92 resultados para hamsters
The present study compares behavioral changes between two distinct rodent groups, hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) and Wistar rats, when submitted in the same homogeneous experimental situations to a serial conditional discrimination procedure which involves water deprivation and the processing of temporal variables. Both hamsters and rats acquired serial positive conditional discrimination as indicated by higher frequencies of magazine-oriented behavior during the tone followed by reinforcement (T+) and preceded by the feature stimulus light (L) and during the empty interval, than during the tone alone not followed by reinforcement (T-). Rats' frequencies of magazine-oriented behavior were high during T+ and T-, initially during training, and decreased during T- as the training progressed. However, the hamsters' frequencies of magazine-oriented behavior started very low and increased only during T+ as the training progressed. Comparison of the frequencies of magazine-oriented behavior during the empty interval in relation to the frequencies during the preceding L period showed that rats' frequencies remained very high and hamsters' frequencies increased during training. These results suggest that rats and hamsters have different behavioral strategies for the acquisition of a conditional discrimination. The results of the comparisons made in these experiments support the view of the importance of an ecological psychology approach to the understanding of complex learning in animals.
Entrapment neuropathy is a group of clinical disorders involving compression of a peripheral nerve and interference with nerve function mostly through traction injury. We have investigated the chronic compression of peripheral nerves as an experimental procedure for detecting changes in ultrastructural nerve morphology. Adult hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus, N = 30) were anesthetized with a 25% pentobarbital solution and received a cuff around the right sciatic nerve. Left sciatic nerves were not operated (control group). Animals survived for varying times (up to 15 weeks), after which they were sacrificed and both sciatic nerves were immediately fixed with a paraformaldehyde solution. Experimental nerves were divided into segments based upon their distance from the site of compression (proximal, entrapment and distal). Semithin and ultrathin sections were obtained and examined by light and electron microscopy. Ultrastructural changes were qualitatively described and data from semithin sections were morphometrically analyzed both in control and in compressed nerves. We observed endoneurial edema along with both perineurial and endoneurial thickening and also the existence of whorled cell-sparse structures (Renaut bodies) in the subperineurial space of compressed sciatic nerves. Morphometric analyses of myelinated axons at the compression sites displayed a remarkable increase in the number of small axons (up to 60%) in comparison with the control axonal number. The distal segment of compressed nerves presented a distinct decrease in axon number (up to 40%) comparatively to the control group. The present experimental model of nerve entrapment in adult hamsters was shown to promote consistent histopathologic alterations analogous to those found in chronic compressive neuropathies.
Alternative methods to the utilization of laboratory animal blood and its by-products are particularly attractive, especially regarding hamsters due to their small size and difficulties in obtaining serial blood samples. Steroid hormone metabolite quantification in feces, widely used in studies of free-ranging or intractable animals, is a non-invasive, non-stressor, economical, and animal saving technique which allows longitudinal studies by permitting frequent sampling of the same individual. The present study was undertaken to determine the suitability of this method for laboratory animals. Estradiol and progesterone metabolites were quantified by radioimmunoassay in feces of intact, sexually mature female Syrian hamsters during the estrous cycle (control) and in feces of superovulated females. Metabolites were extracted by fecal dilution in ethanol and quantified by solid phase radioimmunoassay. Median estrogen and progesterone concentrations were 9.703 and 180.74 ng/g feces in the control group, respectively. Peaks of estrogen (22.44 ± 4.54 ng/g feces) and progesterone (655.95 ± 129.93 ng/g feces) mean fecal concentrations respectively occurred 12 h before and immediately after ovulation, which is easily detected in this species by observation of a characteristic vaginal postovulatory discharge. Median estrogen and progesterone concentrations (28.159 and 586.57 ng/g feces, respectively) were significantly higher in superovulated animal feces (P < 0.0001). The present study demonstrated that it is possible to monitor ovarian activity in Syrian hamsters non-invasively by measuring fecal estradiol and progesterone metabolites. This technique appears to be a quite encouraging method for the development of new endocrinologic studies on laboratory animals.
Immunosuppression has been reported to occur during active visceral leishmaniasis and some factors such as the cytokine profile may be involved in this process. In the mouse model of cutaneous leishmaniasis using Leishmania (Leishmania) major, the Th1 response is related to protection while the Th2 response is related to disease progression. However, in hamsters, which are considered to be an excellent model for the study of visceral leishmaniasis, this dichotomy is not observed. Using outbred 45- to 60-day-old (140 to 150 g) male hamsters infected intraperitoneally with 2 x 10(7) L. (L.) chagasi amastigotes, we evaluated the immune response of spleen cells and the production of cytokines. We used 3 to 7 hamsters per group evaluated. We detected a preserved response to concanavalin A measured by index of proliferation during all periods of infection studied, while a proliferative response to Leishmania antigen was detected only at 48 and 72 h post-infection. Messenger RNA from cytokines type 1 (IL-2, TNF-α, IFN-γ) and type 2 (IL-4, IL-10 and TGF-β) detected by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and produced by spleen cells showed no qualitative difference between control non-infected hamsters and infected hamsters during any period of infection evaluated. Cytokines were measured by the DNA band intensity on agarose gel using the Image Lab 1D L340 software with no differences observed. In conclusion, the present results showed an antigen-dependent immunosuppression in hamsters with active visceral leishmaniasis that was not related to the cytokine profile.
Descreve-se a presença de foco de leishmaniose tegumentar no vale do rio Moji-Guaçú, em região comum aos municípios de Luiz Antonio, São Carlos, Rincão e Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Os casos humanos apresentavam formas clínicas caracterizadas por lesões úlcero-vegetantes, de evolução lenta e pobres em parasitos. As investigações sobre infecção natural em animais silvestres levou ao isolamento de roedores, de três cepas em cultura, duas procedentes de Akodon arviculoides e uma de Oryzomys nigripes. As provas de inoculação em hamsters foram, até o momento, positivas para duas delas, mas com evolução lenta, com manifestações clínicas muito discretas e pobres em parasitos. Pelos dados disponíveis até o momento, parece tratar-se de cepas filiáveis à raça "lenta", à qual se atribui papel na etiologia da forma cutaneo-mucosa da leishmaniose.
Relata-se o encontro de infecções naturais de Pintomyia pessoai e Psychodopygus intermedius em foco enzoótico de leishmaniose tegumentar no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. A natureza leishmaniótica desses encontros obteve confirmação através da inoculação experimental em hamsters.
Assinala-se o isolamento de cepa de Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis em exemplar de Oryzomys capito laticeps capturado em foco enzoótico do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. A identificação do parasita fez-se de acordo com o seu comportamento em inoculação experimental feita em hamsters. Pela primeira vez, relata-se possível papel de reservatório natural, desempenhado por esse roedor, em relação à leishmoniose cutâneo-mucosa.
Batches of sylvatic females of Lutzomyia youngi (Phlebotominae) captured in a Shannon trap on twelve occasions over one year in a locality where subcutaneous leishmaniasis is endemic, near the city of Trujillo, Venezuela, were used to study: 1) the percentages of parous females according to previously established criteria and 2) the average number of eggs laid spontaneously by isolated females during 7 days after feeding on hamsters. The data on the batches of females captured on nights previous to the rainy period (prepluvial) were compared with those on females captured after the rains (postpluvial) . Significant differences were detected by variation analysis for two variables and different number of N, as also were consistent groupings by Duncan's Test for pre-and postpluvial lots of females. The females captured on nights prior to the rainy periods (January-March and August-September) presented higher rates of nulliparity (86-72%) and contained or laid a greater number of eggs (71-67) than those captured after the rains (March-June and November-December) which presented lower rates of nulliparity (60-24%) and a smaller number of eggs (50-30). The rainfall peaks occurred in April and September-October, respectively. It is considered that these differences can be used by epidemiological studies as a means of estimating the physiological age of female populations of L. youngy.
Sobre Alberprosenia malheiroi n. sp. deu-se a conhecer uma diagnose resumida em 1980, porém sem valor bibliográfico. Em 1987 publicou-se a mesma diagnose anexando uma foto e alguns comentários, porém sem realizar uma descrição formal. Descreve-se para esta espécie, os adultos, os estádios imaturos, determina-se a série sintípica e apresenta-se dados bionômicos e de criação em insetário. As diferenças mais evidentes com A. goyovargasi, a única espécie que se conhecia do gênero até então, são a coloração geral negra, o espaço interocular maior que o tamanho de um olho visto dorsalmente, os tubérculos do colar com o ápice agudo e o tamanho maior, na nova espécie, quase o dobro do da primeira espécie. Os ovos são pequenos, fixados ao substrato em grupos de 3 ou 4, elipsóides, não achatados lateralmente, com o opérculo proeminente, convexo, sem estruturas evidentes. As ninfas apresentam em todos os estádios caracteres típicos do gênero e da tribo, com região anteocular menos longa que a post-ocular e característica pilosidade do tegumento que vai se acentuando a cada estádio. A. malheiroi n. sp. foi capturado em ecótopos silvestres em palmeiras em floresta no Estado do Pará, associados com morcegos ou aves. Nenhum dos exemplares estava infectado com Trypanosoma cruzi. Esses triatomíneos foram mantidos em insetários a ± 25°C e ± 60% UR, são insetos ágeis e voam com relativa facilidade. Alimentaram-se bem em pombos e morcegos e não aceitaram alimentação em ratos, camundongos ou hamsters. O período de incubação dos ovos foi em média treze dias e o tempo de evolução do período ninfal foi em média cento e trinta e dois dias.
Fez-se o registro, na Amazônia, do primeiro caso humano de infecção cutânea mista determinada por duas espécies distintas de Leishmania: a Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis e a Leishmania mexicana amazonensis. As duas amostras, em questão, foram isoladas de lesões distintas de um mesmo paciente, e a caracterização das espécies foi feita com base em observações de infecção experimental em hamsters, comportamento em meios artificiais de cultura, desenvolvimento de infecção experimental em Lutzomyia longipalpis, e eletroforese de isoenzimas em gel de amido. Conclui-se ser de interesse o achado que, combinado com o fato já conhecido de ausência de imunidade cruzada entre a maioria das leishmânias, sugere a necessidade do emprego de uma vacina polivalente para a região.
Roedores silvestres, classificados como Holochilus brasiliensis nanus Thomas,1897, foram capturados na cidade de São Bento, pertencente à Região da Baixada, do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil, naturalmente infectados com formas adultas de filaria, na cavidade peritoneal, e microfilárias sangüíneas, assim como, com esquistossoma mansoni (vermes adultos e granulomas peri-ovulares hepáticos; intestinais; pulmonares; esplênicos e pancreáticos). Animais nascidos em Biotério, descendentes de Holochilus da Região da Baixada, foram infectados experimentalmente com Leishmania m. amazonensis e Schistosoma mansoni. Em observações semanais, foram encontradas lesões teciduais, semelhantes às que se desenvolvem em hamsters infectados com Leishmania, e hipergamaglobulinemia. Nos esquistossomóticos, foram constatadas hipergamaglobulinemia e reações granulomatosas similares às encontradas nos animais infectados naturalmente. Foram observadas, também, lesões hepática graves, semelhantes às encontradas na esquistossomose humana. Estes achados sugerem a utilização do Holochilus b. nanus como modelo experimental destas três doenças tropicais.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis foi encontrado, por inoculação de triturado de fígado e baço em hamsters, em 4 de 20 tatus (Dasypus novemcinctus) examinados na região de Tucuruí, Pará. Hamsters inoculados por via intradérmica e peritoneal com o parasito desenvolveram infecções generalizadas e morreram em 1½ a 13 meses. A diagnose do fungo foi confirmada por histopatologia e cultura. Não se observaram sinais macroscópios de doenças nos tatus. A distribuição geográfica de D. novemcinctus abrange a área endêmica de paracoccidioidomicose humana, sugerindo-se que o tatu tenha algum papel na ecologia do fungo.
Forty-one naturally infected dogs with visceral leishmaniasis from an urban area of Corumbá (Mato Grosso do Sul-BRAZIL) were studied and three types of lung involvement due to visceral leishmaniasis were characterized; a cellular, a cellular-fibrotic and a fibrotic type. These types seem to represent a sequential evolutive proce'as. Visceral leishmaniasis frequently causes an interstitial pneu monitis in naturally infected dogs (80.5%) as well as in man and experimentally infected hamsters.
Crossed immunoelectrophoresis (IEC) was used for detection of free and complexed circulating polisaccharide anodic antigen (AgCA) of Schistosoma mansoni in sera of infected hamsters. An attempt was also done to detect AgCA in human sera from patients infected with S. mansoni. The conditions for isolation and detection of complexed AgCA were established. The sensitivity of IEC was increased by incorporation of 2% polyethylene glicol (PEG) to the agarose and by maintaining the system at 4°C during the electrophoretic run. Free AgCA was detected in 12 and the complexed in 30 of the 37 hamsters sera analysed. Correlation between AgCA (free and complexed) and the parasite load was observed. AgCA was not detected, under the experimental conditions used, in human sera from 7 patients in the acute and 23 in the chronic phase of infection.
Trophozoites of the Giardia muris group from hamsters, domestic rats and mice and of the Giardia duodenalis group from hamsters and domestic rats were examined by transmission electron microscopy. The basic ultrastructure of the trophozoites was similar. Differences were shown in the morphology of the ventrolateral flange of the trophozoites of Giardia muris and Giardia duodenalis groups. Marginal plates are less developed in the species of the Giardia duodenalis group. In this group, the distal extremity of the lateral flange is short and thick and the marginal plate does not penetrate into the distal extremity of the flange. In the Giardia muris group, the ventro-lateral flange is well developed and narrow and the marginal plate penetrates the distal extremity of the flange. The osmiophilic lamella, which accompanies the dorsal surface of the marginal plate is seen only in the Giardia muris group.