129 resultados para elections in Rio Grande do Norte
Foram coletadas 50 amostras de água usadas na irrigação de hortaliças em 10 hortas, situadas no município de Extremoz e de São Gonçalo do Amarante, RN (Brasil). A maior parte da produção destas hortas é destinada ao abastecimento do município de Natal. Todas as amostras de água analisadas mostraram-se com números elevados de bactérias coliformes totais e fecais e de estreptococos fecais. Em todas as hortas, as águas utilizadas na irrigação de hortaliças revelaram-se com poluição fecal e os valores dos NMP/100 ml, tanto de coliformes totais quanto de coliformes fecais ultrapassaram de muito os limites tolerados pela legislação brasileira vigente.
Para a maior parte dos estados brasileiros, inexistem indicadores confiáveis sobre a saúde das crianças - tais como estado nutricional, aleitamento, cobertura vacinal, freqüência e manejo de doenças infecciosas e cobertura de serviço de atenção pré e perinatal. Para obter tais informações, desenvolveu-se uma metodologia para diagnósticos a nível estadual, aplicada recentemente em amostras representativas nos Estados do Ceará, Sergipe e Rio Grande do Norte. O presente artigo descreve os principais aspectos desta metodologia e alguns de seus achados mais relevantes. Os resultados obtidos apontam para a necessidade de incentivar o aleitamento materno, aumentar a cobertura vacinal, incrementar o uso da terapia de reidratação oral durante a diarréia, melhorar a atenção pré e perinatal e a monitorização do crescimento. Mostra-se ainda que, paradoxalmente, as ações de sobrevivência infantil concentram-se primariamente em crianças de alta renda e portanto de baixo risco. Além de propiciar o planejamento e avaliação das ações de saúde, os diagnósticos fornecem dados basais com os quais os resultados de futuros inquéritos poderão ser comparados.
This paper reports the ocurrence of a focus of favus due to Trichophyton schoenleinii affecting seven members of a family, 29 years after the last register of the disease in Rio Grande do Sul
Of 156 cases of histoplasmosis observed in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), during a 21-year period (1978-1999) 137 were included in this study. Sixty-seven per cent of the patients had hematogeneous disseminated histoplasmosis, 24% had a self-limited syndrome (acute pulmonary histoplasmosis, histoplasmoma or primary pulmonary lymph node complex), and 9 per cent had chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis. Clinical, mycological, and epidemiological data were reviewed and commented.
Group B Streptococcus is the most common pathogen found in neonatal sepsis in North America. OBJECTIVES: We describe 15 cases of neonatal infections by Group B Streptococcus (Streptococcus agalactiae) at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a public and teaching hospital. METHODS: We conducted a study at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, from January 1st, 1996 to June 30, 1999. Diagnosis of neonatal infection was established according to the findings of Group B Streptococcus in blood culture associated with alterations resembling sepsis on the basis of clinical picture and laboratory findings. RESULTS: Fifteen cases of neonatal infections by Group B Streptococcus were detected. Eleven cases consisted of early-onset sepsis, 2 cases of occult bacteremia and 2 cases of late-onset sepsis. Eight cases had septic shock (53%), 8 cases had pneumonia (53%), and 4 cases had meningitis (27%). Fourteen cases were diagnosed from a positive blood culture, and 1 case from evidence of these bacteria in pulmonary anatomopathological examination. Thirteen cases (87%) were diagnosed before 72 hours of life. We had 3 deaths (20%), and 3 cases of meningitis developing neurological deficits. CONCLUSIONS: Streptococcus Group B is one of the most important pathogens in the etiology of early-onset neonatal sepsis at our hospital, with high mortality and morbidity. However, we do not know the incidence of GBS neonatal infections at other hospitals. More data are needed to establish a basis for trials of different strategies to reduce these infections.
Os autores apresentam os resultados de levantamentos seccionais sóbre a prevalência e a mortndade da esquistossomose mansônica no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Os levantamentos foram, feitos em 44 localidades, urbanas e rurais. A prevalência da esquistossomose e de outras helmintoses intestinais foi muito variável. As formas hépato-esplênicas da esquistossomose variaram de 0 a 4%.
We conducted a molecular epidemiological study to investigate HIV-1 strains in Rio Grande, southern Brazil, searching for an association with transmission mode and risk behavior. Patients (185) identified at an AIDS treatment reference Hospital, from 1994 to 1997, were included; from which 107 blood samples were obtained. Nested PCR was realized once for each sample; for amplified samples (69) HIV subtypes were classified using the heteroduplex mobility assay. Subtypes identified were B (75%), C (22%) and F (3%). All infections with C were diagnosed after 1994. Comparing patients with B and C, no differences were detected regarding demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics; survival analysis did not reveal differences in HIV to AIDS evolution. A higher proportion of injecting drug users, IDU (not significant, p<.07) was found among those with C. This suggests that C may have been introduced in this area through IDU, and is being spread, probably by their sexual partners, to persons with other risk practices.
Abstract Background: Due to the importance of coronary artery disease (CAD), continuous investigation of the risk factors (RFs) is needed. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of RFs for CAD in cities in Rio Grande do Sul State, and compare it with that reported in a similar study conducted in the same cities in 2002. Methods: Cross-sectional study on 1,056 healthy adults, investigating the prevalence and absolute and relative frequencies of the following RFs for CAD: obesity, systemic arterial hypertension (SAH), dyslipidemias, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, diabetes mellitus, and family history, as well as age and sex. Data was collected in 19 cities, host of the Offices of the Regional Coordinators of Health, as in the 2002 study. Results: Twenty-six percent of the sample consisted of older adults and 57% were women. The prevalence of sedentary lifestyle was 44%, history family 50%, smoking 23%, overweight/obesity 68%, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol levels) 43%, SAH 40%, and diabetes 11%. When compared to the 2002 study, the prevalence of active smoking and sedentary behavior decreased, whereas the prevalence of hypertension, dyslipidemia and obesity increased. Obesity is the most prevalent RF in women, and SAH the most prevalent in men. Conclusions: The prevalence of RFs for CAD in Rio Grande do Sul State remains high. Hypertension, obesity and dyslipidemia are still prevalent and require major prevention programs. Smoking and physical inactivity have decreased in the state, suggesting the efficacy of related campaigns.
Este estudo foi realizado no rio Ceará Mirim, Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. No local de coleta, este rio apresenta águas transparentes e predominância de macrófitas aquáticas nas margens. Este estudo teve como objetivos descrever os hábitos alimentares e verificar a existência de sobreposição alimentar na dieta de quatro espécies simpátricas de Cheirodontinae: Compsura heterura Eigenmann, 1915 (n= 452), Serrapinnus heterodon (Eigenmann, 1915) (n= 473), S. piaba (Lütken, 1875) (n= 509) e Serrapinnus sp. A (n= 313). Os espécimes foram coletados mensalmente, entre abril de 2001 e abril de 2002, com redes de arrasto. Os conteúdos estomacais foram analisados através dos métodos de frequência de ocorrência, composição percentual e índice de importância alimentar. A sobreposição alimentar foi calculada entre os pares de espécies através do índice de Morisita. As espécies não mostraram variação sazonal na dieta. Algas, matéria vegetal, microcrustáceos e insetos autóctones foram predominantes na dieta das espécies. Serrapinnus heterodon e Serrapinnus sp. A apresentaram hábito alimentar onívoro, enquanto C. heterura e S. piaba apresentaram o hábito alimentar onívoro com tendência à herbivoria. Além disso, altos valores de sobreposição alimentar entre as espécies foram observados em decorrência do consumo de itens similares. Estes resultados sugerem que os recursos alimentares são abundantes e suficientes para serem partilhados por estas quatro espécies onívoras em simpatria.
Information on the breeding biology of birds is essential for improving avian life-history theory and implementing sound management and conservation actions for these organisms. Comprehensive reviews of this kind of information are lacking for most Neotropical regions, including Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost Brazilian state. Aiming to update the knowledge on the reproductive status of birds in Rio Grande do Sul, we reviewed breeding records of all potential breeding species recorded in the state using a set of predefined, restrictive criteria for accepting breeding evidences as effective. Data satisfying our criteria were available for 165 species in the literature. We also collected novel breeding information obtained in the state for an additional 126 species, including observations for several species whose reproductive biology is poorly known. Among these are birds previously unknown to breed in Brazil. This new data and the critical review of the previous information resulted in a total of 291 species for which breeding evidences are accepted as effective. This corresponds to 54.7% of the 532 species considered either confirmed or potential breeders in the state. In addition to providing information on nesting dates, clutch size, nest architecture and breeding behavior of south Brazilian birds, our review serves as a benchmark for the adequate assessment of avian breeding records elsewhere. We hope to stimulate observers to rigorously document breeding events, especially for taxa for which basic information is lacking.
ABSTRACT Cabossous tatouay Desmarest, 1804 is considered a rare species in southern South America, and Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, records of the species are scarce and inaccurate. This study reports 40 localities for C. tatouay, and provides a map of the species' potential distribution using ecological niche modeling (ENM). The ENM indicated that in this region C. tatouay is associated with open grasslands, including the areas of "Pampas" and the open fields in the highlands of the Atlantic Forest. This study contributes to the information about the greater naked-tailed armadillo in southern Brazil, and provides data key to its future conservation.
Le 19 juillet 1928 l'auteur trouva près de Natal, capitale de l'État de Rio Grande do Norte, a 5º 47' au sud de l'équateur, un nouveau Dendrocephalus qui portera le nom ornatus, dû a ses appendices caudales teints d'écarlate brillant. La femelle (Pl.1) atteint 12 mm. de longueur e contient des oeufs noirs dans sa cavité d'incubation. Le mâle, beaucoup plus robuste, atteint 16 mm. et montre, outre les caracteres sexuels, une modification extrémement compliquée des deuxièmes antennes (qui dans la planche II sont vues devant les premières). L'espèce est plus petite que les deux autres décrites de l'Amérique du Sud et se distingue facilement par les antennes du mâle. Elle fut trouvée au bord de la route dans une flaque large et profonde d'eau de pluie argileuse. Les exemplares rapportés moururent en quelques jours et la mare, lors d'une seconde visite, fut trouvé sèche. L'autre espèce, observée en 9. 7. 28 dans un étang naturel tout-près de la capitale, avait déjà été observée á Matto Grosso et en Paraguay et déterminée comme Cyclestheria hislopi BAIRD. THIELE pense que les individus de l'Amérique du Sud, pour cause de quelques petites différences, pour-raient nien former une autre espèce qu'il propose d'appeler sarsiana, mais la comparaison des desseins et descriptions avec mes exemplaires ne parait pas soutenir cette idée. Tout-de-mème la répartition connue de cette espèce est extrêmement curieuse et peut-être unique en zoologie. Elle a été signalée à Nagpur (Hindoustan), Ceylon, Queensland (Australie), Célèbes, Afrique orientale et Sansibar; seulement le premier lieu se trouve bien au nord de l'équateur, mais encore dans la zone tropicale, comme toutes les autres localités. L'explication de cette extension sur les deux mondes est tout ce qu'il a de plus difficile, puisque entre les localisations il n'y a pas seulement d'énormes distances sur terre (que l'on pourrait expliquer par un défaut d'observations), mais des espaces tres étendus, occupés par la mer. L'intervention de l'homme ne saurait expliquer ces faits et le transport par les oiseaux aquatiques ne pourrait être qu'un fait tout-a-fait excepcionnel pour les grands trajets océaniques. Le recours aux terres hypothétiques, qui formaient des ponts intercontinentaux dans des périodes géologiques extrêmement reculées, recontre des objections évidentes. En tous les cas on ne peut qu'admirer la constance avec laquelle le type de l'espèce s'est maintenu durant d'innombrales générations et a travers de telles distances quand les autres phyllopodes ont formé non seulement des variétés, mais même un grand nombre de genre et de familles.
Procurou-se verificar na região nordeste do Brasil, em cêrca de 3.000 observações, a relação existente entre a condição de vida de uma população e a sua riqueza hemoglobinica. Empregou-se para esse fim o hemoglobinometro de Dare, do qual se apresenta um estudo detalhado sobre suas caracteristicas e se propõe algumas modificações julgadas de importancia para futuras utilisações do aparelho em trabalhos desta natureza. Verificou-se boa correlação entre a riqueza hemoglobinica e riqueza das populações, no sentido economico da palavra, quando se experimenta num numero de casos que justifique um racional tratamento estatístico. As causas desta correlação não foram procuradas; é discutida unicamente a significação do método como test, para verificar as condições de vida de uma região. Incidentemente, verificou-se novamente que a anemia ancilostomotica só póde desenvolver-se em individuos de condição economica deficiente. Verificou-se, em certas regiões do nordeste, uma epizootia muito provavelmente de origem carencial, provocando anemia grave, responsavel por grande mortandade de bezerros. Apresenta-se finalmente um plano para o proseguimento do trabalho, com o fim longinquo de levantar um mapa hematico do Brasil, segundo regiões geograficas e condições economicas das populações.
Insects of the Simuliidae family have been the object of control in Rio Grande do Sul since the 70s. Their constant attacks became a social-economical problem as well as a problem of Public Health, with serious consequences to men and to the economy of the areas in which the insects develop. At first, the control was done with a chemical larvicide Themephos ABATE 500 E, but an imperfect measuring of outflow to determine the quantity of the product made Simulium spp. resistant to it. From 1983 on, following a study of a new method for the outflow measuring, we started to use a biological larvicide Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis based. The biological control uses the new method in 36.4% of the state area, assisting about 3,500,000 inhabitants.