45 resultados para chromosome arm


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Chromosome studies were performed in two varieties of Mangifera indica L. (mango), 'IAC-140 Espadona' and in its progenitor 'Espada Stahl'. Both varieties showed 2n=40 chromosomes though the karyotype formulae were 8m + 10sm + 2sm s for 'Stahl' and 7m + 11sm + 2sm s for 'IAC-140'. The varieties showed moderate karyotype asymmetry which was estimated according to four different indices. Both varieties exhibited three chromosome pairs with silver impregnation after NOR-banding. The number of nucleoli within interphase cells varied from one, the commonest, to eight. The nucleolus persistent phenomenon was observed in more than 22% of metaphase cells of both varieties, seeing that in 'Stahl', up to two nucleoli were evidenced. This variety also showed one nucleolus in several anaphase cells. The studies were suitable for evidencing diversity at chromosomal level between these two varieties.


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ABSTRACT Seven species of Vitis L., V. champinii Planchon, V. cinerea (Engelm in Gray) Engelm, V. girdiana Munson, V. labrusca L., V. rotundifolia Michaux, V. rupestres Scheels and V. vinifera L. were studied with the purpose of complementing the karyomorphometric information for further comparative analyses. Based on ideograms and on chromosome measures obtained it was possible to see several differences among the species, which were enough to distinguish at least V. champinii and V. girdiana from the others as well as V. labrusca for the lowest measures and V. rotundifolia for the highest mean value of arm ratio. It seems that during the species diversification process the most crucial differences among them did not involve drastic changes in chromosome morphometry.


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The authors present the four-arm single docking full robotic surgery to treat low rectal cancer. The eight main operative steps are: 1- patient positioning; 2- trocars set-up and robot docking; 3- sigmoid colon, left colon and splenic flexure mobilization (lateral-to-medial approach); 4-Inferior mesenteric artery and vein ligation (medial-to-lateral approach); 5- total mesorectum excision and preservation of hypogastric and pelvic autonomic nerves (sacral dissection, lateral dissection, pelvic dissection); 6- division of the rectum using an endo roticulator stapler for the laparoscopic performance of a double-stapled coloanal anastomosis (type I tumor); 7- intersphincteric resection, extraction of the specimen through the anus and lateral-to-end hand sewn coloanal anastomosis (type II tumor); 8- cylindric abdominoperineal resection, with transabdominal section of the levator muscles (type IV tumor). The techniques employed were safe and have presented low rates of complication and no mortality.


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Zephyranthes Herb. is a taxonomically complex and cytologically variable group, with about 65 species of Neotropical distribution. Chromosome number variability in 32 individuals of a Zephyranthes sylvatica population from Northeast Brazil was investigated. Three cytotypes were found: 2n = 12 (one metacentric, four submetacentric and one acrocentric pairs), in 24 individuals; 2n = 12 + 1B, in five and three individuals with 2n = 18, a triploid cytotype. All diploid individuals showed chromosomes with polymorphism in pair one and two, while in triploids this polymorphism was observed in all chromosome triplets, generally with two homomorphic chromosomes and a higher or lower heteromorphic chromosome. All individuals had reticulated interfasic nucleus and a slightly asymmetric chromosome complement, with one metacentric chromosome pair and the others more submetacentric to acrocentric. These data confirm the cytological variability previously registered for the genus. Mechanisms involved in karyotypic evolution in this population are discussed.


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The karyotype of Akodon cursor (initially identified as A. arviculoides) had been reported with chromosomal numbers 14 and 15 in the South and Southeast and 16 in Northeastern Brazil. We found the three cytotypes in a region of Southern Brazil. The G-band patterns of these specimens were the same as those from southeastern and northeastern regions. Seventeen different combinations of chromosomes due to a complex rearrangement in pair 1 and pericentric inversions in pairs 2 and 3 were identified. Seven of these combinations are new to in the literature.


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Chromatid gaps and breaks induced by the restriction endonucleases AluI and BamHI in the long arm of chromosome 1 of Chinese hamster ovary cells were microphotometrically scanned and mapped to a quantitative G-band map. More than 50% of chromatid breaks appeared as chromatin losses of greater than 5% of the total arm length. The majority of chromatid gaps and breaks as well as chromatin losses induced by both restriction endonucleases were non-randomly located in a region from 0.35 to 0.65 relative length units of the long arm of chromosome 1. We suggest that the access of these endonucleases to chromosomal DNA depends on the local organization of the chromatin.


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Karyotypes of six species of the genus Stevia from Southern Brazil were studied, utilizing root tip metaphases. All species were diploid with 2n = 22 chromosomes. It was possible to identify each species by chromosome morphology. The basic chromosome number for Brazilian species of Stevia is X = 11. This number is also found in almost all South American species. We suggest that in Stevia there is an evolutionary trend toward chromosomal rearrangement, caused mainly by pericentric inversions. It was found that, in addition to aneuploidy and polyploidy, chromosomal rearrangements are common in the tribe Eupatorieae.


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Chromosome abnormalities and the mitotic index in lymphocyte cultures and micronuclei in buccal mucosa cells were investigated in a sample of underground mineral coal miners from Southern Brazil. A decreased mitotic index, an excess of micronuclei and a higher frequency of chromosome abnormalities (fragments, polyploidy and overall chromosome alterations) were observed in the miners when compared to age-paired normal controls from the same area. An alternative assay for clastogenesis in occupational exposition was tested by submitting lymphocytes from non-exposed individuals to a pool of plasmas from the exposed population. This assay proved to be very convenient, as the lymphocytes obtained from the same individuals can be used as target as well as control cells. Also, it yielded a larger number of metaphases and of successful cultures than with common lymphocyte cultures from miners. A significantly higher frequency of chromatid gaps, fragments and overall alterations were observed when lymphocytes from control subjects were exposed to miner plasma pools. Control plasma pools did not significantly induce any type of chromosome alterations in the cultures of normal subjects, thus indicating that the results are not due to the effect of the addition of plasma pools per se.


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The incidence of TP53 point mutations and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of chromosome 17 in colorectal tumors was determined in a group of Brazilian patients. We screened DNA samples from tumors and distal normal mucosa of 39 patients with colorectal cancer, for TP53 mutations by PCR-SSCP (single-strand conformation polymorphism) analysis. Chromosome 17 LOH was investigated using six PCR-based polymorphic markers and one VNTR probe. TP53 mutations were demonstrated in 15/39 of the cases. Mutations were distributed among all exons examined (five to eight), the majority of them being G/C to A/T transitions. LOH of chromosome 17p and 17q was detected in 70 and 46% of the tumors, respectively. There was a significant association between TP53 mutations and LOH in chromosome 17p (P = 0.0035) and 17q (P = 0.03). Although no correlation was observed between TP53 genetic alterations and clinical/ pathological characteristics, the association of TP53 mutations with loss of both chromosome 17 arms may indicate that TP53 inactivation provokes an unstable phenotype in tumor cells in colorectal tumors.


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Reading the human Y chromosome: the emerging DNA markers and human genetic history.


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A sample of 101 specimens of Ctenomys minutus was collected along its geographic range. Eight karyotypes (2n = 42, 45, 46a, 46b, 47, 48, 49 and 50) were found. The chromosome polymorphisms were due to Robertsonian rearrangements and tandem fusions. The distribution of polymorphisms indicated three population blocks: northern (2n = 49 and 50), central (2n = 46a, 47, and 48) and southern (2n = 42, 45, and 46b). These findings suggest that this species is undergoing a speciation process due to geographic isolation.


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Both periodic acid and photographic reagents have been used to remove the silver nitrate residues from cytological preparations. We used potassium ferricyanide to remove AgNO3 salts in cases of excessive chromosome impregnation. This method produced partial decolorization, with contrast enhancement. Counterstaining with Giemsa also promoted a better contrast between chromosome arms and NORs, which were preserved and retained a dark color. Application of this procedure to chromosome preparations treated sequentially for CBG banding/AgNO3 staining promoted complete decolorization of C+ regions, leading to "reverse" C-banding, generally with high contrast.


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Chromosome numbers are reported for 127 germplasm accessions of Paspalum notatum maintained by EMBRAPA (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária) in two research centers in Brazil. Most accessions were collected in their natural habitats in Southern Brazil. Tetraploidy (2n = 40 chromosomes) was predominant (91% of the accessions studied), confirming previous reports for the species. Eleven accessions with 2n = 20 chromosomes, although collected in the wild, are possibly derived from 'Pensacola' bahiagrass, commonly cultivated in the area since its introduction from the United States in the 60's, for the establishment of permanent pastures.


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A new viviparous mutant of maize (Zea mays L.), associated with genetic instability and designated viviparous-12 (vp12), was identified in a synthetic Tuxpeño adapted to tropical regions. In the present work, the linkage group of this new locus was determined. Progenies of inbred line L477 segregating for the vp12 mutant were crossed with waxy-marked reciprocal translocation stocks. The phenotypic frequencies of the wx and vp12 mutants were analyzed in F2 progenies. The results demonstrated that the Viviparous-12 locus of maize is located on the long arm of chromosome 6.


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Several studies have demonstrated that lymphocytes from patients with Down syndrome (DS) exhibit an increased frequency of chromosome aberrations when they are exposed to ionizing radiation or to chemicals at the G0 or G1 phases of the cell cycle, but not at G2, when compared to normal subjects. To determine the susceptibility of DS lymphocytes at G2 phase, bleomycin, a radiomimetic agent, was used to induce DNA breaks in blood cultures from 24 Down syndrome patients. All the patients with DS showed free trisomy 21 (47,XX + 21 or 47,XY + 21). Individuals that showed an average number of chromatid breaks per cell higher than 0.8 were considered sensitive to the drug. No control child showed susceptibility to bleomycin, and among the 24 patients with DS, only one was sensitive to the drug. No significant difference was observed between the two groups, regarding chromatid break frequencies in treated G2 lymphocytes. The distribution of bleomycin-induced breaks in each group of chromosomes was similar for DS and controls. No significant difference was found in the response to bleomycin between male and female subjects. Probably, the main factor involved in chromosome sensitivity of lymphocytes from patients with DS is the phase of the cell cycle in which the cell is treated.