58 resultados para foto-Fenton
The remediation of groundwater containing organochlorine compounds was evaluated using a reductive system with zero-valent iron, and the reductive process coupled with Fenton's reagent. The concentration of the individual target compounds reached up to 400 mg L-1 in the sample. Marked reductions in the chlorinated compounds were observed in the reductive process. The degradation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics in terms of the contaminant and was dependent on the sample contact time with the solid reducing agent. An oxidative test with Fenton's reagent, followed by the reductive assay, showed that tetrachloroethylene was further reduced up to three times the initial concentration. The destruction of chloroform, however, demands an additional treatment.
COD is an important parameter to estimate the concentration of organic contaminants. The closed system technique with the use of K2Cr2O7 is the most important one, however, it has the inconvenience to suffer positive chemical interferences from inorganic compounds such as Fe2+ and H2O2 (not enough reported in the literature). This paper considers a statistical-experimental set capable to validate a empirical mathematical model generated from a 23 experimental design, in the presence of Fe2+ and H2O2. The t test shows that mathematical model has 99,99999% confidence degree and the experimental validation test indicates absolute mean error of 4,70%.
The study of the electrochemical degradation of the ranitidine was developed using an electrochemical reactor with a gas diffusion electrode (GDE) as cathode. The electrolysis experiments was performed at constant current (1 < A < 10) and flow rate of 200 L h-1. The process of drug degradation, chemical/electrochemical and electro-Fenton ways, using electrochemical reactor showed best efficiency at current values of > 4 A. The process reached a production of 630 mg L-1 of the H2O2 at 7 A. The ranitidine concentrations was reduced in 99.9% (HPLC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) was reduced in 86.7% by electro-Fenton.
This paper describes a degradation study of the anti-inflammatory sodium diclofenac in aqueous medium using an electro-chemical flow reactor with a gas diffusion electrode as cathode. Two degradation processes were compared: by H2O2 electro-generated and H2O2 electro-generated/Fe(II). Concentration of sodium diclofenac was determined during the experiments by HPLC. The changes in chemical oxigen demand (COD) were also evaluated. Under the specific reaction conditions, 350 mg L-1 of H2O2 was electro-generated and 99.2% of sodium diclofenac was degradated, with 27.4% COD reduction. At the same conditions, but using Fe(II), drug degradation was 99.4% and the COD reduction was 63.2%.
The use of the Fenton's reagent process has been investigated for the remediation of a Brazilian soil contaminated by diesel. Laboratory experiments were conducted in batch experiments. Slurries, consisting of 10 g of diesel-contaminated soil and 30 mL of Fenton's Reagent (0.41 mol L-1 H(2)0(2) and 0.18 mol L-1 FeSO4). The experiments were monitored during 24, 48 and 72 h. The efficiency of the Fenton treatment was dependent on the time of contact between soil and Fenton's reagents and matrix characteristics, probably iron content. Data suggested that no iron addition is needed for the application of Fenton-like treatment for the remediation of diesel-contaminated iron rich soils after 72 h reaction.
From the environmental point of view, the textile sector is outstanding for the generation of large amounts of biorecalcitrant effluents. In this paper the textile effluent biodegradability, both before and after its treatment with Fenton's Reagent, were compared by means of biologic tests. These tests showed that the Fenton treatment lowered the biodegradabilty of practically all tested effluents, except one specific effluent from a scouring bath of polyester fibers, which achieved a 93% COD removal. This removal was due to a significant phase separation (oil/water).
An alternative for landfill leachate treatment are advanced oxidation processes by Fenton's reagent (AOP/Fenton). In this context, the aim of this paper was to evaluate, in a bench scale, the treatability of leachate pós-AOP/Fenton characterizing the supernatant and the sludge generated separately. Observed in optimal conditions, high removal efficiency of COD (76.7%), real color (76.4%) and humic substances (50%). Organic compounds were detected in the sludge (2.465 mg COD L-1) and high concentration of iron (1.757 mg L-1) as was expected. Finally, the sludge generated showed low settling hindering their separation by sedimentation (SVI = 321 mL g-1).
Zn-EDTA degradabilty by catechol-driven Fenton reaction was studied. Response surface methodology central composite design was employed to maximize this complex degradation. Theoretical speciation calculations were in good agreement with the experimental results. Fenton and Fenton type treatments are typically thought to be applicable only in the highly acidic range, representing a major operational constraint. Interestingly, at optimized concentrations, this CAT-driven Fenton reaction at pH 5.5 achieved 100% Zn-EDTA degradation; 60% COD and 17% TOC removals, using tiny amounts of CAT (50 µM), Fe(III) (445 µM) and H2O2 (20 mM) with no evident ferric sludge.
Flumequine degradation by electrochemical and photo-electrochemical processes was evaluated in this study. The antimicrobial activity of the solutions subjected to the electrochemical processes was monitored during the assays. The experiments were carried out using DSA® (dimensionally stable anode) electrode. The influence of current density was investigated for the 7.5 to 45 mA cm-2 range. The photo-electrochemical process was more efficient for degrading flumequine (85%) and reducing solution antimicrobial activity. For both processes, the residual antimicrobial activity decreased as flumequine degradation increased. The reaction intermediate m/z 244 (5-methyl-1-oxo-6,7-dihydro-1H,5H-pyrido[3,2,1-ij]quinoline-2-carboxylic acid) was identified.
In the past few years, photoredox catalysis has become a powerful tool in the field of organic synthesis. Using this efficient method, it is possible to excite organic compounds from visible light and attain alternative mechanistic pathways for the formation of chemical bonds, a result which is not obtainable by classical methods. The rapid growth of work in the area of photoredox catalysis is due to its low cost, broad chemical utility protocols, and, especially, its relevancy from the green and sustainable chemistry viewpoints. Thus, this study proposes a brief theoretical discussion of and highlights recent advances in visible-light-induced photoredox catalysis through the analysis of catalytic cycles and intermediates.
Neste trabalho foram estudados dois sistemas utilizando reações de Fenton para a remediação de um solo contaminado com p,p´ DDT. O primeiro envolveu a formação de uma lama com o solo contaminado, na qual foram adicionados os reagentes de Fenton. No segundo, não houve a formação de lama e os reagentes foram adicionados diretamente ao solo por meio de um "tubo injetor". Foram avaliados alguns parâmetros que podem influenciar a reação de Fenton, tais como minerais de ferro naturalmente presentes no solo e a irradiação solar. A principal espécie mineral de ferro encontrada no solo é a hematita (Fe2O3), que teve pouca influência na degradação do contaminante. Nos experimentos com lama sem adição de ferro solúvel a porcentagem de degradação do p,p´ DDT foi inferior a 25% após 24 horas de reação. Nos ensaios com lama na presença de ferro solúvel, a degradação do p,p´ DDT atingiu 70% em 32 horas, enquanto que nos experimentos sem lama, a porcentagem de degradação foi de 32% no mesmo intervalo de tempo. Em ambos os sistemas, a irradiação solar teve pouca influência na degradação do contaminante. Os resultados indicam que para um processo de remediação deste solo, há necessidade de adição de ferro solúvel e que o sistema em lama resulta em maior eficiência de degradação de p,p´ DDT.
Laboratories consume great amounts of hazardous chemicals substances and consequently generate wastewater containing them, for example formaldehyde. This substance is widely utilized to preserve biological samples generating many liters of this residue every year. The present work proposes the use of the photo-Fenton process to treat formaldehyde wastewater using sunlight irradiation. Some aspects were investigated such as the iron source, sample and hydrogen peroxide concentration and also the use of stirred systems. The use of ferrioxalate (0.5 mmol L-1) improved the efficiency of the process in relation to the use of iron nitrate, while at least 1.0 mol L-1 H2O2 is necessary to treat the sample of the 500 mg C L-1. Under these conditions, every formaldehyde detectable was degradeted and 89% of the dissolved organic carbon was removed in two hours of exposure to sunlight. These results are satisfaction considerate for São Paulo State Environmental Agency.
Sobre Alberprosenia malheiroi n. sp. deu-se a conhecer uma diagnose resumida em 1980, porém sem valor bibliográfico. Em 1987 publicou-se a mesma diagnose anexando uma foto e alguns comentários, porém sem realizar uma descrição formal. Descreve-se para esta espécie, os adultos, os estádios imaturos, determina-se a série sintípica e apresenta-se dados bionômicos e de criação em insetário. As diferenças mais evidentes com A. goyovargasi, a única espécie que se conhecia do gênero até então, são a coloração geral negra, o espaço interocular maior que o tamanho de um olho visto dorsalmente, os tubérculos do colar com o ápice agudo e o tamanho maior, na nova espécie, quase o dobro do da primeira espécie. Os ovos são pequenos, fixados ao substrato em grupos de 3 ou 4, elipsóides, não achatados lateralmente, com o opérculo proeminente, convexo, sem estruturas evidentes. As ninfas apresentam em todos os estádios caracteres típicos do gênero e da tribo, com região anteocular menos longa que a post-ocular e característica pilosidade do tegumento que vai se acentuando a cada estádio. A. malheiroi n. sp. foi capturado em ecótopos silvestres em palmeiras em floresta no Estado do Pará, associados com morcegos ou aves. Nenhum dos exemplares estava infectado com Trypanosoma cruzi. Esses triatomíneos foram mantidos em insetários a ± 25°C e ± 60% UR, são insetos ágeis e voam com relativa facilidade. Alimentaram-se bem em pombos e morcegos e não aceitaram alimentação em ratos, camundongos ou hamsters. O período de incubação dos ovos foi em média treze dias e o tempo de evolução do período ninfal foi em média cento e trinta e dois dias.
Neste artigo, a lista das aves do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (281.749 km²) é revisada e atualizada. A inclusão de espécies na lista seguiu dois critérios principais: (i) ocorrência no estado documentada por evidência tangível - pele ou espécime completo, foto, vídeo ou gravação de áudio - publicada na literatura ou disponível para verificação independente em coleções ou arquivos científicos de acesso público, ou (ii) pelo menos um registro no estado acompanhado de evidência não-material que permita a identificação segura do táxon, tal como um relato circunstanciado, publicado ou fornecido aos autores, contendo descrição detalhada ou referência às características diagnósticas observadas. Espécies com registros específicos para o estado que não estão em conformidade com esses critérios não foram incluídas na lista principal e foram consideradas "prováveis" ou "hipotéticas", de acordo com as evidências disponíveis e a coerência distribucional dos registros existentes. A lista resultante contém 661 espécies, das quais 649 estão documentadas por evidências físicas. Outras 10 e 16 espécies são consideradas de ocorrência provável e hipotética, respectivamente. Em comparação com a lista anterior, 44 espécies foram adicionadas e sete táxons foram excluídos ou substituídos, resultando em um incremento de 37 espécies. Fregetta grallaria (Vieillot, 1818), Polytmus guainumbi (Pallas, 1764), Nonnula rubecula (Spix, 1824), Stymphalornis acutirostris Bornschein, Reinert & Teixeira, 1995, Fluvicola albiventer (Spix, 1825) e Xenopsaris albinucha (Burmeister, 1869) são aqui mencionadas para o estado pela primeira vez. O número de espécies adicionadas desde a última revisão da lista corresponde a um aumento médio de pouco mais de quatro espécies por ano. A análise retrospectiva das adições recentes indica que o número de espécies de aves com ocorrência assumida no Rio Grande do Sul deverá continuar crescendo a uma taxa similar ao longo da próxima década. Em vista disso, são propostas ações práticas para aperfeiçoar o processo de revisão da lista estadual no futuro. Também é recomendada a aplicação de critérios adequados para distinguir entre extensões e expansões de distribuição, e entre casos de vagância e pseudo-vagância, para que as novas ocorrências de aves registradas no estado ao longo do tempo possam ser mais bem interpretadas.
The brazilian wild rabbit (Sylvilagus minensis) is sensible to the virus of the mixomatosis but the desease takes on it a mild character, lasts for long time and generally do not kill the animal. The tumors are generally smaller and less numerous than those of the domestic rabbit, but sometimes there were noted large and flat lesions (fig. 3). The natural infection of the wild rabbit may be quite common not only because many rabbits caught in the country were found to be immune as also because it was found among the animals caught in the country near Rio, one that was infected with mixomatosis. The experimental infection of the Sylvilagus may be easily obtained by cutan, subcutan or conjuntival way and also when a health wild rabbit is placed in the same cage with a sick domestic animal. It is also possible to obtain the infection of the wild and domestic rabbits by the bite of infected blood sucking insects as fleas and mosquitoes. The infected mosquito can transmit the disease 2 or 3 times til 17 days after an infective meal on a sick rabbit. The transmission is a mecanical one and only the proboscis of the insect contains the virus as it was shown by the inoculation of emulsions of the proboscis, thorax and abdomen of the mosquito. Though mecanical this kind of transmission acts as an important epidemiological mean of dissemination of the deseasse and splains the suddendly outbreaks of mixomatosis in rabbits breedings where no new rabbits were introduced since very long time. The transmition of mixomatosis by fleas (Slenopsylla) was at first demonstrated by us, then S. Torres pointed out the capacity of Culex fatigans to transmit the desease and now we have proved that Aedes scapularis and Aedes aegypti were also able to transmit it (Foto 1 and 2). The virus of the mixomatosis (Chlamidozoon mixoma) is seen on the smeavs of the tumors of the wild reabbit with the same morphology, as in the material of the domestic animal.