73 resultados para customer experience
BACKGROUND: Sporotrichosis is a subacute or chronic disease caused by a dimorphic fungus, Sporothrix schenckii. The first and most traditional treatment is potassium iodide in satured solution (SSKI) used by DE BEURMANN in 1907. For its effectiveness, it is still used for cutaneous sporotrichosis. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the treatment of cutaneous sporotrichosis with SSKI in relation to clinical cure, side effects, length of treatment and reactivation. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of medical records over a 24-year period (1981-2005). Patients of all ages who were treated in the hospital´s division of dermatology were included in the study providing that they had a positive culture of S. schenckii. Satured solution of potassium iodide (3 to 6g per day) was the treatment prescribed. For children, half of the dose was prescribed. RESULTS: The lymphocutaneous disease was prevalent, the cure rate was 94.7%, side effects were described in 5.5% of the cases, mean length of treatment was 3.5 months and possible reactivation was observed in 11.1%. CONCLUSION: SSKI is an effective drug, with many side effects, but with low frequency. Resolution was for maximum six months of treatment. SSKI has been found to be a very effective drug in this retrospective study of culture-proven cases of cutaneous and lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis. It should be used as first drug of choice especially in resource-limited settings.
To study characteristics of neurological disorders in HIV/AIDS patients and their relationship to highly active antiretroviral treatment, a cross-sectional study was conducted in an infectious disease public hospital in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, between February 1999 and March 2000. Of the 417 patients enrolled, neurological disease was observed in 194 (46.5%) and a new AIDS-defining neurological event developed in 23.7% of individuals. Toxoplasmosis (42.3%), cryptococcosis meningitis (12.9%) and tuberculosis (10.8%) were the most common causes of neurological complications. The majority (79.3%) of patients were on highly active antiretroviral treatment and these individuals using HAART showed higher CD4 cell counts (p = 0.014) and presented stable neurological disease (p= 0.0001), although no difference was found with respect to the profile of neurological complications. The neurological diseases continue to be a frequent complication of HIV/AIDS and infections are still its main causes in Brazil, even in the highly active antiretroviral treatment era.
The treatment of malignant or benign colorectal pathologies that require more complex management are priorities in tertiary hospitals such as "Hospital das Clínicas" University of São Paulo Medical Center (HCFMUSP). Therefore, benign, uncomplicated orifice conditions are relegated to second place. The number of patients with hemorrhoids, perianal fistulas, fissures, condylomas and pilonidal cysts who seek treatment at the HFMUSP is very great, resulting in over-crowding in the outpatient clinics and a long waiting list for recommended surgical treatment (at times over 18 months). The authors describe the experience of the HCFMUSP over an eight-day period with day-hospital surgery in which 140 patients underwent surgery. Data was prospectively taken on the patients undergoing surgery for benign orifice pathologies including age, sex, diagnosis, surgery performed, immediate and late postoperative complications, and follow-up. 140 patients operated on over eight days were studied. 68 were males (48.75%) with ages ranging from 25 to 62 (mean 35.2 yrs.). Hemorrhoids was the most frequent condition encountered (82 hemorrhoidectomies, 58.6%), followed by perineal fistula (28 fistula repairs, 20.0%). The most common complication was headache secondary to rachianesthesia occurring in 9 patients (6.4%). One patient (0.7%) developed bleeding immediately PO that required reoperation. Mean follow-up was 104 days. Day-surgery characterized by quality care and low morbidity is feasible in tertiary public hospitals, permitting surgery for benign orifice pathologies on many patients within a short period of time.
PURPOSE: The Internet expands the range and flexibility of teaching options and enhances the ability to process the ever-increasing volume of medical knowledge. The aim of this study is to describe and discuss our experience with transforming a traditional medical training course into an Internet-based course. METHOD: Sixty-nine students were enrolled for a one-month course. They answered pre- and post-course questionnaires and took a multiple-choice test to evaluate the acquired knowledge. RESULTS: Students reported that the primary value for them of this Internet-based course was that they could choose the time of their class attendance (67%). The vast majority (94%) had a private computer and were used to visiting the Internet (75%) before the course. During the course, visits were mainly during the weekends (35%) and on the last week before the test (29%). Thirty-one percent reported that they could learn by reading only from the computer screen, without the necessity of printed material. Students were satisfied with this teaching method as evidenced by the 89% who reported enjoying the experience and the 88% who said they would enroll for another course via the Internet. The most positive aspect was freedom of scheduling, and the most negative was the lack of personal contact with the teacher. From the 80 multiple-choice questions, the mean of correct answers was 45.5, and of incorrect, 34.5. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that students can successfully learn with distance learning. It provides useful information for developing other Internet-based courses. The importance of this new tool for education in a large country like Brazil seems clear.
INTRODUCTION: Tissue expanders have been of great value in plastic surgery. Tissue expansion was developed for a specific indication; however, within a very short time, the concept of tissue expansion found wide applicability. From 1990 to 1999, 315 expanders in 164 patients were utilized. A retrospective analysis of complications and prognostic factors for complications were done. METHODS: The indications for tissue expansion were burns (50%), trauma (32%), and sequelae of previous surgery (8.8%). The expanders were inserted most frequently in the scalp, trunk and neck. RESULTS: There were 22.2% of complications and the most common were expander exposure (50%), infection (24%) and bad function of the expander (12.8%). The present study revealed an increased rate of minor complications in the group of 0 to 10 years of age and an increased rate of major complications for face and neck expansions compared to trunk expansion. There were no increased complication rates for the other age and anatomic site groups, previous expansion, concomitant expansion and type of expander used. CONCLUSIONS: The outcomes from tissue expansion procedures done in our hospital are similar to those reported in the literature. Tissue expansion is a good and safe technique.
Hypertonic solutions have been studied extensively in the treatment of hypovolemic shock, both in experimental and clinical models. Safety, efficacy, and long-term effects on animals and patients have been evaluated. The present article reviews indications, safety, mortality rates, and outcome in patients with hemorrhagic hypovolemic shock who were treated after admission with a hypertonic/hyperoncotic solution under strict observation in the emergency room.
PURPOSE: To report a series of 73 patients with endocrine exophthalmos treated by removal of orbital fat using the transpalpebral approach during the period 1989 to 1999. METHODS: The operation was performed according to the technique described by Olivari. Aesthetic analysis was done preoperatively and postoperatively (more than 6 months after surgery). The number of complications was also observed. RESULTS: The average volume of resected fat was approximately 7.6 mL per orbit. No major complication was observed. In 9 patients with epiphora, all improved. One patient developed postoperative diplopia and 5 complained of temporary diplopia. Appearance improved in 62 patients (85%). CONCLUSION: Surgical removal of orbital fat associated with endocrine exophthalmos provides consistent improvement in appearance with a low rate of complications. Additional procedures may be indicated to improve the cosmetic outcome.
The "best" surgical technique for the management of complete rectal prolapse remains unknown. Due to its low incidence, it is very difficult to achieve a representative number of cases, and there are no large prospective randomized trials to attest to the superiority of one operation over another. PURPOSE: Analyze the results of surgical treatment of complete rectal prolapse during 1980 and 2002. METHOD: Retrospective study. RESULTS: Fifty-one patients underwent surgical treatment during this period. The mean age was 56.7 years, with 39 females. Besides the prolapse itself, 33 patients complained of mucous discharge, 31 of fecal incontinence, 14 of constipation, 17 of rectal bleeding, and 3 of urinary incontinence. Abdominal operations were performed in 36 (71%) cases. Presacral rectopexy was the most common abdominal procedure (29 cases) followed by presacral rectopexy associated with sigmoidectomy (5 cases). The most common perineal procedure was perineal rectosigmoidectomy associated with levatorplasty (12 cases). Intraoperative bleeding from the presacral space developed in 2 cases, and a rectovaginal fistula occurred in another patient after a perineal rectosigmoidectomy. There were 2 recurrences after a mean follow-up of 49 months, which were treated by reoperation. CONCLUSION: Abdominal and perineal procedures can be used to manage complete rectal prolapse with safety and good long-term results. Age, associated medical conditions, and symptoms of fecal incontinence or constipation are the main features that one should bear in mind in order to choose the best surgical approach.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the initial clinical experience of transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMLR) in patients with severe diffuse coronary artery disease. METHODS: Between February, 1998 and February, 1999, 20 patients were submitted to TMLR at the Heart Institute (InCor), University of São Paulo Medical School, Brazil, isolated or in association with conventional coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). All patients had severe diffuse coronary artery disease, with angina functional class III/IV (Canadian Cardiovascular Society score) unresponsive to medical therapy. Fourteen patients were submitted to TMLR as the sole therapy, whereas 6 underwent concomitant CABG. Fifty per cent of the patients had either been previously submitted to a CABG or to a percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). Mean age was 60 years, ranging from 45 to 74 years. RESULTS: All patients had three-vessel disease, with normal or mildly impaired left ventricular global function. Follow-up ranged from 1 to 13 months (mean 6.6 months), with no postoperative short or long term mortality. There was significant symptom improvement after the procedure, with 85% of the patients free of angina, and the remaining 15 % of the patients showing improvement in functional class, as well as in exercise tolerance. CONCLUSION: This novel technique can be considered a low risk alternative for a highly selected group of patients not suitable for conventional revascularization procedures.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of the intraaortic balloon (IAoB) in association with coronary angioplasty in high-risk patients. METHODS: Fourteen high-risk patients unresponsive to clinical therapy and with formal contraindication to surgical revascularization were treated by coronary angioplasty, most of which was followed by stenting. All procedures were performed with circulatory support with the IAoB. This study reports the early results and the late findings after 12 months of follow-up. Six patients had multivessel coronary disease; of these, four had left main equivalent lesions and two had unprotected left main coronary artery disease, one of whom had severe "end-vessel" stenosis and the other was a patient with Chagas' disease with single-vessel lesion. Eleven patients had a left ventricular ejection fraction <30%. RESULTS: In 100% of the patients, the procedures were initially successful. Two patients had severe bleeding during the withdrawal of the left femoral sheath. At the end of twelve months, 4 patients were asymptomatic and the others were clinically controlled. There were two late deaths in the 7th and 11th months. CONCLUSION: The combined use of the intraaortic balloon pump and percutaneous coronary angioplasty in high-risk patients with acute ischemic syndromes provides the necessary hemodynamic stability to successfully perform the procedures.
OBJECTIVE: To assess by Doppler echocardiography the structural and functional alterations of rat heart with surgical induced extensive myocardial infarction. METHODS: Five weeks after surgical ligature of the left coronary artery, 38 Wistar-EPM rats of both sexes, 10 of them with extensive infarction, undergone anatomical and functional evaluation by Doppler echocardiography and then euthanized for anatomopathological analysis. RESULTS: Echocardiography was 100% sensible and specific to anatomopathological confirmed extensive miocardial infarction. Extensive infarction lead to dilatation of left ventricle (diastolic diameter: 0.89cm vs.0.64cm; systolic: 0.72cm vs. 0.33cm) and left atrium (0.55cm vs. 0.33cm); thinning of left ventricular anterior wall (systolic: 0.14cm vs. 0.23cm, diastolic: 0.11cm vs. 0.14cm); increased mitral E/ A wave relation (6.45 vs. 1.95). Signals of increased end diastolic ventricle pressure, B point in mitral valve tracing in 62.5% and signs of pulmonary hypertension straightening of pulmonary valve (90%) and notching of pulmonary systolic flow (60%) were observed in animals with extensive infarction. CONCLUSION: Doppler echocardiography has a high sensitivity and specificity for detection of chronic extensive infarction. Extensive infarction caused dilatation of left cardiac chambers and showed in Doppler signals of increased end diastolic left ventricular pressure and pulmonary artery pressure.
After the incorporation of automated external defibrilators by other airlines and the support of the Brazilian Society of cardiology, Varig Airlines Began the onboard defibrilation program with the initial purpose of equiping wide-body aircrafts frequently used in international flights and that airplanes use in the Rio - São Paulo route. With all fight attendants trained, the automated. External defibrilation devides were incorporated to 34 airplanes of a total pleet of 80 aircrats. The devices were intalled in the bagage compartments secured with velero straps and 2 pairs of electrods, one or which pre-conected to the device to minimize application time. Later, a portable monitor was addres to the ressocitation kit in the long flights. The expansion of the knowledge of the basic life support fundamentors and the correted implantation of the survival chain and of the automated external defibrilators will increase the extense of recovery of cardiorespiratory arrest victins in aircrafts.
OBJECTIVE: To report the role played by transesophageal echocardiography during implantation of self-expanding aortic endoprostheses (stent) at a hemodynamics laboratory. METHODS: Thirteen patients underwent stent implantation in the descending thoracic aorta with the aid of transesophageal echocardiography during the entire procedure. Indications for stenting were as follows: 8 aortic dissections, 2 true aneurysms, 2 penetrating atherosclerotic ulcers, and 1 traumatic pseudoaneurysm. RESULTS: No complications resulting from the use of transesophageal echocardiography were observed. In 12 patients, the initial result was considered appropriate, with total or partial resolution of the major lesion confirmed by a posterior examination. In 1 patient, the procedure was suspended after transesophageal echocardiography and angiography showed that the proximal aortic diameter was inappropriate. Transesophageal echocardiography contributed to clarifying relevant points, such as aortic diameter, anatomic detail of the intimal lesion, and location and size of the communicating orifice. In addition, it facilitated placing the stent in the target lesion, reduced the time of exposure to radiation and the use of contrast medium, and provided rapid identification of intercurrent events, possibly reducing the total duration of the procedure. CONCLUSION: The use of transesophageal echocardiography during placement of aortic stents seems appropriate. The actual advantages of the procedure will be defined in a comparative prospective study.