24 resultados para multilateral treaties


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A declaração de novembro de 2013 do Secretário de Estado dos Estados Unidos, John Kerry, de que "a era da Doutrina Monroe terminou" é uma excelente oportunidade para rediscutir essa que é considerada um dos princípios cardeais da política externa norte-americana para a América Latina desde a independência dos Estados latino-americanos. O presente artigo pretende jogar luz em um aspecto frequentemente menosprezado pelas análises acerca da Doutrina Monroe, qual seja, o fato de que tal doutrina, longe de ser uma política concreta para todo o continente, tinha duas facetas bastante distintas tanto do ponto vista retórico como político. Através do exame principalmente de bibliografia produzida nos Estados Unidos, em especial daquelas que tiveram acesso a fontes primárias, o artigo demonstra que a Doutrina Monroe tinha um caráter claramente caribenho - e não latino-americano - a partir do reconhecimento, por parte tanto dos formuladores de política dos Estados Unidos como dos sul-americanos, de que a América do Sul era um sistema separado da América do Norte. Assim, o artigo defende que ao sul do Panamá, a Doutrina Monroe adquiriu um aspecto consideravelmente mais "multilateral", o que foi evidenciado até mesmo pelo seu famoso Corolário Roosevelt.


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Resumo:A noção de desenvolvimento sustentável inclui justiça social, distribuição da renda, pleno emprego, segurança e saúde no ambiente de trabalho, proteção ambiental e bem-estar socioeconômico. Este artigo traz uma análise comparativa das disputas trazidas à OMC, desde a entrada em vigor da instituição em 1o de janeiro de 1995 até 1o de janeiro de 2014, relacionadas com elementos do desenvolvimento sustentável. O objetivo é examinar a extensão e a natureza do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável no sistema de solução de controvérsias da OMC através dos exames da "jurisprudência" da OMC. É fato que a OMC enfrentará, num futuro próximo, desafios ligados à noção de desenvolvimento sustentável. A habilidade da OMC para conciliar a liberalização comercial multilateral com o desenvolvimento sustentável em seu sistema de solução de controvérsias é uma preocupação central à legitimidade dessa instituição.


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In this study new free-trade agreements are discussed, which are based on the breaking down of tariff and technical barriers and normally exclude most of the poorest countries in the world. Considering the current context of economic globalization and its health impacts, seven controversial points of these treaties and their possible implications for global public health are presented, mainly regarding health equity and other health determinants. Finally, this research proposes a greater social and health professionals participation in the formulation and discussion of these treaties, and a deeper insertion of Brazil in this important international agenda.


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The world is in a process of awakening with respect to the environment. Our society has started to recognize that the environment is one of our largest resources and has begun legally enforce its protection. In Brazil, the environmental law is constitutionally guaranteed. International treaties have been signed, amongst them the Agenda 21 which is a commitment to sustainable development. Green Chemistry is a strategy that helps make this commitment. The literature presents many examples of studies of the application of Green Chemistry philosophy. In this paper we will present some points that we believe to be important and promising.


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More than one decade after the external debt restructuring (the Brady Plan), a great amount of literature has been published concerning the balance sheet factors in developing countries. The staff of international multilateral institutions joined with reputable academics in this great controversy. The external debt problem of the developing countries is back and once more reflections on its cause and on policy recommendations are analytically distinct. Our main task is to reflect on the recent external debt dynamics and assess how this debt has evolved. Our findings indicate that the susceptibility of some developing countries to default is associated with global imbalance, that is, the way they borrow.


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This article invites to a reflection on the ontological and axiological foundations of the concept 'international economic order'. We argue that the notion of 'order' implies, at first, identifying a sort of social arrangement or pattern. However, as we intend to demonstrate, this pattern is hardly present in contemporary international economic relations. Besides, the adjectives 'economic' and 'international' instill doubt not only in regard to the nature of the 'international', but also in what concerns the feasibility of spotting a working pattern in international economy nowadays. Thus, it seems, on heuristical terms, an appropriate methodological option to revisit some of the main canonical contributions to the theme of international (economic) order, and to submit it to academic scrutiny. Additionally, we seek to evaluate how plausible it is to think of a 'multilateral' economic international order.


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Monetary and financial cooperation: what is good to Asian is also good to Latin America?. This article compares the Asian and Latin American experiences with monetary cooperation. It is argued that in the latter such cooperation has hardly progressed, due to low degree of regional integration, the recurrent use of multilateral institutional resources to deal with external shocks and the lack of clear objectives: monetary cooperation is some times seen as a means to foster integration, but also as a means to provide long term funds and as a source of liquidity in foreign currencies. In Asia, differently, cooperation has apparently not been so instrumental to regional integration, but has proven to be quite important as a means to build a regional capital market as well as a mechanism to deal with external shocks.


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What inequality are we talking about? The essay was motivated by the recent disclosure of documents by multilateral development institutions demonstrating that the last phase of economic growth has tended to aggravate socioeconomic inequality. The purpose of the current analyze is to debate the advances that have been made and the persisting methodological and analytical difficulties in the debate on inequality as well as to contribute with a few insights towards the construction of a multidimensional view of a recurring and inherent aspect of capitalist development.


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The debate on the link between trade rules and rules on exchange rates is raising the attention of experts on international trade law and economics. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the impacts of exchange rate misalignments on tariffs as applied by the WTO - World Trade Organization. It is divided into five sections: the first one explains the methodology used to determine exchange rate misalignments and also presents its results for Brazil, U.S. and China; the second summarizes the methodology applied to calculate the impacts of exchange rate misalignments on the level of tariff protection through an exercise of "misalignment tariffication"; the third examines the effects of exchange rate variations on tariffs and their consequences for the multilateral trading system; the fourth one creates a methodology to estimate exchange rates against a currency of the World and a proposal to deal with persistent and significant misalignments related to trade rules. The conclusions are present in the last section.