23 resultados para Whitehead, Oliver


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Las humanidades médicas han sido proclamadas como esenciales en la educación y en la práctica de la medicina, a pesar de lo cual tienen una posición muy frágil en el currículo médico, siendo consideradas como materias "blandas" frente al currículo nuclear y las asignaturas "duras". El auge de la biomedicina ha enfatizado el carácter cientifista y basado en evidencia, marginando aún más las disciplinas de las humanidades. Basado en la distinción de Whitehead y Latour, entre asuntos fácticos - matters of fact - y asuntos de importancia - importance - o de preocupación - matters of concern. La sociología médica, antropología médica y bioética fundamental (basada en conocimientos de conceptos éticos) logran desarrollar una asignatura con fundamentos empíricos que les permite ingresar al currículo como disciplinas fácticas. Se sugiere una tercera categoría de asuntos de preocupación fáctica - matters of factual concern - para incorporar disciplinas que reflexionan sobre hechos - filosofía e historia de la medicina - , y fomentan la reflexión sobre la medicina, como es la literatura en sus diversas expresiones (narrativa, ensayística, crítica, testimonial). Se propone aquí transmitir esta categoría como conocimiento tácito basado en interacción personal.


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In this article I intend to show that certain aspects of A.N. Whitehead's philosophy of organism and especially his epochal theory of time, as mainly exposed in his well-known work Process and Reality, can serve in clarify the underlying assumptions that shape nonstandard mathematical theories as such and also as metatheories of quantum mechanics. Concerning the latter issue, I point to an already significant research on nonstandard versions of quantum mechanics; two of these approaches are chosen to be critically presented in relation to the scope of this work. The main point of the paper is that, insofar as we can refer a nonstandard mathematical entity to a kind of axiomatical formalization essentially 'codifying' an underlying mental process indescribable as such by analytic means, we can possibly apply certain principles of Whitehead's metaphysical scheme focused on the key notion of process which is generally conceived as the becoming of actual entities. This is done in the sense of a unifying approach to provide an interpretation of nonstandard mathematical theories as such and also, in their metatheoretical status, as a formalization of the empirical-experimental context of quantum mechanics.


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Plants react to changes in light and hydrological conditions in terms of quantity and composition of chloroplastidic pigments, which affects the photosynthetic properties and consequently the accumulation of plant biomass. Thus, the chloroplastidic pigment concentration and chlorophyll a fluorescence of three Amazonian species (Bertholletia excelsa, Carapa guianensis e Dipteryx odorata) were investigated in sun and shade leaves form the tree crown collected during two distinct periods of precipitation (dry and rainy seasons). Pigment contents were determined by spectrophotometry and fluorescence variables were determined using a portable fluorometer. The results demonstrated that the species showed high concentrations of Chl a, Chl b e Chl total during the wet season in relation to the dry season, especially in shade leaves. A higher concentration of carotenoids was found in B. excelsa, when compared with leaves of C. guianensis and D. odorata. In leaves of B. excelsa and D. odorata no significant difference was found in relation to the photochemistry of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) between the wet and dry seasons. In conclusion, the three species react differently to variations in the light and precipitation conditions regarding light capture, aspects that might be considered in the management of forest plantations.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar as formas de tratamento empregadas e os principais aspectos relacionados à morbidade e à mortalidade dos ferimentos cardíacos.. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 102 doentes com lesão cardíaca, atendidos nos dois prontos socorros de Manaus (Pronto Socorro Municipal 28 de Agosto e Hospital Pronto Socorro Dr. João Lúcio P. Machado) no período de janeiro de 1998 a junho de 2006. RESULTADOS: Dos 102 doentes, 95,1% eram homens; a média de idade foi 27 anos; ferimentos por arma branca representaram 81,4% dos casos, contra 18,6% por arma de fogo; cardiorrafia foi realizada em 98,1% dos casos. As câmaras cardíacas atingidas foram: VD: 43,9% (36,2% isoladamente e 7,7% associada a outras câmaras); VE: 37,2%; AD: 8,5% e AE: 10,4%, com mortalidades específicas de 21%, 23%, 22% e 45%, respectivamente. Lesões de duas câmaras associadas alcançaram mortalidade de 37,5%, sendo 20% para VD+AD, 100% para VD+VE e zero para VD+AE. O pulmão correspondeu a 33,7% de 89 lesões associadas. Os tempos médios de cirurgia e de internação foram de 121 minutos e 8,2 dias, respectivamente. Cerca de 22,5% complicaram representando 41 complicações. A mortalidade foi 28,4%. Lesões grau IV e V corresponderam a 55% e 41% dos casos, com mortalidade específica de 26% e 15%, respectivamente. Todos os doentes com lesão grau VI morreram. CONCLUSÃO: O ferimentos cardíacos por arma branca estiveram associados a menor mortalidade, as lesões cardíacas grau IV estiveram associadas à maior mortalidade e um menor tempo operatório esteve associado à maior gravidade e mortalidade.


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This study aimed to evaluate the tolerance of sugarcane cultivars to ratoon eradication under different glyphosate rates by means of physiological responses. Therefore, a trial was carried out in randomized complete blocks with 4 x 4 factorial design (cultivars x rates) totaling 16 treatments with four replicates. The cultivars IAC91-5155, IACSP93-3046, and IAC86-2480 and IAC87-3396 and the glyphosate rates 0 g ha-1; 1,920 g ha-1; 2,400 g ha-1; 2,880 g ha-1 were tested. The variables analyzed were percentage of tiller mortality, quantum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) and SPAD index. The results showed that there are differences among sugarcane cultivars for tiller eradication and for physiological responses with glyphosate different rates. The rate of 2,880 g ha-1 was the most efficient in eliminating sugarcane tillers. The cultivars IAC86-2480, IAC87-3396 and IACSP93-3046 were the most sensitive and the IAC91-5155 tolerated, for a longer period of time, the damage to the photosynthetic apparatus of the ratoons caused by glyphosate desiccation. Due to different responses, different managements should be considered for eliminating ratoons of different cultivars.


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Mast cell progenitors arise in bone marrow and then migrate to peripheral tissues where they mature. It is presumed that integrin receptors are involved in their migration and homing. In the present study, the expression of various integrin subunits was investigated in three systems of adherent and nonadherent mast cells. Mesentery mast cells, freshly isolated bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC) and RBL-2H3 cells grown attached to tissue culture flasks are all adherent mast cells and peritoneal mast cells, and cultured BMMC and RBL-2H3 cells grown in suspension represent nonadherent mast cell populations. Pure populations of mast cells were immunomagnetically isolated from bone marrow, mesentery and peritoneal lavage using the mast cell-specific monoclonal antibody AA4. By immunomicroscopy, we could demonstrate that all of these mast cells expressed alpha4, alpha5, alpha6, ß1 and ß7 integrin subunits. The expression of the alpha4 integrin subunit was 25% higher in freshly isolated mesentery mast cells and BMMC. Consistent with the results obtained by immunomicroscopy, mesentery mast cells expressed 65% more mRNA for the alpha4 integrin subunit than peritoneal mast cells. In vitro studies were also conducted using the rat mast cell line RBL-2H3. RBL-2H3 cells grown attached to the tissue culture flasks or as suspension cultures expressed the same integrin subunits identified in bone marrow, mesenteric and peritoneal mast cells ex vivo. Similarly, the expression of alpha4 integrin was higher in adherent cells. Therefore, alpha4 integrins may play a critical role in the anchorage of mast cells to the extracellular matrix in bone marrow and in peripheral tissues.


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It is well known that eosinophilia is a key pathogenetic component of toxocariasis. The objective of the present study was to determine if there is an association between peritoneal and blood eosinophil influx, mast cell hyperplasia and leukotriene B4 (LTB4) production after Toxocara canis infection. Oral inoculation of 56-day-old Wistar rats (N = 5-7 per group) with 1000 embryonated eggs containing third-stage (L3) T. canis larvae led to a robust accumulation of total leukocytes in blood beginning on day 3 and peaking on day 18, mainly characterized by eosinophils and accompanied by higher serum LTB4 levels. At that time, we also noted increased eosinophil numbers in the peritoneal cavity. In addition, we observed increased peritoneal mast cell number in the peritoneal cavity, which correlated with the time course of eosinophilia during toxocariasis. We also demonstrated that mast cell hyperplasia in the intestines and lungs began soon after the T. canis larvae migrated to these compartments, reaching maximal levels on day 24, which correlated with the complete elimination of the parasite. Therefore, mast cells appear to be involved in peritoneal and blood eosinophil infiltration through an LTB4-dependent mechanism following T. canis infection in rats. Our data also demonstrate a tight association between larval migratory stages and intestinal and pulmonary mast cell hyperplasia in the toxocariasis model.


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RESUMO: Para Bateson, a mudança social radicaria numa mudança epistemológica profunda que incidisse sobretudo na educação e na comunicação (onde incluía a sua teorização psicológica). Essa revolução paradigmática, baseada na lógica formal de Whitehead e Russell, evitaria discursos ditos científicos destituídos de rigor. Aqui, analisamos hermeneuticamente o seu pensamento, salientando os limites que a lógica formal encontra nas experiências éticas, religiosas e estéticas. Sem essa revolução, encontramo-nos condenados à estagnação intelectual, pois formamos cidadãos sem capacidade de aprender a aprender, que possibilitaria a capacidade de produzir abduções, inferência lógica tão necessária na produção do raciocínio humano; o seu desenvolvimento garantiria a capacidade de pensar/construir complexamente o mundo, interligando os saberes; poucos são também aqueles que explicitam e argumentam a favor das suas crenças, base axiomática da capacidade abdutiva. A organização social (via sistema educativo, formal e não formal) se constrói com sujeitos que raramente possuem mentes bem estruturadas, favorecedoras de passagem de patamares de aprendizagem para outros superiores. Antes se estimula a confusão de tipos lógicos, tomando o todo pela parte, por exemplo. Bateson critica também o sistema de avaliação quantitativo, diminuindo a possibilidade de formação do pensamento abstrato e formal, como a filosofia e a matemática exigem.