101 resultados para persistent ductus arteriosus
OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to evaluate the role of high resolution computed tomography of the torax in detecting abnormalities in chronic asthmatic patients and to determine the behavior of these lesions after at least one year. METHOD: Fourteen persistent asthmatic patients with a mean forced expiratory volume in 1-second that was 63% of predicted and a mean forced expiratory volume in 1-second /forced vital capacity of 60% had two high resolution computed tomographys separated by an interval of at least one year. RESULTS: All 14 patients had abnormalities on both scans. The most common abnormality was bronchial wall thickening, which was present in all patients on both computed tomographys. Bronchiectasis was suggested on the first computed tomography in 5 of the 14 (36%) patients, but on follow-up, the bronchial dilatation had disappeared in 2 and diminished in a third. Only one patient had any emphysematous changes; a minimal persistent area of paraseptal emphysema was present on both scans. In 3 patients, a "mosaic" appearance was observed on the first scan, and this persisted on the follow-up computed tomography. Two patients had persistent areas of mucoid impaction. In a third patient, mucus plugging was detected only on the second computed tomography. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that there are many abnormalities on the high resolution computed tomography of patients with persistent asthma. Changes suggestive of bronchiectasis, namely bronchial dilatation, frequently resolve spontaneously. Therefore, the diagnosis of bronchiectasis by high resolution computed tomography in asthmatic patients must be made with caution, since bronchial dilatation can be reversible or can represent false dilatation. Nonsmoking chronic asthmatic subjects in this study had no evidence of centrilobular or panacinar emphysema.
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the use of methotrexate for the treatment of recurrent rejection in heart transplant recipients. METHODS: We studied 6 patients submitted to heart transplantation that showed rejection grade > or = 3A (ISHLT) in two consecutives endomyocardial biopsy specimens. The dose was 11.26±3.75mg/week. The evaluated data were: ventricular function, endomyocardial biopsy, white cell count and number of rejection episodes before and after methotrexate administration. RESULTS: There was a reduction in the number of rejection episodes (5.17±1.47 before methotrexate; 2.33±1.75 after 6 months and 3.17±2.99 after 12 months of treatment, p=0.0193). The ventricular function was normal with ejection fraction of 76.5±4.80 before and 75.6±4.59 after methotrexate (p=0.4859). One patient did not finish the treatment because he showed signs of rejection associated with severe pericardial effusion. Five patients had a reduction in the white cell count (8,108±23.72 before and 5650±1350 after methotrexate, p=0.0961). One pulmonary infection with complete resolution after antibiotic treatment was observed. CONCLUSION: Methotrexate in low doses is an effective adjunct therapy in the treatment of recurrent rejection after heart transplantation.
Descrevemos um caso de adulto de 28 anos com suspeita de cardiopatia congênita desde o nascimento, não tratada na infância por opção da família. Aos 27 anos, foi feito diagnóstico de atresia pulmonar com comunicação interventricular e colaterais sistêmico-pulmonares, sendo contraindicada a cirurgia. Uma nova reavaliação em nosso serviço demonstrou tratar-se de um truncus arteriosus atípico. O fato de um tronco arterial comum com shunt esquerda-direita ter sido visualizado ao ecocardiograma foi um dado crucial para a indicação de novo cateterismo, abrindo perspectiva de correção cirúrgica. No momento, o paciente encontra-se bem, com 7 anos de evolução pós-operatória.
Here we review the phenomenon of persistency in Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis infections. In other Leishmania species where appropriate animal models exist, considerable advances in the understanding of basic immunologic mechanisms of persistency have been made; for a review see Aebisher (1994). On the contrary, the evidences of persistence in infections with L. braziliensis rest on studies of human clinical cases many of which we summarized and discussed in this work
We summarize here the main characteristics of a novel model of pulmonary hypersensitivity. Mice were immunized with a subcutaneous implant of a fragment of heat solidified chicken egg white and 14 days later challenged with ovalbumin given either by aerosol or by intratracheal instillation. This procedure induces a persistent eosinophilic lung inflammation, a marked bone marrow eosinophilia, and Th2-type isotypic profile with histopathological findings that resemble human asthma. Further, this model is simple to perform, reproducible in different strains of mice, does not require adjuvants nor multiple boosters. Based on these characteristics we propose it as a suitable murine model of allergic eosinophilic lung inflammation.
Leprosy inflammatory episodes [type 1 (T1R) and type 2 (T2R) reactions] represent the major cause of irreversible nerve damage. Leprosy serology is known to be influenced by the patient’s bacterial index (BI) with higher positivity in multibacillary patients (MB) and specific multidrug therapy (MDT) reduces antibody production. This study evaluated by ELISA antibody responses to leprosy Infectious Disease Research Institute diagnostic-1 (LID-1) fusion protein and phenolic glycolipid I (PGL-I) in 100 paired serum samples of 50 MB patients collected in the presence/absence of reactions and in nonreactional patients before/after MDT. Patients who presented T2R had a median BI of 3+, while MB patients with T1R and nonreactional patients had median BI of 2.5+ (p > 0.05). Anti-LID-1 and anti-PGL-I antibodies declined in patients diagnosed during T1R (p < 0.05). Anti-LID-1 levels waned in MB with T2R at diagnosis and nonreactional MB patients (p < 0.05). Higher anti-LID-1 levels were seen in patients with T2R at diagnosis (vs. patients with T1R at diagnosis, p = 0.008; vs. nonreactional patients, p = 0.020) and in patients with T2R during MDT (vs. nonreactional MB, p = 0.020). In MB patients, high and persistent anti-LID-1 antibody levels might be a useful tool for clinicians to predict which patients are more susceptible to develop leprosy T2R.
Sediment contamination is evaluated by determining organic micropollutants (organochlorine compounds - OCs and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - PAHs) in two important Brazilian water reservoirs. Trace levels of OCs were observed in the Santana reservoir (44.8 ng g-1 d.w. of p,p'-DDT), while in the Funil reservoir the levels were below detection level. Forty-eight percent of the found sigmaocs were polychlorinated biphenyls, 29% dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), 18% Drins, and 5% other pesticides (HCB, Heptachlor, Heptachlor-epoxide, gamma-HCH and a-Endosulfan). We observed lower levels of sigmaPAH in the Funil reservoir (1 to 275 ng g-1d.w.) than in the Santana reservoir (2.2 to 26.7 µg g-1 d.w.).
Pregnant cows infected with noncytopathic (NCP) isolates of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) between days 40 and 120 days of gestation frequently deliver immunotolerant, persistently infected (PI) calves. We herein report the characterization of PI calves produced experimentally through inoculation of pregnant cows with a pool of Brazilian BVDV-1 (n=2) and BVDV-2 isolates (n=2) between days 60 and 90 of gestation. Two calves were born virus positive, lacked BVDV antibodies, but died 7 and 15 days after birth, respectively. Six other calves were born healthy, seronegative to BVDV, harbored and shed virus in secretions for up to 210 days. Analysis of the antigenic profile of viruses infecting these calves at birth and 30 days later with a panel of monoclonal antibodies indicated two patterns of infection. Whereas three calves apparently harbored only one isolate (either a BVDV-1 or BVDV-2), co-infection by two antigenically distinct challenge viruses was demonstrated in three PI calves. Moreover, testing the viruses obtained from the blood of PI calves by an RT-PCR able to differentiate between BVDV-1 and BVDV-2 confirmed the presence/persistence of two co-infecting viruses of different genotypes (BVDV-1 and BVDV-2) in these animals. These findings indicate that persistent infection of fetuses/calves - a well characterized consequence of fetal infection by BVDV - may be established concomitantly by more than one isolate, upon experimental inoculation. In this sense, mixed persistent infections with antigenically distinct isolates may help in understanding the immunological and molecular basis of BVDV immunotolerance and persistence.
Responses evoked in the earthworm, Amynthas hawayanus, main muscle contraction generator M-2 (postsynaptic mechanical-stimulus-sensitive) neuron by threshold mechanical stimuli in 2-s intertrial intervals (ITI) were used as the control or unconditioned responses (UR). Their attenuation induced by decreasing these intervals in non-associative conditioning and their enhancement induced by associating the unconditioned stimuli (US) to a train of short (0.1 s) hyperpolarizing electrical substitutive conditioning stimuli (SCS) in the Peri-Kästchen (PK) neuron were measured in four parameters, i.e., peak numbers (N) and amplitude ()averaged from 120 responses, sum of these amplitudes (SAMP) and the highest peak amplitude (V) over a period of 4 min. Persistent attenuation similar to habituation was induced by decreasing the control ITI to 0.5 s and 2.0 s in non-associative conditioning within less than 4 min. Dishabituation was induced by randomly pairing one of these habituated US to an electrical stimulus in the PK neuron. All four parameters of the UR were enhanced by forward (SCS-US), but not backward (US-SCS), association of the US with 25, 100 and 250-Hz trains of SCS with 40-ms interstimulus intervals (ISI) for 4 min and persisted for another 4 min after turning off the SCS. The enhancement of these parameters was proportional to the SCS frequencies in the train. No UR was evoked by the SCS when the US was turned off after 4 min of classical conditioning.
We describe the ultrastructural abnormalities of the small bowel surface in 16 infants with persistent diarrhea. The age range of the patients was 2 to 10 months, mean 4.8 months. All patients had diarrhea lasting 14 or more days. Bacterial overgrowth of the colonic microflora in the jejunal secretion, at concentrations above 10(4) colonies/ml, was present in 11 (68.7%) patients. The stool culture was positive for an enteropathogenic agent in 8 (50.0%) patients: for EPEC O111 in 2, EPEC O119 in 1, EAEC in 1, and Shigella flexneri in 1; mixed infections due to EPEC O111 and EAEC in 1 patient, EPEC O119 and EAEC in 1 and EPEC O55, EPEC O111, EAEC and Shigella sonnei in 1. Morphological abnormalities in the small bowel mucosa were observed in all 16 patients, varying in intensity from moderate 9 (56.3%) to severe 7 (43.7%). The scanning electron microscopic study of small bowel biopsies from these subjects showed several surface abnormalities. At low magnification (100X) most of the villi showed mild to moderate stunting, but on several occasions there was subtotal villus atrophy. At higher magnification (7,500X) photomicrographs showed derangement of the enterocytes; on several occasions the cell borders were not clearly defined and very often microvilli were decreased in number and height; in some areas there was a total disappearance of the microvilli. In half of the patients a mucus-fibrinoid pseudomembrane was seen partially coating the enterocytes, a finding that provides additional information on the pathophysiology of persistent diarrhea.
Trials have demonstrated that high-dose escalation followed by autologous transplantation can promote better long-term survival as salvage treatment in malignant lymphomas. The aim of the present nonrandomized clinical trial was to demonstrate the role of high-dose cyclophosphamide (HDCY) in reducing tumor burden and also to determine the effectiveness of HDCY followed by etoposide (VP-16) and methotrexate (MTX) in Hodgkin's disease plus high-dose therapy with peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) transplantation as salvage treatment. From 1998 to 2000, 33 patients with a median age of 33 years (13-65) affected by aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) (60.6%) or persistent or relapsed Hodgkin's disease (39.4%) were enrolled and treated using high dose escalation (HDCY + HDVP-16 plus HDMTX in Hodgkin's disease) followed by autologous PBPC transplantation. On an "intention to treat" basis, 33 patients with malignant lymphomas were evaluated. The overall median follow-up was 400 days (40-1233). Thirty-one patients underwent autografting and received a median of 6.19 x 10(6)/kg (1.07-29.3) CD34+ cells. Patients who were chemosensitive to HDCY (N = 22) and patients who were chemoresistant (N = 11) presented an overall survival of 96 and 15%, respectively (P<0.0001). Overall survival was 92% for chemosensitive patients and 0% for patients who were still chemoresistant before transplantation (P<0.0001). Toxicity-related mortality was 12% (four patients), related to HDCY in two cases and to transplant in the other two. HDCY + HDVP-16 plus HDMTX in only Hodgkin's disease followed by autologous PBPC proved to be effective and safe as salvage treatment for chemosensitive patients affected by aggressive NHL and Hodgkin's disease, with acceptable mortality rates related to sequential treatment.
Asthma is an inflammatory condition characterized by the involvement of several mediators, including reactive oxygen species. The aim of the present study was to investigate the superoxide release and cellular glutathione peroxidase (cGPx) activity in peripheral blood granulocytes and monocytes from children and adolescents with atopic asthma. Forty-four patients were selected and classified as having intermittent or persistent asthma (mild, moderate or severe). The spontaneous or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA, 30 nM)-induced superoxide release by granulocytes and monocytes was determined at 0, 5, 15, and 25 min. cGPx activity was assayed spectrophotometrically. The spontaneous superoxide release by granulocytes from patients with mild (N = 15), moderate (N = 12) or severe (N = 6) asthma was higher at 25 min compared to healthy individuals (N = 28, P < 0.05, Duncan test). The PMA-induced superoxide release by granulocytes from patients with moderate (N = 12) or severe (N = 6) asthma was higher at 15 and 25 min compared to healthy individuals (N = 28, P < 0.05 in both times of incubation, Duncan test). The spontaneous or PMA-induced superoxide release by monocytes from asthmatic patients was similar to healthy individuals (P > 0.05 in all times of incubation, Duncan test). cGPx activity of granulocytes and monocytes from patients with persistent asthma (N = 20) was also similar to healthy individuals (N = 10, P > 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test). We conclude that, under specific circumstances, granulocytes from children with persistent asthma present a higher respiratory burst activity compared to healthy individuals. These findings indicate a risk of oxidative stress, phagocyte auto-oxidation, and the subsequent release of intracellular toxic oxidants and enzymes, leading to additional inflammation and lung damage in asthmatic children.
We evaluated the recovery of cardiovascular function after transient cardiogenic shock. Cardiac tamponade was performed for 1 h and post-shock data were collected in 5 domestic large white female pigs (43 ± 5 kg) for 6 h. The control group (N = 5) was observed for 6 h after 1 h of resting. During 1 h of cardiac tamponade, experimental animals evolved a low perfusion status with a higher lactate level (8.0 ± 2.2 vs 1.9 ± 0.9 mEq/L), lower standard base excess (-7.3 ± 3.3 vs 2.0 ± 0.9 mEq/L), lower urinary output (0.9 ± 0.9 vs 3.0 ± 1.4 mL·kg-1·h-1), lower mixed venous saturation, higher ileum partial pressure of CO2-end tidal CO2 (EtCO2) gap and a lower cardiac index than the control group. Throughout the 6-h recovery phase after cardiac tamponade, tamponade animals developed significant tachycardia with preserved cardiac index, resulting in a lower left ventricular stroke work, suggesting possible myocardial dysfunction. Vascular dysfunction was present with persistent systemic hypotension as well as persistent pulmonary hypertension. In contrast, oliguria, hyperlactatemia and metabolic acidosis were corrected by the 6th hour. The inflammatory characteristics were an elevated core temperature and increased plasma levels of interleukin-6 in the tamponade group compared to the control group. We conclude that cardiovascular recovery after a transient and severe low flow systemic state was incomplete. Vascular dysfunction persisted up to 6 h after release of tamponade. These inflammatory characteristics may also indicate that inflammatory activation is a possible pathway involved in the pathogenesis of cardiogenic shock.
ABSTRACT Based on the assumption that earnings persistence has implications for both financial analysis and compensation contracts, the aim of this paper is to investigate the role of earnings persistence assuming that (i) more persistent earnings are likely to be a better input to valuation models and (ii) more persistent earnings are likely to serve as a proxy for long-term market and managerial orientation. The analysis is based on Brazilian listed firms from 1995 to 2013, and while we document strong support for the relevance of earnings persistence in financial analysis and valuation, we fail to document a significant relationship between earnings persistence and long-term value orientation. These results are sensitive to different specifications, and additional results suggest that firms' idiosyncratic risk (total risk) is relevant to explain the focus on short-term outcomes (short-termism) across firms. The main contribution of this paper is to offer empirical evidence for the relevance of accounting numbers in both valuation and contractual theories in an emergent market.