30 resultados para Tutorial programs


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Abstract:The objective of this work was to characterize the performance of elite wheat genotypes from different Brazilian breeding programs for traits associated with grain yield and preharvest sprouting. The study was conducted in 2010 and 2011 in the municipality of Capão do Leão, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Thirty-three wheat genotypes were evaluated for traits related to preharvest sprouting and grain yield. The estimate of genetic distance was used to predict potential combinations for selection of plants with high grain yield and tolerance to preharvest sprouting. The combined analysis of sprouted grains and falling number shows that the TBIO Alvorada, TBIO Mestre, Frontana, Fundacep Raízes, Fundacep Cristalino, and BRS Guamirim genotypes are tolerant to preharvest sprouting. Combinations of TBIO Alvorada and TBIO Mestre with Fundacep Cristalino show high potential for recovering superior genotypes for high grain yield and tolerance to preharvest sprouting.


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The aim of this work is to present a tutorial on Multivariate Calibration, a tool which is nowadays necessary in basically most laboratories but very often misused. The basic concepts of preprocessing, principal component analysis (PCA), principal component regression (PCR) and partial least squares (PLS) are given. The two basic steps on any calibration procedure: model building and validation are fully discussed. The concepts of cross validation (to determine the number of factors to be used in the model), leverage and studentized residuals (to detect outliers) for the validation step are given. The whole calibration procedure is illustrated using spectra recorded for ternary mixtures of 2,4,6 trinitrophenolate, 2,4 dinitrophenolate and 2,5 dinitrophenolate followed by the concentration prediction of these three chemical species during a diffusion experiment through a hydrophobic liquid membrane. MATLAB software is used for numerical calculations. Most of the commands for the analysis are provided in order to allow a non-specialist to follow step by step the analysis.


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This work illustrates the modeling procedure for a solvent mixture using the simplex- centroid approach. The selected experiment was the optimization of the peak current observed in the direct determination of nickel by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) in a solvent mixture composed of N,N-dimethylformamide, ethanol and water. The text is presented in a tutorial way, showing in detail the several steps which must be followed in such a process. Since not all possible mixtures lead to a measurable instrumental response, pseudocomponents had to be used to rescale the experimental design. This also allows to show how to apply this tool, usually troublesome for non-specialists in mixture modeling procedures.


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This manuscript aims to show the basic concepts and practical application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as a tutorial, using Matlab or Octave computing environment for beginners, undergraduate and graduate students. As a practical example it is shown the exploratory analysis of edible vegetable oils by mid infrared spectroscopy.


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The aim of this manuscript was to show the basic concepts and practical application of Partial Least Squares (PLS) as a tutorial, using the Matlab computing environment for beginners, undergraduate and graduate students. As a practical example, the determination of the drug paracetamol in commercial tablets using Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression was shown, an experiment that has been successfully carried out at the Chemical Institute of Campinas State University for chemistry undergraduate course students to introduce the basic concepts of multivariate calibration in a practical way.


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The objective of this manuscript is to describe a practical experiment that can be employed for teaching concepts related to design of experiments using Matlab or Octave computing environment to beginners, undergraduate and graduate students. The classical experiment for determination of Fe (II) using o-phenanthroline was selected because it is easy to understand, and all the required materials are readily available in most analytical laboratories. The approach used in this tutorial is divided in two steps: first, the students are introduced to the concept of multivariate effects, how to calculate and interpret them, and the construction and evaluation of a linear model to describe the experimental domain by using a 2³ factorial design. Second, an extension of the factorial design by adding axial points is described, thereby, providing a central composite design. The quadratic model is then introduced and used to build the response surface.


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A proposta deste trabalho é apreender concepções de estudantes e tutores sobre a avaliação formativa nas sessões tutoriais de um currículo PBL, identificando as dificuldades enfrentadas no desenvolvimento dessa prática. Um questionário Likert foi aplicado a 11 tutores e 45 discentes do sétimo período do curso de Medicina da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros e uma entrevista de aprofundamento foi realizada com a totalidade dos tutores e 20 estudantes. Os entrevistados percebem a proposta formativa da avaliação na sessão tutorial, definindo-a como processual, reflexiva, dialógica, diagnóstica, e enfatizam a possibilidade de feedback como fator motivador e determinante para solucionar as deficiências detectadas e reforçar as potencialidades percebidas. São identificadas dificuldades relacionadas ao desempenho dos docentes, como falta de preparo, ao desempenho dos estudantes (falta de sinceridade, maturidade) e outras decorrentes da inadequação dos critérios utilizados nos instrumentos avaliativos. Os resultados apontam a necessidade de programas de desenvolvimento docente e discente em avaliação, assim como maior compromisso das instituições que utilizam a metodologia Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas na busca contínua e reflexiva da coerência com os pressupostos pedagógicos estabelecidos pelo currículo.


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The feasibility of using augmented block designs and spatial analysis methods for early stage selection in eucalyptus breeding programs was tested. A total of 113 half-sib progenies of Eucalyptus urophylla and eight clones were evaluated in an 11 x 11 triple lattice experiment at two locations: Posto da Mata (Bahia, Brazil) and São Mateus (Minas Gerais, Brazil). Four checks were randomly allocated within each block. Plots consisted of 15 m long rows containing 6 plants spaced 3 m apart. The girth at breast height (cm/plant) was evaluated at 19 and 26 months of age. Variance analyses were performed according to the following methods: lattice design, randomized complete block design, augmented block design, Papadakis method, moving means method, and check plots. Comparisons among different methods were based on the magnitude of experimental errors and precision of the estimates of genetic and phenotypic parameters. General results indicated that augmented block design is useful to evaluate progenies and clones in early selection in eucalyptus breeding programs using moderate and low selection intensities. However, this design is not suitable for estimating genetic and phenotypic parameters due to its low precision. Check plots, nearest neighbour, Papadakis (1937), and moving means methods were efficient in removing the heterogeneity within blocks. These efficiencies were compared to that in lattice analysis for estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters.


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The use of water-sensitive papers is an important tool for assessing the quality of pesticide application on crops, but manual analysis is laborious and time-consuming. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate and compare the results obtained from four software programs for spray droplet analysis in different scanned images of water-sensitive papers. After spraying, papers with four droplet deposition patterns (varying droplet spectra and densities) were analyzed manually and by means of the following computer programs: CIR, e-Sprinkle, DepositScan and Conta-Gotas. The diameter of the volume and number medians and the number of droplets per target area were studied. There is a strong correlation between the values measured using the different programs and the manual analysis, but there is a great difference between the numerical values measured for the same paper. Thus, it is not advisable to compare results obtained from different programs.


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The effects of adding L-carnitine to a whole-body and respiratory training program were determined in moderate-to-severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. Sixteen COPD patients (66 ± 7 years) were randomly assigned to L-carnitine (CG) or placebo group (PG) that received either L-carnitine or saline solution (2 g/day, orally) for 6 weeks (forced expiratory volume on first second was 38 ± 16 and 36 ± 12%, respectively). Both groups participated in three weekly 30-min treadmill and threshold inspiratory muscle training sessions, with 3 sets of 10 loaded inspirations (40%) at maximal inspiratory pressure. Nutritional status, exercise tolerance on a treadmill and six-minute walking test, blood lactate, heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory muscle strength were determined as baseline and on day 42. Maximal capacity in the incremental exercise test was significantly improved in both groups (P < 0.05). Blood lactate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and heart rate at identical exercise levels were lower in CG after training (P < 0.05). Inspiratory muscle strength and walking test tolerance were significantly improved in both groups, but the gains of CG were significantly higher than those of PG (40 ± 14 vs 14 ± 5 cmH2O, and 87 ± 30 vs 34 ± 29 m, respectively; P < 0.05). Blood lactate concentration was significantly lower in CG than in PG (1.6 ± 0.7 vs 2.3 ± 0.7 mM, P < 0.05). The present data suggest that carnitine can improve exercise tolerance and inspiratory muscle strength in COPD patients, as well as reduce lactate production.


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Graduate programs provide the highest level of formal education and thus are crucial for the development of any country. However, official Brazilian data clearly show a dramatic decrease in the number and values of scholarships available to graduate programs in Brazil over the last few years, despite the importance and growth of such programs. Between 1995 and 2004, investment by the Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal do Ensino Superior (CAPES, subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Culture) in funding scholarships, corrected for inflation in the period, actually decreased by 51%. In addition, during the period between 1994 and 2004, there was a loss of about 60% in the purchasing power of the graduate scholarships provided by CAPES and the National Council for Science and Technology (CNPq). To reverse this trend, we propose the development of sectorial funding for Brazilian graduate programs to guarantee the availability and continuity of financial support for this strategic activity.


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We compared the effect of three different exercise programs on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease including strength training at 50_80% of one-repetition maximum (1-RM) (ST; N = 11), low-intensity general training (LGT; N = 13), or combined training groups (CT; N = 11). Body composition, muscle strength, treadmill endurance test (TEnd), 6-min walk test (6MWT), Saint George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), and baseline dyspnea (BDI) were assessed prior to and after the training programs (12 weeks). The training modalities showed similar improvements (P > 0.05) in SGRQ-total (ST = 13 ± 14%; CT = 12 ± 14%; LGT = 11 ± 10%), BDI (ST = 1.8 ± 4; CT = 1.8 ± 3; LGT = 1 ± 2), 6MWT (ST = 43 ± 51 m; CT = 48 ± 50 m; LGT = 31 ± 75 m), and TEnd (ST = 11 ± 20 min; CT = 11 ± 11 min; LGT = 7 ± 5 min). In the ST and CT groups, an additional improvement in 1-RM values was shown (P < 0.05) compared to the LGT group (ST = 10 ± 6 to 57 ± 36 kg; CT = 6 ± 2 to 38 ± 16 kg; LGT = 1 ± 2 to 16 ± 12 kg). The addition of strength training to our current training program increased muscle strength; however, it produced no additional improvement in walking endurance, dyspnea or quality of life. A simple combined training program provides benefits without increasing the duration of the training sessions.


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Myocardial ischemia may occur during an exercise session in cardiac rehabilitation programs. However, it has not been established whether it is elicited when exercise prescription is based on heart rate corresponding to the anaerobic threshold as measured by cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Our objective was to determine the incidence of myocardial ischemia in cardiac rehabilitation programs according to myocardial perfusion SPECT in exercise programs based on the anaerobic threshold. Thirty-nine patients (35 men and 4 women) diagnosed with coronary artery disease by coronary angiography and stress technetium-99m-sestamibi gated SPECT associated with a baseline cardiopulmonary exercise test were assessed. Ages ranged from 45 to 75 years. A second cardiopulmonary exercise test determined training intensity at the anaerobic threshold. Repeat gated-SPECT was obtained after a third cardiopulmonary exercise test at the prescribed workload and heart rate. Myocardial perfusion images were analyzed using a score system of 6.4 at rest, 13.9 at peak stress, and 10.7 during the prescribed exercise (P < 0.05). The presence of myocardial ischemia during exercise was defined as a difference ≥2 between the summed stress score and summed rest score. Accordingly, 25 (64%) patients were classified as ischemic and 14 (36%) as nonischemic. MIBI-SPECT showed myocardial ischemia during exercise within the anaerobic threshold. The 64% prevalence of ischemia observed in the study should not be looked on as representative of the whole population of patients undergoing exercise programs. Changes in patient care and exercise programs were implemented as a result of our finding of ischemia during the prescribed exercise.


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A recent assessment of 4400 postgraduate courses in Brazil by CAPES (a federal government agency dedicated to the improvement of the quality of and research at the postgraduate level) stimulated a large amount of manifestations in the press, scientific journals and scientific congresses. This gigantic effort to classify 16,400 scientific journals in order to provide indicators for assessment proved to be puzzling and methodologically erroneous in terms of gauging the institutions from a metric point of view. A simple algorithm is proposed here to weigh the scientometric indicators that should be considered in the assessment of a scientific institution. I conclude here that the simple gauge of the total number of citations accounts for both the productivity of scientists and the impact of articles. The effort spent in this exercise is relatively small, and the sources of information are fully accessible. As an exercise to estimate the value of the methodology, 12 institutions of physics (10 from Brazil, one from the USA and one from Italy) have been evaluated.


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The objective of this study was to analyze retinol equivalent and iron content in different food composition tables and nutritional evaluation software programs. A literature search was conduct to identify tables and software available in Brazil containing information about retinol equivalent and iron content that are currently used by nutritionists. Ten tables and five software programs were selected for this study. The methodology used to present the retinol equivalent and iron content was evaluated and no pattern to obtain such content was found in the tables and software programs analyzed. Only one of the tables had enough information for the calculation of retinol equivalents; this table is recommended to all Latin America As for the iron content, three of the tables analyzed stand out and therefore should be used; two of them are based on national foods and the other is recommended for use in all Latin America countries. None of the software programs evaluated use the conversion factors suggested by IVACG to assess the vitamin A content in foods. Special attention should be given to the content of iron provided in the software programs since they use tables as international sources and fortified foods.