29 resultados para Whymper, Edward (1840-1911) -- Portraits


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Cyclocoelum (Cyclocoelum) mutabile (Zeder, 1800), Cyclocoelum (Cyclocoelum) phasidi Stunkard, 1929 e Cyclocoelum (Haematotrephus) vanelli (Rudolphi, 1819) são referidos pela primeira vez no Brasil em novos hospedeiros. São apresentadas figuras originais e tabelas de medidas das espécies parasitas de aves brasileiras, pertencentes à família Cyclocoelidae Kossack, 1911.


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São indicadas novas localizações geográficas para Ischnoplax pectinatus (sowerby, 1840) no litoral sul do Brasil. Além disso são estudados sua morfologia e alguns aspectos biogeográficos.


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Foi feito um estudo da estrutura dos ovos e morfologia das ninfas, através da microscopia ótica e eletrônica de varredura, na procura de estabelecer novos parãmetros de identificação. Em microscopia ótica (MO) os ovos apresentam a superfície exocorial dividida em áreas poligonais. O exocório do corpo possui polígonos maiores do que os do opérculo, porém ambos são lisos. Em microscopia eletrõnica de varredura (MEV) o exocório do opérculo apresenta áreas poligonais de superfície estofada em pequenos sulcos irregulares e perfurações distribuídas aleatoriamente. O exocório do corpo possui áreas pouco acolchoadas com perfurações na superfície e nos bordos. Nas ninfas o sulco estridulatório apresenta características próprias para cada estádio.


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The development of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis in experimentally infected Lutzomyia intermedia, showed colonization of the hindgut from 48h after the infective blood-meal, and the migration flagellates to the foregut, with a massive infection of the cardia at the 5th day post infection. Up to 10 days following the infective blood-meal, very few parasites were seen in the pharynx and cibarium. The role of L. intermedia as a vector of cutaneous leishmaniasis is discussed according to the estabilished criteria.


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The morphological comparative study of the phallus organs, of both species, shown five structures wich may be used as taxonomic characters. They are: parameres (Pa), median process pygophore (PrP), basal plate (EPbi), gonopore (PrG) and endosoma process (PrEn).


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Triatoma brasiliensis is considered one of the most important Chagas disease vectors being a widespread species in semiarid areas of northeastern Brazil. The species displays distinct chromatic patterns of the cuticle in different localities. Four populations were analyzed in this study: 1-Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte, it will be called the brasiliensis population; 2-Espinosa, Minas Gerais, the melanica population; 3-Petrolina, Pernambuco, the macromelasoma population, and 4-Juazeiro, Bahia, the darker one in overall cuticle coloration, the Juazeiro population. In order to differentiate the four populations of T. brasiliensis, a comparative morphological analysis of external genital structures and of eggs were carried out. The analysis of the male genital structures evidenced minor individual structural variations that did not correlate with chromatic differences or the geographical origins, emphasizing the importance of examining sufficiently large and representative samples before using minor genital variations for taxonomic diagnosis. By scanning electron microscopy of the egg exochorion, each chromatic population presented a distinct ornamentation pattern. The melanica population differed mainly from the other populations studied since it had about 40.6%, 69.6% and 76.6% more perforations, on each cell exochorion, than the brasiliensis, the Juazeiro and the macromelasoma populations respectively. In the melanica population the perforation layout is also peculiar, with densely distributed perforations over all the egg surface. Morphometric measures of the eggs showed statistically significant differences: the macromelasoma population presented the longest length (2.43 mm) while the shortest was recorded in the brasiliensis population (2.29 mm).


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Numerical analyses (correspondence analysis, ascending hierarchical classification, cladistic approach) were applied to the morphological characters of the adults of the genus Phlebotomus Rondani & Berté 1840. They confirm the reliability of the classic classifications, and also redefine the taxonomic and phylogenetic position of certain taxa. Thus, Spelaeophlebotomus Theodor 1948, Idiophlebotomus Quate & Fairchild 1961 and Australophlebotomus Theodor 1948 deserve generic rank. Among the vectors of leishmaniasis, the subgenus Phlebotomus Rondani & Berté 1840 is probably ancient. The results attribute an intermediate taxonomic and phylogenetic position to the taxa Euphlebotomus Theodor 1948 and Anaphlebotomus Theodor 1948, and reveal the probable artificial nature of the latter. The comparatively large numbers of species of subgenera Paraphlebotomus Theodor 1948, Synphlebotomus Theodor 1948 and, above all, Larroussius Nitzulescu 1931 and Adlerius Nitzulescu 1931, suggest that they are relatively recent. The development of adult morphological characters, the validity of their use in taxonomy and proposals for further studies are discussed.


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The complete life cycle of Triatoma flavida, weekly fed on hens, was studied at 28±2°C and 80±10% RH. Aspects related to hatching, life span, mortality and feeding behavior for each stage of its life cycle were evaluated. The hatching rate observed for 100 eggs was 93% with an average incubation period of 27.2 days. Sixty-two nymphs completed the cycle and the mean egg to adult development time was 230.4 days. Mean duration of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th instar nymphs was 22.1, 25.3, 36.7, 49.7 and 69.4 days, respectively. The number of blood meals on each nymphal stage varied from 1 to 7. The mortality rate was 6.5% for NI, 23% for NIII and 7.5% for NV nymphs. Mean number of laid eggs per female was 283.1. Adult survival rates were 344.8 ± 256.4 days for males and 285.3 ± 201.8 days for females.


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Triatoma brasiliensis is composed of at least four geographic populations (brasiliensis, melanica, macromelasoma, and juazeiro) that have distinct chromatic, morphologic, biologic and ecologic patterns, and genetic composition. Reciprocal crosses between all pairwise combinations were carried out in order to evaluate the genetic and reproductive compatibility of these four populations. The F1 individuals developed normally and the resulting adults were crossed again to test the F2 and F3 viability. Genetic incompatibility was found between melanica and brasiliensis populations.


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Anopheles (Anopheles) intermedius and Anopheles (Ano.) mattogrossensis are Brazilian anopheline species belonging to the scarcely studied Anopheles subgenus. Few studies have been done on the genetic differentiation of these species. Both species have been found infected by Plasmodium and are sympatric with other anopheline species from the Nyssorhynchus subgenus. Eighteen enzymatic loci were analyzed in larval specimens of An. intermedius and An. mattogrossensis aiming to estimate the variability and genetic differentiation between these species. An. mattogrossensis population showed higher genetic variability (P = 44.4 and Ho = 0.081 ± 0.031) than that of An. intermedius (P = 33.3 and Ho = 0.048 ± 0.021). Most analyzed loci showed genotypic frequencies according to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, except for LAP1 and LAP2 in An. intermedius, and EST1 and PGM loci in An. mattogrossensis. The genetic distance between these species (D = 0.683) was consistent with the inter-specific values reported for Anopheles subgenus. We verified that the polymorphism and heterozygosity percentile values found in both species and compared to those in the literature, showed no relation between the level of isozyme variability and geographical distribution. The low variability found in these two species is probably more related to the niche they occupy than to their geographic distribution.


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Redescription and transference of the genus Fregolia Gounelle, 1911 to Callidiopini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). The genus Fregolia is transferred from Cleomenini Lacordaire, 1869 to Callidiopini Lacordaire, 1869. The genus and its type species, Fregolia listropteroides Gounelle, 1911, the only known species to the genus, are redescribed including characters of the mouth pieces, endosternites, wing venation, and male and female terminalia.


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Systaltocerus platyrhinus Labram & Imhoff, 1840: redescriptions and considerations about the synonymy with Homalorhamphus vestitus Haedo Rossi & Viana, 1957 (Coleoptera, Anthribidae, Anthribinae). The genus Systaltocerus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 and the species S. platyrhinus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 (type species), are redescribed. Illustrations of the mouth pieces, endosternites, wing venation, male and female terminalia, and rectal plates, are given for the first time. New data on geographic distribution are also presented. Nomenclatural changes introduced: Systaltocerus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 = Homalorhamphus Haedo Rossi & Viana, 1957 syn. nov.; Systaltocerus platyrhinus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 = Homalorhamphus vestitus Haedo Rossi & Viana, 1957 syn. nov.


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Este estudo sobre os primeiros anos de atividades da Sociedade das Casas de Asilo da Infância Desvalida firmou-se na exploração do arquivo da instituição, denominada desde há poucos anos Fundação D. Pedro IV. Ela orientou-se pela filantropia, seguindo as tendências manifestadas pelas classes hegemônicas européias, sobretudo em França, tendo à sua frente o ex-Imperador do Brasil, que regressou a Lisboa após a derrota dos absolutistas. As Casas de Asilo tinham uma fisionomia própria que se distinguia das salles d'asile. No intuito de acharem um rumo ajustado às necessidades da sociedade portuguesa, os animadores da iniciativa começaram por criar uma "escola de ensino". Colhidos os primeiros frutos da experiência, o movimento das Casas de Asilo começou a difundir-se pelo país e a diversificar as suas intervenções. Embora destinadas a um público de crianças provenientes de famílias muito pobres ou indigentes, em idade pré-escolar, essas instituições configuravam as escolas de Primeiras Letras, mas incluíam no currículo atividades educativas, manuais ou artísticas, e de educação social, visando à integração de seu público. Apesar disso, essa experiência de educação infantil não logrou desprender-se da tradição escolarizante que a marcava.