142 resultados para advertising - weight loss products


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Our objective was to compare the use of calories from ethanol by well-nourished and malnourished rats in terms of body weight. Female Wistar rats weighing 170-180 g at the beginning of the study were used. The animals were divided into two groups (N = 12 each): group W received water ad libitum and group E an ethanol solution ad libitum as the only source of liquid throughout the experiment. The concentration of ethanol was increased weekly from 0 to 5, 10, 20 and 40% (v/v). In the well-nourished phase (A), all rats received food ad libitum (AW and AE). Ethanol treatment (AE) was then interrupted and water was offered to both groups. After 2 weeks both AW and AE rats were submitted to food restriction (50% of group AW food consumption), thus initiating the malnutrition phase (M). Liquid was offered as described before to the same W (MW) and E (ME) groups. The weight gain during the 1-week treatment of AE rats was similar to that of AW animals only when AE rats received the 5% (v/v) ethanol solution (9.16 vs 10.47 g). Weight loss was observed after exposure to 10% ethanol (P < 0.05) in spite of maintenance of caloric intake. Malnourished rats presented weight loss, which was attenuated by ethanol intake up to the 20% (v/v) solution and was related to an increased caloric offer. This effect was not observed with the 40% ethanol solution (-9.98 g). These data suggest that calories from ethanol were used to maintain body weight up to the concentration of 10% (v/v) (well-nourished) and 20% (v/v) (malnourished) and that ethanol has a toxic profile which depends on nutritional status.


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The potential health benefits attributed to green tea and its catechins such as antioxidant effects, cancer chemoprevention, and weight loss have led to a huge increase of green tea products in the food market. The objectives of this work were to analyze and compare these products in terms of phenolic contents and in vitro antioxidant capacity including tea bags, dehydrated leaves, and ready-to-drink preparations after standardization of the infusion preparation procedure. Total phenolics content in 1 cup of the different teas varied from 90 to 341 mg of catechin equivalents, and the highest and the lowest values were both those of the ready-to-drink products. Infusions prepared from tea bags had contents varying from 96 to 201 mg.200 mL-1, and there were no significant differences among batches. The DPPH radical scavenging and the Oxygen Radical Absorbing Capacities (ORAC) varied largely among the different tea preparations, from 23 to 131 mmoles of Trolox Equivalents (TE).200 mL-1 (DPPH), and from 1.2 to 5.1 mmoles of TE.200 mL-1 (ORAC), but again there were no differences among infusions or ready-to-drink commercial preparations. However, the antioxidant capacity of ready-to-drink products was partially due to the presence of other non-phenolic compounds such as ascorbic acid


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The effect of two levels (0.5 and 1%) of hydroalcoholic extract of Achyrocline satureioides on the safety (TBARS values) and quality (pH, water activity, colour, weight loss, and sensorial attributes) of salami was evaluated. The addition of Achyrocline satureioides extract decreased TBARS values significantly during the storage of salami when compared to the control, which was elaborated without Achyrocline satureioides extract. The treatment with 1% of "Marcela" extract showed larger lipid stability than that of the lot with 0.5%, However, it presented a decrease (p < 0.05) in the sensorial acceptance. The two levels of "Marcela" extract did not influence pH, water activity, colour, and weight loss significantly. This study indicates that the hydroalcoholic extract of "Marcela" was effective in decreasing the lipid oxidation and at 0.5% it did not alter the sensorial features; therefore, it may be used in salami to provide safer products for the consumers.


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The effectiveness of different types of rice in relation to their ability to accelerate diarrhea recovering was evaluated in a rat model of osmotic diarrhea (OD). Animals (90-100 g) received protein free diet until reaching up to 20% weight loss, followed by lactose rich diet (LRD) to induce osmotic diarrhea. Rats presenting osmotic diarrhea were divided into 4 groups, which received lactose rich diet for 4 days from 8 am to 8 pm, and one of three experimental products containing 6% rice flour differing in amylose content during the night: high (HA), intermediate (IA), and low (LA). A group fed stock diet containing equivalent amount of lactose was taken as control and allowed to recover spontaneously. Amylose and viscosity (cp at 25 °C, 10 rpm) of final products were determined. Effectiveness was expressed as the ratio between percentages of normal vs. diarrheic stools during the treatment. Fecal characteristics in this rat model improved only as result of feeding high amylose content (HA) type of rice. In this experimental model of osmotic diarrhea in young rats, the antidiarrheal effects of rice were strongly dependent on the type of diet used and appear to be related to its amylose content.


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Abstract Postharvest lettuce often lose water, thus affecting both its market value and consumer acceptance. However, the mechanism of the water-loss is still waiting well exploration. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of a foliar application of ABA on the fresh weight-loss and the chlorophyll content of postharvest lettuce as well as its association with the regulation of stomata. The present data demonstrated that exogenously application of ABA, in a concentration range of 0 to 100 µM, significantly lowered the fresh weight-loss of postharvest lettuce. ABA also delayed chlorophyll reduction during ambient storage, but this protective effect was ABA concentration-dependent. Among the tested ABA concentrations, 50 µM or lower ABA produced an inhibition effect on chlorophyll degradation in postharvest lettuce leaves. The results demonstrated that the exogenous ABA treatment can obviously reduce the transpiration rate of lettuce leaves by promoting the stomatal closure of postharvest lettuce, therefore eventually delay fresh weight-loss. The present study primarily showed that the application of exogenous ABA, which originated from a naturally-produced phytohormone, has a great potential in retaining the freshness of postharvest lettuce that is stored in an ambient condition, although possible practical application still need to be further evaluated.


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Heat shock and salicylic acid have been studied on shelf-life extension of fruits. The benefits of these techniques have been related to their effect on inducing physiological defense responses against the oxidative stress and pathogen development. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of heat shock and salicylic acid on the postharvest preservation and contents of total phenolics, anthocyanins, ascorbic acid, fresh weight loss and microbiological quality of organic strawberries cv. Dover. Strawberries produced organically and stored at 5 ºC were subjected to heat shock (45 ºC ± 3 ºC for 3 h), application of salicylic acid (soaking in 2.0 mmol L-1 solution), heat shock in combination with salicylic acid and control. After treatment, the fruits were packed and stored in a climatic chamber at 5 ºC ± 2 ºC. At 1, 7 and 14 days, the experimental units were removed from refrigeration and kept at room temperature of approximately 20 ºC for two days. There was no effect of treatments on fresh weight loss, incidence of pathogens or chemical variations in strawberry fruits during the storage period. In natural conditions, organically grown strawberries remained in good condition for sale up to seven days of storage in all treatments.


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Because of the increasing prevalence of obesity, prevention and treatment of overweight has become a major public health concern. In addition to diet and exercise, drugs are needed for patients who failed to lose weight with behavioral treatment. The current article aimed to summarize recent concerns on the safety and efficacy of appetite suppressants. Several appetite suppressants have been banned for safety reasons. In 2010, sibutramine was withdrawn from the market because a long-term study showed it increased the risks of cardiovascular events. So far no study with a sufficiently large sample size has demonstrated that appetite suppressants can reduce morbidity and mortality associated with overweight. The withdrawal of sibutramine highlights that guidelines for the evaluation of weight control drugs must be more stringent, and studies on their long-term health benefits are needed prior to their marketing.


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OBJECTIVE To validate a screening instrument using self-reported assessment of frailty syndrome in older adults.METHODS This cross-sectional study used data from the Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento study conducted in Sao Paulo, SP, Southeastern Brazil. The sample consisted of 433 older adult individuals (≥ 75 years) assessed in 2009. The self-reported instrument can be applied to older adults or their proxy respondents and consists of dichotomous questions directly related to each component of the frailty phenotype, which is considered the gold standard model: unintentional weight loss, fatigue, low physical activity, decreased physical strength, and decreased walking speed. The same classification proposed in the phenotype was utilized: not frail (no component identified); pre-frail (presence of one or two components), and frail (presence of three or more components). Because this is a screening instrument, “process of frailty” was included as a category (pre-frail and frail). Cronbach’s α was used in psychometric analysis to evaluate the reliability and validity of the criterion, the sensitivity, the specificity, as well as positive and negative predictive values. Factor analysis was used to assess the suitability of the proposed number of components.RESULTS Decreased walking speed and decreased physical strength showed good internal consistency (α = 0.77 and 0.72, respectively); however, low physical activity was less satisfactory (α = 0.63). The sensitivity and specificity for identifying pre-frail individuals were 89.7% and 24.3%, respectively, while those for identifying frail individuals were 63.2% and 71.6%, respectively. In addition, 89.7% of the individuals from both the evaluations were identified in the “process of frailty” category.CONCLUSIONS The self-reported assessment of frailty can identify the syndrome among older adults and can be used as a screening tool. Its advantages include simplicity, rapidity, low cost, and ability to be used by different professionals.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate clinical evidence on the safety and efficacy of fenproporex for treating obesity. METHODS MEDLINE, LILACS and Cochrane Controlled Trials Register were searched as well as references cited by articles and relevant documents. Two authors independently assessed the studies for inclusion and regarding risk of bias, collected data, and accuracy. Eligible studies were all those placebo-controlled that provided data on the efficacy and safety of Fenproporex to treat obesity. RESULTS Only four controlled studies met the inclusion criteria. One randomized, placebo-controlled trial on Fenproporex was found on electronic databases. Three placebo-controlled studies (in non-indexed journals) were identified by hand-searching. Patients with cardiovascular and other comorbidities were excluded in all studies. Trials lasted from 40 to 364 days and doses ranged from 20 to 33.6 mg/d. All controlled studies found that weight loss among Fenproporex-treated patients was greater than that produced by the placebo, but drug effect was modest. Fenproporex produced additional weight reductions of 4.7 kg (one year), 3.8 kg (six months) and 1.55 kg (two months) in average, in relation to diet and exercise only (three trials). Insomnia, irritability, and anxiety were the most frequently reported side effects in the four studies. CONCLUSIONS There is a paucity of randomized, placebo-controlled trials on Fenproporex and those identified here present major methodological flaws. These studies suggest that Fenproporex is modestly effective in promoting weight loss. Nonetheless, they failed to provide evidence that it reduces obesity-associated morbidity and mortality. Data from these studies are insufficient to determine the risk-benefit profile of Fenproporex. Abuse potential and amphetamine-like adverse effects are causes for concern.


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Acute disseminated histoplasmosis is a frequent condition in HIV carriers. Thirty-five cases of endocarditis caused by Histoplasma capsulatum have been reported in international literature, and all these descriptions correspond to a context of subacute disseminated histoplasmosis. This paper presents the case of a HIV-positive patient with fever, dyspnea, weight loss, vomiting and polyadenopathies to whom histoplasmosis was diagnosed following blood-cultures and isolation of the agent responsible for cutaneous lesions, and in whom aortic-valve vegetations were found during an echocardiogram. The patient was treated with amphotericin B and had a good outcome; subsequent echocardiograms showed no vegetations. Literature on the subject is reviewed, with special emphasis on diagnosis and treatment of previously described cases.


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Two young men with Salmonella bacteraemia, active schistosomiasis and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome are reported. The clinical presentation comprised nonspecific signs and symptoms, such as fatigue, malaise, weight loss, diarrhoea, prolonged fever, and hepatosplenomegaly. In one patient, liver biopsy showed poorly formed granulomata around Schistosoma mansoni eggs and hepatitis. Treatment of schistosomiasis alone induced consistent clinical improvement with eventual cure of both Salmonella and S. mansoni infections. Recognition of the Salmonella-S. mansoni association in patients with AIDS is important because treatment of schistosomiasis makes a difference, improving the prognosis of this otherwise, recurrent, potentially fatal bacteraemia.


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Objectives: Describe cases of children with hepatosplenomegaly (HS) attended at the General Pediatric Teaching Ambulatory (AGER) of Instituto da Criança, São Paulo, identifying the main causes, evolution, necessity for hospitalization and/or referral to specialists. Methodology: Retrospective analysis of the records of children presenting HS on admission at AGER from September 1, 1993 to August 31, 1996. Results: Of the 89 children included (age range, 1 to 148 months; median, 24 months), 64 (72%) were referred from other services for HS investigation. Most common presenting complaints were: fever - 39 (44%); pallor - 26 (29%); weight loss - 21 (24%) and jaundice - 14 (16%). Main alterations noticed on physical examination were: pallor - 47 (53%) and short stature - 17 (19%). Anemia was diagnosed in 70 children (79%); 35 children (39%) had infections; 7 (8%) metabolic disorders and 5 (6%) neoplastic disorders. The most frequent infections were of the urinary tract - 9 (10%) and hepatitis A - 6 (7%).Thirty six children (40%) were referred to specialists, 17 of which were already diagnosed. Conclusions: Most of the children with HS present deficiency anemia associated with infections which the general pediatrician is able to diagnose. Persistence of unexplained HS for more than 2 months, especially when there is substantial volume enlargement or alteration in the organs consistency, is an indication for referral to specialists.


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A 26 year-old female was admitted with abdominal pain, fever and weight loss. The clinical and laboratory investigations led to the diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis. Gallium-67 whole body images correlated well with the clinical course of the disease and with the patient's prognosis.


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Whipple's disease (WD) is a rare systemic disease of infectious etiology which involves the small intestine but can virtually affect any organ. We present here five cases (four males and one female) ranging in age from 20 to 59 years. All patients had intestinal involvement associated or not with clinical manifestations linked to this organ. Vegetation in the tricuspid valve was observed in one patient, suggesting endocarditis caused by Tropheryma whippelii, with disappearance of the echocardiographic alterations after treatment. In one of the male patients the initial clinical manifestation was serologically negative spondylitis, with no diarrhea occurring at any time during follow-up. Ocular involvement associated with intestinal malabsorption and significant weight loss were observed in one case. In the other two cases, diarrhea was the major clinical manifestation. All patients were diagnosed by histological examination of the jejunal mucosa and, when indicated, of extraintestinal tissues by light and electron microscopy. After antibiotic treatment, full remission of symptoms occurred in all cases. A control examination of the intestinal mucosa performed after twelve months of treatment with sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim revealed the disappearance of T. whippelii in four patients. The remaining patient was lost to follow-up.


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A case is reported of a woman who lived in a rural area with a chronic illness that consisted of weight loss and abdominal pain in the epigastrium and upper right quadrant. The initial diagnosis was a mass in the liver, which was later, demonstrated, both by direct and histological examination, to be an abscess caused by Ascaris lumbricoides. Eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides and abundant Charcot-Leyden Crystals were found.