106 resultados para micro-epidemic
An outbreak of dengue 4 occurred in the Yucatán, México in 1984. During the course of the outbreak, 538 of 5486 reported cases of dengue-like illness were studied; 200 were confirmed as dengue serologically and/or virologically. Dengue 4 virus was isolated from 34 patients and dengue 1 from one. Severe haemorrhagic symptoms were observed in 9 laboratory confirmed patients, including four deaths. Thus, the outbreak in Yucatán is the second dengue epidemic in the Americas after the Cuban epidemic in 1981 in which a number of patients suffered from haemorrhagic complications. It was notable that 5 of 9 hospitalized, severe cases were young adults and that only one met the WHO criteria of DHF, in contrast to primary pediatric nature of DHF in Southeast Asia. In this paper we describe clinical, serologic, and virologic studies conducted during the outbreak.
An epidemic of exanthematic illness in a day care center is described. Ten children aged 7 to 13 months were affected by the illness. The exanthem was characterized by nonconfluent macular or maculopapular lesions that appeared on the face, body and limbs. Fifty percent of the infected children had fever of up to 39ºC at the beginning of the disease. Coxsackievirus B3 (CB3) was isolated from the stool of one ill child. Paired serum samples were obtained from eight ill children and six of them presented seroconversion to CB3. Antibodies to CB3 were detected at titers higher than 16 in a single serum sample collected from the other two patients. Neutralizing antibodies to CB3 were detected in 71.0% of the contact children.
In the present study we report the results of an analysis, based on serotyping, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MEE), and ribotyping of N. meningitidis serogroup C strains isolated from patients with meningococcal disease (MD) in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) and Santa Catarina (SC) States, Brazil, as the Center of Epidemiology Control of Ministry of Health detected an increasing of MD cases due to this serogroup in the last two years (1992-1993). We have demonstrated that the MD due to N.meningitidis serogroup C strains in RS and SC States occurring in the last 4 years were caused mainly by one clone of strains (ET 40), with isolates indistinguishable by serogroup, serotype, subtype and even by ribotyping. One small number of cases that were not due to an ET 40 strains, represent closely related clones that probably are new lineages generated from the ET 40 clone referred as ET 11A complex. We have also analyzed N.meningitidis serogroup C strains isolated in the greater São Paulo in 1976 as representative of the first post epidemic year in that region. The ribotyping method, as well as MEE, could provide useful information about the clonal characteristics of those isolates and also of strains isolated in south Brazil. The strains from 1976 have more similarity with the actual endemic than epidemic strains, by the ribotyping, sulfonamide sensitivity, and MEE results. In conclusion, serotyping with monoclonal antibodies (C:2b:P1.3), MEE (ET 11 and ET 11A complex), and ribotyping by using ClaI restriction enzyme (Rb2), were useful to characterize these epidemic strains of N.meningitidis related to the increased incidence of MD in different States of south Brazil. It is mostly probable that these N.meningitidis serogroup C strains have poor or no genetic corelation with 1971-1975 epidemic serogroup C strains. The genetic similarity of members of the ET 11 and ET 11A complex were confirmed by the ribotyping method by using three restriction endonucleases.
Although known since the last century, Vibrio metschnikovii was only appropriately described and recognized as a new species within the genus Vibrio in 1978. Rarely is the organism linked to human disease. Only once has V. metschnikovii been incriminated as responsible for human diarrhea, and affecting an old woman who suffered from diabetes and had a hepatoma. During the first two years of the present cholera epidemic, which reached Recife in March, 1992, we screened for vibrio nearly 4000 diarrheal fecal specimens submitted to a private clinical laboratory for detection of enteropathogenic microorganisms. Now, we report six cases of diarrhea associated with V. metschnikovii affecting individuals not suffering of any apparent underlying systemic illness.
Rocio virus (ROCV) was responsible for an explosive encephalitis epidemic in the 1970s affecting about 1,000 residents of 20 coastland counties in São Paulo State, Brazil. ROCV was first isolated in 1975 from the cerebellum of a fatal human case of encephalitis. Clinical manifestations of the illness are similar to those described for St. Louis encephalitis. ROCV shows intense antigenic cross-reactivity with Japanese encephalitis complex (JEC) viruses, particularly with Ilheus (ILHV), St. Louis encephalitis, Murray Valley and West Nile viruses. In this study, we report a specific RT-PCR assay for ROCV diagnosis and the molecular characterization of the SPAn37630 and SPH37623 strains. Partial nucleotide sequences of NS5 and E genes determined from both strains were used in phylogenetic analysis. The results indicated that these strains are closely related to JEC viruses, but forming a distinct subclade together with ILHV, in accordance with results recently reported by Medeiros et al. (2007).
Do Ceará, estado com problema de Doença de Chagas, Russas tem recebido a maior soma de investigações, verificando-se 11,6% de infecção humana, em 1959. Recentemente foram examinados cães, gatos e outros animais encontrando-se altas taxas de infecção. Selecionou-se, na presente pesquisa, uma micro-área (Fazenda Boa Vista) na região, onde haviam sido antes examinados 52 cães e 21 gatos, com 11 cães e 10 gatos positivos. Foram examinados mais 12 cães e 10 gatos, com 1 e 5 positivos, respectivamente, elevando-se a taxa de positividade global para 29,5%. Nessa micro-área foram examinados 125 pessoas pela RFC e pelo xenodiagnóstico, encontrando-se uma positividade de 7,2%. Desses positivos, 55% residem em casas com animal positivo, sendo que duas casas apresentaram duas pessoas positivas cada. Do total de xenos somente dois foram positivos. Na micro-área foram capturados 405 triatomíneos, com 27,7% positivos, dentro e fora das casas (galinheiros, currais, paredes externas, telheiros e alpendres). A espécie prevalente é o Triatoma brasiliensis (93,5%), encontrada dentro das casas (52,8%) com taxa de infecção de 30,2% e fora das casas (47,2%) com 24,6% de infecção. No total da região examinada na pesquisa anterior, as taxas de infecção foram 19,6% dentro das casas e 21,8% fora. A segunda espécie é o T. pseudomaculata (5,4%), encontrado mais fora das casas (72,8%) e infectado 25%. Foram capturados 8 exemplares de P. megistus sempre fora das casas, sendo 4 na micro-área; 5 exemplares estavam infectados. Na micro-área, tal como em 2 outras áreas da região, foram encontrados roedores domésticos e marsupiais com T. cruzi: 4 em 10 Rattus rattus e 1 em 3 Didelphis azarae, tal como já havia sido verificado por um dos AA. em outras áreas do Estado. Conclui-se pela existência de um dinâmico ciclo doméstico e paradoméstico de circulação do T. cruzi na micro-área, com abundantes oportunidades de infecção do homem e dos animais domésticos.
INTRODUCTION: The case definition of influenza-like illness (ILI) is a powerful epidemiological tool during influenza epidemics. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted to evaluate the impact of two definitions used as epidemiological tools, in adults and children, during the influenza A H1N1 epidemic. Patients were included if they had upper respiratory samples tested for influenza by real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction during two periods, using the ILI definition (coughing + temperature > 38ºC) in period 1, and the definition of severe acute respiratory infection (ARS) (coughing + temperature > 38ºC and dyspnoea) in period 2. RESULTS: The study included 366 adults and 147 children, covering 243 cases of ILI and 270 cases of ARS. Laboratory confirmed cases of influenza were higher in adults (50%) than in children (21.6%) ( p < 0.0001) and influenza infection was more prevalent in the ILI definition (53%) than ARS (24.4%) (p < 0.0001). Adults reported more chills and myalgia than children (p = 0.0001). Oseltamivir was administered in 58% and 46% of adults and children with influenza A H1N1, respectively. The influenza A H1N1 case fatality rate was 7% in adults and 8.3% in children. The mean time from onset of illness until antiviral administration was 4 days. CONCLUSIONS: The modification of ILI to ARS definition resulted in less accuracy in influenza diagnosis and did not improve the appropriate time and use of antiviral medication.
INTRODUCTION: The diagnosis of dengue and the differentiation between primary and secondary infections are important for monitoring the spread of the epidemic and identifying the risk of severe forms of the disease. The detection of immunoglobulin (Ig)M and IgG antibodies is the main technique for the laboratory diagnosis of dengue. The present study assessed the application of a rapid test for dengue concerning detection of new cases, reinfection recognition, and estimation of the epidemic attack rate. METHODS: This was a retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study on dengue using the Fortaleza Health Municipal Department database. The results from 1,530 tested samples, from 2005-2006, were compared with data from epidemiological studies of dengue outbreaks in 1996, 2003, and 2010. RESULTS: The rapid test confirmed 52% recent infections in the tested patients with clinical suspicion of dengue: 40% detected using IgM and 12% of new cases using IgG in the non-reactive IgM results. The positive IgM plus negative IgG (IgM+ plus IgG-) results showed that 38% of those patients had a recent primary dengue infection, while the positive IgG plus either positive or negative IgM (IgG+ plus IgM+/-) results indicated that 62% had dengue for at least a second time (recent secondary infections). This proportion of reinfections permitted us to estimate the attack rate as >62% of the population sample. CONCLUSIONS: The rapid test for dengue has enhanced our ability to detect new infections and to characterize them into primary and secondary infections, permitting the estimation of the minimal attack rate for a population during an outbreak.
Introduction The prognosis of dengue depends on early diagnosis and treatment, which can help prevent severe forms whose characteristics were evaluated here. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted involving dengue cases in Vitória, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil, in 2011. Results Two health regions registered 56.3% of 371 cases of severe dengue. Of these cases, 21.3% presented with dengue hemorrhagic fever. There were associations between dengue hemorrhagic fever with younger ages and a longer time before receiving care. Conclusions There was a greater involvement of dengue hemorrhagic fever in young people. Delay in care, poor urban quality and high endemicity were identified as possible risk factors for dengue severity.
A scoping review was conducted to describe the epidemiological characteristics of the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic in the State of Amazonas, Brazil, from 2001 to 2012, and temporary patterns were estimated from surveillance data. The results suggest that in its third decade, the Amazon HIV/AIDS epidemic is far from being stabilized and displays rising AIDS incidence and mortality rates and late diagnoses. The data suggest that AIDS cases are hitting mostly young adults and have recently shifted toward men, both homosexual and heterosexual. AIDS cases among the indigenous people have remained stable and low. However, the epidemic has disseminated to the interior of the state, which adds difficulties to its control, given the geographical isolation, logistical barriers, and culturally and ethnically diverse population. Antiretroviral (ARV) therapy has been decentralized, but peripheral ARV services are still insufficient and too distant from people who need them. Recently, the expansion of point-of-care (POC) rapid HIV testing has been contributing to overcoming logistical barriers. Other new POC devices, such as the PIMA CD4 analyzer, will bring the laboratory to the patient. AIDS uniquely coexists with other tropical infections, sharing their epidemiological profiles. The increased demand for HIV/AIDS care services can only be satisfied through increased decentralization to peripheral health units, which can also naturally integrate care with other tropical infections and can promote a shift from vertical to integrated programming. Future challenges involve building surveillance data on HIV case notification and covering the spectrum of engagement in care, including adherence to treatment and follow-up loss.
Considerando a ampla variabilidade genética de cubiu (Solanum sessiliflorum Dunal), quantificaram-se os macro e micro-nutrientes, objetivando a ampliação da tabela de composição química de alimentos típicos da região amazônica. Os frutos provenientes da Estação Experimental de Hortaliças Alejo von der Pahlen (EEH) do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), localizados no km 14 da Rodovia AM 010 em Manaus, AM, foram processados no Laboratório de Alimentos e Nutrição do INPA. Avaliaram-se oito etnovariedades de cubiu identificados como: 2 I, 3 I, 6, 7, 12, 14, 17, 29 I e III em estádio de maturação comercial. Os teores de elementos minerais foram quantificados pela técnica de Ativação por Nêutrons Instrumental e a fibra alimentar pelo método enzímico-gravimétrico. Os resultados demonstram ser o cubiu um fruto com baixo conteúdo energético (média de 33 kcal), com conteúdo de fibra alimentar total na ordem de 1,6%. Em relação aos macros elementos minerais, a etnovariedade 6, apresentou a maior concentração em potássio (513,5±3,1mg), cálcio (18,9±0,6mg) e a etnovariedade 2 I em Fe (564,4±58,1µg) e Cr (99,3±8,3µg). A menor concentração foi constatada na etnovariedade 12 para os elementos K (229,0±4,5mg), Na (53,7±5,5µg) e Zn (89,3±4,7µg). Apesar das variações em relação as diferentes etno variedades e conseqüentemente concentrações em elementos minerais, o cubiu, pode estar contribuindo para atingir as recomendações desses nutrientes.
Neste trabalho, a espécie Piper hispidinervum (pimenta longa), endêmica do estado do Acre, foi cultivada na região do Vale do Itajaí - SC, e sua adaptação foi avaliada em relação à composição química do óleo essencial obtido pelos processos de hidrodestilação convencional e por micro-ondas. O safrol foi identificado como o constituinte majoritário do óleo essencial desta espécie, o qual foi empregado como parâmetro de avaliação da capacidade de adaptação desta planta à região sul do Brasil, já que a proposta abrange avaliar a utilização desta espécie como fonte alternativa de safrol, em substituição a Canela Sassafrás (Ocotea odorifera), espécie muito explorada até a década de 90 nesta região. As amostras da planta foram obtidas de diferentes regiões do Acre e foram cultivadas na estação experimental da EPAGRI - Itajaí-SC. O óleo essencial das folhas forneceu um teor médio de safrol entre 76,6% e 89,9%. A análise por CG-DIC e CG-EM do óleo com maior concentração de safrol, apresentou os seguintes constituintes: safrol (89,93%), α-terpineno (0,35%), (E)-β-ocimeno (0,54%), terpinoleno (3,10%), valenceno (0,21%), (Z)-β-bisaboleno (1,70%) e guaiol (0,29%).