29 resultados para catchment characteristic


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a mortalidade dos recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso em uma UTI neonatal conforme as variações do escore CRIB (Clinical Risk Index for Babies), do peso de nascimento e da idade gestacional em determinado período. MÉTODOS: O escore CRIB foi aplicado seqüencial e prospectivamente em todos os recém-nascidos com peso de nascimento <1.500 g e/ou idade gestacional <31 semanas, em maternidade de um hospital universitário de Londrina, no período de janeiro de 1997 a dezembro de 2000. Os critérios de exclusão foram: óbitos antes de 12 horas de vida, os recém- nascidos com malformações congênitas incompatíveis com a sobrevida e os recém- nascidos encaminhados de outros serviços. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 284 recém-nascidos. O peso médio de nascimento foi de 1.148±248 g (mediana =1.180 g); a idade gestacional média foi de 30,2±2,4 semanas (mediana =30,0) e o CRIB médio foi de 3,8±4,4 (mediana =2,0). A mortalidade neonatal foi de 23,2% diferindo conforme peso <750 g (72,7%), IG<29 semanas (57,1%) e CRIB>10 (79,4%). A curva ROC (Receiver Operator Characteristic) para os valores de CRIB, peso de nascimento e idade gestacional gerou áreas sob a curva de 0,88, 0,76 e 0,81, respectivamente. Na análise bivariada, o CRIB, peso e idade gestacional mostraram-se preditores de mortalidade, sendo o escore CRIB>4 o de melhor resultado com sensibilidade de 75,8%, especificidade de 86,7%, valor preditivo positivo de 63,3% e valor preditivo negativo de 92,2%. CONCLUSÕES: Os recém-nascidos com peso de nascimento <750 g, idade gestacional <29 semanas e escore CRIB>10 tiveram maiores taxas de mortalidade, sendo o escore CRIB>4 o que representou melhor poder preditivo quando comparado com peso ao nascer e idade gestacional.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the usefulness of corneal esthesiometry for screening diabetic retinopathy. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out comprising 575 patients attending a diabetic retinopathy-screening program in the city of São Paulo. Corneal esthesiometry was assessed with the Cochet-Bonnet esthesiometer. The presence of diabetic retinopathy was detected with indirect fundoscopy. The validity of corneal esthesiometry in identifying diabetic retinopathy was evaluated by the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. RESULTS: Sensitivity and specificity analyses of the corneal esthesiometry for detecting the stages of diabetic retinopathy using different cut-offs showed values less than 80%. The best indices (72.2% sensitivity and 57.4% specificity) were obtained for the identification of patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. CONCLUSIONS: In the study series, corneal esthesiometry was not a good indicator of diabetic retinopathy.


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OBJETIVOS: Nenhum estudo de base populacional foi realizado para mostrar o uso potencial de diagnóstico virológico do vírus rábico. O estudo realizado teve por objetivo estimar parâmetros de acurácia para o isolamento de vírus rábico em célula McCoy, como um método alternativo, e comparar com o uso da célula N2A, considerada método de referência. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um inquérito em 120 morcegos coletados aleatoriamente, na Mata Atlântica, no Estado de São Paulo. Utilizou-se a reação de imunofluorescência para a detecção do vírus rábico isolado no cérebro desses morcegos, avaliado nos dois sistemas de cultivos celulares. Dois bancos de dados foram formados com os resultados. A análise foi feita com o programa Computer Methods for Diagnosis Tests (CMDT), utilizando a técnica de two-graph-receiver operating characteristic (TG-ROC) para obter os parâmetros de sensibilidade e especificidade, além de outros indicadores, tais como eficácia, valor preditivo positivo, valor preditivo negativo e razão de verossimilhança. RESULTADOS: A célula N2A apresentou 90% de sensibilidade e especificidade, enquanto que a célula McCoy obteve 95% para os mesmos parâmetros. Os valores foram baseados em pontos de cortes otimizados para cada uma das células. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se que a célula McCoy permite obter estimativas de acurácia superiores aos resultados observados com a célula de N2A, representando um método alternativo eficaz no isolamento do vírus rábico.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify potential prognostic factors for neonatal mortality among newborns referred to intensive care units. METHODS: A live-birth cohort study was carried out in Goiânia, Central Brazil, from November 1999 to October 2000. Linked birth and infant death certificates were used to ascertain the cohort of live born infants. An additional active surveillance system of neonatal-based mortality was implemented. Exposure variables were collected from birth and death certificates. The outcome was survivors (n=713) and deaths (n=162) in all intensive care units in the study period. Cox's proportional hazards model was applied and a Receiver Operating Characteristic curve was used to compare the performance of statistically significant variables in the multivariable model. Adjusted mortality rates by birth weight and 5-min Apgar score were calculated for each intensive care unit. RESULTS: Low birth weight and 5-min Apgar score remained independently associated to death. Birth weight equal to 2,500g had 0.71 accuracy (95% CI: 0.65-0.77) for predicting neonatal death (sensitivity =72.2%). A wide variation in the mortality rates was found among intensive care units (9.5-48.1%) and two of them remained with significant high mortality rates even after adjusting for birth weight and 5-min Apgar score. CONCLUSIONS: This study corroborates birth weight as a sensitive screening variable in surveillance programs for neonatal death and also to target intensive care units with high mortality rates for implementing preventive actions and interventions during the delivery period.


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OBJETIVO: A Escala de Depressão Geriátrica, utilizada para o rastreamento de sintomas depressivos em idosos, ainda não teve suas características de medida avaliadas em ambulatórios gerais no Brasil. O objetivo foi estudar a validade da Escala, com 15 itens (EDG-15), na identificação de episódio de Depressão Maior ou Distimia em idosos atendidos em ambulatório geral. MÉTODOS: A Escala foi aplicada em 302 indivíduos com 65 anos ou mais, que em seguida foram examinados, de maneira independente, por um geriatra que não tinha conhecimento dos resultados da Escala. Os diagnósticos de Depressão Maior ou Distimia foram feitos utilizando-se os critérios do Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV. A sensibilidade e a especificidade nos vários pontos de corte foram expressas pela curva Receiver Operating Characteristic. RESULTADOS: O ponto de corte de melhor equilíbrio foi 5/6, obteve sensibilidade de 81% e especificidade de 71%; e o valor da área sob a curva Receiver Operating Characteristic foi de 0,85 (IC 95%: 0,79-0,91). CONCLUSÕES: A Escala de Depressão Geriátrica pode ser utilizada para o rastreamento de sintomas depressivos na população geriátrica ambulatorial brasileira. O ponto de corte 5/6, sugerido inicialmente por outros autores, mostrou-se adequado.


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OBJECTIVE: To develop a Charlson-like comorbidity index based on clinical conditions and weights of the original Charlson comorbidity index. METHODS: Clinical conditions and weights were adapted from the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision and applied to a single hospital admission diagnosis. The study included 3,733 patients over 18 years of age who were admitted to a public general hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro, southeast Brazil, between Jan 2001 and Jan 2003. The index distribution was analyzed by gender, type of admission, blood transfusion, intensive care unit admission, age and length of hospital stay. Two logistic regression models were developed to predict in-hospital mortality including: a) the aforementioned variables and the risk-adjustment index (full model); and b) the risk-adjustment index and patient's age (reduced model). RESULTS: Of all patients analyzed, 22.3% had risk scores >1, and their mortality rate was 4.5% (66.0% of them had scores >1). Except for gender and type of admission, all variables were retained in the logistic regression. The models including the developed risk index had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.86 (full model), and 0.76 (reduced model). Each unit increase in the risk score was associated with nearly 50% increase in the odds of in-hospital death. CONCLUSIONS: The risk index developed was able to effectively discriminate the odds of in-hospital death which can be useful when limited information is available from hospital databases.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the best cut-offs of body mass index for identifying alterations of blood lipids and glucose in adolescents. METHODS: A probabilistic sample including 577 adolescent students aged 12-19 years in 2003 (210 males and 367 females) from state public schools in the city of Niterói, Southeastern Brazil, was studied. The Receiver Operating Characteristic curve was used to identify the best age-adjusted BMI cut-off for predicting high levels of serum total cholesterol (>150mg/dL), LDL-C (>100mg/dL), serum triglycerides (>100mg/dL), plasma glucose (>100mg/dL) and low levels of HDL-C (< 45mg/dL). Four references were used to calculate sensitivity and specificity of BMI cut-offs: one Brazilian, one international and two American. RESULTS: The most prevalent metabolic alterations (>50%) were: high total cholesterol and low HDL-C. BMI predicted high levels of triglycerides in males, high LDL-C in females, and high total cholesterol and the occurrence of three or more metabolic alterations in both males and females (areas under the curve range: 0.59 to 0.67), with low sensitivity (57%-66%) and low specificity (58%-66%). The best BMI cut-offs for this sample (20.3 kg/m² to 21.0 kg/m²) were lower than those proposed in the references studied. CONCLUSIONS: Although BMI values lower than the International cut-offs were better predictor of some metabolic abnormalities in Brazilian adolescents, overall BMI is not a good predictor of these abnormalities in this population.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a acurácia do diagnóstico de dois protocolos de imunofluorescência indireta para leishmaniose visceral canina. MÉTODOS: Cães provenientes de inquérito soroepidemiológico realizado em área endêmica nos municípios de Araçatuba e de Andradina, na região noroeste do estado de São Paulo, em 2003, e área não endêmica da região metropolitana de São Paulo, foram utilizados para avaliar comparativamente dois protocolos da reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI) para leishmaniose: um utilizando antígeno heterólogo Leishmania major (RIFI-BM) e outro utilizando antígeno homólogo Leishmania chagasi (RIFI-CH). Para estimar acurácia utilizou-se a análise two-graph receiver operating characteristic (TG-ROC). A análise TG-ROC comparou as leituras da diluição 1:20 do antígeno homólogo (RIFI-CH), consideradas como teste referência, com as diluições da RIFI-BM (antígeno heterólogo). RESULTADOS: A diluição 1:20 do teste RIFI-CH apresentou o melhor coeficiente de contingência (0,755) e a maior força de associação entre as duas variáveis estudadas (qui-quadrado=124,3), sendo considerada a diluição-referência do teste nas comparações com as diferentes diluições do teste RIFI-BM. Os melhores resultados do RIFI-BM foram obtidos na diluição 1:40, com melhor coeficiente de contingência (0,680) e maior força de associação (qui-quadrado=80,8). Com a mudança do ponto de corte sugerido nesta análise para a diluição 1:40 da RIFI-BM, o valor do parâmetro especificidade aumentou de 57,5% para 97,7%, embora a diluição 1:80 tivesse apresentado a melhor estimativa para sensibilidade (80,2%) com o novo ponto de corte. CONCLUSÕES: A análise TG-ROC pode fornecer importantes informações sobre os testes de diagnósticos, além de apresentar sugestões sobre pontos de cortes que podem melhorar as estimativas de sensibilidade e especificidade do teste, e avaliá-los a luz do melhor custo-benefício.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar acurácia de escore clínico (sensibilidade) no diagnóstico presuntivo de tuberculose pulmonar em triagem. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo-analítico transversal com 1.365 pacientes atendidos no setor de pneumologia em Unidade Básica de Saúde de nível secundário da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, de 2006 a 2007. Os participantes responderam um questionário padronizado, aplicado por equipe de enfermagem, contendo informações referentes à idade, peso e sintomas clínicos. O resultado presuntivo do diagnóstico de tuberculose pulmonar foi obtido pela soma da pontuação dos dados coletados. Diagnóstico de tuberculose ativa baseou-se nos resultados bacteriológicos e na decisão médica. Foram calculados sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivos e negativos para uma prevalência especificada, e intervalos de 95% de confiança para diversos pontos de corte do escore. O desempenho do escore foi avaliado pela curva receiver operating characteristic (ROC). RESULTADOS: Para o diagnóstico de tuberculose, tosse > 1 semana e > 3 semanas mostrou sensibilidade respectivamente de 88,2% (86,2;90,2) e de 61,1% (57,93;64,3), especificidade de 19,2% (16,6;21,8) e 51,3% (48,1;54,5). O escore clínico com 8 pontos mostrou uma sensibilidade de 83,13% (77,8;87,6), especificidade de 51,8% (48,5;55,1), valor preditivo positivo de 91,6% (90,0;83,2) e negativo 32,9% (30,1;35,7). CONCLUSÕES: Tosse (> 3 sem) apresentou baixa sensibilidade e especificidade. Escore clínico com elevada sensibilidade pode ser uma ferramenta alternativa na detecção de tuberculose pulmonar, pois, além de agilizar o atendimento do caso suspeito na unidade, permite padronizar a primeira abordagem pela enfermagem.


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OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a short health literacy assessment tool for Portuguese-speaking adults. METHODS: The Short Assessment of Health Literacy for Portuguese-speaking Adults is an assessment tool which consists of 50 items that assess an individual's ability to correctly pronounce and understand common medical terms. We evaluated the instrument's psychometric properties in a convenience sample of 226 Brazilian older adults. Construct validity was assessed by correlating the tool scores with years of schooling, self-reported literacy, and global cognitive functioning. Discrimination validity was assessed by testing the tool's accuracy in detecting inadequate health literacy, defined as failure to fully understand standard medical prescriptions. RESULTS: Moderate to high correlations were found in the assessment of construct validity (Spearman's coefficients ranging from 0.63 to 0.76). The instrument showed adequate internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha=0.93) and adequate test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient=0.95). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for detection of inadequate health literacy was 0.82. A version consisting of 18 items was tested and showed similar psychometric properties. CONCLUSIONS: The instrument developed showed good validity and reliability in a sample of Brazilian older adults. It can be used in research and clinical settings for screening inadequate health literacy.


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OBJECTIVE: Analyse how basic sanitation conditions, water supply and housing conditions affect the concentration of Culex quinquefasciatus METHODS: Populations of C. quinquefasciatus in 61 houses in the municipality of Olinda, PE, were monitored between October 2009 and October 2010. Observations were carried out in homes without the presence of preferred breeding sites in order to identify characteristics that may be aggravating factors for the development of the mosquito. Five aggravating factors were analysed: vegetation cover surrounding the home, number of residents/home, water storage, sewage drainage and water drainage. These characteristics were analysed in terms of presence or absence and as indicators of the degree of infestation, which was estimated through monitoring the concentration of eggs (oviposition traps - BR-OVT) and adults (CDC light traps). RESULTS: Sewage drainage to a rudimentary septic tank or to the open air was the most frequent aggravating factor in the homes (91.8%), although the presence of vegetation was the only characteristic that significantly influenced the increase in the number of egg rafts (p = 0.02). The BR-OVT achieved positive results in 95.1% of the evaluations, with the presence of at least one egg raft per month. A total of 2,366 adults were caught, with a mosquito/room/night ratio of 32.9. No significant difference was found in the number of mosquitoes caught in the homes. CONCLUSIONS: Although the sanitation and water supply influence the population density of C. quinquefasciatus, residence features that are not usually considered in control measures can be aggravating factors in sustaining the mosquito population.


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OBJECTIVE : To analyze the evolution in the prevalence and determinants of malnutrition in children in the semiarid region of Brazil. METHODS : Data were collected from two cross-sectional population-based household surveys that used the same methodology. Clustering sampling was used to collect data from 8,000 families in Ceará, Northeastern Brazil, for the years 1987 and 2007. Acute undernutrition was calculated as weight/age < -2 standard deviation (SD); stunting as height/age < -2 SD; wasting as weight/height < -2 SD. Data on biological and sociodemographic determinants were analyzed using hierarchical multivariate analyses based on a theoretical model. RESULTS : A sample of 4,513 and 1,533 children under three years of age, in 1987 and 2007, respectively, were included in the analyses. The prevalence of acute malnutrition was reduced by 60.0%, from 12.6% in 1987 to 4.7% in 2007, while prevalence of stunting was reduced by 50.0%, from 27.0% in 1987 to 13.0% in 2007. Prevalence of wasting changed little in the period. In 1987, socioeconomic and biological characteristics (family income, mother’s education, toilet and tap water availability, children’s medical consultation and hospitalization, age, sex and birth weight) were significantly associated with undernutrition, stunting and wasting. In 2007, the determinants of malnutrition were restricted to biological characteristics (age, sex and birth weight). Only one socioeconomic characteristic, toilet availability, remained associated with stunting. CONCLUSIONS : Socioeconomic development, along with health interventions, may have contributed to improvements in children’s nutritional status. Birth weight, especially extremely low weight (< 1,500 g), appears as the most important risk factor for early childhood malnutrition.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the level of HIV/AIDS knowledge among men who have sex with men in Brazil using the latent trait model estimated by Item Response Theory. METHODS Multicenter, cross-sectional study, carried out in ten Brazilian cities between 2008 and 2009. Adult men who have sex with men were recruited (n = 3,746) through Respondent Driven Sampling. HIV/AIDS knowledge was ascertained through ten statements by face-to-face interview and latent scores were obtained through two-parameter logistic modeling (difficulty and discrimination) using Item Response Theory. Differential item functioning was used to examine each item characteristic curve by age and schooling. RESULTS Overall, the HIV/AIDS knowledge scores using Item Response Theory did not exceed 6.0 (scale 0-10), with mean and median values of 5.0 (SD = 0.9) and 5.3, respectively, with 40.7% of the sample with knowledge levels below the average. Some beliefs still exist in this population regarding the transmission of the virus by insect bites, by using public restrooms, and by sharing utensils during meals. With regard to the difficulty and discrimination parameters, eight items were located below the mean of the scale and were considered very easy, and four items presented very low discrimination parameter (< 0.34). The absence of difficult items contributed to the inaccuracy of the measurement of knowledge among those with median level and above. CONCLUSIONS Item Response Theory analysis, which focuses on the individual properties of each item, allows measures to be obtained that do not vary or depend on the questionnaire, which provides better ascertainment and accuracy of knowledge scores. Valid and reliable scales are essential for monitoring HIV/AIDS knowledge among the men who have sex with men population over time and in different geographic regions, and this psychometric model brings this advantage.


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OBJECTIVE To propose a cut-off for the World Health Organization Quality of Life-Bref (WHOQOL-bref) as a predictor of quality of life in older adults. METHODS Cross-sectional study with 391 older adults registered in the Northwest Health District in Belo Horizonte, MG, Southeastern Brazil, between October 8, 2010 and May 23, 2011. The older adults’ quality of life was measured using the WHOQOL-bref. The analysis was rationalized by outlining two extreme and simultaneous groups according to perceived quality of life and satisfaction with health (quality of life good/satisfactory – good or very good self-reported quality of life and being satisfied or very satisfied with health – G5; and poor/very poor quality of life – poor or very poor self-reported quality of life and feeling dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with health – G6). A Receiver-Operating Characteristic curve (ROC) was created to assess the diagnostic ability of different cut-off points of the WHOQOL-bref. RESULTS ROC curve analysis indicated a critical value 60 as the optimal cut-off point for assessing perceived quality of life and satisfaction with health. The area under the curve was 0.758, with a sensitivity of 76.8% and specificity of 63.8% for a cut-off of ≥ 60 for overall quality of life (G5) and sensitivity 95.0% and specificity of 54.4% for a cut-off of < 60 for overall quality of life (G6). CONCLUSIONS Diagnostic interpretation of the ROC curve revealed that cut-off < 60 for overall quality of life obtained excellent sensitivity and negative predictive value for tracking older adults with probable worse quality of life and dissatisfied with health.