43 resultados para brachyura crabs


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The morphology of the ovaries in Uca rapax (Smith, 1870) was described based on macroscopic and microscopic analysis. Females were collected in Itamambuca mangrove, Ubatuba, state of São Paulo, Brazil. In the laboratory, 18 females had their ovaries removed and prepared for histology. Each gonad developmental stage was previously determined based on external and macroscopic morphology and afterwards each stage was microscopically described. The ovaries of U. rapax showed a pronounced macroscopic differentiation in size and coloration with the maturation of the gonad, with six ovarian developmental stages: immature, rudimentary, developing, developed, advanced and spent. During the vitellogenesis, the amount of oocytes in secondary stage increases in the ovary, resulting in a change in coloration of the gonad. Oogonias, primary oocytes, secondary oocytes and follicular cells were histologically described and measured. In female’s ovaries of U. rapax the modifications observed in the oocytes during the process of gonad maturation are similar to descriptions of gonads of other females of brachyuran crustaceans. The similarities are specially found in the morphological changes in the reproductive cells, and also in the presence and arrange of follicle cells during the process of ovary maturation. When external morphological characteristics of the gonads were compared to histological descriptions, it was possible to observe modifications that characterize the process in different developmental stages throughout the ovarian cycle and, consequently, the macroscopic classification of gonad stages agree with the modifications of the reproductive cells.


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Fecundity is one of the most important parameters in studying the reproductive output of Pleocyemata decapods, especially because of its relationship to the efficiency of population replacement. Knowledge of fecundity provides basic elements for understanding the reproductive strategies, dynamics, and evolution of a given population. The present investigation provides informations on fecundity, egg size, egg loss, and the relationship between fecundity and selected environmental features, for the spider crab Mithraculus forceps (A. Milne Edwards, 1875). Ovigerous crabs were collected each month during 2000, by SCUBA diving, at Couves Island (23º25'25"S, 44º52'03"W) on the northeastern coast of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 40 ovigerous females with egg in early development (initial stage) and 28 final stage eggs were obtained and analyzed. Mean fecundity, from eggs of the initial stage, was 402.8 ± 240.1 eggs, ranging from 60 to 1,123 eggs. Sizes of females ranged from 9.4 to 14.0 mm carapace width. Mean egg size was 0.56 ± 0.06 mm diameter. A 20.33% rate of egg loss was estimated by comparing the fecundities of batches of eggs in early and late development (40 initial batches and 28 final stages batches). There were no significant relationships between the water temperature or salinity and variations in fecundity. As in most brachyuran species, M. forceps showed a strong conservative relationship between fecundity and body size.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivos caracterizar e comparar a estrutura e a dinâmica populacional de Microphrys bicornutus Latreille, 1825 no fital Halimeda opuntia (Halimedaceae) coletado nas formações recifais de Picãozinho (submetida à visitação turística) e São Gonçalo (área controle), na costa de João Pessoa (Nordeste do Brasil), sob influência de fatores ambientais e do número de visitantes. Nas duas áreas de estudo as populações analisadas estiveram compostas por fêmeas e machos maduros e imaturos com significativa predominância de machos e de animais imaturos, freqüência de tamanho e períodos reprodutivos similares. O tamanho máximo dos exemplares, a freqüência de distribuição de tamanho e a razão sexual diferiram dos resultados obtidos para a espécie em outras latitudes e habitats. Dados de razão sexual evidenciam que independentemente do estágio de maturação, os machos apresentam predominância significativa (RS>1,0), e que a proporção de fêmeas diminui com o amadurecimento sexual. Sem sofrer influência da biomassa da alga, e da salinidade e temperatura da água, variações populacionais significativas foram associadas ao aumento de juvenis durante períodos chuvosos. A baixa densidade populacional e a maior desproporção da relação macho: fêmea em subárea de Picãozinho com maior fluxo de pessoas sugerem que estas variações podem ter sido induzidas pelo pisoteio das algas.


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Calcium (Ca) is essential for crustaceans, due to calcium carbonate (CaCO3) deposition in the new exoskeleton to harden it. The purpose of this work was to study short term Ca balance in terms of dietary Ca ingestion in two phylogenetically related crabs (Superfamily Grapsoidea) showing different degrees of terrestrial adaptations: Sesarma rectum Randall, 1840 and Neohelice granulata (Dana, 1851). Dietary Ca ingestion was studied using purified diets with different Ca concentrations (0, 2.2 and 6.66 % Ca), together with measurements of Ca excretion and Ca hemolymph levels. The results showed that both crabs had the same response to foods containing different levels of Ca, with both species eating more of the high Ca diet. However, S. rectum consumed more per mg body mass at all Ca concentrations (6 mg.g-1 for S. rectum against 3 mg.g-1 for N. granulata). Both species excreted/egested Ca differently: S. rectum excreted Ca proportionally to ingestion, whereas N. granulata maintained constant faecal Ca output at all dietary Ca levels. Moreover, Ca hemolymph levels for crabs fed the different diets were independent of dietary Ca. In conclusion, both S. rectum and N. granulata seem to regulate the consumption of diets containing more Ca, which suggests a fine balance for Ca intake.


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Um estudo sobre a flutuação anual da abundância, composição de tamanho dos indivíduos, proporção de sexos, período reprodutivo e de recrutamento dos juvenis de uma população de Uca maracoani (Latreille, 1802-1803) foi realizado no Baixio Mirim, Baía de Guaratuba, Paraná (48º36'W e 25º52'S). Os animais foram coletados mensalmente, de fevereiro/2005 a janeiro/2006, durante as marés baixas de sizígia, e a sua largura da carapaça (LC) medida. A temperatura pontual do ar variou de 17 a 29ºC, a luminosidade de 8.740 a 151.300 lux, a salinidade de 8 a 25 e a temperatura do solo (superfície, 5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm e 20 cm de profundidade) de 18,3 a 28,9ºC. Foram analisados 7.120 indivíduos, dos quais, 2.578 juvenis sexualmente indefinidos, 2.377 machos e 2.165 fêmeas. A abundância da população variou de 341 (abril) a 994 indivíduos (janeiro), mas a sua flutuação anual não esteve relacionada com a das variáveis abióticas estudadas. A proporção de sexos foi de 1:1 e a reprodução da espécie é do tipo contínuo, com dois picos de intensidade: um em abril e outro em novembro. O recrutamento de juvenis, também, é contínuo com dois períodos mais intensos no ano, um em julho e outro em dezembro-janeiro. A LC da população variou de 1,14 a 2,62 mm para juvenis sexualmente indefinidos, 2,58 a 17,83 mm para machos juvenis, 2,60 a 11,72 mm para fêmeas juvenis, 17,85 a 35,81 mm para machos maduros e 11,75 a 31,76 mm para fêmeas maduras. Os machos atingem tamanhos maiores do que as fêmeas.


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Crabs of the genus Uca Leach, 1814 are characterized by having strong sexual dimorphism and a global distribution. Currently, 97 species have been described and analyzed under several aspects, including population ecology, physiology and ethology. However, there is no general summary of the information from the various literatures. The aim of this study is to perform a scientometric analysis of fiddler crab studies. For this we searched papers available in the Thomson ISI database that contained the words "Uca" OR "fiddler* crab*" between the years 1991 and 2007. For each paper, we researched and recorded the following characteristics: publication year; journal of publication; the first author's nationality; the country where the study was conducted; study type; species studied; and the work area. Our results indicated that there was no increase in the number of articles through the years considered. The Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology published most of the articles on Uca, indicating the importance of this group as a model for testing ecological hypotheses using experimental approaches. Our results also showed that United States had the highest number of authors and published studies on Uca, following the overall trend in dominance on scientific research. Furthermore, using models with three variables (per capita income, number of species of Uca and extent of coastal countries) we observed that, according to the Akaike Information Criterion, the per capita income was the most important correlate for the number of articles per country (both the author's country and country of study). Additionally, our results show that the species U. pugilator (distributed on the East Coast of the North American continent) was the species most singularly referenced in the papers considered. Moreover, our results indicate that most studies on Uca use a descriptive and local scale. The majority of papers in our literature search reflect studies in population biology, followed by behavioral and physiological characteristics.


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Este estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de determinar o tamanho da maturidade morfológica e fisiológica de machos e fêmeas em duas populações de Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) de Tamandaré, Pernambuco, Brasil. Os caranguejos foram coletados mensalmente (abril/2008 a março/2009) nos manguezais dos rios Ariquindá e Mamucabas, por um catador, através da técnica de braceamento, durante a maré baixa em três áreas distintas de 25 m² cada. Os caranguejos capturados foram separados por sexo e medidos (largura da carapaça, comprimento do própodo do quelípodo dos machos e largura do 5º somito abdominal das fêmeas). Além disso, os caranguejos foram caracterizados em relação ao estágio de desenvolvimento gonadal. Os caranguejos com gônadas imaturas e rudimentares foram considerados jovens, enquanto os demais foram classificados como adultos (gônada em desenvolvimento, desenvolvida, avançada ou esgotada). O tamanho da largura da carapaça no qual 50% da população de U. cordatus foi considerada madura morfologicamente foi de 38,0 mm (machos) e 35,4 mm (fêmeas) em Ariquindá, enquanto para Mamucabas estes valores foram de 37,3 e 32,9 mm, respectivamente. Na determinação da maturidade sexual fisiológica, os machos e fêmeas de Ariquindá foram considerados maduros com 38,5 e 37,8 mm, respectivamente, enquanto em Mamucabas os tamanhos obtidos foram de 36,2 e 35,8 mm. A maturidade morfológica dos machos ocorreu com tamanho superior ao das fêmeas, provavelmente devido ao seu maior investimento em crescimento somático, enquanto as fêmeas investem mais no processo reprodutivo. Os caranguejos provenientes do manguezal de Mamucabas atingiram a maturidade sexual com tamanhos inferiores aos de Ariquindá, provavelmente devido ao maior impacto verificado para este manguezal.


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As observações que fizemos nos mostraram que: Guaiamú (Cardisoma guanhumi) As tocas tem água quase doce; entre 2 partes de água do mar para 998 de água doce e 20 partes de água do mar para 980 de água doce. Agua de composição pouco variavel, a pequena concentração de sais cae mais por ocasião das chuvas. Toca sempre fresca, no verão atinge 23º C. Sem grandes variações. Toda escavada em terra arenosa. Não é invadida pelas aguas da maré. A toca é proxima a manguesais possue enxames de mosquitos. As larvas de insetos crescem bem nesta água. Toca com cheiro das valas de água doce. Frepentemente o guaiamú sáe de seu buraco e vae para longe do manguesal. Ucá (Ucides cordatus) As tocas apresentam água salobra, de regime polihalino, com salinidade média anual variando entre 30 e 25 por mil. os uças na natureza não toleram a água de clorinidade 5, saem das tocas e passeiam pelo brejo procurando um local mais salgado (vimos isto em 4 set. 1939 e 6 abr. 1944). A toca do uça apresenta duas variações de salinidade em cada 24 horas, é levada duas vezes por dia pelas águas da preamar. os estuários as variações de salinidade são mais bruscas que nas ilhas, mesmo pouco afastadas das fozes de rios como a Ilha do Pinheiro. Toca muitas vêzes expostas ao sol, é quente de dia e fria de noite. No verão encontramos 44.5°C. A toca é escavada na argila preta macia, molhada pelas aguas da maré enchente. Toca dentro do manguesal, sem nenhuma larva de inseto. Toca em geral de cheiro particular, parecendo ao da marezia misturada com gazes sulfídricos e metânicos. Via de regra o uça se afasta pouco de seu buraco.


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Basándose en el estudio de los helmintos larvales parásitos del cangrejo Cyrtograpsus angulatus Dana, 1851 (Microphallus szidati Martorelli, 1986 (Digenea; Microphallidae) y Falsifilicollis chasmagnathi Holcman-Spector et al., 1977 (Acathocephala; Fillicollidae) conjuntamente con el análisis de sus ciclos biológicos y el estudio de la prevalencia, intensidad y de los índices de asociación (comparados entre los hospedadores intermediarios y definitivos) se pudo concluir que: a) C. angulatus parece ser un excelente hospedador intermediario en los ciclos de vida de los helmintos estudiados; b) el tamaño de los cangrejos y la ocurrencia de amputaciones naturales en las hembras de mayor tamaño Spivak & Politis (en prensa) aparecen correlacionadas con la prevalencia; c) en los cangrejos estudiados la prevalencia para F. chasmagnathi fue mayor en los machos que en las hembras; d) la intensidad no apareció correlacionada con el tamño y el sexo de los hospedadores intermediarios; e) M. szidati y F. chasmagnathi estan fuertemente asociados en el hospedador intermediario; f) C. angulatus e Himantopus melanurus Vieilot, 1817 (Aves; Recurvirostridae) son citados como nuevos hospedadores, intermediario y denitivo respectivamente, para F. chasmagnathi; g) Chasmagnathus granulata Dana, 1851 es citado como un nuevo hospedador intermediario para M. szidati.


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Stool samples from 409 pre-school and school students, living in six villages of the Cajabamba and Condebamba districts, Cajamarca, Perú, were examined using wet preparations and Lumbreras' method, looking for Paragonimus eggs. Fecal and sputum samples from two children (0.5%) of 6 and 8 year-old showed eggs of Paragonimus. One hundred and twenty freshwater crabs, Hypolobocera chilensis eigenmanni, were collected from the Condebamba valley and 21 (17.5%) of them were infected with P. mexicanus (syn. P. peruvianus) metacercariae. Our results show the persistence of Paragonimus in human beings and in the main source of infection, the crabs.


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The Yanomami are a group of South American Indians that live in the rainforest along the borderlands of Brazil and Venezuela. They depend on hunting, gardening and wild food for survival; crustaceans are a highly prized food item in their diet. Taxonomical and ethnozoological aspects of the Yanomami Indians of the Balawa-ú village, state of Amazonas, Brazil, related to the crustaceans are described. Information and specimens were obtained from August to December, 2003. Interviews were conducted with residents of the village and focused on questions about species exploited, indigenous names, modes of capture and use of the species. One shrimp species of the family Palaemonidae (Macrobrachium brasiliense) and two crab species of Trichodactylidae (Sylviocarcinus pictus, Valdivia serrata) as well as two of Pseudothelphusidae (Fredius fittkaui, F. platyacanthus) were recorded. The indigenous names applied to these species are: shuhu, for shrimp, oko and peimatherimi for each of the two pseudothelphusid crabs, and hesiki tôtôrema for both trichodactylid crabs.


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The present paper is a pioneering study on the Brachyura bycatch associated with the artisan prawn fisheries at the mouth of the Amazon River. The study was conducted at four collection sites distributed along the mouth of the Amazon River between the months of January/2009 and January/2010. The animals were caught using handcrafted traps called "matapi", which are used by prawn fisherman in the region. Twenty matapis were used at each collection site. A total of 145 specimens were captured and six species were identified, all belonging to the Trichodactylidae family - Sylviocarcinus maldonadoensis, S. pictus, S. devillei, Valdivia serrata, Dilocarcinus septemdentatus and D. pagei. The most representative species, S. maldonadoensis, S. pictus and S. devillei were classified as regular. Regarding the composition of the capture, there were three specimens of D. pagei , only one male specimen of D. septemdentatus, forty-eight specimens of S. maldonadoensis, sixty-eight specimens of S. pictus, twenty-two specimens of S. devillei and three specimens of V. serrata. In all months, the brachyuran fauna showed a considerably lower biomass when compared to the prawns, representing only 5% of the catch, in a ratio of 1:0.06. For most species, the number of males was always higher than the number of females in almost all collection months.


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At the coastal zone sediments, water and organisms interact intensely. At equatorial tidal-dominated coast mangroves are abundant. These areas are well-known for their ecological importance. Considering the mangroves of Atlantic South America, the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus has ecological and economic prominence. High densities of this crab are found on the Amazon coast. This study investigates the sediment distribution of the Bragança mangrove area (Amazon coast, Brazil) and its correlations with vegetation and mangrove crab distribution. Sediments of 47 sites, as well as crabs from sites with different sediment and vegetation, were sampled. Results show that surface sediment of the area is mainly composed by silt (59%), with 21% sand and 20% clay. Variations in sorting and skewness are the product of local variations in clay and sand content. The vegetation type was significantly correlated to mangrove crab characteristics, abundance and weight/size. Sediment characteristics are also substantially different according to the vegetation type. Areas where Avicennia germinans prevails have more sand and clay than areas of Rizophora mangle, in which silt is dominant and crabs were significantly heavier. The present results have showed that the distribution of sediments, crabs and vegetation at mangrove areas are strongly correlated. Thus, they should be studied in conjunction.


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The mangrove crab (Ucides cordatus) is a valuable fishery resource, overfished along the Brazilian coast. This study aimed to obtain bioecological data on this crab along the coast of the State of Amapá. Six bimonthly samplings were conducted between December 2008 and January 2010. Transects were used to estimate the density (burrows m-2) and population abundance (individuals m-2). All the animals were subjected to biometrics, with females being classified according to their stage of gonadal maturation. The mean density (1.09 burrows m-2) and abundance (0.31 individuals m-2) were influenced by the climate with the highest values in summer (1.17 burrows m-2 and 0.34 individuals m-2). The male to female ratio was 1.38:1 showing significant difference in the proportion of sexes. The individuals showed sexual dimorphism, with linear measurements significantly higher in males. The sampled animals also had larger carapace length and width (CL and CW) compared to crabs studied in other Brazilian states. There was a positive relationship between CW and CL and individual weight (IW) and CW for males (R² = 0.83 and 0.90) and females (R² = 0.79 and 0.84). The growth was negative allometric (CL increases to a lesser extent than CW) for both sexes. The highest frequency of ovigerous females (78%) and in maturation stage IV (38%) occurred in the CW size class between 59.8 and 67.5 mm. The peak of mature females occurred in May and August, showing a reproductive period different from those in other Brazilian states.


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We evaluated the gastropod shell utilization pattern of the hermit crab Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc, 1802) at Pescadores Beach in São Vicente, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Specimens were collected monthly from May 2001 through April 2003, in the intertidal zone at low tide. The crabs were weighed and their carapace shield length measured. All gastropod shells were identified and had their shell biometric parameters (total length and aperture length) measured (mm) and weighed (g). A total of 2,344 hermit crabs (644 males, 1,594 females, 45 ovigerous females and 61 individuals in intersex), using 13 species of gastropod shells, were collected. Stramonita haemastoma (Linnaeus, 1767), Cymatium parthenopeum (Von Salis, 1793) and Achatina fulica (Bowdich, 1822) comprised over 98% of all the shells. Male and intersex crabs were significantly larger than the females. This size difference strongly influenced the shell utilization pattern, principally in A. fulica, which has the largest shell size, that was only used by males and intersexual individuals of C. vittatus. Cymatium parthenopeum was the only shell species that showed a high determinant coefficient in all the biometric correlations evaluated. The high abundance of S. haemastoma shells and a strong correlation between crab size and shell aperture length established by a significant determination coefficient, indicated that C. vittatus uses this species as the principal resource for shell occupation at Pescadores Beach.