34 resultados para Wied
The morphological changes of the ovary and oviduct of 238 tropical snakes Bothrops jararaca (Wied, 1824) were determined. The ovarian mass presented a remarkable decrease in October, after ovulation, staying in low levels from November to March, during the gestational period. From April to September, it increased because of the ovarian follicles maturation. A gradual increase in oviduct weight was observed from October to March due to stages of embryonic development. A significant difference was observed between right and left ovary weight, and oviduct length, independently of the months considered.
The relationship between female body size and egg number was examined in the snake Bothrops jararaca (Wied, 1924). Some authors have demonstrated that the estimated clutch size may be affected by the inclusion or exclusion of dead neonates or non-developed eggs. The reproductive system of 254 mature females newly arrived from nature was examined and 29.55% (n=75) had eggs in the oviducts in different stages of embryonic development. The presence of atresic eggs was observed in 34.5% of those females. A significant difference was observed in the number of eggs in the right and left oviducts (t=9.48, P<0.001), but not in the number of atresic eggs (t=1.110, P=0.278). The correlation of female body size and egg number was greater when all, the normal and atresic eggs were considered (r=0.63, P<0.001). The exclusion of atresic eggs from the clutch size decreased slightly this correlation (r=0.54, P<0.001).
O presente artigo descreve o comportamento de forrageamento e a dieta de Polystictus superciliaris (Wied, 1831), espécie pouco conhecida e de distribuição geográfica restrita às montanhas do leste do Brasil. Este trabalho foi realizado entre abril e dezembro de 2005 no Parque Estadual da Serra do Rola Moça, município de Nova Lima, Minas Gerais (20°03'S, 44°00'W). Para cada observação de forrageamento foram registrados os comportamentos de ataque, a direção e o substrato do ataque, a altura do substrato de forrageamento e a fitofisionomia onde o ataque ocorreu. Para a determinação da dieta da espécie foram feitas observações diretas de campo, sendo também analisado o conteúdo estomacal de 16 indivíduos. Polystictus superciliaris usa preferencialmente a canga couraçada (93,3%), tendo como substrato principal as folhas (69,1%) das plantas mais abundantes na área. A espécie é generalista quanto ao comportamento de ataque. A análise de conteúdos estomacais revelou a presença exclusiva de artrópodes. As observações confirmaram o caráter insetívoro de P. superciliaris, que não foi observado consumindo frutos ou outro material de origem vegetal.
A influência dos fatores abióticos sobre a disponibilidade de presas e a dieta das espécies de serpentes mais abundantes do Planalto Médio do Rio Grande do Sul, foi estudada em duas áreas: floresta e campo. O trabalho foi desenvolvido utilizando serpentes coletadas com os métodos: procura limitada por tempo, encontros ocasionais, armadilhas de interceptação e queda, e serpentes depositadas na coleção de répteis da Universidade de Passo Fundo. Foram registradas as guildas alimentares das seis espécies mais abundantes: anurófagas (n = 2: Echinanthera cyanopleura (Cope, 1885) e Thamnodynates cf. strigatus (Günther, 1858)); rodentívoras (n = 1: Bothrops alternatus Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854); moluscófagas (n = 1: Tomodon dorsatus Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854) e generalistas (n = 2: Liophis poecilogyrus (Wied-Neuwied, 1825) e Philodryas patagoniensis (Girard, 1858)). Dos fatores abióticos analisados, a abundância de serpentes foi mais relacionada à temperatura máxima (R² = 0,66) e não apresentou relação significativa com a pluviosidade. A abundância de anfíbios apresentou relação positiva com a pluviosidade (R² = 0,54) e não foi significativa com a temperatura mínima. A abundância de serpentes não foi correlacionada com a abundância de anfíbios e roedores.
Unequal sex ratios lead to the loss of genetic variability, decreasing the viability of populations in the long term. Anthropogenic activities often disturb the natural habitats and can cause alterations in sex ratio and morphological characteristics of several species. Forest fragmentation is a major conservation concern, so that understanding its effects in natural populations is essential. In this study, we evaluated the sex ratio and the morphological characteristics of Rufous Gnateaters (Conopophaga lineata (Wied, 1831)) in small and large forest fragments in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Birds (n = 89) were sexed by plumage characteristics and molecular markers. The molecular analysis showed that plumage is not a totally reliable method for sexing Rufous Gnateaters. We observed that sex ratio did not differ between large and small forest fragments, but birds in small fragments had larger wings and tarsus. Wing and tarsus changes may affect the movement ability of individuals within and among forest fragments. In conclusion, Rufous Gnateaters have been able to survive in both small and large Atlantic rain forest fragments without altering their sex ratio, but morphological changes can be prejudicial to their long term survival.
Apesar de machos e fêmeas de serpentes nascerem com o mesmo tamanho, as taxas de crescimento e a idade da maturação sexual podem ser diferentes, determinando dimorfismo sexual em estágios posteriores da vida. Avaliamos a ocorrência de variação morfométrica sexual e ontogenética em Bothropoides jararaca (Wied, 1824), explorando as relações entre tamanho corporal e amadurecimento sexual através de 14 variáveis morfométricas. Foram analisados 142 espécimes provenientes do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil. Os dados morfométricos - comprimento da cabeça, rostro-cloacal, da cauda, comprimento total; largura da cabeça, ocular, nasal, loreal, da cauda; distância ocular-nasal, ocular-loreal, loreal-nasal, ventral-sinfisal e rostral-labial - e comprimento/diâmetro dos folículos ovarianos, foram tomados em milímetros, através de régua simples e paquímetro analógico de precisão 0,05 mm. A determinação sexual foi realizada por inspeção das gônadas. A classificação etária foi associada à maturidade sexual. Para as análises estatísticas foram utilizadas análises de variância (ANOVA) com teste de Tukey post hoc, regressão linear e análise discriminante canônica (ADC). A maioria das medidas indicou dimorfismo sexual (ANOVA, P<0,05) apenas em adultos (Tukey, P<0,05). As análises de regressão mostram que o comprimento rostro-cloacal explica o comportamento das demais variáveis (P<0,001) e que em todas as medidas as fêmeas crescem mais que os machos. A ADC foi exitosa em separar as classes sexuais e etárias, apresentando significado biológico, considerando 79,2% dos casos como corretamente classificados.
O apuim-de-costas-pretas [Touit melanonotus (Wied, 1820)] é uma espécie florestal endêmica da Mata Atlântica Brasileira e de relevante interesse conservacionista. Trata-se de uma ave com poucas informações disponíveis acerca de sua história natural e distribuição geográfica e novas observações são importantes fontes de informação para auxiliar na conservação da espécie. Aqui reavaliamos o primeiro registro da espécie e apresentamos novas observações no estado do Paraná, sul do Brasil. As vocalizações atribuídas a T. melanonotus e que consubstanciaram sua ocorrência no estado foram examinadas com auxílio de espectrogramas e identificadas como vozes de Pionopsitta pileata (Scopoli, 1769). Não obstante, T. melanonotus ocorre com certa regularidade no Paraná, como indicado por novos registros da espécie em sete localidades distribuídas por todo o litoral do estado. Esta ave foi registrada principalmente em florestas de terras baixas e, uma vez que esta fisionomia sofre intensas pressões antrópicas, sugerimos que esforços de conservação da espécie devem priorizar a preservação desses hábitats.
ABSTRACT The present study encompasses the species composition and ecological characteristics of the snake community in a Cerrado-Amazon transition zone in Midwest of Brazil (state of Mato Grosso). The data were collected during six excursions to the "Tanguro" (study area) by visual encounter survey, pitfall traps with drift fences and non-systematic sampling. We collected 194 specimens, distributed in 34 species, 26 genera, and eight families. The most abundant species were Crotalus durissus Linnaeus, 1758 (n = 50), Philodryas olfersii (Lichtenstein, 1823) (n = 15), Philodryas nattereri Steindachner, 1870 (n = 13), Xenodon rabdocephalus (Wied, 1824) (n = 12), Lachesis muta (Linnaeus, 1766) (n = 10) and Erythrolamprus almadensis (Wagler, 1824) (n = 10). The composition of species found here represents a combination of Cerrado and Amazonian savanna fauna.
ABSTRACT Male gladiator frogs of Hypsiboas Wagler, 1830 build nests on available substrate surrounding ponds and streams where female spawn eggs during the breeding period. Although gladiator frogs seem to show plasticity in the way they construct their nests, there is no study reporting if these species present preferences about microhabitat conditions for nest-building (mainly under subtropical climate). Predation pressure and environmental conditions have been considered major processes shaping the great diversity of reproductive strategies performed by amphibians, but microhabitat conditions should explain where to build a nest as well as how nest looks. This study aimed to test nest site selection for nest-building by Hypsiboas faber(Wied-Neuwied, 1821), determining which factors are related to nest site selection and nest features. The survey was conducted at margins of two permanent ponds in Southern Brazil. Habitat factors were evaluated in 18 plots with nest and 18 plots in the surrounding without nest (control), describing vegetation structure and heterogeneity, and substrate characteristics. Water temperature was measured inside the nest and in its adjacency. Nest features assessed were area, depth and temperature. Habitat characteristics differed between plots with and without nest. Microhabitat selected for nest-building was characterized by great vegetation cover and height, as well as shallower water and lower cover of organic matter in suspension than in plots without nest. Differences between temperature inside nest and in its adjacency were not observed. No relationship between nest features and habitat descriptors was evidenced. Results revealed that Hypsiboas faber does not build nests anywhere. Males seem to prefer more protected habitats, probably avoiding predation, invasion of conspecific males and inclement weather. Lack of differences between temperature inside- and outside-nest suggest that nest do not improve this condition for eggs and tadpole development. Nest architecture was not related to habitat characteristics, which may be determined by other factors, as nest checking by females before amplexus. Nest site selection should increase offspring survival as well the breeding success of Hypsiboas faber.
Fidena adnaticornis n. sp. is described from female specimens. It closely resembles Fidena besckii (WIED. ), 1828 and indeed more closely Fidena soledadei (LUTZ), 1911. It can be distinguished from both by the antenna which are so close together that the distance between their basis is less that the width of the first antennal segment; also by the prevalence of yellow hairs on the coxae. In F. soledadei and chiefly in F. besckii the antennae an evidently more separated; they have also few yellow hairs limited to the base extremity of the coxae with prevalence of brown or black hairs. In F. besck the prealar hairs are predominantly yellow ones and there exist yellow hair around the edge of the scutellum, which does not occours in F. adnaticorn and in F. soledadei. In the abdomen the following areas, covered by whit hairs are more extensive in F. besckii: the mid row of white patches on the sternites is more conspicuous and involves the fifth segment; on the sternites instead of stripes the hairs form bands somewhat broader at the middle the respective segment, they may even form triangles with the base as with as the whole segment. Both cotypes of F. soledadei have the hairs damages but, at least, in the 1+2 sternites the areas covered by the white hairs see to be larger than in F. adnaticornis; they have also a higher frons: index : = 2.9.
A study of the Adolpho Lutz Collection of Tabanidae at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz and of additional Lutz material at the Instituto Butantan in São Paulo is reported. Of the ninety-four species of Tabanidae validly described by Lutz, type material of eighty-four was recognized, either holotypes, allotypes or syntypes. Lectotypes were selected from among syntype series or remaining specimens and all type material was labelled. Of the ten species of which no type material could be found, neotypes were designated in the case of two species, Erephosis nigricans and Erephosis pseudo-aurimaculata. Types of three species, Chrysops ecuadoriensis, Dichelacera salvadorensis and Esenbeckia nigricorpus are believed to have been in Hamburg and destroyed during the last war. Types of two species, Esenbeckia biscutellata and E. dubia, and additional type material of several others are believed to have been in Montevideo. A request for information about them remains unanswered. Types of the remaining three species, Dichelacera intermedia, Dichelacera laceriascia and Esenbeckia distinguenda could not be found, and it is believed that at least the type of the last species was accidentally destroyed. Three specific of subspecific names proposed by Lutz but palaced by others in synonymy have been revalidated, Acanthocera intermedia, Erephosis brevistria and Esenbeckia fenestrata. Generic placement of two names has been changed, Esenbeckia arcuata ricardoae to Proboscoides, and Selasoma giganteum to Stibasoma. Seven specific names proposed by Lutz appear to be synonyms of earlier names, as follows: Bombylopsis juxtaleonina Lutz and Castro, 1936 = B. leonina Lutz, 1909. Bombylopsis pseudoanalis Lutz, 1909 = B. erythronotata (Bigot, 1892). Esenbeckia fuscipennis var. flavescens Lutz, 1909 = Esenbeckia fuscipennis Wied., 1828. Fidena chrysopyga Lutz and Castro, 1936 = F. atra Lutz and Castro, 1936. Laphriomyia longipalpis Lutz and Castro, 1937 = L. mirabilis Lutz, 1911. Stibasoma semiflavum Lutz, 1915 = St. bicolor Bigot, 1892. Tabanus hesperus Lutz, 1912 = Chlorotabanus (Cryptolylus) innotescens (Walker, 1854). Four Lutz names appear to antedate names proposed by others, viz.: Diachlorus angustifrons Kröber, 1930 and D. ochraceus Kröb., 1928 not Macquart, 1850 = Diachlorus fuscistigma Lutz, 1913. Psalidia fairchildi Barretto, 1950 = dicladocera conspicua Lutz and Neiva, 1914. Fidena pseudo-fulvithorax Kröb., 1931 = Erephopsis flavicrinis Lutz, 1909. Esenbeckia lemniscata Enderlein, 1925 = Esenbeckia clari Lutz, 1909. Some comments on Lutz' system of classification are given together with notes on the genotypes and included species of his genera as revaled by his collection and notes.
The author studies Chordonota inermis Wied. based on adults and larvae. Male and female genitalia are figured.
Eggs and larvae of Strongyloides ferreirai Rodrigues, Vicente & Gomes, 1985 are identified in Kerodon rupestris (Wied.) coprolites dated from 8.000-2.000 years BP (Before Present), collected from archaeological sites from the northeast of Brazil.
Este trabalho foi conduzido na área abrangida pelo campus da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz da Universidade de São Paulo, no município de Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo. Teve como objetivos, determinar a composição do gênero Anastrepha Schiner e verificar a associação das espécies de plantas hospedeiras, estabelecidas na área, com as espécies de Anastrepha. Foram examinadas 23.277 fêmeas de Anastrepha coletadas por meio de armadilhas McPhail e 18 espécies pertencentes a nove grupos de espécies foram registradas. Um total de 563 amostras de frutos pertencentes a nove famílias e, pelo menos, 23 espécies de plantas foi coletado em 47 estações de capturas. Foram identificadas 10.243 fêmeas e das 18 espécies de Anastrepha capturadas em armadilhas somente seis emergiram das amostras de frutos: A. bistrigata Bezzi, A. fraterculus (Wied.), A. obliqua (Macquart), A. pseudoparallela (Loew), A. serpentina (Wied.) e A. sororcula Zucchi. A. fraterculus infestou maior diversidade de frutos. Os hospedeiros preferidos de A. obliqua foram as espécies da família Anacardiaceae. A. pseudoparallela e A. serpentina infestaram exclusivamente Passifloraceae e Sapotaceae, respectivamente. A. fraterculus é registrada pela primeira vez em sapoti (Manilkara zapota L.) no Brasil.
Foi registrada pela primeira vez a infestação das moscas-das-frutas Anastrepha serpentina (Wied.) e Anastrepha leptozona Hendel (Dip.: Tephritidae) em abiu Pouteria caimito (Sapotaceae) no Estado de São Paulo. Os frutos coletados foram oriundos da Coleção de Fruteiras Nativas e Exóticas, localizada na sede do Pólo Regional de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico do Vale do Ribeira (SP), município de Pariquera-Açu. Também emergiram espécimens de Neosilba glaberrima (Wied.) (Lonchaeidae).