301 resultados para recentes
A apneia obstrutiva do sono (AOS) é uma condição clínica comum na população em geral, principalmente entre os pacientes portadores de doenças cardiovasculares. Mais do que um fenômeno local de obstrução das vias aéreas superiores, a AOS traz repercussões sistêmicas que podem incluir a hipóxia intermitente, a redução abrupta da pressão intratorácica e a ocorrência de microdespertares com fragmentação do sono. Nas últimas décadas, inúmeras evidências apontam de forma consistente a AOS como um importante fator envolvido na ocorrência de doenças cardiovasculares. Particularmente, a relação entre a AOS e a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) é a que encontra um maior conjunto de evidências. Atualmente, encontram-se dados que consideram a AOS uma importante causa secundária de HAS. Mais do que isso, a AOS está independentemente associada a um pior controle pressórico, alteração do descenso noturno da pressão arterial e à presença de lesões de órgãos-alvo, tais como a hipertrofia do ventrículo esquerdo e a microalbuminúria. Estudos randomizados sugerem que o tratamento da AOS, especialmente com a pressão positiva contínua de vias aéreas superiores (CPAP), considerado o tratamento padrão para a AOS, promove redução significante da pressão arterial nas 24 horas, efeito esse mais significante no subgrupo de pacientes com HAS não controlada e nos pacientes com HAS resistente. A despeito de todas essas evidências, a AOS ainda continua sendo subdiagnosticada. O objetivo desta revisão é discutir os recentes avanços nos mecanismos fisiopatológicos, na apresentação clínica e no tratamento da AOS, e o benefício sobre a pressão arterial.
Entre 2009 e 2010, a Clinics publicou um número relativamente grande de estudos originais, que tratam do sistema cardiovascular e pulmonar. Vinte desses estudos têm atraído um número significativo de citações dentro deste intervalo de tempo relativamente curto. Esta revisão aborda esses aspectos de pesquisas recentes com interesse direto para os cardiologistas. Os artigos foram agrupados em três categorias: Cardiologia, Pneumologia e Assuntos Multidisciplinares.
Várias experiências de combate à "saúva limão" Atta sexdens rubropitosa Forel, 1908, a saúva mais prejudicial à agricultura de várias regiões do Estado de São Paulo, são descritas. Nas 8 experiências, aqui descritas, foram empregadas as seguintes substâncias químicas: I - Diazinom em pó; II - Sevin em pó; III - Clordane líquido; IV - Heptacloro líquido; V - Clordane e Diazinom líquidos; VI - Hepcloro + Frumin AL; VII - Heptacloro líquido; VIII - Clordane em pó.
Os autores depois de apresentarem alguns métodos recentemente descritos para a coloração de protozoários intestinais em tecidos, apresentam dois métodos que pela simplicidade e rapidez que apresentam, são sem dúvida superiores a todos anteriormente utilizados.
The hydroformylation reaction represents one of the most important C1-chemistry area in the chemical industry. This catalytic process, which has been developed up to now mainly to the production of commodities chemicals, has shown a remarkable potential for the preparation of several categories of specialty chemicals and in particular pharmaceutical compounds. Arylpropanoic acids, various amines containing aryl groups, and intermediates for the preparation of vitamins, carbocyclic and heterocyclic compounds and many other classes of organic molecules endowed with pharmacological activity are currently accessible in good-to-high yields through hydroformylation of selected olefinic substrates. The asymmetric hydroformylation is going to reach the stage of maturity and hence to contribute in solving many troublesome synthetic problems connected with the preparation of pharmacologically active compounds with very high enantiomeric purity. The present survey emphasizes the usefulness of synthesis gas as a starting material in fine chemistry, which is expected to be important for industry.
The work here presented was based on 4th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Biotransformations "BIOTRANS '99" held in Giardini - Naxos, Italy, from september 26 to October 1, 1999. Some of the lectures presented during the congress will be comented which exemplifies the technological inovations and the actual tendencies in the area of biocatalysis.
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a clinical procedure, which utilize a photosensitive compound and light. This is a new modality of treatment for cancer, aged related macular degenerescence (AMD), psoriasis, arthritis, arterial restenosis, etc which exhibits efficiency, less traumatic effects, low recovery time and few co-lateral effects. The first officially approved drug for PDT by the Food and Drug Administration (EUA) is Photofrinâ, which is applied for cancer. A new generation drug for PDT, Visudyneâ was recently approved to treat AMD; its photoactive compound is BPDMA, a benzoporphyrin mono-acid derivative (chlorin-type molecule). A concise history, technical information and some drugs for PDT are reported.
This paper describes the recent progress in the development of polymeric membranes for ion-selective electrodes. The importance of knowing the mechanism of potential development in membranes for ion-selective electrodes to reach lower detection limits and improve selectivity are discussed. Recent advances and future trends of research on ion-selective electrodes are also reported.
This article surveys a selection of the most recent advances in aziridine synthesis. Novel synthetic methods and new insights into existing methodologies for the selective construction of the title compounds reported in the past decade are discussed in terms of synthetic applicability and environmentally benign conditions. Mechanisms involving stereoselective preparation of structurally diverse aziridines are also presented in order to highlight the most important issues associated with the synthesis of these versatile building blocks.
Enaminones are beta-enamino carbonylic compounds bearing the conjugated system N-C=C-C=O, which makes them versatile ambident synthetic building blocks, particularly in synthesis of heterocycles. This review covers the last three years of the literature concerning the preparation and synthetic applications of enaminones.
The development of new tools for chemoinformatics, allied to the use of different algorithms and computer programmes for structure elucidation of organic compounds, is growing fast worldwide. Massive efforts in research and development are currently being pursued both by academia and the so-called chemistry software development companies. The demystification of this environment provoked by the availability of software packages and a vast array of publications exert a positive impact on chemistry. In this work, an overview concerning the more classical approaches as well as new strategies on computer-based tools for structure elucidation of organic compounds is presented. Historical background is also taken into account since these techniques began to develop around four decades ago. Attention will be paid to companies which develop, distribute or commercialize software as well as web-based and open access tools which are currently available to chemists.
Cyclodextrins (CDs) are cyclic oligosaccharides comprised of six or more glucose units connected by alpha-1,4 bonds. They have hydrophobic cavities with a hydrophilic exterior, and are versatile receptors for a variety of substrates. This ability allows them to be applied in many fields, as distinct as supramolecular chemistry, nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals, green chemistry, agrochemicals, analytical chemistry, toiletries, foods, and cosmetics. This review summarizes several aspects related to the physico-chemical properties of CDs and discusses their potential applications illustrated by recent examples. The prospects for their use in several areas are also described.
The development of new antiretroviral drugs is a dynamic process that is continuously fueled by identification of new molecular targets and new compounds for know targets. The current available drugs can be classified into five categories: nucleoside analogues reverse transcriptase inhibitors, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, protease inhibitors, integrase inhibitors and entry inhibitors (fusion inhibitors and CCR5 antagonist). In addition, the maturation inhibitors may be considered as potential target for chemotherapeutic intervention. This review presents some anti-HIV agents that have already gone through the advance development process for final approval for the treatment of AIDS.