147 resultados para Tumor marrom
Female genital schistosomiasis is not uncommon in endemic areas for schistosomiasis, but there are few reports in the Brazilian medical literature. Here, we describe the case of a 31-year-old woman with lower abdominal pain who was diagnosed as presenting a fallopian tube tumor caused by Manson's schistosomiasis. The diagnosis was delayed because her symptoms were considered nonspecific. Involvement of the parietal peritoneum of the ovarian fossa was observed during laparoscopy and confirmed by histological analysis. The left tube and the tumor were excised and schistosomiasis was treated with praziquantel. She presented a full recovery and options for future reproduction are under evaluation.
A actinomicose é uma infecção rara que pode envolver diversos órgãos. O envolvimento torácico é incomum (10-20%). No presente trabalho, é descrito o caso de um paciente de 33 anos, HIV negativo, com dor torácica posterior à esquerda em queimação com irradiação para membro superior esquerdo e diminuição da força com parestesias. A tomografia computadorizada evidenciou uma massa em contato com a parede torácica. Após realização de toracotomia foi visualizada lesão pulmonar sólida vascularizada aderida no lobo superior esquerdo, infiltrando a parede torácica posterior e ápice da cavidade. A biopsia incisional da lesão e o estudo microbiológico evidenciaram actinomicose.
Introduction The progression of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in the anogenital tract has been associated with the involvement of cells with regulatory properties. Evidence has shown that glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor (GITR) is an important surface molecule for the characterization of these cells and proposes that GITR ligand may constitute a rational treatment for many cancer types. We aimed to detect the presence of GITR and CD25 in cervical stroma cells with and without pathological changes or HPV infection to better understand the immune response in the infected tissue microenvironment. Methods We subjected 49 paraffin-embedded cervical tissue samples to HPV DNA detection and histopathological analysis, and subsequently immunohistochemistry to detect GITR and CD25 in lymphocytes. Results We observed that 76.9% of all samples with high GITR expression were HPV-positive regardless of histopathological findings. High GITR expression (77.8%) was predominant in samples with ≥1,000 RLU/PCB. Of the HPV-positive samples negative for intraepithelial lesion and malignancy, 62.5% had high GITR expression. High GITR expression was observed in both carcinoma and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) samples (p = 0.16). CD25 was present in great quantities in all samples. Conclusions The predominance of high GITR expression in samples with high viral load that were classified as HSIL and carcinoma suggests that GITR+ cells can exhibit regulatory properties and may contribute to the progression of HPV-induced cervical neoplasia, emphasizing the importance of GITR as a potential target for immune therapy of cervical cancer and as a disease evolution biomarker.
We analyzed 37 patients who underwent segmental wide resection of bone tumors and reconstruction with a modular titanium endoprosthesis at the Orthopaedic Oncology Group, between 1992 and 1998. Twelve patients were male and 25 were female, with a mean age of 30 years (9 - 81). The mean follow-up was 14 months (2 - 48). The diagnoses were: osteosarcoma (14 cases), metastatic carcinoma (10), Ewing's sarcoma (4), giant cell tumor (4), malignant fibrous histiocytoma (3), chondrosarcoma (1), and aneurysmal bone cyst (1). Eleven articulated total knee, 8 partial proximal femur with bipolar acetabulum, 8 partial proximal humerus, 3 total femur, 2 partial proximal tibia, 2 diaphyseal femur, 2 diaphyseal humerus, and 1 total proximal femur with cementless acetabulum endoprosthesis implant procedures were done. The complications related to the procedure included: infection (5 cases), dislocation (3), module loosening (1), and ulnar nerve paresthesia (1). We used the following criteria for the clinical evaluation: presence of pain, range of motion, reconstruction stability, surgical and oncologic complications, and patient acceptance. The results were good in 56.8% of the cases, regular in 32.4% and poor in 10.8%.
Struma ovarii is an infrequent ovarian tumor, and there are only few reports with detailed data of thyroid function. In several cases, malignant struma ovarii have been shown to produce hyperthyroidism, but there is no reported case of hypothyroidism following struma ovarii tumor resection. A 62-year-old white woman underwent right ovary resection that had a pathologic diagnosis of struma ovarii. After 6 days, she developed weakness, myalgia, somnolence, nausea, and arterial hypotension. Laboratory tests showed a high level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and a decreased level thyroxin. Thyroxin replacement therapy was initiated, and the patient became completely asymptomatic. This is the first reported case of a previously asymptomatic woman who developed a definite clinical hypothyroidism after resection of a struma ovarii tumor.
A case of malignant neoplasm is described in which the initial manifestations were mental dysfunction and meningeal irritation, mimicking chronic or subacute meningitis. Physical examination showed cranial nerve involvement and a pelvic tumor. There was progressive deterioration, and death occurred in 2 weeks. The autopsy revealed a gallbladder adenocarcinoma, meningeal carcinomatosis, and ovarian metastasis presenting as a Krukenberg tumor. The authors emphasize the importance of including meningeal carcinomatosis as a possibility in the differential diagnosis of non-characteristic clinical pictures, as well as the importance of the cerebrospinal fluid cytologic examination, repeated as needed, in order to confirm this diagnosis.
Inactivation of tumor suppressor genes has been frequently observed in gastric carcinogenesis. Our purpose was to study the involvement of p53, APC, DCC, and Rb genes in gastric carcinoma. METHOD: Loss of heterozygosity of the p53, APC, DCC and Rb genes was studied in 22 gastric cancer tissues using polymerase chain reaction; single-strand conformation polymorphism of the p53 gene exons 5-6 and exons 7-8 was studied using 35S-dATP, and p53 expression was detected using a histological immunoperoxidase method with an anti-p53 clone. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: No loss of heterozygosity was observed in any of these tumor suppressor genes; homozygous deletion was detected in the Rb gene in 23% (3/13) of the cases of intestinal-type gastric carcinoma. Eighteen (81.8%) cases showed band mobility shifts in exons 5-6 and/or 7-8 of the p53 gene. The presence of the p53 protein was positive in gastric cancer cells in 14 cases (63.6%). Normal gastric mucosa showed negative staining for p53; thus, the immunoreactivity was likely to represent mutant forms. The correlation of band mobility shift and the immunoreactivity to anti-p53 was not significant (P = .90). There was no correlation of gene alterations with the disease severity. CONCLUSIONS: The inactivation of Rb and p53 genes is involved in gastric carcinogenesis in our environment. Loss of the Rb gene observed only in the intestinal-type gastric cancer should be further evaluated in association with Helicobacter pylori infection. The p53 gene was affected in both intestinal and diffuse histological types of gastric cancer.
RESUMO Retratamos o relato de um homem de 61 anos que apresentava um glioblastoma multiforme em região do giro têmporo-occipital lateral esquerdo que rechaça cranialmente o hipocampo e o corno temporal do ventrículo lateral correspondente. Não havia sinais e sintomas neurológicos e o quadro clínico lembrava a demência de Alzheimer. Havia comprometimento de memória e alterações comportamentais com duração de três meses. Foram afastadas inicialmente outras causas de demência rapidamente progressivas e a ressonância magnética revelou a etiologia tumoral dos sintomas neuropsiquiátricos. Foi submetido à bateria de testes neuropsicométricos com pontuação compatível com doença de Alzheimer (DA). Em razão de extensa área de edema, foi introduzida dexametasona com reversão completa dos sintomas neuropsiquiátricos iniciais e a repetição da bateria neuropsicológica mostrou melhora acentuada em todos os testes. Optou-se por tratamento conservador, após biópsia por agulha, com evolução para óbito em cinco meses.
Mulher de 63 anos com história pregressa de câncer de útero e queixa de fadiga e dispnéia aos pequenos esforços. Ao exame, apresentava-se hipertensa e com estertores de bases pulmonares. O ecocardiograma transtorácico mostrou massa de pouca mobilidade em ventrículo direito. A paciente foi levada para cirurgia, ocasião em que se encontrou uma massa envolvendo a parede anterior da artéria pulmonar, valva tricúspide, átrio direito e parede posterior do ventrículo direito. A artéria pulmonar e o ventrículo direito foram reconstruídos com patch de pericárdio bovino e a valva tricúspide foi substituída por prótese biológica número 31. O exame anatomopatológico demonstrou metástase de células escamosas com áreas bem diferenciadas e infiltrativas. A paciente recebeu alta hospitalar um mês após a cirurgia. Quatro meses após, entretanto, foi readmitida em estado terminal, confirmando o prognóstico reservado da doença neste estágio.
Os tumores primários cardíacos são infreqüentes; entretanto, as neoplasias metastáticas com acometimento do coração são mais comuns. Alguns tumores apresentam, em estudos post-mortem, implantes secundários cardíacos com freqüências que superam 50%. Esse comprometimento deve ser lembrado em pacientes com história de neoplasia, que apresentem distúrbios de condução, sopro, cardiomegalia ou arritmias. Relatar-se-á, a seguir, o caso de um homem de 39 anos, encaminhado por cansaço e dispnéia aos esforços. Ecocardiograma evidenciou grande massa tumoral em ventrículo direito. A história médica pregressa revelou antecedentes de melanoma e a avaliação complementar mostrou doença metastática para pulmões, coração e cérebro, com evolução a óbito. Os aspectos singulares do caso são a presença de uma grande massa no ventrículo direito de origem metastática, ilustrando um quadro clínico raro e de prognóstico reservado.
O rabdomioma cardíaco raramente é encontrado na valva mitral, porém, embora de grande dimensão (15x14 mm), causando até obstrução a esse nível nos primeiros meses de vida, observou-se a involução total e espontânea do mesmo, iniciada com 68 meses, e tornando-se progressivamente menor até completar 14 anos de idade.
O ganglioneuroma é um tumor do sistema nervoso simpático, podendo estar associado à hipersecreção de substâncias vasoativas responsáveis por sintomas e sinais variados, como a hipertensão arterial. Os autores apresentam um caso de ganglioneuroma e uma revisão da literatura, focando os aspectos mais importantes do diagnóstico e da terapêutica. A paciente apresentava crises hipertensivas sintomáticas recorrentes, tendo realizado estudo imaginológico que detectou uma imagem nodular na adrenal direita. Sendo os tumores neuroblásticos indistinguíveis radiologicamente, procedeu-se à excisão, confirmando-se o diagnóstico pela análise anatomopatológica. Este caso demonstra a variabilidade clínica dos ganglioneuromas, a utilidade da imaginologia e a importância do estudo histológico.