56 resultados para lateral preference


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Precipitin tests were performed on blood meals of 199 sand flies (161 Lutzomyia umbratilis, 34 L. spathotrichia, two Lutzomyia of group shannoni, one L. anduzei) in a non-flooded upland forest on the Campus of the Universidade Federal do Amazonas. This is the second largest forest fragment in an urban setting in Brazil. Results on L. umbratilis, which is considered to be the principal leishmaniasis vector in this region, indicated rodents as its predominant blood source in contrast to previous reports in which blood meal analysis indicated that this species fed principally on Xenarthra (particularly sloths)


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Our objective is to evaluate the habitat preference of freshwater snails in relation to environmental factors and the presence of the competitor snail Melanoides tuberculatus. In the first phase, snails was collected at 12 sites. This sampling sites presented a degree of organic input. In the second phase 33 sampling sites were chosen, covering a variety of lotic and lentic environments. The snail species found at Guapimirim, state of Rio de Janeiro, displayed a marked habitat preference, specially in relation to the physical characteristics of each environment. Other limiting factors for snail distribution at the studied lotic environments were the water current velocity and the amount of organic matter, mainly to Physa marmorata, M. tuberculatus, and Biomphalaria tenagophila. The absence of interactions between M. tuberculatus and another snails could be associated to the distinct spatial distribution of those species and the instability of habitats. This later factor may favor the coexistence of M. tuberculatus with B. glabrata by reduction of population density. In areas of schistosomiasis transmission some habitat modification may add to the instability of the environment, which would make room for the coexistence of M. tuberculatus and Biomphalaria spp. In this way, some of the usual measures for the control of snail hosts would prevent the extinction of populations of Biomphalaria spp. by M. tuberculatus in particular habitats.


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The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the etiological agent of oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL), an oral lesion with important diagnostic and prognostic value in acquired immunodeficiency disease syndrome. The two EBV genotypes, EBV-1 and EBV-2, can be distinguished by divergent gene sequences encoding the EBNA-2, 3A, 3B, and 3C proteins. The purpose of this study was to identify the EBV genotype prevalent in 53 samples of scrapings from the lateral border of the tongue of HIV-1 seropositive patients, with and without OHL, and to correlate the genotypes with presence of clinical or subclinical OHL with the clinic data collected. EBV-1 and EBV-2 were identified through PCR and Nested-PCR based on sequence differences of the EBNA-2 gene. EBV-1 was identified in the 31 samples (15 without OHL, 7 with clinical OHL and 9 with subclinical OHL), EBV-2 in 12 samples (10 without OHL, 1 with clinical and 1 subclinical OHL), and a mixed infection in 10 samples (2 without OHL, 3 with clinical and 5 with subclinical OHL). The presence of EBV-1 was higher in women, but a significant statistical result relating one the EBV genotypes to the development of OHL was not found. We conclude that the oral epithelium in HIV-1 seropositive patients can be infected by EBV-1, EBV-2 or by a mixed viral population.


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The color preference of A. obliqua was evaluated in two-choice tests. The results showed that both sexes were attracted to wavelengths ranging from 340 nm to 670 nm, although the broad major peak of attraction occurred between 380 and 570 nm.


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Pattern of attack of a galling insect reveals an unexpected preference-performance linkage on medium-sized resources. The Plant Vigor Hypothesis (PVH) predicts oviposition preference and higher offspring performance on longer and fast-growing shoots, and although several studies have tested its predictions, long-term studies concerning the patterns of host selection by galling species are still lacking. The PVH was tested in this study using Bauhinia brevipes (Fabaceae) as the host of a leaf gall midge, Asphondylia microcapillata (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) during three consecutive years. Shoots were collected from the same 80 plants between 2001 and 2003 and shoot length, number of healthy and galled leaves, gall number, and mortality factors were recorded. Nearly 600 galls were found on the 5,800 shoots collected. Medium-sized shoots supported from 46 to 70% of all galls, with greater gall survival rate in 2002 and 2003. A decrease in parasitism rate coupled with an increase in gall predation lead to a constant similar gall survivorship rate in all years (x = 22.7%). Although gall abundance varied among years (122 in 2001, 114 in 2002 and 359 in 2003) preference for longer shoots was not observed because the percentage of galled shoots and galled leaves were higher on medium shoot length classes in all years. The observed distribution of gall abundance and galled shoots were always greater than the expected distribution on medium shoot length classes. These findings do not support the PVH, and show that A. microcapillata can maximize the female preference and larval performance on medium-sized shoots of B. brevipes.


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Host preference of the egg parasitoids Telenomus remus and Trichogramma pretiosum in laboratory. This research aimed to evaluate the host preference of the egg parasitoids Telenomus remus and Trichogramma pretiosum. Trials were carried out in laboratory, under controlled environmental conditions (25 ± 2ºC temperature; 70 ± 10% RH; and 14 h photophase). The parasitoid searching behavior was evaluated based on the distribution (%) of eggs parasitized by each parasitoid, on egg masses of each host species. Results showed the host preference of T. remus by Spodoptera cosmioides eggs. T. pretiosum, reared in A. gemmatalis eggs, choose to parasitize always eggs of the host where the parasitoid had been reared. The egg preference was not observed when T. pretiosum was reared in S. frugiperda eggs. These results show that, in general, host preference of T. remus is less influenced by the host where it is developed than T. pretiosum. Host preference is an important parameter for biological control programs because more than one pest species may occur in the field, different from those where they were reared in the laboratory.


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Visando ao estudo do uso de bordadura lateral em experimentos de avaliação de genótipos de milho-verde, testaram-se quatro arranjos para pré-especificar a disposição das linhas na parcela experimental básica. No arranjo 1, o estudo foi feito de forma que os efeitos convergissem para o centro da parcela. No arranjo 2, têm-se informações do efeito de bordadura de cada lado da parcela. No arranjo 3, as informações são obtidas em cada linha da parcela, e no arranjo 4, têm-se informações das linhas de cada lado da parcela em relação à parte central. Os dados utilizados foram provenientes de um ensaio de avaliação de 20 genótipos de milho-verde, coletados separadamente em cada linha da parcela, permitindo-se, desta maneira, utilizar o esquema de parcelas subdivididas. Os resultados obtidos possibilitam recomendar os arranjos 1 ou 2 para o estudo de bordadura lateral. Com relação à cultura de milho-verde, verificou-se que há necessidade de duas fileiras de bordadura lateral de cada lado da parcela.


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Abstract Objective: To assess the prevalence of isolated findings of abnormalities leading to entrapment of the lateral plantar nerve and respective branches in patients complaining of chronic heel pain, whose magnetic resonance imaging exams have showed complete selective fatty atrophy of the abductor digiti quinti muscle. Materials and Methods: Retrospective, analytical, and cross-sectional study. The authors selected magnetic resonance imaging of hindfoot of 90 patients with grade IV abductor digiti quinti muscle atrophy according to Goutallier and Bernageau classification. Patients presenting with minor degrees of fatty muscle degeneration (below grade IV) and those who had been operated on for nerve decompression were excluded. Results: A female prevalence (78.8%) was observed, and a strong correlation was found between fatty muscle atrophy and plantar fasciitis in 21.2%, and ankle varices, in 16.8% of the patients. Conclusion: Fatty atrophy of the abductor digiti quinti muscle is strongly associated with neuropathic alterations of the first branch of the lateral plantar nerve. The present study showed a significant association between plantar fasciitis and ankle varices with grade IV atrophy of the abductor digiti quinti muscle.


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The comparative QSAR is a tool for validating any statistical model that seems to be reasonable in describing an interaction between a bioactive new chemical entity, BIONCE, and the biological system. In order to deeper the understanding of the relationships and the meaning of parameters within the model it is necessary some kind of lateral validation. This validation can be accomplished by chemical procedures using physicochemical organic reactions and by means of biological systems. In this paper we review some of such comparisons and also present a lateral validation between the same set of antimicrobial hydrazides acting against Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast and Escherichia coli bacterium cells. QSARs are presented to shed light in this important way of stating that the QSAR model is not the endpoint, but the beginning.


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Five monomers 5-[4-(5-cyano-4,5-dihydroisoxazol-3-yl)phenoxy]undecyl acrylate (7a); n-alkyl 3-{4-[5-(acryloyloxyundecyl)oxyphenyl]}-4,5-dihydroisoxazole-5-carboxylate (7b,c for n-butyl and n-hexyl, respectively); 3-{4-[5-(acryloyloxyundecyl) oxyphenyl]}-4,5-dihydroisoxazole-5-carboxylic acid (7d) and (1R,2S,5R)-2-isopropyl-5-methylcyclohexyl acrylate (9) and the corresponding copolymers 10a-d,11 and homopolymers 12 from 7a and 13 from 9 were designed and synthesized. Except for acrylate 9 which is derived from (-)-menthol, all of the monomers belong to the series containing the isoxazoline ring linked to the acrylate unit by a flexible spacer chain of eleven methylene units. They presented low glass temperature and despite birefringence behavior, these copolymers showed no mesomorphic properties.


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Abstract Why would we argue about taste, norms or morality when we know that these topics are relative to taste preferences, systems of norms or values to which we are committed? Yet, disagreements over these topics are common in our evaluative discourses. I will claim that the motives to discuss rely on our attitudes towards the standard held by the speakers in each domain of discourse, relating different attitudes to different motives -mainly, conviction and correction. These notions of attitudes and motives will allow me to claim that different domains of evaluative discourse have a different distribution of disagreements driven by them.


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Estudos hidrológicos e fitossociológicos foram realizados num perfil topográfico de 550 m instalado perpendicularmente ao rio Cuiabá, no Município de Rosário Oeste, MT, para analisar a influência da inundação sobre a distribuição da vegetação ripária. Utilizando os dados fluviométricos da estação de Rosário Oeste de 1966 a 2003, um modelo hidrológico de remanso em regime subcrítico foi ajustado, permitindo estabelecer a série hidrológica na área de estudo. A partir dessa série, os intervalos de recorrência nessa área foram obtidos. Os resultados sugeriram que a margem do canal principal, o canal secundário e o dique marginal, a planície de inundação e o terraço alagam a cada ~1 1,7 ano, ~1,77 2,8 anos, ~3 anos e de ~3,25 a ~39 anos, respectivamente. A espécie Combretum leprosum Mart. (Combretaceae) apresentou maior VI na margem do canal principal, Callisthene fasciculata (Spr.) Mart. (Vochysiaceae) na margem do canal principal e no terraço e Licania parvifolia Huber (Chrysobalanaceae), Cariniana estrellensis (Raddi) Kuntze. (Lecythidaceae) e Vochysia divergens Pohl. (Vochysiaceae) na planície de inundação. Os resultados indicaram que a frequência e, principalmente, o tempo de alagamento são os principais determinantes ecológicos da distribuição das espécies vegetais ao longo do perfil topográfico.


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Ginecomastia é o aumento da mama masculina que pode acometer até 65% dos indivíduos deste sexo na fase infanto-puberal, compreendida entre 13 e 16 anos. Tem como principais causas hepatite ou cirrose hepática, carcinoma ou doenças inflamatórias pulmonares crônicas, carcinomas ou disfunções testiculares, tumores glandulares (pituitária, supra-renal), alterações dos níveis séricos de testosterona, síndromes genéticas (síndrome de Klinefelter, p.ex.), uso de drogas como heroína, maconha ou anabolizantes e hanseníase. Podemos classificar a ginecomastia quanto ao volume, quanto aos tecidos que a compõem (gordurosa ou pseudoginecomastia, glandular e mista), ou quanto ao tratamento necessário para sua correção cirúrgica (pequena, moderada e grave). O tratamento das formas mais graves de ginecomastia é muito diferente daquele aplicado às formas mais suaves, pois nas formas graves, além da ressecção dos tecidos gorduroso e glandular, existe a necessidade de ressecção da pele em excesso e o reposicionamento do complexo aréolo-mamilar. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever uma técnica cirúrgica específica para estes pacientes portadores de formas graves de ginecomastia, através de dois pedículos dermogordurosos, um lateral e um medial, com aproximadamente 2cm de espessura, mantendo assim a nutrição do complexo aréolo-mamilar. Esses pedículos são delimitados entre as bissetrizes dos quadrantes súpero-lateral e ínfero-lateral, e súpero-medial e ínfero-medial, tendo o mamilo como vértice. Na área de pele excessiva periareolar, obtida através do pinçamento interdigital, é realizada a desepidermização dos pedículos lateral e medial e ressecção de toda pele e tecido celular subcutâneo até a fáscia peitoral nas regiões superior e inferior aos pedículos; a síntese é realizada em dois planos, sendo periareolar a cicatriz resultante. Foram operados com esta técnica vinte pacientes com forma grave de ginecomastia, com média etária de 23,3 anos; sendo seis pacientes da raça negra. O bom posicionamento do complexo aréolo-mamilar e uma cicatriz periareolar resultante, bem como a retirada de conteúdo suficiente, foram as principais vantagens observadas. Como complicações, tivemos assimetria das placas aréolo-mamilares em dois casos, nos quais havia acentuada diferença entre os dois lados na avaliação pré-operatória; cicatrização hipertrófica em um paciente da raça negra, cuja cicatriz foi atenuada com injeções intracicatriciais de triancinolona; necrose parcial de aréola em um caso, cuja ferida cicatrizou por segunda intenção, dispensando qualquer tratamento local posterior; deiscência de sutura periareolar em um caso, no qual foi feita a ressutura, com bom resultado, e quatro pacientes apresentaram coleção sero-hemática subcutânea, que foram drenadas e não apresentaram recidiva.


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Trinta e cinco doentes portadores de megacólon chagásico foram operados pela técnica da retocolectomia abdominal com anastomose colorretal mecânica término-lateral durante o período de 1993 a 1997. Vinte (57,14%) doentes eram do sexo feminino e 15 (42,85%) do masculino. A idade variou de 27 a 76 anos, com média de 51 anos. A operação constou de ressecção do segmento dilatado, sepultamento do coto retal na altura da reflexão peritoneal com grampeador, dissecção do espaço retrorretal até o plano dos músculos elevadores e anastomose colorretal mecânica término-lateral posterior. Em quatro (11,42%) doentes a anastomose foi anterior. Em três (8,57%) doentes, o teste de escape da anastomose foi positivo, o que obrigou a complementação manual da sutura em dois (5,71 %) e sutura e ostomia derivativa em um (2,85%). Ocorreram sete (20,00%) complicações pós-operatórias precoces, sendo quatro consideradas relevantes (11,42%) e quatro (11,42%) complicações tardias. Houve um (2,85%) óbito por complicação clínica. Os doentes submetidos a colostomia foram reoperados para fechamento da mesma sem intercorrências. A totalidade dos doentes apresenta hábito intestinal normal. Não houve referências a alterações gênito-urinárias, nem a incontinência fecal. A anastomose foi tocada ou visibilizada em todos os pacientes examinados, durante o seguimento ambulatorial. Não houve casos de fecaloma no coto retal. Embora os resultados iniciais sejam bastante satisfatórios, é necessário maior tempo de observação para se avaliar a possibilidade de recidiva.