155 resultados para granulomas
Com o objetivo de acompanhar a evolução da infecção bissexual primária de camundongos por S. mansoni, foram infectados camundongos Swiss com 100 cercárias da linhagem mineira (BH) de Schistosoma mansoni. A evolução da infecção foi acompanhada por um período de 8 semanas. Foi verificada uma relação entre o número de granulomas hepáticos e o número de vermes totais. O ganho de peso corporal, o peso do baço e a percentagem do peso do fígado em relação ao peso corporal foram diferentes quando comparados os animais infectados e controles. O quadro leucocitário dos camundongos infectados apresentou alterações no número de leucócitos totais, neutrófilos e linfócitos. Os exames histológicos do baço e do fígado revelaram alterações nestes órgãos de acordo com a fase da infecção.
Estudou-se em camundongos de laboratório, aspectos da patogenicidade decorrentes de infecções unissexuais e bissexuais produzidas por S. mansoni. Verificou-se quantitativamente a deposição de ovos nas fezes, da 1ª a 8ª semana após a infecção. Foram registrados, para análise e correlação, o número de vermes obtidos por necrópsia, o peso corporal dos roedores, o peso do fígado e do baço, o número de granulomas hepáticos, pulmonares, esplênicos e intestinais. Foram observadas reações granulomatosas no pâncreas.
Realizou-se estudo sobre o desenvolvimento da esquistossomose mansônica em camundongos submetidos à dieta hipoprotéica. Foram constituídos 4 grupos de Mus musculus "Swiss" da seguinte forma: 1) não infectados, normoprotéicos; 2) infectados, normoprotéicos; 3) não infectados, hipoprotéicos e 4) infectados, hipoprotéicos. Os animais foram sacrificados com 60 dias de infecção, aos 90 dias de idade. Verificou-se que os esquistossomos sofreram os efeitos da subnutrição do hospedeiro, principalmente os vermes machos, que além de terem seu desenvolvimento prejudicado, tiveram seu número reduzido aproximadamente pela metade. O número de granulomas foi menor nos roedores subnutridos e o tamanho da lesão foi reduzido. Houve acentuada leucopenia nos animais submetidos à dieta hipoprotéica, principalmente nos infectados subnutridos. A linfopenia e a eosinopenia acentuadas sugeriram que o sistema imunológico do hospedeiro foi afetado pela subnutrição. A taxa de mortalidade foi muito mais elevada nos animais infectados submetidos à dieta hipoprotéica. Concluiu-se que os camundongos subnutridos resistiram menos à infecção esquistossomótica apesar de terem apresentado menor número de lesões granulomatosas.
Roedores silvestres, classificados como Holochilus brasiliensis nanus Thomas,1897, foram capturados na cidade de São Bento, pertencente à Região da Baixada, do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil, naturalmente infectados com formas adultas de filaria, na cavidade peritoneal, e microfilárias sangüíneas, assim como, com esquistossoma mansoni (vermes adultos e granulomas peri-ovulares hepáticos; intestinais; pulmonares; esplênicos e pancreáticos). Animais nascidos em Biotério, descendentes de Holochilus da Região da Baixada, foram infectados experimentalmente com Leishmania m. amazonensis e Schistosoma mansoni. Em observações semanais, foram encontradas lesões teciduais, semelhantes às que se desenvolvem em hamsters infectados com Leishmania, e hipergamaglobulinemia. Nos esquistossomóticos, foram constatadas hipergamaglobulinemia e reações granulomatosas similares às encontradas nos animais infectados naturalmente. Foram observadas, também, lesões hepática graves, semelhantes às encontradas na esquistossomose humana. Estes achados sugerem a utilização do Holochilus b. nanus como modelo experimental destas três doenças tropicais.
É descrito um caso fatal de infecção por Lagochilascaris sp., provavelmente Lagochilascaris minor Leiper, 1909 , com localização pulmonar. O paciente, do sexo feminino, oriundo de Curralinho-Estado do Pará, desenvolveu uma pneumonite grave, que lhe acarretou a morte, por insuficiência respiratória, em pouco menos de três meses. À autópsia, numerosas lesões de natureza exsudativa e granulomatosa podiam ser vistas em ambos os pulmões, indicando tuberculose ou infecção micótica pulmonar. Todavia, quando se procedeu ao exame microscópico, ovos, larvas e até uma fêmea grávida do verme foram encontrados nos tecidos, como causa da doença sempre no interior de granulomas ou de extensas áreas de necrose. Em quase todos os casos, até agora conhecidos, de lagoquilascaríase humana cerca de 25 , o parasito se localizava nos tecidos do pescoço, nos seios da face ou sobre a apófise mastóide. Neste caso, pela primeira vez, um representante do gênero Lagochilascaris é referido em sítio bem distinto do habitual, no hospedeiro humano. O achado, por outro lado, dos diferentes estádios evolutivos do helminto, dispersos pelo parênquima pulmonar, além de mostrar a natureza errática do parasitismo, sugere fortemente a existência de um ciclo pulmonar na lagoquilascaríase humana.
The experimental model of paracoccidioidomycosis induced in mice by the intravenous injection of yeast-forms of P. brasiliensis (Bt2 strain; 1 x 10(6) viable fungi/animal) was used to evaluate sequentially 2, 4, 8, 16 and 20 weeks after inoculation: 1. The presence of immunoglobulins and C3 in the pulmonary granuloma-ta, by direct immunofluorescence; 2. The humoral (immunodiffusion test) and the cellular (footpad sweeling test) immune response; 3. The histopathology of lesions. The cell-immune response was positive since week 2, showing a transitory depression at week 16. Specific antibodies were first detected at week 4 and peaked at week 16. At histology, epithelioid granulomas with numerous fungi and polymorphonuclear agreggates were seen. The lungs showed progressive involvement up to week 16, with little decrease at week 20. From week 2 on, there were deposits of IgG and C3 around fungal walls within the granulomas and IgG stained cells among the mononuclear cell peripheral halo. Interstitital immunoglobulins and C3 deposits in the granulomas were not letected. IgG and C3 seen to play an early an important role in. the host defenses against P. brasiliensis by possibly cooperating in the killing of parasites and blocking the antigenic diffusion.
Female albino rats were used for the sequential histopathological study of experimental paracoccidioidomycosis. The animals were inoculated intraperitoneally with a strain of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in the yeast-like phase, and sacrificed at given intervals from 1 to 168 days after inoculation; each animal received an inoculum of 4 x 10(6) cells in 0.8 ml of saline. The control group received saline containing scrapings of the culture medium. Tissue from the inoculation site was examined. The cellular population, the extracellular matrix, and the presence and characteristics of fungi were analysed in the inflammatory granulomatous process by light microscopy. The results allowed to separate the kinetic of the inflammatory response into three stages: 1) neutrophilic or macrophagic-neutrophilic; 2) pre-granulomatous; 3) granulomatous. Synthesis of the extracellular matrix began with the depositing of fibrin-like material, and increased gradually with deposits of collagen, proteoglycans, and glycoproteins. Parasites were present in all of the examined periods. Recurrences of the disease were clearly shown through the concurrence of recently-formed granulomas with older granulomas, implying that this type of granulomatous process does not eliminate the disease, nor is it able to limit fungal dissemination over a prolonged period of time.
Coccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis, endemic in arid areas of the American continent. The rat was employed as an experimental host, since it had been shown to reproduce human lesions and present a chronic course of disease with granulomas mainly restricted to lungs. Given the influence of immunosuppressive therapy on the clinical course of human coccidioidomycosis, we studied the effect of cyclophosphamide (CY) in the experimental rat model. Accordingly, animals were inoculated with 400 Coccidioides immitis arthroconidia of the Acosta strain, by intracardiacal route. As single CY doses failed to alter the course of disease, three schedules were used: A) 4 daily doses of 20 mg/kg each, prior to C. immitis inoculation; B) 4 similar daily doses after infection; and C); 6 doses of 20 mg/kg each, given from day +1 to +4, then on days +8 and +9, post infection (pi), taking day 0 as the time of fungal inoculation. The first two schedules inhibited antibody formation up to day 28 pi, without modifying cellular response to coccidioidin as measured by foodpad swelling. Initially, there was greater fungal spread than in controls receiving C. immitis alone, which proved self-limiting in the latter. In contrast, schedule C led to 559r mortality, with both humoral and cellular response abrogation, accompanied by extensive C. immitis dissemination. Histology disclosed significant alterations, such as the persistence of primary infection sporangia, corresponding to the acute stage of coccidioidomycosis in the absence of granuloma development. Therefore, the observed depression in cellular immunity seems responsible for the lack of inflammatory reaction capable of restricting sporangia proliferation in tissues which, in turn, enhances pathogen spread and mortality rate.
São descritas as alterações microscópicas presentes na forma localizada (ulcerada) da Leishmaniose cutânea produzida por Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. Nesse tipo de manifestação, menos conhecido do que a forma anérgica ou difusa devida ao mesmo agente, as lesões são clinicamente idênticas às de leishmaniose cutânea causada por espécies outras de Leishmania, pertencentes ao subgênero Viannia. Na infecção localizada por L. (L.) amazonensis, entretanto, há um aspecto peculiar, só recentemente conhecido, ou seja, cerca de 50% dos indivíduos atingidos não reagem ao teste de Montenegro. A principal característica histológica observada foi a acumulação na derme, quase sempre focal, de numerosos macrófagos contendo no citoplasma um grande vacúolo cheio de amastigotas. O quadro é semelhante ao da forma difusa, porém sem o aspecto histiocitomatóide, próprio da última. Afora esses grupos de macrófagos, vêem-se também, na forma localizada, muitas células mononucleares da inflamação, principalmente plasmócitos e macrófagos não parasitados. Os acúmulos de macrófagos com amastigotas, quando volumosos, podem sofrer necrose na parte central; os parasitos, contidos nas células, são destruídos com elas ou liberados, e sua eliminação através da úlcera deve contribuir para a cura do processo. Esse tipo de necrose nunca foi descrito em casos da forma difusa. Não houve grande diferença, no quadro histológico, entre pacientes Montenegro-negativos e positivos. Apenas em alguns casos, do grupo Montenegro-positivo, havia granulomas formados por histiócitos epitelióides sem parasitos. Quanto à persistência das células com parasitos nas lesões, observou-se que aos seis meses ou mais de evolução, em ambos os grupos, ainda estavam elas presentes. Tal achado não é comum na leishmaniose tegumentar por L. (V.) braziliensis.
To evaluate whether the intensity of the hepatic granulomatous response induced by S. mansoni eggs plays a role in drug metabolism, mice were infected with 40 cercariae and tested to assess the sodic pentobarbital induced sleeping-time. To decrease the inflammatory reaction the animals were irradiated with 400 Rad or received azathioprine, 20mg/kg, 3 times a week, for 4 weeks, respectively in or beginning in the 33th post-infection day. In infected animals receiving azathioprine the area of the hepatic granulomas was smaller and the sleeping-time was similar to that of non-infected ones (controls). In mice infected and irradiated the granuloma dimensions were similar to those of animals only infected, in these two latter groups of animals, the sleeping-time was more prolonged than that of the control animals. These results show that: 1) mice with unaltered hepatic granulomatous reaction show reduction in metabolism of sodic pentobarbital; 2) granulomatous response diminished by azathioprine does not interfere with the capacity of metabolism of the anesthetic drug.
The objective of this study was to compare the histopathological changes and expression of CR3 and CR4 in the liver and spleen of dogs naturally and experimentally infected with L. chagasi. The basic histopathological lesions observed mainly in naturally infected dogs were: epithelioid hepatic granulomas, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of Kupffer cells, Malpigui follicles and mononucleated cells of the red pulp of the spleen. Sections from the liver and spleen by immunocytochemistry technique showed the presence of CD11b,c\CD 18 antigens in the control and infected animals and no qualitative or quantitative differences in the liver. Nevertheless, CD18 was always increased in the spleen of naturally and experimentally infected dogs. These results indicate that there is a difference in the activaton of CD 18 in both experimental and natural cases of canine visceral leishmaniasis that should play an important role in the immunological response to Leishmania chagasi infection.
Two cases of ectopic cutaneous schistosomiasis are described. Both patients presented with abdominal papular skin lesions, which on biopsy were found to contain granulomas with Schistosoma mansoni eggs. Twenty-five other cases were retrieved from the literature. Most patients were female, mean age 24.9 year, with a predominance of the white race. The most common localization was anterior thorax and abdomen. Usually, the lesions were asymptomatic. In few cases, however, severe clinical syndromes due to the parasite coexisted, such as transverse myelitis or the acute-toxemic form of the disease. Intestinal infection was not frequently demonstrated in these patients. The importance of the recognition of these cutaneous lesions may rest on the opportunity to provide an etiological diagnosis in these difficult cases.
Patients with paracoccidioidomycosis often present pulmonary fibrosis and exhibit important respiratory limitations. Based on an already established animal model, the contribution of viable and non-viable P. brasiliensis propagules to the development of fibrosis was investigated. BALB/c male mice, 4-6 weeks old were inoculated intranasally either with 4x10(6 )viable conidia (Group I), or 6.5x10(6) fragmented yeast cells (Group II). Control animals received PBS. Six mice per period were sacrificed at 24, 48, 72h (initial) and 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks post-challenge (late). Paraffin embedded lungs were sectioned and stained with H&E, trichromic (Masson), reticulin and Grocott´s. During the initial period PMNs influx was important in both groups and acute inflammation involving 34% to 45% of the lungs was noticed. Later on, mononuclear cells predominated. In group I, the inflammation progressed and granulomas were formed and by the 12th week they fussed and became loose. Thick collagen I fibers were observed in 66.6% and 83.3% of the animals at 8 and 12 weeks, respectively. Collagen III, thick fibers became apparent in some animals at 4weeks and by 12 weeks, 83% of them exhibited alterations in the organization and thickness of these elements. In group II mice, this pattern was different with stepwise decrease in the number of inflammatory foci and lack of granulomas. Although initially most animals in this group had minor alterations in thin collagen I fibers, they disappeared by the 4th week. Results indicate that tissue response to fragmented yeast cells was transitory while viable conidia evoked a progressive inflammatory reaction leading to granuloma formation and to excess production and/or disarrangement of collagens I and III; the latter led to fibrosis.
The subcutaneous tissue of the hamster cheek pouch, a site of immunologic privilege, has been used to investigate the potential infectivity of different types of parasites. It has been demonstrated that the implantation of fragments of lesions induced by the fungus Lacazia loboi, the etiologic agent of Jorge Lobo's disease, into the subcutaneous tissue of the hamster cheek pouch resulted in parasite multiplication and dissemination to satellite lymph nodes16. Here we describe the evolution of lesions induced by the inoculation of the isolated fungus into this immunologically privileged site. The morphology of the inflammatory response and fungal viability and proliferation were evaluated. Inoculation of the fungus into the cheek pouch induced histiocytic granulomas with rare lymphocytes. Although fungal cells were detected for a period of up to 180 days in these lesions, the fungi lost viability after the first day of inoculation. In contrast, when the parasite was inoculated into the footpad, non-organized histiocytic lesions were observed. Langhan's giant cells, lymphocytes and fungal particles were observed in these lesions. Fungal viability was observed up to 60 days after inoculation and non-viable parasites were present in the persistent lesions up to 180 days post-inoculation. These data indicate that the subcutaneous tissue of the hamster cheek pouch is not a suitable site for the proliferation of Lacazia loboi when the fungus isolated from human tissues is tested.
The assessment of urinary schistosomiasis in individuals coming from endemic areas often requires diagnostic resources not used in areas of exposure in order to determine complications or to establish more precise criteria of cure. Cystoscopy and 24-hour urine examination were performed, after treatments with praziquantel 40 mg/kg body weight, single dose, on 25 Brazilian military men who were part of a United Nations peace mission to Mozambique in 1994. The median age of the individuals was 29 years and all presented a positive urine parasitological exam. The alterations detected by cystoscopy were hyperemia and granulomas in the vesical submucosa in 59.1% of the individuals and only granulomas in 40.9%. A vesical biopsy revealed granulomas in all patients and viable eggs in 77.3% even after a period during which the patients no longer excreted eggs in urine. Cystoscopy after treatment, followed by biopsy and histopathological evaluation, performed in areas where the evolution of the disease can be better monitored, was found to be a safe criterion of parasitological cure.