50 resultados para nursery
Adequate nutrient levels in plants vary according to the species or clone, age and management practice. Therefore, adjustments of the nutrient solution are often necessary according to the plant material for multiplication. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of NPK fertilization on production and leaf nutrient contents of eucalyptus cuttings in nutrient solution. The study was conducted from November 2008 to January 2009 in a greenhouse. The experimental design was completely randomized fractional factorial (4 x 4 x 4)½, with a total of 32 treatments with three replications. The treatments consisted of four doses of N (50, 100, 200 and 400 mg L-1) as urea, P (7.5, 15, 30 and 60 mg L-1) in the form of phosphoric acid and K (50, 100, 200 and 400 mg L-1) in the form of potassium chloride in the nutrient solution. Only the effect of N alone was significant for the number and dry weight of minicuttings per ministump, with a linear decreasing effect with increasing N levels. The highest number of cuttings was obtained at a dose of 50, 7.5 and 50 mg L-1 of N, P and K, respectively.
Inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) of tree seedlings in the nursery is a biotechnological strategy to improve growth, survival after transplanting, biomass production and to reduce the use of fertilizers. Archontophoenix alexandrae and Euterpe edulis are palm species used in southern Brazil to produce the palm heart, the latter being included in the list of threatened species due to the overexploitation of its native population. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on growth and physiological parameters of A. alexandrae and E. edulis. After germination, the seedlings were inoculated (AMF) or not (CTL) with AMF in the treatments. Values of chlorophyll content, biomass and shoot phosphorus were not statistically different between the AMF and CTL treatments, after five months in the greenhouse. Inoculation with AMF significantly increased the levels of starch and soluble carbohydrates in shoots and roots of both species. Under field conditions, AMF had no effect on stem diameter and height after 12 and 24 months, but total plant biomass and leaf, stem and root biomass were greater in AMF than in CTL plants. The data indicated that AMF inoculation in the nursery has a strong effect on biomass accumulation after growing for 24 months under field conditions. Therefore, AMF inoculation should be considered an important strategy to increase growth and production of these economically important tropical palm species.
ABSTRACT Ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) may improve the adaptation of eucalypts saplings to field conditions and allow more efficient fertilizer use. The effectiveness of EMF inoculum application in promoting fungal colonization, plant growth, nutrient uptake, and the quality of rooted cuttings was evaluated forEucalyptus urophylla under commercial nursery conditions. For inoculated treatments, fertilization of the sapling substrate was reduced by 50 %. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in a 4 × 4 factorial arrangement, wherein the factors were inoculum application rates of 0 (control), 5, 10, and 15 gel beads of calcium alginate containing the vegetative mycelium of Amanita muscaria, Elaphomyces antracinus, Pisolithus microcarpus, andScleroderma areolatum, plus a non-inoculated treatment without fertilization reduction in the substrate (commercial). Ectomycorrhizal fungi increased plant growth and fungal colonization as well as N and K uptake evenly. The best plant growth and fungal colonization were observed for the highest application rate. The greatest growth and fungal colonization and contents of P, N, and K were observed at the 10-bead rate. Plant inoculation with Amanita muscaria, Elaphomyces anthracinus, and Scleroderma areolatum increased P concentrations and contents in a differential manner. The Dickson Quality Index was not affected by the type of fungi or by inoculum application rates. Eucalypt rooted cuttings inoculated with ectomycorrhizal fungi and under half the amount of commercial fertilization had P, N, and K concentrations and contents greater than or equal to those of commercial plants and have high enough quality to be transplanted after 90 days.
The degree of blast resistance of upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar Araguaia has decreased over time causing significant yield losses. The major objective of this study was to obtain blast (Pyricularia grisea) resistant somaclones, adapting greenhouse and field selection procedures. Rice blast resistance and agronomic traits were assessed in R2 to R6 generations derived from regenerant plants (R1) from immature panicles of Araguaia. The evaluation and selection procedures include testing of early segregating populations and fixed lines in the advanced generations, under natural field conditions, and artificial inoculations in the greenhouse, with prevalent races IB-1 and IB-9 of P. grisea. Somaclones with both vertical resistance and slow blasting resistance were obtained. Twenty of 31 somaclones developed with a high degree of vertical resistance and fan shaped plant type maintained resistance in field and blast nursery tests in the R6 generation. Greenhouse selection with two specific physiologic races yielded 44 somaclones with slow blasting resistance, similar plant type and yield potential as that of Araguaia.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of ectomycorrhizal isolates on root colonization, phosphorus uptake and growth of Eucalyptus dunnii seedlings. Inocula of ten ectomycorrhizal isolates of Chondrogaster angustisporus, Hysterangium gardneri, Pisolithus spp., and Scleroderma spp. were aseptically produced in a peat-vermiculite mixture supplemented with liquid culture medium. Plants grew in a similar substrate supplemented with macro-and micro-nutrients; treatments were randomly distributed in a greenhouse. After three months, seedlings inoculated with three isolates - UFSC-Sc68 (Scleroderma sp.), UFSC-Ch163 (Chondrogaster angustisporus), and UFSC-Pt188 (Pisolithus microcarpus) - had a phosphorus shoot content and a shoot dry matter higher or equivalent to those of noninoculated controls which had been fertilized with a 16-fold phosphorus amount. These isolates were selected for new studies for establishing inoculum production techniques, in order to be applied in reforestation programmes under nursery and field conditions.
The objective of this work was to test a closed soilless growing system for producing bare root transplants and runner tips of two strawberry clones, using two categories of substrates. The system used corrugated roofing panels of fiber-cement, over which a substrate layer was used as a growing bed. The nutrient solution was pumped from a reservoir toward the upper end of the roofing panels and drained back to a reservoir. Plant growth and development were determined for two advanced strawberry clones, grown in sand or in Plantmax organic substrate. Growth of the stock plants and the number and dry mass of bare root transplants were similar in the substrates, but bare roots differed in their crown diameters by substrate. For number of runner tips, no significant differences were found in total, small, and medium categories in the substrates. A mean production of about 590 runner tips per square meter and 145 bare root transplants per square meter was obtained. For both clones, a large number of bare root transplants and runner tips of adequate size were produced in the closed soilless growing system using sand or organic substrate.
The objective of this work was to characterize the grape germplasm in Santa Catarina, Brazil, using microsatellite DNA markers (simple sequence repeats - SSR). The DNA samples were collected from leaves and shoots of accessions of public and private collections from the counties Urussanga, Nova Trento, Rodeio, São Joaquim, Campos Novos, Videira, and Água Doce. Ten SSR loci (VVS2, VVMD5, VVMD7, VVMD27, VrZAG62, VrZAG79, VVMD25, VVMD28, VVMD31, and VVMD32) were analysed by capillary electrophoresis. Molecular profiling was conducted for 190 grapevines (European, American, and hybrids), and 67 genotypes were obtained. The data were compared with each other and with those from the literature and from online databases, in order to identify varieties and discover cases of synonymy and homonymy. Forty molecular profiles corresponded to known varieties, while 27 genotypes were described for the first time. The existence of typical germplasm composed mainly of American and hybrid varieties is an important finding for local viticulture. Applications of the results rely on quality control and certification at the nursery level. Increasing precision in the characterization of grapevine genotypes may help breeding programs.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of cell sizes used for strawberry plug production in trays compared to bare root transplants, regarding initial plant size, harvest timing, and total strawberry fruit yield. Plug transplants were produced from runner tips rooted in trays with cell sizes of 26.5, 50, 100 and 150 cm³ filled with Plantmax HA organic substrate. Bare root transplants (control) were produced in a closed soilless system using sand as substrate. A randomized block design was used, with four replicates with 16 plants per plot. Bare root transplants and plug transplants from 100-cm³ cells had larger crown and higher leaf and root dry mass. Early fruit yield was higher in plants propagated from plugs than in those propagated from bare root transplants. Spring and total fruit yield did not differ among treatments, with an average yield of 435 and 874 g per plant, respectively. Earlier strawberry fruit yield was obtained by using plug transplants, even from trays with small cells of 26.5 or 50 cm³.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the adaptation of anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum) cultivars as cut flowers in a subtropical area, located in north of Paraná State, Brazil. The Apalai, Ianomami, Kinã, nK 102, Parakanã, Rubi, and Terena cultivars were cultivated in a nursery under 80% shade. The number of leaves and inflorescences, floral stem length, length and width of inflorescences, and spadix length were evaluated. The experimental design was in completely randomized blocks, with six replicates and five plants per plot. During the 18 months evaluated, 'Parakanã' produced 11 inflorescences per plant, whereas the other cultivars produced seven to nine inflorescences per plant. The number of leaves produced per plant was: 'Ianomami', 25; 'Parakanã', 20; 'Apalai' and 'Terena', 15; 'Kinã' and 'Rubi', 11; and 'nK 102', 9. The Apalai, nK 102, Parakanã, and Rubi cultivars are the most recommended as cut flowers; the Ianomami cultivar is not recommended as a cut flower in this region.
The objective of this work was to select surviving breeders of Litopenaeus vannamei from white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) outbreak, adapted to local climatic conditions and negatively diagnosed for WSSV and infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV), and to evaluate if this strategy is a viable alternative for production in Santa Catarina, Brazil. A total of 800 males and 800 females were phenotypically selected in a farm pond. Nested-PCR analyses of 487 sexually mature females and 231 sexually mature males showed that 63% of the females and 55% of the males were infected with IHHNV. Animals free of IHHNV were tested for WSSV, and those considered double negative were used for breeding. The post-larvae produced were stocked in nine nursery tanks for analysis. From the 45 samples, with 50 post-larvae each, only two were positive for IHHNV and none for WSSV. Batches of larvae diagnosed free of virus by nested-PCR were sent to six farms. A comparative analysis was carried out in growth ponds, between local post-larvae and post-larvae from Northeast Brazil. Crabs (Chasmagnathus granulata), blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), and sea hares (Aplysia brasiliana), which are possible vectors of these viruses, were also evaluated. The mean survival was 55% for local post-larvae against 23.4% for post-larvae from the Northeast. Sea hares showed prevalence of 50% and crabs of 67% of WSSV.
The lack of good quality planting material has limited the expansion and contributed to yield reduction of the Brazilian pineapple culture. Alternatives of 'Pérola' pineapple slips management were studied aiming at obtaining superior planting material within a shorter time period and making good use of healthy slips of low vigor, that are commonly discarded by growers. Two experiments were carried out at the Experimental Field of Embrapa Cassava & Fruits, Cruz das Almas, Bahia, Brazil, and another one in a commercial plantation in the region of Itaberaba, BA, using blocks or entirely randomized designs with at least four replications. In the first one, the development of slips of different initial sizes (6 to 20 cm long), when grown on mother plants after fruit harvest, was compared with that of slips grown in a nursery after their removal from the mother plants. It became clear that larger slips grow more vigorously and that the removal from the mother plant delays their growth. However, results from the second study showed that those slips grown in nursery had vegetative and agronomic performance similar to that of conventional slips and close to that of plantlets produced from plant stem sections. Independently from the type of planting material used, the larger ones presented a more vigorous growth and produced higher yields. In the third study, it was observed the influence of mineral fertilization, pest control and growth regulator application after fruit harvest on slip development. The treatments applied did not significantly accelerate slip growth. Slips reached 50 cm length and at least 300 g fresh weight within 90 days after fruit harvest, indicating that vigorous plants have enough nutritional storage material for slips development.
In the specific case of the quince trees, there is lack of information about the emergency of their seedlings, development and time of production of rootstocks to reach the point of the grafting, as well as development of the grafts. Therefore, the objective of the present research was to study the Cydonia and Chaenomeles genera, as well as the development of the grafts during the nursery phase. Seeds of the quince tree cultivars 'Mendoza Inta-37', 'Provence', ' Portugal' and 'Japonês' were obtained from ripe fruits and submitted to cold stratification during 20 days. Soon after, the seeds were sowed in 72-cell polystyrene trays (120 cm³ of capacity/cell) containing vermiculite as substrate. After 60 days, the seedlings were put in plastic bags (3 liters of capacity) filled with a substrate containing soil: sand: manure (1:1:1 v/v). The seedlings were kept in a 50% of shadow nursery and periodically irrigated. After 180 days, the seedlings were grafted by the cleft grafting method, during the winter, using scion sticks from quince 'Portugal'. After 60 days, the percentage of alive and sprouted grafts was evaluated. The length and diameter of the grafts were measured every 30 days, a total of four times. The quince 'Japonês' showed the best performance among all the rootstocks in this experiment, being an excellent alternative as rootstock for quince trees. 'Japonês' and 'Mendoza Inta-37' were also the rootstocks that promoted the best development of the grafts.
Choosing a substrate is the determinant factor for the seedling producer; thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different types of substrates on the emergence of "araticum-de-terra-fria" (Annona emarginata (Schltdl.) H. Rainer) seedlings. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse and the experimental design was in randomized blocks, with three treatments and five replicates of 72 seeds per plot. The treatments consisted of the following substrates: coconut fiber, vermiculite and Plantmax® Citrus. The number of emerged seedlings was weekly counted for 105 days. Data regarding seedling height were obtained, and the emergence velocity index and mean time, besides total emergence percentage and that over time were calculated. Results from total mean emergence percentage, seedling height, emergence velocity index (EVI), and mean emergence time (MET) were subjected to analysis of variance and means were compared by the Tukey's test at 5% significance. The curves concerning the emergence percentage over time were fit by the logistic growth equation for each treatment and the means of each parameter (A, B, C) were compared by the Duncan's test at 5% significance. The substrates vermiculite led to the highest values of emergence percentage differing from the PlantMax® Citrus, but not of the coconut fiber, however the vermiculite promoted seedling height in a shorter time; therefore, this substrate is recommended for the initial development of "araticum-de-terra-fria" (Annona emarginata (Schltdl.) H. Rainer) seedlings.
Plant growth regulators and biostimulants have been used as an agronomic technique to optimize the production of seedlings in various crops. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of gibberellic acid and the biostimulant Stimulate® on the initial growth of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.). The experiments were conducted in a nursery with 50% shading, in a randomized block design with five replications and five plants per plot. Thirty eight days after sowing, the leaves were sprayed seven times a day with 0.0 (control), 0.8, 1.6, 2.4 and 3.2 mL of gibberellic acid L-1 aqueous solution and with 0.0 (control), 6.0,12.0, 18.0, and 24.0 mL Stimulate® L-1 aqueous solution. Stem diameter (SD), plant height (PH), longest root length (LRL), shoot dry mass (SDM), root dry mass (RDM) and RDM:SDM ratio were evaluated ninety days after sowing. Variance and regression analysis showed that GA3 at 4% promoted plant growth (height), but had no significant effect on stem diameter, longest root length, shoot and root dry mass and the RDM:SDM ratio. On the other hand, all concentrations of Stimulate® significantly increased plant height and shoot and root dry mass of tamarind seedlings.
The phyllochron is defined as the time required for the appearance of successive leaves on a plant; this characterises plant growth, development and adaptation to the environment. To check the growth and adaptation in cultivars of strawberry grown intercropped with fig trees, it was estimated the phyllochron in these production systems and in the monocrop. The experiment was conducted in greenhouses at the University of Passo Fundo (28º15'41'' S, 52º24'45'' W and 709 m) from June 8th to September 4th, 2009; this comprised the period of transplant until the 2nd flowering. The cultivars Aromas, Camino Real, Albion, Camarosa and Ventana, which seedlings were originated from the Agrícola LLahuen Nursery in Chile, as well as Festival, Camino Real and Earlibrite, originated from the Viansa S.A. Nursery in Argentina, were grown in white polyethylene bags filled with commercial substrate (Tecnomax®) and evaluated. The treatments were arranged in a randomised block design and four replicates were performed. A linear regression was realized between the leaf number (LN) in the main crown and the accumulated thermal time (ATT). The phyllochron (degree-day leaf-1) was estimated as the inverse of the angular coefficient of the linear regression. The data were submitted to ANOVA, and when significance was observed, the means were compared using the Tukey test (p < 0.05). The mean and standard deviation of phyllochrons of strawberry cultivars intercropped with fig trees varied from 149.35ºC day leaf-1 ± 31.29 in the Albion cultivar to 86.34ºC day leaf-1 ± 34.74 in the Ventana cultivar. Significant differences were observed among cultivars produced in a soilless environment with higher values recorded for Albion (199.96ºC day leaf-1 ± 29.7), which required more degree-days to produce a leaf, while cv. Ventana (85.76ºC day leaf-1 ± 11.51) exhibited a lower phyllochron mean value. Based on these results, Albion requires more degree-days to issue a leaf as compared to cv. Ventana. It was conclude that strawberry cultivars can be grown intercropped with fig trees (cv. Roxo de Valinhos).