAGE -, levando-se em conta o ponto de corte de uma ou mais respostas positivas para definir alcoolistas. RESULTADOS: Observou-se prevalência de consumo global de álcool em 62,2% da amostra e de alcoolismo em 40,34%, sendo 50,9% para homens e 30,6% para mulheres. Homens, solteiros, separados e viúvos não praticantes da religião protestante apresentaram risco significativamente mais elevado de alcoolismo nessa região. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com estudos anteriores em outras populações e novas linhas de pesquisa são sugeridas.
Background: Abdominal obesity is an important cardiovascular risk factor. Therefore, identifying the best method for measuring waist circumference (WC) is a priority. Objective: To evaluate the eight methods of measuring WC in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) as a predictor of cardiovascular complications during hospitalization. Methods: Prospective study of patients with ACS. The measurement of WC was performed by eight known methods: midpoint between the last rib and the iliac crest (1), point of minimum circumference (2); immediately above the iliac crest (3), umbilicus (4), one inch above the umbilicus (5), one centimeter above the umbilicus (6), smallest rib and (7) the point of greatest circumference around the waist (8). Complications included: angina, arrhythmia, heart failure, cardiogenic shock, hypotension, pericarditis and death. Logistic regression tests were used for predictive factors. Results: A total of 55 patients were evaluated. During the hospitalization period, which corresponded on average to seven days, 37 (67%) patients had complications, with the exception of death, which was not observed in any of the cases. Of these complications, the only one that was associated with WC was angina, and with every cm of WC increase, the risk for angina increased from 7.5 to 9.9%, depending on the measurement site. It is noteworthy the fact that there was no difference between the different methods of measuring WC as a predictor of angina. Conclusion: The eight methods of measuring WC are also predictors of recurrent angina after acute coronary syndromes.
Young coffee plants (Coffea arabica L., var. Mundo Novo) were grown in nutrient solution purified from micronutrients contaminants by the method of MUNNS & JOHNSON (1960). All plants, except those in the control treatment, wer given all macronutrients and all micronutrients except one which was omitted in order to induce its shortage. Symptoms of deficiency were obtained for all known micronutrients but chlorine. Measurements, observations and chemical analysis of leaves allowed the following main conclusions to be drawn. 1. The relative influence of micronutrients in growth-measured by the fresh weight of the entire plant - was as follows: -Fe -Zn -Cu -Mo -Mn complete = -B = -CI. that is: the omission of iron from the nutrient solution caused the severest reduction in growth; lack of B and Cl had no effect. 2. Symptoms of deficiency of B, Fe, Mn, and Zn were found to be in good agreement with those in the literature. Effects of Cu and Mo shortage, however, had not been described so far: In the case of the Cu-deficient plants, the younger leaves were distorted, having an "S" shape, due probably to lack of growth of the veins; they lost their green color and developed rather large, necrotic patches near the margins. When molybdenum was omitted from the nutrient solution yellow spots develop near the margen of subterminal (fully mature) leaves; they became necrotic; there was a characteristic downward curling of the leaf blade along the mid rib so that the opposite edges touched each other underneath. 3. The levels of micronutrients found in normal and deficient leaves are given in Table 4. It is hoped that those values will serve as a basis of judgement of micronutrient contents found in leaves of field grown plants.
We studied the ecology and natural history of the globally threatened and poorly known Akodon lindberghi Hershkovitz, 1990 in Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra (PNSC) and Juiz de Fora (JF), southeastern Brazil. From November 1998 to September 2001 a total of 131 individuals were captured in wire-cage live-traps and 52 by pitfalls traps. They were all marked and released at the site. The largest abundances were registered during the dry season, and most of the captures occurred in open habitats. The mean body mass of the two populations was significantly different (18.1 g at PNSC versus 13.1 g at JF; H = 46.2678, g.l.=2, p<0.001). In PNSC, individuals were reproductively active from August to February, and juveniles were present from May to August. The results suggest that the changes in vegetation structure caused by deforestation and intensive agricultural activities could increase the predation rate, affecting the mean body mass of the population.
The present paper colligates the notions acquired in previous investigations, already published, and new observations upon diseases of the psittacidae, liable to be confused with psittacosis of parrots. The author calls attention to the indifference with regard to this question shown by investigators, even by those who dealt with the study of this disease on the occasion of the latest outbreak of psittacosis, in flagrant contrast with the researches upon the alterations induced by pathogenic agents of other diseases transmissible to man, when these agents pass through animals or when the latter are depositaries of the virus. This remark considerably enhances the importance of the presence paper from a hygienic and epidemiologic point of view, representing moreover a contribution to general knowledge and to veterinary medicine. The researches carried out since the appearance of the latest outbreak of psittacosis,-which occurred simultaneously with an epizooty in parrots lodged in aviary of the park of Agua Branca (Directory of Animal Industry of the State São Paulo)-led to the verification of the frequent existence in these animals of various diseases liable to be confused with psittacosis. These diseases are due to two kinds of pathogenic agents: virus and bacteria. In the first group there are to be found the diseases occasioned by the virus of human psittacosis, discovered by Western, Bedson and Simpson, and the disease me with in parrots coming from traders in S. Paulo. The infections by bacteria of the genus Salmonella and by those of other genera belong to the second group. As differential characters of the two infections due to virus, delineated on the strength of notions drawn from a detailed experimental study and from the literature on this subject, the following are given: ¹ Samples of our virus were sent, for comparison, to various investigators of psittacosis. Amongst them, Prof. M. Rivers acceded to our request; he found its nature to be different from that of the virus of psittacosis studiedby him. We are very much obliged to him for the attention he paid to this verification. Virus of psittacosis - Infectiousness: man, monkey, rabbit, mouse, hen, canary. Neurotropic affinity. Inclusions: small, protoplasmic. Exsiccation: the virus has good power of preservation. Symptoms: inactivity, drowsiness, frequent diarrhoea, oculo-nasal discharge and cough, coma. Duration: 4 to 5 days. Bodily lesions: congestion of intestines, splenomegaly. Virus of S. Paulo - Infects only psittacidae, particularly those of the genus Amazona. No localization in the nervous system. Large, nuclear. Is rapidly destroyed. Inactivity, inappetency, adynamia (drooping of the wings, indifference, leaning its beak against the bars of the cage in order not to fall down); profuse diarrhoea, of whitish stools, at times enterorrhagia; prolonged coma. 2 to 8 days. Foci of yellowish necrosis in liver, spleen and lung. At times, congestion of intestines. Characteristic features common to the two viruses.-They act in great dilutions, filter through tight candles though being partly retained, are preserved under glycerine or Bedson's solution, are stable at 55°C. heat and are destroyed by physical and chemical agents. Both virus diseases are very seldom met with in psittacidae: only once, amongst numberless sick parrots, the author met with a disease of the virus differring from that of psittacosis. This disease, greatly transmissible to man, ought to be more frequent, if it were common in parrots. On the contrary, bacteria cause diseases in these animals with great frequency, presenting variable characters, from a severe epizootic form, rapidly mortal, to ambulatory or silent forms, for the most part developing towards a cure or assuming a chronic character. Amongst the bacteria which cause the infection of this group the salmonellae predominate and amongst them the bacterium discovered by Nocard, as well as a species which in the course of this study is characterized under the name of Salmonella nocardi. The author believes that in the epizooty from which Nocard isolated his bacterium there was association of the virus-disease inducing the epizooty of that epoch in Paris with the bacterial disease, as must have happened in Argentina, where the disease was transmitted to man, and Santillan, according to Barros, isolated from the sick parrots bacteria of the genus Salmonella. The diseases of the two groups, that due to virus and that due to bacteria, are differentiated: Virus-diseases - Evolution: rapid, nearly always followed by death. Symptoms: sadness, profuse diarrhoea, of whitish stools, at times enterorrhagia, complete inappetency, adynamia, indifference, prolonged coma. Clinical forms: acute and subacute. Lesions: Foci of necrosis in liver and spleen without cellular reaction around the focus, yellow liver, multiple serositis. Presence of protoplasmic or nuclear granulations. Bacteriology: Complete lack or inconstant presence of bacteria in the organs and blood. Infectiousness of the organs and blood after filtration: positive. Bacterial diseases - Varies from one week to a month or more, not always fatal. Sadness, partial inappetency, tremblings, intensive thirst, mucous or mucosanguineous diarrhoea, lack of adynamia (reacts to stimulations and moves well at any time of the disease, though showing little disposition to locomotion), soiling of feathers. Frustrate, acute, subacute and chronic. Hepatic and intestinal cogestion, foci of necrosis in liver, spleen and lung with cellular reaction around the focus. Lack of granulations. Constant presence of bacteria in the organs and blood. Negative. The analysis of the litterature shows that the characteristic features of the diseases in parrots referred to parrot psittacosis, more frequently approach the bacterial diseases here described of these animals, a hypothesis which is reinforced by the observation of the greater frequency of infections...
The brazilian wild rabbit (Sylvilagus minensis) is sensible to the virus of the mixomatosis but the desease takes on it a mild character, lasts for long time and generally do not kill the animal. The tumors are generally smaller and less numerous than those of the domestic rabbit, but sometimes there were noted large and flat lesions (fig. 3). The natural infection of the wild rabbit may be quite common not only because many rabbits caught in the country were found to be immune as also because it was found among the animals caught in the country near Rio, one that was infected with mixomatosis. The experimental infection of the Sylvilagus may be easily obtained by cutan, subcutan or conjuntival way and also when a health wild rabbit is placed in the same cage with a sick domestic animal. It is also possible to obtain the infection of the wild and domestic rabbits by the bite of infected blood sucking insects as fleas and mosquitoes. The infected mosquito can transmit the disease 2 or 3 times til 17 days after an infective meal on a sick rabbit. The transmission is a mecanical one and only the proboscis of the insect contains the virus as it was shown by the inoculation of emulsions of the proboscis, thorax and abdomen of the mosquito. Though mecanical this kind of transmission acts as an important epidemiological mean of dissemination of the deseasse and splains the suddendly outbreaks of mixomatosis in rabbits breedings where no new rabbits were introduced since very long time. The transmition of mixomatosis by fleas (Slenopsylla) was at first demonstrated by us, then S. Torres pointed out the capacity of Culex fatigans to transmit the desease and now we have proved that Aedes scapularis and Aedes aegypti were also able to transmit it (Foto 1 and 2). The virus of the mixomatosis (Chlamidozoon mixoma) is seen on the smeavs of the tumors of the wild reabbit with the same morphology, as in the material of the domestic animal.
Deltamethrin-impregnated PVC dog collars were tested to assess if they were effective in protecting dogs from sand fly bites of Lutzomyia longipalpis and Lu. migonei. A protective effect against Old World species Phlebotomus perniciosus was demonstrated before. Four dogs wearing deltamethrin collars and three dogs wearing untreated collars (not impregnated with deltamethrin) were kept in separate kennels for over eight months in a village on the outskirts of Fortaleza in Ceará, Brazil. Periodically, a dog from each group was sedated, placed in a net cage for 2 h in which 150 female sand flies had been released 10-15 min before. Lu. longipalpis were used 4, 8, 12, 16, 22, 27, and 35 weeks after the attachment of the collars. Lu. migonei were used 3, 7, 11, 15, 22, 26, and 36 weeks after attachment. During 35 weeks, only 4.1% (81 of 2,022) Lu. longipalpis recovered from the nets with the deltamethrin collared dogs were engorged, an anti-feeding effect of 96%. Mortality initially was over 90% and at 35 weeks was 35% with half of the sand flies dying in the first 2 h. In contrast, 83% of the 2,094 Lu. longipalpis recovered from the nets containing the untreated collared dogs were engorged and the mortality ranged from zero to 18.8% on one occasion with 1.1% dying in the first 2 h. Similar findings were found with Lu. migonei: of 2,034 sand flies recovered over this period, only 70 were engorged, an anti-feeding effect of 96.5%, and mortality ranged from 91% initially to 46% at 36 weeks. In contrast, engorgement of controls ranged from 91 to71% and a mortality ranged from 3.5 to 29.8%. These studies show that deltamethrin impregnated collars can protect dogs against Brazilian sand flies for up to eight months. Thus, they should be useful in a program to control human and canine visceral leishmaniasis.
Two Aedes aegypti (L.) populations were studied in the laboratory regarding the preference for three types of breeding sites, i.e., flasks containing only water, flasks with a plant and flasks with a stick. Each of these breeding units was placed in one cage and the choice of the oviposition sites was determined for individual females and three females per experimental unit at two humidity levels. Preference for ovipositing on the water surface was observed and varied according to experimental unit and humidity. Mean hatching of eggs in water surface was 46.6%. Experiments with three females showed a more marked difference than when only one female was used. Inter and intrapopulation variability regarding oviposition sites was observed. The discrimination between the different oviposition substrates, hatching in water surface and its implication for mosquito control are discussed.