31 resultados para grassland ecosystem


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The study objective was to investigate an acute case of Chagas disease in the San Pedro de Shishita community, Pebas District, in the Peruvian Amazon basin, a non-endemic area. Both parents of the index case (acute case) were thoroughly interviewed, a seroepidemiological survey was carried out in the community, parasitological exams were carried out only in relatives of the index case, and triatomine bugs were searched for inside houses, peridomiciliary, and in wild environments. Seroprevalence for IgG anti-T. cruzi antibodies was 1/104 (0.96%), using an ELISA test and an indirect immunofluorescence assay. Panstrongylus geniculatus and Rhodnius pictipes adults were found. The index case is autochthonous from San Pedro de Shishita, but the source of transmission is unknown.


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Introduction Several cases of acute Chagas disease (ACD) have been reported in the Peruvian Amazon basin. Methods The objective was to describe and investigate 6 ACD cases in children from indigenous Amazon communities in the province of Datem del Marañón in Loreto department (2006-2010). Results The mean age was 3.6 years. All patients had fever, 4/6 hepatomegaly, 2/6 splenomegaly, and 5/6 had trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi on thick smears. The fatality rate was 33.3%. Rhodnius pictipes and Rhodnius robustus adults were found inside the homes and in the peri-domiciles. Conclusions All cases reported were isolated cases. We report a new focus of ACD in indigenous populations.


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The Jaú National Park is the largest protected forested area in the world. The Vitória Amazônica Foundation is working towards understanding its ecosystem, to which this paper contributes. Wood density was analysed in 27 common tree species growing in the blackwater flood-plains of the Rio Jaú, an affluent of the Rio Negro (Amazonia, Brazil). Wood was sampled with an increment borer. Mean wood density of the analysed species ranged from 0.35 to 0.87 g cm-3. The mean of all sampled species was 0.67 g cm-3 (st. dev. 0.13). Lowest density was found for Hevea spruceana with 0.32 g cm-3 and highest for Crudia amazonica with 0.9 g cm-3.


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A arqueologia da Amazônia boliviana ou das "Terras Baixas" compreende um imenso território que mostra, a luz da informação disponível, significativas descontinuidades espaço-temporais. A identificação nesta área de sociedades constituindo "cacicados da floresta tropical" a partir de critérios baseados em preconceitos, requer a reavaliação da pré-história regional do ponto de vista causal. A arqueologia beniana (de Llanos de Mojos) é conhecida, fundamentalmente, a partir das escavações de Erland Nordenskiöld, que sem dúvida estabeleceu as bases conceituais existentes atualmente. Entre os anos de 1977 e 1981 uma missão do Museu de La Plata (Argentina), sob a direção de B. Dougherty, e em estreita colaboração com o Instituto de Arqueologia de La Paz (Bolívia) e com o Amazonian Ecosystem Research (EUA), conduziu pesquisas sistemáticas considerando variados itens antropológicos e produzindo numerosas datações de radiocarbono. Estas contribuições ajudaram a esclarecer, mas não a simplificar o panorama pré-hispânico regional, tão importante na temática arqueológica sul-americana. Complementa este artigo uma exaustiva lista de bibliografias que facilita o acesso ao conhecimento sobre este grande território.


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The present study is a compilation of the literature about vegetation of mangrove forest of the north coast of Brazil. It synthesizes the knowledge about this important ecosystem and lists the currently available literature. The study focuses on the coast of Pará and Maranhão states, which are covered by a continuous belt of mangroves. The mangrove flora comprises six mangrove tree species and several associated species. Mangrove tree height and stem diameter vary as a function of abiotic local stand parameters. Seasonal variation in rainfall and salinity affect the species' phenology and litter fall. Local population use products derived from mangrove plants for different purposes (e.g. fuel; medicinal; rural construction). The increase in the coastal population has given rise to conflicts, which impact on mangrove forest.


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Global scale analyses of soil and foliage δ15N have found positive relationships between δ15N and ecosystem N loss (suggesting an open N cycle) and a negative relationship between δ15N and water availability. We show here that soils and leaves from tropical heath forests are depleted in 15N relative to 'typical' forests suggesting that they have a tight N cycle and are therefore limited by N rather than by, often suggested, water availability.


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Fields of murundus (FM) are wetlands that provide numerous ecosystem services. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the chemical [organic carbon (OC), P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+ and H+Al] and physical [texture and bulk density (Bd)] soil attributes and calculate the organic matter (OM) and nutrient stock (P, Ca, Mg, and K) in soils of FM located in the Guapore River basin in Mato Grosso. Thirty-six sampling points were selected, and soil samples were collected from two environments: the murundu and plain area surrounding (PAS). At each sampling point, mini trenches of 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.4 m were opened and disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected at depths of 0-0.1, 0.1-0.2, and 0.2-0.4 m. In the Principal Component Analysis the variables H+Al (49%) and OM (4%) were associated with the F1 component and sand content (47%) with the F2 component. The FM had lower pH values and higher concentrations of K+, P, and H+Al than PAS at all depths (p < 0.05). Additionally, FM stocked up to 433, 360, 205, and 11 kg ha-1 of Ca, Mg, K, and P, respectively, for up to a depth of 0.2 m. The murundu stored two times more K and three times more P than that in the PAS. Our results show that the FM has high sand content and Bd greater than 1.5 Mg m-3, high acidity, low OC content, and low nutrient concentrations. Thus, special care must be taken to preserve FM such that human intervention does not trigger environmental imbalances.


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ABSTRACTThe Amazon várzeas are an important component of the Amazon biome, but anthropic and climatic impacts have been leading to forest loss and interruption of essential ecosystem functions and services. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the capability of the Landsat-based Detection of Trends in Disturbance and Recovery (LandTrendr) algorithm to characterize changes in várzeaforest cover in the Lower Amazon, and to analyze the potential of spectral and temporal attributes to classify forest loss as either natural or anthropogenic. We used a time series of 37 Landsat TM and ETM+ images acquired between 1984 and 2009. We used the LandTrendr algorithm to detect forest cover change and the attributes of "start year", "magnitude", and "duration" of the changes, as well as "NDVI at the end of series". Detection was restricted to areas identified as having forest cover at the start and/or end of the time series. We used the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm to classify the extracted attributes, differentiating between anthropogenic and natural forest loss. Detection reliability was consistently high for change events along the Amazon River channel, but variable for changes within the floodplain. Spectral-temporal trajectories faithfully represented the nature of changes in floodplain forest cover, corroborating field observations. We estimated anthropogenic forest losses to be larger (1.071 ha) than natural losses (884 ha), with a global classification accuracy of 94%. We conclude that the LandTrendr algorithm is a reliable tool for studies of forest dynamics throughout the floodplain.


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ABSTRACT: Despite the reduction in deforestation rate in recent years, the impact of global warming by itself can cause changes in vegetation cover. The objective of this work was to investigate the possible changes on the major Brazilian biome, the Amazon Rainforest, under different climate change scenarios. The dynamic vegetation models may simulate changes in vegetation distribution and the biogeochemical processes due to climate change. Initially, the Inland dynamic vegetation model was forced with initial and boundary conditions provided by CFSR and the Eta regional climate model driven by the historical simulation of HadGEM2-ES. These simulations were validated using the Santarém tower data. In the second part, we assess the impact of a future climate change on the Amazon biome by applying the Inland model forced with regional climate change projections. The projections show that some areas of rainforest in the Amazon region are replaced by deciduous forest type and grassland in RCP4.5 scenario and only by grassland in RCP8.5 scenario at the end of this century. The model indicates a reduction of approximately 9% in the area of tropical forest in RCP4.5 scenario and a further reduction in the RCP8.5 scenario of about 50% in the eastern region of Amazon. Although the increase of CO2 atmospheric concentration may favour the growth of trees, the projections of Eta-HadGEM2-ES show increase of temperature and reduction of rainfall in the Amazon region, which caused the forest degradation in these simulations.


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The abundance of soil microarthropods from seven fragments of Araucaria Forest, Muitos Capões, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, was compared. The size of the fragments ranged from 0.25 ha to 35 ha, the two largest fragments are situated within the Aracuri Ecological Station and the remaining five are situated in a cattle ranching farm. In June 2000, three plots (10 m x 10 m) were established in the central area of each patch, and three soil cores (7 cm diameter x 6 cm deep) were taken per plot. The abundance of microarthropods in the upper six centimeters (soil + litter) varied between 63209 and 102704 ind.m-2, with oribatid mites (Acari, Cryptostigmata) being dominant in all fragments (between 46.9 % and 61.3 % of total individuals). Most microarthropod groups presented a decrease in abundance with decreasing fragment area, with a statistically significant difference between smaller and larger fragments. The proportion of oribatids also decreased with decreasing fragment area. The results suggest that the growing fragmentation process of Araucaria forests in southern Brazil, associated to a tendency for reducing the size of remnant fragments, can affect the abundance of soil microarthropods, and therefore, the quality and health of this ecosystem.


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A population of Sesarma rectum Randall, 1840 under the influence of human impact was studied. Monthly sampling (CPUE, two people during 30 min) took place from August/2001 to July/2002 at an impacted muddy flat in Paraty city, State of Rio de Janeiro (23º13'S, 44º42'W). At the laboratory, specimens were classified by sex and measured with a vernier caliper (0.01 mm). The size at the beginning of the sexual maturity was obtained by means of different techniques: in the case of males it was used the allometric procedure and the macroscopic analysis of gonads wile for females, the size of the smallest ovigerous female was also considered. The population structure was evaluated by means the analysis of the variations in the modes of the size frequency distribution. The fecundity was assessed using sub samples of the egg mass. For males, the macroscopic analyses of gonads revealed larger values of carapace width than those obtained with morphometric analysis. Males larger than 18.5 mm of carapace width can be considered as mature. For females, such size was 17.4 mm CW. Despite of the human impact in the habitat, the population presented to be stable, as indicated by a single mode on the size frequency distribution. The second mode that appeared in some months is probably related to the entrance of juveniles in the population. The sex ratio of this population is closely approximating to 1:1 until crabs reach a carapace width of about 28 mm; after that, males outnumbered females. Comparing the fecundity of the present population with a previous study from Ubatuba, it can be verified a difference in the number of eggs. The fecundity of Paraty's population is significantly lower than the Ubatuba's population. This is probably related to the scarcity of food resource in Paraty, once no vascular plant can be found in that place. The continuity of reproductive processes and the juvenile recruitment suggest this species is able to live in the area with human impact. The ability to obtaining nutrients from different source of food is probably a feature that allows S. rectum to occupy such impacted ecosystem.


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It was made the characterization of marginal sphincter to the species Phymactis clematis (Drayton in Dana, 1849) and Aulactinia marplatensis (Zamponi, 1977), from intertidal ecosystem through their morphogical and functional study. The species P. clematis has a circumscript sphincter of palmate type. This muscle is constituted by a mesogloeal axis and several mesogloeal subaxes. Axis as well as subaxes give a support to the endoderm which border is smooth. Aulactinia marplatensis has a circunscript sphincter pinnate type. The axis has a truncated cone shape while in P. clematis the shape is cylindrical on its origin and it is bifurcated at the end. Both species experiments were carried out using the isolated muscles. They were stimulated at increasing KCl concentrations ranging from 20 to 200 mM. The results were analysed in the form of dose-response curves expressed in tension in grams force vs concentration. Contractil force increases in a sigmoid form to increasing KCl concentrations. The correlation between morphology and function and the differences shown in both species would be related to their intertidal distribution.


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Invasive species are one of the most significant causes of biodiversity loss and changes in ecosystem services, which underlines the importance of their detection and their study. The Asian clams (Corbiculidae) are invasive organisms that accidentally entered the La Plata River, Argentina, presumably in the 1960s. The objectives of the present study were to identify the corbiculid species and to determine their distribution at several locations along the Suquía River basin, an extended area in central Argentina. In addition, population structure was evaluated monthly during one year, at a site in the city of Córdoba that is characterized by high human influence. The presence of Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) and Corbicula largillierti (Philippi, 1844) in the Suquía River basin is reported for the first time. The former species was found only in a lentic environment (San Roque reservoir), while the latter was also found along the tributary rivers and brooks of the basin. Corbicula largillierti showed variations in average density between the different sites and also in biomass and size classes throughout the study period at the site at Córdoba city. The relative composition of the sediments, flow fluctuation and human pollution may be responsible for the observed differences.


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Nearly all remnants of temperate grasslands in southeastern South America are used for livestock ranching and are subject to habitat degradation resulting from this activity. Exploring how habitat features affect the composition of grassland avifaunal communities is a first step to understand how current cattle-ranching management practices impact avian diversity. We used canonical ordination to test for relationships between five habitat variables and the composition of the bird community in coastal grasslands in southern Brazil. We sampled pastures with different heights, from overgrazed short-grass to tall herbaceous vegetation. We recorded 1,535 individuals and 27 species of birds. The first ordination axis indicated a strong contribution of mean vegetation height on the composition of the bird community, whereas the second axis revealed the influence of herbaceous vegetation patchiness and woody vegetation cover. Three groups of species were revealed by the ordination: one more diffuse associated with intermediate and tall herbaceous vegetation, another with short grass, and a third with vegetation patchiness and woody vegetation. Species restricted to tall herbaceous vegetation are negatively impacted from habitat degradation resulting from overgrazing and trampling by livestock, and mowing and burning of tall plants. Occurrence of these species in our study area is related with the presence of swales immediately behind the dune system and where remnants of tall vegetation persist. Birds of pastures with ample cover of short herbaceous plants, including one globally threatened species and six other restricted to short-grass habitat, apparently benefit from local livestock management practices. Woody vegetation possibly functions as a keystone structure, enabling the occurrence in grasslands of avian species that rely on shrubby habitat. Although livestock ranching promotes the diversity of habitats by creating distinct patches of vegetation height in grasslands, current management practices directed to the maintenance of short grass pastures may eliminate an entire subset of species, including regionally threatened taxa, and reduce avian diversity. The maintenance of large patches of tall herbaceous plants is needed to ensure the survival of species reliant on this type of grassland structure in our study area.


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We characterized the local benthic Chironomidae by analyzing the numerical density, biomass, diversity index of Shannon-Wiener and dominance of larvae in the main channel of the Ivinhema River, in a secondary channel, in five lakes connected to the main channel and in five lakes without connection. Of the 68 taxa identified, Aedokritus sp., Tanytarsus sp., Chironomus strenzkei Fittkau, 1968 and Procladius sp.1 were found in all sampling sites and were considered morphospecies with greater of greatest ecological plasticity. Chironomus strenzkei Fittkau, 1968, contributed with the greatest biomass in the central region of lakes without connection, whereas Aedokritus sp. dominated in the littoral of lakes. The greater values of diversity indices in the littoral region of channels were due to the greater water flow and to the higher food availability in these areas. The dominance indices, by contrast, were greater on the central region of these environments. The littoral region has exclusive characteristics, representing habitats that could play important controlling in the numerical density and index diversity on the ecosystem, whereas that the biomass of benthic invertebrates in the central region in some biotopes would have different spatial probably according organisms drift.