41 resultados para agroindustrial complexes
Custo de produção e rentabilidade do maracujazeiro no mercado agroindustrial da Zona da Mata Mineira
O Brasil é o maior produtor e consumidor mundial de maracujá, porém, nos últimos anos, a agroindústria nacional passou a importar polpa para atender à crescente demanda de sucos (concentrado, integral e néctares). Considerando o polo agroindustrial processador de frutas da Zona da Mata Mineira, observa-se que a demanda de frutas não está sendo totalmente satisfeita, principalmente no caso do maracujá, que é importado in natura de outros estados ou já processado (polpa) de outros países, visando à fabricação de suco pronto para beber. Por ser uma cultura de rápido retorno econômico, o maracujazeiro vem despertando interesse dos produtores, mas ainda há carência de informações sobre os custos de produção e sua rentabilidade no mercado agroindustrial, impedindo a expansão da cultura. Com o objetivo de dar um respaldo técnico e econômico para o desenvolvimento da cultura na região, foram estimados os custos de produção e calculados os indicadores econômicos: Valor Presente Líquido (VPL), Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR) e Tempo de Retorno do Capital (TRC). Pelo modelo de análise adotado, pode-se inferir que o cultivo do maracujazeiro é uma atividade rentável e de retorno rápido, sendo considerada uma boa alternativa para investimento na região.
Sulfonamides obtained by reaction of 8-aminoquinoline with 4-nitrobenzenesulfonylchloride and 2,4,6-triisopropylbenzenesulfonyl chloride were used to synthesize coordination compounds with CuII and ZnII with a ML2 composition. Determination of the crystal structures of the resulting zinc and copper complexes by X-ray diffraction show a distorted tetrahedral environment for the [Cu(qnbsa)2], [Cu(qibsa)2] and [Zn(qibsa)2] complexes in which the sulfonamide group acts as a bidentate ligand through the nitrogen atoms from the sulfonamidate and quinoline groups. The complex [Zn(qnbsa)2] crystallizes with a water molecule from the solvent and the Zn is five-coordinated and shows a bipyramidal-trigonal geometry. The electrochemical and electronic spectroscopy properties of the copper complexes are also discussed.
Genistein:β-cyclodextrin complexes with high drug loading (19.22%) were prepared by freeze-drying and characterized by differential scanning calorimetry and hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The spatial configuration of the complex was proposed by means of 2D-NOESY experiment combined with molecular modeling. According to the results obtained, the interaction of genistein with β -cyclodextrin in a 1:1 complex is supposed to occur mainly through the insertion of the guest A-ring in cyclodextrin cavity, without rule out the possibility of inclusion through the B-ring, as previously reported in the literature.
Herein, the immobilization of some Schiff base-copper(II) complexes in smectite clays is described as a strategy for the heterogenization of homogeneous catalysts. The obtained materials were characterized by spectroscopic techniques, mostly UV/Vis, EPR, XANES and luminescence spectroscopy. SWy-2 and synthetic Laponite clays were used for the immobilization of two different complexes that have previously shown catalytic activity in the dismutation of superoxide radicals, and disproportionation of hydrogen peroxide. The obtained results indicated the occurrence of an intriguing intramolecular redox process involving copper and the imine ligand at the surface of the clays. These studies are supported by computational calculations.
Two complexes of Rh(I) and Pd(II) with chloride and tridecylamine ligands were obtained and characterized by Elementary Analysis and by XPS and FTIR spectroscopies. Complexes anchored on γ-Al2O3 were tested in the styrene semi-hydrogenation reaction carried out in the absence or presence of a sulfur poison. Although both low loaded catalysts were highly selective, the Pd(II) complex was three times more active than the Rh(I) complex. The rhodium complex was more sulfur resistant but less active than the palladium complex. Differences in conversion and sulfur resistance between both complexes could be related to electronic and/or geometric effects.
This study describes unpublished research on improving the solubility of benznidazole by the formation of an inclusion complex. The cyclodextrins selected were αCD, βCD, γCD, HPβCD, RMβCD and SBβCD. All complexes were obtained in solution, presenting 1:1 stoichiometry according to the phase solubility diagram. The highest association constants were obtained with RMβCD and SBβCD, being selected for attainment of solid state complexes. These were characterized using XRD, SEM and dissolution test. The data obtained suggest the formation of complexes and indicate that these may provide a promising alternative way of developing solid doses of drug with suitable biopharmaceutical properties.
Diclofenac is one of most frequently detected compounds in the water cycle. In this work, the effect of initial concentration, liquid inclusion complexes with β-Cyclodextrins (β-CDs) on the photodegradation of diclofenac were studied. Six phototransformation products were detected by HPLC chromatograms. UV-absorption spectra of diclofenac and phototransformation products were determined. One of the phototransformation products was identified. The degradation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics. The experiment showed that irradiation of diclofenac in the presence of β-CDs increase photodegradation rate and determined the optimal molar ratio of diclofenac to β-CDs as 1:2. The reduced photohaemolytic activity of diclofenac in the presence of β-CDs may be attributed to the sequestering and stabilizing of the radical intermediates and /or photoproducts by complexation.
Zeolite-encapsulated complexes have been widely applied in hydrocarbon oxidation catalysis. The "ship-in-a-bottle" encapsulation of iron(III) complexes containing piperazine and piperazine-derivative ligands in zeolite-Y is described. The flexible ligand methodology was employed and the efficiency and reproducibility of the procedure was investigated. The catalysts were characterized employing several techniques and the results indicate the presence of coordinated and uncoordinated iron(III) ions inside and outside the zeolitic cage.
Trace element concentrations were measured in atmospheric particulate matter collected in 2009 and 2010, in a Brazilian region influenced by pre-harvest burning of sugar cane crops. For coarse particles, high concentrations of Al, Fe, K and Ca suggested that re-suspended soil dust was the main source of aerosol trace elements, subsequently confirmed by XRD analysis. High levels of K, Zn, As, Cd and Pb were found in fine particles, confirming the contribution of biomass burning and vehicle emissions, whereas Na, Al, K, Fe and Zn were the representative elements in ultrafine particles, influenced by a diversity of sources.
Synthesis, spectral identification, and magnetic properties of three complexes of Ni(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II) are described. All three compounds have the general formula [M(L)2(H2O)2], where L = deprotonated phenol in the Schiff base 2-((z)-(3-methylpyridin-2-yleimino)methyl)phenol. The three complexes were synthesized in a one-step synthesis and characterized by elemental analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, electronic spectra, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and room temperature magnetic moments. The Cu(II) and Ni(II) complexes exhibited room temperature magnetic moments of 1.85 B.M. per copper atom and 2.96 B.M. per nickel atom. The X-band electron spin resonance spectra of a Cu(II) sample in dimethylformamide frozen at 77 K (liquid nitrogen temperature) showed a typical ΔMS = ± 1 transition. The complexes ([M(L)2(H2O)2]) were investigated by the cyclic voltammetry technique, which provided information regarding the electrochemical mechanism of redox behavior of the compounds. Thermal decomposition of the complexes at 750 ºC resulted in the formation of metal oxide nanoparticles. XRD analyses indicated that the nanoparticles had a high degree of crystallinity. The average sizes of the nanoparticles were found to be approximately 54.3, 30.1, and 44.4 nm for NiO, CuO, and ZnO, respectively.
Solid state compounds M-4-DMCP, where 4-DMCP is 4-dimethylaminocinnamylidenepyruvate and M represents Mn (II), Co (II), Ni (II), Cu (II), Zn (II) and Pb (II) were prepared. These compounds were studied by thermoanalitycal techniques: thermogravimetry (TG), derivative thermogravimetry (DTG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction powder patterns and complexometric titration with EDTA. From the results obtained by the complexometric titration with EDTA, TG, DTG and DSC curves, was possible to establish the hydration degree, stoichiometry and thermal stability of the prepared compounds.
The thermal decomposition behavior of the Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) complexes of polydithiooxamide has been investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) at a heating rate of 20°C min-1 under nitrogen. The Coats-Redfern integral method is used to evaluate the kinetic parameters for the successive steps in the decomposition sequence observed in the TGA curves. The processes of thermal decomposition taking place in the four complexes are studied comparatively as the TGA curves indicate the difference in the thermal decomposition behavior of these complexes. The thermal stabilities of these complexes are discussed in terms of repulsion among electron pairs in the valence shell of the central ion and electronegativity effects.
Foi desenvolvido um método espectrofotométrico para a determinação de biureto em fertilizantes à base de uréia empregando Cu(OH)2(s) como reagente analítico. O método se baseia na reação entre biureto e Cu(OH)2(s) e formação do complexo Cu(C2N3O2H5)2 de coloração violeta cujo espectro apresenta máximo de absorção em 510 nm. Após o estabelecimento das melhores condições analíticas, o método proposto foi aplicado na determinação de biureto em duas amostras comerciais de uréia, uma para pecuária e outra para agricultura. Curvas analíticas construídas no intervalo de concentrações de 0,1 a 0,5% (m/v) em biureto produziram coeficientes de correlação típicos > 0,9990. Os resultados obtidos pelo método proposto foram concordantes ao nível de 95% de confiança com os obtidos por um método alternativo empregando espectrometria de absorção atômica. A exatidão do método foi também avaliada por meio de testes de adição e recuperação de padrão. Recuperações de 92 a 100% foram obtidas e o desvio padrão relativo calculado para 12 medidas sucessivas de uma amostra contendo 0,31% (m/v) foi 2%.
Copolymers of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) obtained by photoinitiated polymerization using Fe(III) complexes were submitted to thermogravimetry (TGA) under dynamic air atmosphere and N2, and differential scanning calorimetric analysis (DSC). Thermal events were observed only between 90 - 110 ºC. Glass transitions were observed at ca. 100 ºC, followed by an exothermic peak at 170 ºC. The exothermic peak was assigned to a thermal curing process due to the presence of unreacted vinyl groups of the monomers. DSC revealed to be a useful tool to evaluate the curing completeness in this kind of material, using small amounts of sample in relatively short time.
Electrode kinetics and study of 'transition state' with applied potential in case of [M - antibiotics - cephalothin] system were reported at pH = 7.30 ± 0.01 at suitable supporting electrolyte at 25.0ºC. The M = Co or Ni and antibiotics were doxycycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, minocycline, amoxicillin and chloramphenicol used as primary ligands and cephalothin as secondary ligand. Kinetic parameters viz. transfer coefficient (a), degree of irreversibility (l), diffusion coefficient (D) and rate constant (k) were determined. The values of a and k varied from 0.41 to 0.59 and 2.60 X 10-3 cm s-1 to 9.67 X 10-3 cm s-1 in case of [Co - antibiotics - cephalothin] system. In case of [Ni - antibiotics - cephalothin], a and k varied from 0.41 to 0.58 and 2.34 X 10-3 cm s-1 to 9.19 X 10-3 cm s-1 respectively confirmed that transition state behaves between oxidant and reductant response to applied potential and it adjusts it self in such a way that the same is located midway between dropping mercury electrode and solution interface. The values of rate constant confirmed the quasireversible nature of electrode processes. The stability constants (logb) of complexes were also determined.