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Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is a severe complication in very low birth weight (VLBW) newborns (NB). With the purpose of studying the incidence of IVH, the associated risk factors, and the outcomes for these neonates, we studied all the VLBW infants born in our neonatal unit. Birth weight, gestational age, presence of perinatal asphyxia, mechanical ventilation, length of hospitalization, apnea crisis, hydrocephalus, and periventricular leukomalacia were analyzed. The diagnosis of IVH was based on ultrasound scan studies (Papile's classification) performed until the tenth day of life and repeated weekly in the presence of abnormalities. Sixty-seven/101 neonates were studied. The mortality rate was 30.6% (31/101) and the incidence of IVH was 29.8% (20/67) : 70% grade I, 20% grade III and 10% grade IV. The incidence of IVH in NB <1,000 g was 53.8% (p = 0.035) and for gestational age <30 weeks was 47.3% (p = 0.04), both considered risk factors for IVH. The length of hospitalization (p = 0.00015) and mechanical ventilation (p = 0.038) were longer in IHV NB. The IVH NB had a relative risk of 2.3 of developing apnea (p = 0.02), 3.7 of hydrocephalus (p = 0.0007), and 7.7 of periventricular leukomalacia (p < 0.00001). The authors emphasize the importance of knowing the risk factors related to IVH so as to introduce prevention schemes to reduce IVH and to improve outcomes of affected newborns.
Ventilator-dependent premature infants are often treated with dexamethasone. Several trials showed that steroids while improve pulmonary compliance and facilitate extubation, some treated infants may have adverse effects, such as alterations of growth curves. We conducted this retrospective study to evaluate the effects of steroids on mechanical ventilation, oxygen therapy, hospital length stay and mortality, in ventilator-dependent infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) (defined as the need of oxygen supplementation at 28 days of life). Twenty-six newborns with BPD were evaluated during 9 -- 42 days postpartum (mean = 31 days) and were divided into two groups: Group I - 14 newborns that did not receive dexamethasone, and Group II - 12 newborns that received dexamethasone at 14 --21 days of life. Dexamethasone was given at a dose of 0.25 mg per kilogram of body weight twice daily intravenously for 3 days, after which the dose was tapered. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences in the mean length of mechanical ventilation (Group I - 37 days, Group II - 35 days); oxygen supplementation (Group I - 16 days, Group II - 29 days); hospital stay (Group I - 72 days, Group II - 113 days); mortality (Group I - 35.7%, Group II - 41.6%). At birth, Group II was lighter (BW: Group I - 1154 grams ± 302, Group II - 791 grams ± 165; p < 0.05) and smaller (height: Group I - 37.22 cm ± 3.3, Group II - 33.5 ± 2.4; p< 0.05) than Group I. At 40 weeks, there were no statistically significant differences between groups in relation to anthropometric measurements. CONCLUSIONS: The use of corticosteroids in bronchopulmonary dysplasic infants may influence the somatic growth during its use. However, after its suspension, a recovery seems to occur, suggesting that its influence could be transitory.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the correlation of risk factors to the occurrence of urinary tract infection in full-term newborn infants. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Retrospective study (1997) including full-term infants having a positive urine culture by bag specimen. Urine collection was based on: fever, weight loss > 10% of birth weight, nonspecific symptoms (feeding intolerance, failure to thrive, hypoactivity, debilitate suction, irritability), or renal and urinary tract malformations. In these cases, another urine culture by suprapubic bladder aspiration was collected to confirm the diagnosis. To compare and validate the risk factors in each group, the selected cases were divided into two groups: Group I - positive urine culture by bag specimen collection and negative urine culture by suprapubic aspiration, and Group II - positive urine culture by bag specimen collection and positive urine culture by suprapubic aspiration . RESULTS: Sixty one infants were studied, Group I, n = 42 (68.9%) and Group II, n = 19 (31.1%). The selected risk factors (associated infectious diseases, use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, renal and urinary tract malformations, mechanical ventilation, parenteral nutrition and intravascular catheter) were more frequent in Group II (p<0.05). Through relative risk analysis, risk factors were, in decreasing importance: parenteral nutrition, intravascular catheter, associated infectious diseases, use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, mechanical ventilation, and renal and urinary tract malformations. CONCLUSION: The results showed that parenteral nutrition, intravascular catheter, and associated infectious diseases contributed to increase the frequency of neonatal urinary tract infection, and in the presence of more than one risk factor, the occurrence of urinary tract infection rose up to 11 times.
PURPOSE: To determine the incidence and characteristics of nonimmune hydrops fetalis in the newborn population. METHOD: A retrospective study of the period between 1996 and 2000, including all newborns with a prenatal or early neonatal diagnosis of nonimmune hydrops fetalis, based on clinical history, physical examination, and laboratory evaluation. The following were analyzed: prenatal follow-up, delivery type, gender, birth weight, gestational age, presence of perinatal asphyxia, nutritional classification, etiopathic diagnosis, length of hospital stay, mortality, and age at death. RESULTS: A total of 47 newborns with hydrops fetalis (0.42% of live births), 18 (38.3%) with the immune form and 29 (61.7%) with the nonimmune form, were selected for study. The incidence of nonimmune hydrops fetalis was 1 per 414 neonates. Data was obtained from 21 newborns, with the following characteristics: 19 (90.5%) were suspected from prenatal diagnosis, 18 (85.7%) were born by cesarean delivery, 15 (71.4%) were female, and 10 (47.6%) were asphyxiated. The average weight was 2665.9 g, and the average gestational age was 35 3/7 weeks; 14 (66.6%) were preterm; 18 (85.0 %) appropriate delivery time; and 3 (14.3%) were large for gestational age. The etiopathic diagnosis was determined for 62%, which included cardiovascular (19.0%), infectious (9.5%), placental (4.8%), hematologic (4.7%), genitourinary (4.8%), and tumoral causes (4.8%), and there was a combination of causes in 9.5%. The etiology was classified as idiopathic in 38%. The length of hospital stay was 26.6 ± 23.6 days, and the mortality rate was 52.4%. CONCLUSIONS: The establishment of a suitable etiopathic diagnosis associated with prenatal detection of nonimmune hydrops fetalis can be an important step in reducing the neonatal mortality rate from this condition.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the evolution of glycemic levels in newborns of hypertensive mothers according to maternal treatment. METHODS: Prospective randomized study, including 93 newborns of mothers treated with isradipine (n = 39), atenolol (n = 40), or low sodium diet (control group - n=14). Glycemia was determined at birth (mother and newborn by the oxidase glucose method) and in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 12th, and 24th hours after birth (newborn by a test strip method). The evolution of glycemia was analyzed in each group (Friedman test). The groups were compared regarding glycemia (Kruskall-Wallis test), and linear regression models were constructed for the analyses (independent variable = maternal glycemia; dependent variables = umbilical cord, 3rd, and 6th hour glycemia). RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences among the mean blood glucose levels of the 3 groups in any of the assessments. There was a correlation between maternal and umbilical cord blood glucose in the isradipine (r = 0.61; P <.05) and control (r = 0.84; P <.05) groups. Regarding glycemia levels of the mothers and newborns in the third and sixthhours postpartum, this correlation was present only in the control group (maternal x third hour: r = 0.65; P <.05; maternal x sixth hour: r = 0.68; P <.05). There were no correlations in the atenolol group. Hypoglycemia was detected in 51.3% of the isradipine group, 60% of the atenolol group, and 35.7% of the control group, and it was more frequent in the first hour postpartum in all groups. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest a similar effect of the 3 types of treatment upon newborn glycemia. The correlation analysis suggests that isradipine could have effects upon newborn glycemia only after birth (correlation only in umbilical cord blood), whereas atenolol could act earlier (there was no correlation at any moment). The results also point to the need for glycemic control from the first hour postpartum of newborns of hypertensive mothers whether they have or have not undergone treatment with antihypertensive drugs.
OBJETIVO: Neste estudo, o objetivo foi revisar o papel de um possível processo inflamatório na gênese da esquizofrenia. MÉTODO: Foram selecionados os trabalhos publicados em revistas indexadas nas bases de dados Lilacs e MedLine, sob os unitermos "esquizofrenia", "inflamação" e "estresse oxidativo", nos últimos 10 anos até dezembro de 2009, nos idiomas inglês e português. Foram excluídos os artigos que tratavam de aspectos fisiopatológicos da doença fora do interesse da psiquiatria. RESULTADOS: Sessenta e um artigos foram selecionados. Doze abordavam o envolvimento do estresse oxidativo na esquizofrenia, nove tratavam de alterações no sistema imunológico de pacientes esquizofrênicos, dezesseis da infecção pré-natal como desencadeador da doença e sete mostravam a ação antioxidante e anti-inflamatória de fármacos antipsicóticos. CONCLUSÃO: Os estudos enfatizam o envolvimento do sistema imunológico (isto é, interleucinas e ação anti-inflamatória dos antipsicóticos), das infecções, do estresse oxidativo e da função mitocondrial na fisiopatologia da esquizofrenia. Portanto, esses novos achados são importantes para a melhor compreensão e, consequentemente, a elaboração de terapias mais específicas e eficazes no combate dessa doença mental.
OBJETIVO: Estudo ecocardiográfico em recém-nascidos (RN) de grupos de risco para cardiopatia congênita, a fim de se determinar a prevalência que justifique esse exame no período neonatal. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se, de novembro/91 a abril/93, 156 RN do berçário anexo à Maternidade do HC-FMUSP, sendo RN de mães com cardiopatia congênita ou com diabetes mellitus, crianças de muito baixo peso, com malformações extracardíacas ou presença de sinais cardíacos, caracterizados por sopro, cianose ou arritmia, todos submetidos ao ecocardiograma. RESULTADOS: A prevalência encontrada foi de 21,8%, superior ao da população geral (0,8 a 1,2%), sendo que a maior entre os grupos, de 40,7%, ocorreu no grupo de malformações extracardíacas. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos dados justificam a realização de ecocardiograma em RN pertencentes a um destes grupos de risco para cardiopatia congênita.
Three species of Halichondrida, Dragmacidon reticulatus (Ridley & Dendy, 1886) (Axinellidae), Myrmekioderma rea (Laubenfels, 1934) (Desmoxyidae) and Topsentia ophiraphidites (Laubenfels, 1934) (Halichondriidae), collected from 30 to 184 m depths, were recorded for the first time from State of Maranhão, north-northeast coast of Brazilian shelf.
Uma nova espécie, Spongia (Heterofibria) catarinensis, é descrita para a Ilha das Aranhas (27º29'077''S, 48º21'380''W), Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Difere das outras espécies do gênero do Atlântico sudoeste pela morfologia externa e arquitetura. A nova espécie é caracterizada por apresentar forma massiva, incrustante com projeções lobulares; fibras primárias medindo 60-100 µm; fibras secundárias 11,5-69 µm; fibras pseudoterciárias 2,3-23 µm e distância entre fibras primárias 391-920 µm; distância entre fibras secundárias/pseudoterciárias 92-575 µm; fibras secundárias/pseudoterciárias constituindo malhas poligonais com 30-700 µm de diâmetro. A espécie pertence ao subgênero Heterofibria Cook & Bergquist, 2001 por apresentar uma clara dicotomia de suas fibras.
A ocorrência de toxoplasmose aguda em três membros de uma mesma família foi relacionada à ingestão de leite de cabra, não pasteurizado e nem fervido. As cabras eram criadas soltas no peridomicílio para fornecimento de leite. Anticorpos fluorescentes anti-Toxoplasma foram detectados nos quinze animais examinados, sendo que oito caprinos apresentaram títulos superiores a 1:1024 e nas cinco cabras lactantes estes títulos variaram de 1:1024 a 1:32.768. Taquizoitos foram isolados, por inovulação em camundongos, do leite de uma destas cabras. Os cães criados na mesma casa não apresentaram sintomas de toxoplasmose apesar de ter ocorrido perda de ninhada de uma cadela; em todos os cães foram detectados baixos níveis de anticorpos. Foi considerada menos provável a possibilidade de que as infecções humanas pudessem ser devido à ingestão de alimentos contaminados com oocistos.
A amostra Berenice-78 de T. cruzi recém-isolada apresentou características bem distintas da cepa Berenice isolada há 16 anos da mesma paciente. Foram verificadas sua alta infectividade e baixa virulência para camundongos C3H isogênicos que sobreviveram à fase aguda da infecção. Os parasitas desta cepa apresentaram tropismo para os músculos esquelético e cardíaco, ascensão gradual da parasitemia ao longo de 25 passagens sangüíneas sucessivas e estabilidade da curva de parasitemia. A cepa Berenice apresentou as mesmas características descritas por Brener, Chiari & Alvarenga (1974) em relação ao tropismo e padrão da curva de parasitemia, sendo no entanto demonstrado que sua virulência para camundongos albinos continua aumentando com o decorrer do tempo. Foram discutidas a possibilidade de reinfecção da paciente Berenice e a importância do conhecimento de amostras de T. cruzi de baixa virulência para animais de laboratório.
This study evaluates whether blood collected on filter paper kept at 4 degrees C and tested at different intervals of time (1, 7, 15, 30 and 60 days after collection) would present similar results when compared to the serum samples and whether the type of filter paper influences the results. Eluates from filter paper samples were tested for Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies using indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT), indirect haemagglutination (IHA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as reference, the antibody titer in sera. Analysis of data showed that results obtained with IFAT, IHA (cut off point = 1:40) and ELISA in sera had similar sensitivity and good concordance among reactions. The use of a multiple linear regression model indicated that titer fall in eluates occurs up to the 7th day after the collection, and it is more marked for samples with lower antibodies titers. However, no significant differences were observed by IFAT, IHA (cut off point = 1:20) and ELISA in the proportion of positive reactions between sera and eluates. The results also showed that Melitta, Klabin or Whatman (reference) filter papers could be indicated for surveys, since they have shown similar capacity of maintenance of anti-T. cruzi immunoglobulins.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) clades B and C account for more than 60% of the HIV-1 infections worldwide. In this paper, we describe the profiles of patients infected with subtypes of HIV-1 from the state of Paraná, Southern Brazil, and correlate them with demographic and epidemiological findings. A retrospective analysis of HIV cases reported from 1999-2007 was also performed. Data from 293 patients were reviewed and 245 were older than 13 (58% female). The distribution of clades was as follows: B 140 (57%), C 67 (23%), F 24 (10%) and mosaic or unique recombinant forms (URFs) 24 (10%). Of the 48 patients younger than 13 years of age (62.5% male), vertical transmission occurred in 46 and the distribution of clades was as follows: B 14 (29%), C 24 (50%), F 7 (15%) and URFs 6 (13%). There was no significant difference in mortality between HIV-1 subtypes. In both groups, patients infected with clade C tended to have higher rates of injection drug use exposure risk.
A Saúde Mental no Brasil tem se voltado aos serviços comunitários de atenção psiquiátrica substitutivos ao modelo asilar. Entretanto, o portador de transtorno mental continua transitando entre o serviço comunitário e o hospital psiquiátrico, sendo alvo, ainda, da disciplinarização e violência que colocam em questão a qualidade do trabalho em enfermagem. O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender ontologicamente o cuidar em enfermagem na internação psiquiátrica. Participaram da pesquisa quatro portadores de transtornos mentais freqüentadores de um centro de atenção psicossocial que aceitaram discorrer sobre a vivência da internação psiquiátrica, por meio de entrevista semi-dirigida. Os sujeitos rememoraram a experiência da internação psiquiátrica e teceram significações a respeito. Aplicou-se a Analítica Existencial de Heidegger, que gerou o Núcleo do Sentido: Ser-no-mundo-cuidado na impessoalidade, que propiciou o desvelamento do fenômeno mediante a estrutura de Dasein, sendo possível delinear o cuidar ontológico em enfermagem em hospital psiquiátrico.
Foram caracterizados os cariótipos de três espécies neotropicais do gênero Gnamptogenys Roger: Gnamptogenys striatula Mayr, Gnamptogenys sp. e Gnamptogenys annulata Mayr, coletadas em Viçosa (Minas Gerais) e Ilhéus (Bahia). O número cromossômico de G. striatula nas duas localidades foi 2n=34, com fórmula cariotípica 2K=24M+10A. Em Gnamptogenys sp., o número cromossômico foi de 2n=46 (fêmea) e n=23 (machos), com a fórmula cariotípica 2K=18M+28A. O número cromossômico de G. annulata foi 2n=68 com a fórmula cariotípica 2K= 6M+62A. Esse tipo de estudo complementa outros estudos iniciados por nosso grupo sobre a citogenética das formigas poneromorfas (sensu Bolton) e poderá contribuir no melhor entendimento da evolução das formigas deste grupo considerado primitivo.