316 resultados para letramento em gêneros
No presente trabalho, os autores estudaram, em condições de laboratório, as relações entre algumas especies dos gêneros Aspergillus e Penicillium e tres fosfatos insolúveis, determinando quantitativamente o fósforo solubilizado e imobilizado. Dos resultados, os autores extraíram as seguintes conclusões: 1. Todas as linhagens estudadas demonstraram alta capacidade solubilizadora nos testes em placas de petri. No entante, quando analisadas quantitativamente, apenas o A. niger foi capaz de solubilizar quantidades apreciáveis de fosfatos insolúveis. 2. A análise dos dados, obtidos com as linhagens de Penicillium spp, indicou que ambas aumentaram significativamente os níveis de fósforo solúvel para os tratamentos com fosfato de alumínio, em relação a seus homólogos estéreis; diminuiram significativamente os níveis de fósforo solúvel das testemunhas e, não alteraram significativamente os níveis dos tratamentos com fosfato de ferro. Por outro lado, nos tratamentos com apatita de Araxá o nível de fosforo solúvel não foi alterado significativamente com a linhagem 4 Raíz III e, diminuiu significativamente, com a linhagem 8 RIZ III. 3. À linhagem de Aspergillus sp. apresentou comportamento diferente dos demais fungos, diminuindo significativamente os níveis de fósforo solúvel de todos os tratamentos. 4. A aderência de numerosas partículas de fosfatos insolúveis à trama miceliana, é fator de erro que pode explicar as discrepancias nos valores obtidos pela determinação indireta do fósforo assimilável do solo, empregando-se técnicas biológicas com A. niger ou outros fungos.
Descriptions, synonym, new combinations and key to the species of Omosarotes Pascoe, 1860 are given. The male of Scopadus ciliatus Pascoe, 1857 is described. New species described: Omosarotes ater (type locality: Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Ecuador). New synonym proposed: Acanthomerosternoplon Tippmann, 1955 with Omosarotes Pascoe, 1860. New combinations: Omosarotes nigripennis (Zajciw, 1970) (from Scopadus Pascoe, 1857), O. paradoxum (Tippmann, 1955) and O. foxi (Lane, 1973), both from Acanthomerosternoplon Tippmann, 1955.
Six polychaete species belonging to the genera Namalycastis Hartman, 1959, Ceratocephale Malmgren, 1867, Laeonereis Hartman, 1945, and Rullierinereis Pettibone, 1970 were recorded as part of a systematic survey of the family Nereididae in estuaries, exposed sandy beaches, shelly soft bottoms, atolls and coral reefs of the Brazilian northeastern coast. Two new species, Rullierinereis auxiliadorae, from Ceará coast and Ceratocephale rocaensis, from Atol das Rocas, are described.
Acanthodoxus Martins & Monné, 1974, Cleodoxus Thomson, 1864 and Lathroeus Thomson, 1864 are studied. Cleodoxus lineaticollis Gounelle, 1910 is transferred to Baryssinus Bates, 1864. A key to the genera is added.
Boiruna maculata Boulenger, 1896 and Clelia rustica (Cope, 1878) were observed in captivity feeding snakes and rodents, respectively. Both species have shown a similar procedure in relation to the prey. Major behavior differences among the two species were: rodents killed before being swallowed, and snakes were mostly swallowed alive; both species are able to find the rodents head faster than the snake one; the coils formed during constriction were also used to hold the prey, specially the last coil, while swallowing rodents. Informations on stomach contents was gathered by dissection of preserved specimens of Clelia clelia (Daudin, 1803) and C. plumbea (Wied, 1820) were also included in the dietary study. The majority of preys consisted on snakes and lizards. Other prey items were mammals and birds. Adult snakes prey relatively smaller animals than the juvenile snakes do.
Ten species belonging to the genera Ceratonereis Kinberg, 1866 and Nereis Linnaeus, 1758 were recorded in estuaries, exposed sandy beaches, shelly soft bottoms, atolls and coral reefs of the Brazilian northeastern coast. Two new species, Nereis serrata, from Ceará coast, and Nereis pseudomoniliformis, from Sergipe coast, are described.
The tribe Mauesini Lane, 1956 is revalidated (type genus, Mauesia Lane, 1956). The following genera are transferred from Anisocerini to Mauesini: Taurolema Thomson, 1860 and Coroicoia Lane, 1966. New synonyms proposed: Taurolema nasicornis Schwarzer, 1930 with T. albopunctata Gounelle, 1906 and T. lineata Fuchs, 1966 with T. cicatricosa Lane, 1966. New species described from Brazil: Taurolema nigropilosa (Espírito Santo); Mauesia bicornis and M. acorniculata (both from Amazonas). A key to the genera of Mauesini is added.
Realizamos a revisão dos gêneros Prionolopha Stål, 1873 e Securigera Bolívar, 1909, baseada no exame da morfologia externa de machos e fêmeas, espermateca e complexo fálico. Consideramos Prionolopha daguerrei Liebermann, 1935 e P. evoneoi Piza, 1981 sinônimos de P. serrata (Linnaeus, 1758). Transferimos Alcamenes cristatus Bruner, 1906 para o gênero Securigera Bolívar, 1909. Incluímos figuras de cada espécie e o mapa de distribuição geográfica.
As quatro espécies do gênero Deltosoma Thomson, 1864 são comentadas e ilustradas. Deltosoma hovorella Di Iorio, 2003 é sinonimizada com D. xerophila Di Iorio, 1995 e acrescenta-se uma chave para as espécies de Deltosoma. Pteroplatus adustus Burmeister, 1865 é transferida para Thelgetra Thomson, 1864 e Pteroplatus radiatus Haase, 1893 é considerada sinônima de Thelgetra latipennis Thomson, 1864.
Uma análise cladística do relacionamento entre as espécies sul-americanas do grupo Sitalces (Sitalces Stål, 1878, Eusitalces Bruner, 1911, Parasitalces Bruner, 1911, Psilocirtus Bruner, 1911, Liebermannacris Costa & Carvalho, 2006, Robustusacris Costa & Carvalho, 2006, Arimacris Costa & Carvalho, 2006, Salvadoracris Costa & Carvalho, 2006 e Caruaruacris Costa & Carvalho, 2006) é apresentada. A análise incluiu 14 espécies com três grupos-externos e 34 caracteres morfológicos. A monofilia do grupo é suportada por três sinapomorfias com índices de consistência e retenção de 100%: prozona maior que a metazona, borda posterior do pronoto não angulada e placa supranal mais curta em relação aos cercos. A análise resultou em um único cladograma: (P. olivaceus (E. vittatus (L. dorsualis; L. punctifrons) (R. balzapambae (A. trinitatis (S. nigritus; C. bivittatus) (S. volxemi (P. vulneratus; P. sexnotata)))))). Comentários biogeográficos são apresentados e relacionados com padrões pré-estabelecidos.
1. The author suggests a tecnique for the determination of vitamin A on shark liver oils in industrial plants. The advantages of using oly four ml. of reagent and of permitting a quickly rigorous reading by photoeletric cell, contribute to the possibility of the examination of a great number of samples daily; 2. It is described a survey on the vitamin A content of oils from shark livers, which has been made at the Finishing School Darcy Vargas, Marammaia Is., Rio de Janeiro State. The conclusions are the following: a) Male individuals have showed generally tendency for higher vitamin A pontency oils; b) The size of the fish does not interfere in the vitamin content of the oil (graphic 4); c) The data collected upon 3.085 individuals led to the conclusion that some species are richer in the reservated vitamin although it was possible to catch in the same specie fishes with widely variable potency in vitamin A. One fish belonging to the specie C. lamia produced the highest vitamin potency oil with 167.712 international units per gram; d) The fishing season appears to have no influence on the oils; e) The adventitous food seems to be the most important factor affecting the content of vitamin A of the shark-liver oils; 3. The presence and the quantity of vitamin D in those oils was investigated and two of the determinations are presented.
The author divides the article in thee parts. In the first part he studies the literature on the genotype of Dipetalonema DIESING, 1861 - D. caudispina (MOLIN, 1858), and gives a new generic diagnosis of the Diesing's genus, based upon its type species. In the second one he studies the literature on the validity of Acanthocheilonema COBBOLD, 1870, and, comparing both generic defvinition and type-species description of Acanthocheilonema dracunculoides COBBOLD, 1870 and Dipetalonema caudispina (MOLIN, 1858), concludes that Cobbold's genus Acanthocheilonema must be, definitely, considered as a synonym of Dipetalonema DIESING, 1861. In the third part a comparative study, based on the literature, is made between generic definitions and type-species descriptions of Breinlia trichosuri (BREINL, 1913) and Dipetalonema caudipina (MOLIN, 1858), and the author concludes that Breinlia must be considered as a valid genus, distinguished from Dipetalonema, principally, by the morphology fo the longer spicule.