59 resultados para germ plasm


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This study reports the embryogenesis of T. infestans (Hemiptera, Reduviidae). Morphological parameters of growth sequences from oviposition until hatching (12-14 d 28ºC) were established. Five periods, as percent of time of development (TD), were characterized from oviposition until hatching. The most important morphological features were: 1) formation of blastoderm within 7% of TD; 2) germ band and gastrulation within 30% of TD; 3) nerve cord, limb budding, thoracic and abdominal segmentation and formation of body cavity within 50% of TD; 4) nervous system and blastokinesis end, and development of embryonic cuticle within 65% of TD; 5) differentiation of the mouth parts, fat body, and Malphigian tubules during final stage and completion of embryo at day 12 to day 14 around hatching. These signals were chosen as appropriate morphological parameters which should enable the evaluation of embryologic modifications due to the action/s of different insecticides


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Ten cases of cryptococcosis due to unusual microscopic forms of Cryptococcus sp. observed over a twenty-eight year period (1981-2009) are presented. The most important clinicopathological and laboratory data are tabulated. The uncommon forms of cryptococcal cells given are: structures resembling germ tube (one case), chains of budding yeasts (one case), pseudohyphae (two cases) and nonencapsulated yeast-like organisms (eight cases). The diagnosis was based on the histopathological findings. The causative organism was isolated and identified in seven cases; five were due to C. neoformans, and two to C. gattii. In addition, the importance of using staining histochemical techniques - Grocott's silver stain (GMS), Mayer's mucicarmine stain (MM) and Fontana-Masson stain (FM) - in the diagnosis of cryptococcosis is argued.


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SUMMARY Infection by Candidaspp. is associated with high mortality rates, especially when treatment is not appropriate and/or not immediate. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly identify the genus and species of Candida. The aim of this study was to compare the identification of 89 samples of Candida spp. by the manual methods germ tube test, auxanogram and chromogenic medium in relation to the ID 32C automated method. The concordances between the methods in ascending order, measured by the Kappa index were: ID 32C with CHROMagar Candida(κ = 0.38), ID 32C with auxanogram (κ = 0.59) and ID 32C with germ tube (κ = 0.9). One of the species identified in this study was C. tropicalis,which demonstrated a sensitivity of 46.2%, a specificity of 95.2%, PPV of 80%, NPV of 81.1%, and an accuracy of 80.9% in tests performed with CHROMagar Candida;and a sensitivity of 76.9%, a specificity of 96.8%, PPV of 90.9%, NPV of 91%, and an accuracy of 91% in the auxanogram tests. Therefore, it is necessary to know the advantages and limitations of methods to choose the best combination between them for a fast and correct identification of Candidaspecies.


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To determine parameters associated with the evolution of sepsis, a five-year retrospective study was conducted in a university hospital. One hundred and four consecutive sepsis patients were evaluated, of whom 55.8% were men. The mortality was 68.3% and was associated with older age (p<0.05). Chronic comorbidities and infection site were not associated with prognosis. Gram-positive bacteria were more frequently identified in survivors (p<0.05), while non-detection of the germ was associated with mortality (p<0.01). Appropriate use of antibiotics (germ sensitive to at least one drug administered) was associated with survival (p<0.0001) while inappropriate use (p<0.05) or empirical use (p<0.01) were more frequent in nonsurvivors. Leukocytosis was the main abnormality (54.8%) detected on diagnosis, from the leukocyte count. During the evolution, normal leukocyte count was associated with survival (p<0.01) and leukocytosis with mortality (p<0.05). In conclusion, mortality was associated with nondetection of the pathogen, leukocytosis during the evolution of the sepsis and inappropriate or empirical use of antimicrobials. Evidence-based treatment that is directed towards modifiable risk factors might improve the prognosis for sepsis patients.


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INTRODUCTION: Opportunistic fungal infections in immunocompromised hosts are caused by Candida species, and the majority of such infections are due to Candida albicans. However, the emerging pathogen Candida dubliniensis demonstrates several phenotypic characteristics in common with C. albicans, such as production of germ tubes and chlamydospores, calling attention to the development of stable resistance to fluconazole in vitro. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of biochemistry identification in the differentiating between C. albicans and C. dubliniensis, by phenotyping of yeast identified as C. albicans. METHODS: Seventy-nine isolates identified as C. albicans by the API system ID 32C were grown on Sabouraud dextrose agar at 30°C for 24-48h and then inoculated on hypertonic Sabouraud broth and tobacco agar. RESULTS: Our results showed that 17 (21.5%) isolates were growth-inhibited on hypertonic Sabouraud broth, a phenotypic trait inconsistent with C. albicans in this medium. However, the results observed on tobacco agar showed that only 9 (11.4%) of the growth-inhibited isolates produced characteristic colonies of C. dubliniensis (rough colonies, yellowish-brown with abundant fragments of hyphae and chlamydospores). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that this method is a simple tool for screening C. albicans and non-albicans yeast and for verification of automated identification.


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IntroductionPurpureocillium lilacinum is emerging as a causal agent of hyalohyphomycosis that is refractory to antifungal drugs; however, the pathogenic mechanisms underlying P. lilacinum infection are not understood. In this study, we investigated the interaction of P. lilacinum conidia with human macrophages and dendritic cells in vitro.MethodsSpores of a P. lilacinum clinical isolate were obtained by chill-heat shock. Mononuclear cells were isolated from eight healthy individuals. Monocytes were separated by cold aggregation and differentiated into macrophages by incubation for 7 to 10 days at 37°C or into dendritic cells by the addition of the cytokines human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor and interleukin-4. Conidial suspension was added to the human cells at 1:1, 2:1, and 5:1 (conidia:cells) ratios for 1h, 6h, and 24h, and the infection was evaluated by Giemsa staining and light microscopy.ResultsAfter 1h interaction, P. lilacinum conidia were internalized by human cells and after 6h contact, some conidia became inflated. After 24h interaction, the conidia produced germ tubes and hyphae, leading to the disruption of macrophage and dendritic cell membranes. The infection rate analyzed after 6h incubation of P. lilacinumconidia with cells at 2:1 and 1:1 ratios was 76.5% and 25.5%, respectively, for macrophages and 54.3% and 19.5%, respectively, for cultured dendritic cells.ConclusionsP. lilacinum conidia are capable of infecting and destroying both macrophages and dendritic cells, clearly demonstrating the ability of this pathogenic fungus to invade human phagocytic cells.


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PURPOSE: Infertility is one of the less common presenting features associated with testicular tumors. We evaluated the histologic and biochemical findings, and pregnancy outcome in patients presenting with infertility who were found to have testicular tumors. METHODS: Seven patients with infertility were found to have testicular cancer over a 15-year period. All patients had a testicular ultrasound evaluation. The indications for the ultrasound were testicular pain in 2 patients, suspicious palpable mass in 4, and to rule out the presence of germ cell neoplasia in a patient with carcinoma in situ detected on a previous biopsy. Physical exam, histological findings, hormonal levels, tumor markers, and pregnancy outcome results were recorded from the patients medical charts. RESULTS: Two men had elevated serum follicle stimulant hormone and luteinizing hormone levels, 1 of them had an abnormally low serum testosterone level. Tumor markers were normal in all patients. In 4 patients the tumor was on the right side and in 3 on the left. The histological diagnoses were seminoma (n = 5), Leydig cell tumor (n = 1), and carcinoma in situ (n = 1). Of the 7 patients, 5 underwent adjuvant radiation therapy. Two patients had sperm cryopreserved. Follow up on fertility status was available in 6 cases. One patient has established a pregnancy and 5 did not achieve a pregnancy after treatment for their cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Most of the men who have testicular cancer and male infertility have a seminona. Therefore, men who present with infertility should be thoroughly investigated to rule out such serious, concomitant diseases along with their infertility.


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Considerando a magnitude da hipovitaminose A como problema de saúde pública no mundo e a disponibilidade de frutos ricos em pró-vitamina A na região Amazônica, determinou-se a biodisponibilidade dos carotenóides do Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) em ratos. Quarenta e oito ratos machos da linhagem Wistar (Rattus novergicus, var. albinus, Rodentia: Mammalia) recém-desmamados, com peso médio inicial de 33,8 ± 1,7g, foram distribuídos em cinco grupos, ou seja, Grupos: Deficiente, Controle 1200, Controle 2400, Buriti 1200 e Buriti 2400. As rações foram elaboradas de acordo com a recomendação do Committee on Laboratory Animal Diets (1993). Após o período experimental de 28 dias, todos os animais foram sacrificados para a determinação de vitamina A e caroteno no plasma e no fígado. A menor concentração de vitamina A hepática e plasmática foi observada no Grupo Deficiente. Por sua vez, as reservas hepáticas de vitamina A dos animais dos grupos Buriti 1200 e 2400 foram significativamente superiores quando comparados com os grupos Controle 1200 e 2400, respectivamente. Os resultados desse estudo demonstraram ser o buriti uma fonte de pró-vitamina A altamente biodisponível, com eficiência relativa de 254,6% (1200ER/Kg ração) e 179,4% (2400 ER/Kg ração) quando comparado com os respectivos grupos controle, indicando a maior biodisponibilidade dos carotenóides em doses próximas à recomendada.


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Os lipídeos exercem diversas funções biológicas, como constituintes de membranas, precursores de hormônios, e por seu alto conteúdo calórico, um eficiente composto para estoque de energia. Nos peixes, ao contrário dos mamíferos, os modelos de deposição lipídica são mais diversos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a concentração de lipídeo total no plasma e nos tecidos somático e reprodutivo do matrinxã, Brycon cephalus, macho e fêmea, destacando alguns índices somáticos relacionados à dinâmica desse substrato. De outubro/97 a janeiro/99, foram amostrados, mensalmente, 8 a 12 peixes, totalizando 174 animais. Após anestesia, retirou-se sangue heparinizado para dosagem do triacilglicerol plasmático. Cada peixe foi mensurado e fígado, gônadas e gordura visceral retirados e pesados para cálculo do IHS (índice hepatossomático) IGS (índice gonadossomático) e IGVS (índice gorduro-viscerossomático). Os maiores teores do lipídeo total ocorreram no músculo vermelho, com aproximadamente 18%, seguido pelo fígado e gônadas com valores médios de 16,5%. O músculo branco apresentou o menor teor com 2,3%. A análise de variância dos IHS e IGVS mostrou que ambos apresentaram efeito significativo para bimestre, com índices mais baixos em períodos de temperaturas mais altas, e não significativo para sexo e a interação sexo e bimestre. O matrinxã estoca lipídeos em vários tecidos corpóreos incluindo gordura mesentérica, fígado, músculos e gônadas.


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Fundamento: O valor prognóstico incremental da dosagem plasmática de Proteína C-reativa (PCR) em relação ao Escore GRACE não está estabelecido em pacientes com síndromes coronarianas agudas sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST (SCA). Objetivo: Testar a hipótese de que a medida de PCR na admissão incrementa o valor prognóstico do escore GRACE em pacientes com SCA. Métodos: Foram estudados 290 indivíduos, internados consecutivamente por SCA, os quais tiveram material plasmático colhido na admissão para dosagem de PCR por método de alta sensibilidade (nefelometria). Desfechos cardiovasculares durante hospitalização foram definidos pela combinação de óbito, infarto não fatal ou angina refratária não fatal. Resultados: A incidência de eventos cardiovasculares durante hospitalização foi 15% (18 óbitos, 11 infartos, 13 anginas), tendo a PCR apresentado estatística-C de 0,60 (95% IC = 0,51 - 0,70; p = 0,034) na predição desses desfechos. Após ajuste para o Escore GRACE, PCR elevada (definida pelo melhor ponto de corte) apresentou tendência a associação com eventos hospitalares (OR = 1,89; 95% IC = 0,92 - 3,88; p = 0,08). No entanto, a adição da variável PCR elevada no modelo GRACE não promoveu incremento significativo na estatística-C, a qual variou de 0,705 para 0,718 (p = 0,46). Da mesma forma, não houve reclassificação de risco significativa com a adição da PCR no modelo preditor (reclassificação líquida = 5,7%; p = 0,15). Conclusão Embora PCR possua associação com desfechos hospitalares, esse marcador inflamatório não incrementa o valor prognóstico do Escore GRACE.


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In the present paper the A. A. reviewed the more fundamental problems in the ethiopathogenic process of bacterial endocardits and report the bacte¬riological observations done by them in 20 cases of the disecase observed at the Section of Pathological Anatomy and Bacteriology of the Hospital S. Francisco de Assis in charge of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. The A.A. isolated Pneumococcus from 10 out the 20 cases, Gonococcus from 2, Staphylococcus from 2, Streptococcus from 5 and Friedlaender bacil¬lus from 1 . The A.A. mainly lay stress on the necessity of the bacteriological exa¬minations being made by a specialist, owing to the difficulties sometimes met with and to the consequences of a detailed examination of the isolated germ.


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1. The appearance of meta-hemoglobin in pneumococcus cultures in blood media must be consequential to the formation of hydogen peroxide, according to the observation of several authors as well as of our own. 2. We emphasize the rôle of mucin in the production of hydrogen peroxide by pneumococcus, a circumstance which has been neglected by the authors who dealt with the matter. 3. In the metabolism of pneumococcus, the existence or formation of mucin is necessary for the maintenance of certain biological properties of the germ. 4. In cultures media containing blood and mucin, the production of meta-hemoglobin by pneumococcus is much larger than in those which contain no mucin. 5. We venture the hypothesis that mucin plays a very important rôle in the implantation of pneumonia, as in the periods preceeding this disease theres is an increase of bronchial secretion, and this secretion is almost entirely constintuted by mucin. 6. Mucin increases the pathogenic power of pneumococcus in mice according to the studies of several authors, which comes to favour our hypothesis.


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One of the features of pneumococcus which has deserved the attention of investigators is the capsule. Since Pasteur, Chamberland and Roux (1881) several functions have been ascribed to it as well as peculiar properties. In the present paper, we take into consideration one only aspect of this problem; it is the relationship which there possibly may be between acidity of the culture medium and the power of capsule formation by pneumococcus. As it is known, this germ requires for its development 7.8 as an optimum pH, but maintains its biological activities down to 5.6. These variations do not take place without large alterations, particularly of the capsule, not only from the morphological but also from the chemical viewpoint. The diameter of the mucous envelopment of the pneumococcus decreases in proportion to the increase of acidity down to its complete extinction. This fact has been regarded by investigators as a biological feature inhe¬ring to the germ itself and as proceeding of self-defense. In an acid medium the existing capsule is destroyed and the germ does not produce it again; consequently, acidity inhibits the formation of the capsule. We tried to check how this phenomenon comes to pass and to elucidated it. As we know, the fundamental compound of the pneumococcus capsule is mucin. In the first place, we experimented the action of acidity on same in the following manner: Mucin extracted from bovine submaxillary gland is precipitated by HC1 at a determined concentration degree; the mucin dissolves again and precipi¬tates in function of this concentration. This property of mucin (solubility in acid medium) modifies a little the interpretation of the mechanism of disappearance of the capsule from the said germ in the culture medium. Indeed: The acidification of the medium consecutive to the growth of pneumococcus reduces the dimensions of the capsule until causing its com¬plete disappearance; but on transferring this strain to new optimum cultiva¬ting conditions the capsule appears again exhuberantly, at times as anteriorly, although with biased virulence. Linking these two facts we draw the following conclusions: Pneumo¬coccus does not lose its capacity of capsule formation in an acid medium; but mucin, whilst being produced, is entirely dissolved in this medium by the aid of acidity; we venture to state that, in spite of medium acidity, the capacity of capsule production is a constant feature of pneumococcus and that the disappearance of the capsule does not depend on the pneumococcus in itself when it produces smooth colonies, but on the chemical properties of mucin, mainly on its solubility in acid medium.


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After going through the more important theories on cellular permeability, researches were undertaken with the purpose of proving the actual influence of the various degrees of cellular permeability on the phenomena of organic resistance against infections, and on the production of antibodies. Three groups of substances known to have action on cellular permeability were used; the first consisting of the following permeable substances: testos-terona, acetylcholine, and the spreading-factor of the staphyloccocus. The second group included substances which help in developing low cellular permeability: atropin, adrenalin and calcium. Finally, the third group consisted of a substance which helps to maintain normal permeability: cortin (an extract of the suprarenal cortex). In order to study the process developed by these elements with regard to organic resistance against infections, adult mice were inoculated with the following germs: K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, S. enteriditis and D. pneumoniae, in the smallest possible amount capable of starting a mortal sep infection in approximately 24 hours, exception made of D. pneumonias which causes death in 48 hours. The animals were divided into groups of 10, a before taking the injections containing the germs, they were given the sub lances under observation, through their peritoneum of intramuscularly. T. animals that died were autopsied and blood was taken from their hearts an aseptic process so as not to introduce extraneous organisms. For the purpose of determining the development of antibodies (hem lysins, precipitins and aglutinins), rabbits were used, which had been prep ously immunized by a treatment consisting of 6 intravenous injections of polyvolent antigen made of sheep blood cells, fresh human serum, and of suspension of S. enteriditis. It was concluded that: Cellular permeability plays a very important part in the development infections. Permeable substances help the development of germ infections. Substances helping to develop low permeability proved not to have any influence worth mentioning. Substances helping to maintain normal permeability, such as coffin, it crease resistance against infections. The different substances used which have action on cellular permeability had no influence worth mentioning on the development of certain ant bodies (hemolysins, precipitins and aglutinins). It was admitted that the phenomena under study relative to resistance against infections are closely connected to the dynamics of the cellular elements, which circumstance is basically dependent on the permeability of Citations of cells.


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Na tentativa de reproduzir experimentalmente os achados morfológicos e eletroforéticos (proteínas no soro) observados na desnutrição infantil, dois grupos de experiências foram realizados em ratos albinos jovens, submetendo-os a uma dieta pobre em proteínas (2%) por períodos de 41 a 88 dias. O modelo experimental reproduz em linhas gerais os principais danos estruturais vistos na patologia humana, ficando num meio termo entre kwashiorkor e marasmo. Alterações atróficas tegumentares foram assinaladas como achado tardio. O achado mais conspícuo foi metamorfose gordurosa hepática do tipo perilobular. A regeneração hepatocelular foi abortiva, aparecendo nos estágios finais das experiências ao lado dos fenômenos regressivos. Foi possível estabelecer seqüência lesional nas alterações estruturais do pâncreas, desde mofificações da quantidade de grânulos de zimogênio nos estágios iniciais até a atrofia acinosa acentuada, subvertendo a arquitetura do órgão, nos estágios finais. As alterações intestinais culminaram com o quadro de atrofia, não comparável em intensidade com a patologia humana, correspondem à diminuição da altura do epitélio mucoso, hipocelularidade da lâmina própria, criptas pequenas, pobreza em mitoses, que encurtam as vilosidades, assemelhando-se ao padrão mucoso dos chamados animais "germ-free". Além disso, os autores chamam a atenção para a intensa dimuição das célular muco-secretoras ao nível do epitélio do intestino delgado e grosso. No modelo surpreende-se também uma depleção linfo-histiocitária, representada por atrofia das placas de Peyer, diminuição das célular de Kupffer, atrofia do timo e depleção linfóide ganglionar e esplênica. O estudo bioquímico do soro revelou baixa das proteínas totais e do colesterol. A eletroforese de proteínas demonstrou acentuada baixa da fração albumina, com inversão A/G. Entre as globulinas, as frações alfa1 e alfa2 estão aumentadas no grupo desenutrido. Estes achados podem ser atribuídos à carência protéica, porquanto os controles utilizados, mesmo aqueles com restrição calórica, não apresentaram alterações histológicas ou hipoalouminemia.