56 resultados para new subgenus


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Two new serovars of Salmonella from estuary waters of potengi river in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, were isolated. They were named S. natal (9,12: z4, z24:-) and S. potengi (18;z: -). Both types belong to the subgenus I, or subspecies 1, thought they showed atypical behaviour (KCN +).


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Culex siphanulatus, sp. n. is described from specimens collected in bromeliads of the coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The description includes illustrations of female, male genitalia and chaetotaxy of pupa and larva. This species is easily distinguished from the others of subgenus Microculex and does not belong to any of the four series proposed for the grouping of its species.


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Species of sandflies in the subgenuys Trichopygomyia of the genus Lutzomyia occurring in Venezuela are reviewd. A new species, Lutzomyia pinna n. sp. is described. A distribution map and a pictorial key for maleds are provided with remarks on the ecological data collected in Venezuela.


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A new species of trypanosome, Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) peba, is described from the peripheral blood of the armadillo Euphractus sexcinctus setosus from Bahia State, Brazil. Ten out of 29 specimens of the armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus from Pará State were found to have trypanosomes, including epimastigote forms, in impression smears of subcutaneous lymph nodes. The trypanosomes from D. novemcinctus are illustrated and were identified a idenrified as belonging to the subgenus Megatrypanum on the basis of their general appearance, although they failed to multiply is blood-agar culture medium and no bloodstream forms were seen. This is the first published record of trypanosomes of this subgenus from armdillos and the first demonstration of epimastigote trypanosomes in the mammalian host other than in the bloodstream, or in the anal glands of opssums.


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Attempting to review the species of sandflies in the series oswaldoi of the subgenus Helcocyrtomyia, we examined 7650 specimens collected in different Brazilian regions during 35 years and deposited in the collection of the Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou, FIOCRUZ, Belo Horizonte, MG. As main results of this study new species of Helcocyrtomyia were described (Lutzomya pusilla and Lutzomya capixaba), in addition to the females of Lutzomyia ferreirana and Lutzomyia peresi; which had been described only by the males. The geographic distribution of the material examined is also presented.


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The phlebotomine sand fly Lutzomyia pastazaensis n. sp. is described and illustrated from specimens collected from the edge of primary forest near Andoas, Department of Loreto, Peru (03º00'S, 76º05'W). This species appears to belong to the subgenus Trichophoromyia Barreto 1962, whose members are generally restricted to the Amazon Basin.


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Lutzomyia sipani n.sp. is described from males collected in Loreto Department, Peru. The new species belongs to the subgenus Evandromyia mangabeira and confirms the presence of this group in Peru.


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Lutzomyia derelicta n. sp. is described from specimens collected in an isolated xeric habitat in the rainforest in the north of the State of Pará, Brazil. The new species lacks the posterior bulge in the dorsal wall of the cibarium characteristic of the New World genus Lutzomyia, and the armature of the male genitalia is of the pattern found elsewhere only in the Old World species of Sergentomyia. L. derelicta is phenetically intermediate between the known species of Lutzomyia and Sergentomyia, and cannot readily be placed in any existing subgenus or species group of either genus.


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A new sand fly species is described based on males collected in Bananal, municipality of Mariana and the female from Sabará city, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Taxonomic remarks, geographic distribution and the description of new species are presented. The name Lutzomyia (Pintomyia) bianchigalatiae is in honour of Dr Eunice Aparecida Bianchi Galati, friend and researcher at the Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo.


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The larva, pupa, male and female of Simulium tergospinosum n. sp. are described and illustrated. The adults of this new species share many characters with species in the subgenus Psaroniocompsa, where it is placed. The larva of this species bears dorsal and lateral triangular tubercles on the abdomen and multiply branched scale-like setae on the body, suggesting that it belongs to the S. siolii species group. S. tergospinosum n.sp. was collected along the Juma River, Apuí county, in the southern part of the State of Amazonas, Brazil. The Juma, a black-water river, is a tributary of the Aripuanã River in the Madeira River hydrographic basin, on the southern part of Amazonas. Females were collected biting humans along the water courses during the sampling period (in the dry season).


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We report the finding of Tetrameres spirospiculum Pinto & Vicente, 1995 from Theristicus melanopis melanopis (Threskiornithidae) from Patagonia, Argentina. These constitute new host and locality records. We propose the assignation of this species to the subgenus T. (Gynaecophila) Gubanov, 1950, based on the presence of labia and the absence of cuticular flanges at the anterior end. Some new morphological data are provided, such as the arrangement of cuticular spines and the presence of a pair of somatic papillae at beginning of posterior third of body length. T. (G.) spirospiculum may probably be regarded as specific to birds of the genus Theristicus.


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During studies of Simuliidae at a suspected new focus of human onchocerciasis in central Brazil a new species of Simulium was found. Full descriptions of the adults and pupae of this species, S. cuasiexiguum, are described here, its affinities to closely related species in the subgenus Notolepria are discussed and its distribution in Brazil recorded.


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Females of Ixodes (Haemixodes) uruguayensis Kohls & Clifford, 1967, a species whose adults were unknown until the present, were obtained in the laboratory from engorged nymphs collected on rodents (Scapteromys tumidus and Oxymycterus nasutus) in the counties of Maldonado and San José, Uruguay. Morphological characters of these females were identical to those given in the description of the female of Ixodes longiscutatum Boero, 1944. I. uruguayensis is, thus, relegated to a junior subjective synonym of I. longiscutatum. However, because of the unique morphological characters of the immature stages, the validity of the subgenus Haemixodes Kohls & Clifford, 1967 is not questioned. Therefore, the new status of Ixodes (Haemixodes) uruguayensis Kohls & Clifford, 1967 is Ixodes (Haemixodes) longiscutatum Boero, 1944.


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Two new species of phlebotomine sand fly from Colombian Andes are described, belonging to the subgenus Pifanomyia of the genus Pintomyia. P. (P.) limafalcaoae sp. nov. for which both sexes are described, is assigned to the series pia while P. (P.) antioquiensis sp. nov., known only from the male, is included in the series verrucarum. The subgenus Pifanomyia is characterized and identification keys presented for the two new species.


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The subgenus Scaptia (Lepmia) Fairchild, known only from mountanous areas of Southeast of Brazil, is redescribed and illustrated. It is contrasted with similar species of Scaptia (Pseudoscione). It is more similar to the Australian Myioscaptia and Plinthina than to the other New World Scaptia subgenera.