181 resultados para Temperature of animals.
In Tropical regions, the animal performance is often affected by climate conditions. This study aimed to evaluate covering materials in individual shelters, normally used to house dairy calves, and its influence on the calves physiology and performance. The design used was completely randomized, with a 2x3 factorial arrangement to compare the averages of 5% through the Tukey's test, i.e., both genders- and three types of covering in the shelters (Z - zinc; AC - asbestos cement; and WPAC - white-painted asbestos cement). Parameters evaluated included daily weight gain (DWG), dry matter intake (DMI), feed conversion (FC), rectal temperature (RT), and respiratory frequency (RF). Results showed significant differences (P < 0.05) among males (1.04kg/day) and females (0.74kg/day) for DWG and interaction between gender and treatment (P < 0.05) for zinc covering (0.562kg/day for females and 1.120kg/day for males). Significant differences were also observed in FI of animals housed under shelters with the covering of zinc (48.35kgDM/day for females and 96.91 kgDM/day for males). There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in the FC and the RT, and there were significant differences (P < 0.05) for RF in the Z treatments (56.9 mov.min-1), WPAC (62.2 mov.min-1) and FC (70.25 mov.min-1). It was concluded that different covering materials did not affect performance and dry matter intake of dairy calves. However, the animals' physiology of thermoregulation was altered by the different covering materials used in individual shelters.
Pigs are more sensitive to high environmental temperatures explained by the inability of sweating and panting properly when compared to other species of farmed livestock. The evaporative cooling system might favor the thermal comfort of animals during exposure to extreme environmental heat and reduce the harmful effects of heat stress. The purpose of this study was to assess the sensible heat loss and thermoregulation parameters from lactating sows during summer submitted to two different acclimatization systems: natural and evaporative cooling. The experiment was carried out in a commercial farm with 72 lactating sows. The ambient variables (temperature, relative humidity and air velocity) and sows physiological parameters (rectal temperature, surface temperature and respiratory rate) were monitored and then the sensible heat loss at 21days lactation was calculated. The results of rectal temperature did not differ between treatments. However, the evaporative cooling led to a significant reduction in surface temperature and respiratory rate and a significant increase in the sow's sensible heat loss. It was concluded that the use of evaporative cooling system was essential to increase sensible heat loss; thus, it should reduce the negative effects of heat on the sows' thermoregulation during summer.
During vehicle deceleration due to braking there is friction between the lining surface and the brake drum or disc. In this process the kinetic energy of vehicle is turned into thermal energy that raises temperature of the components. The heating of the brake system in the course of braking is a great problem, because besides damaging the system, it may also affect the wheel and tire, which can cause accidents. In search of the best configuration that considers the true conditions of use, without passing the safety limits, models and formulations are presented with respect to the brake system, considering different braking conditions and kinds of brakes. Some modeling was analyzed using well-known methods. The flat plate model considering energy conservation was applied to a bus, using for this a computer program. The vehicle is simulated to undergo an emergency braking, considering the change of temperature on the lining-drum. The results include deceleration, braking efficiency, wheel resistance, normal reaction on the tires and the coefficient of adhesion. Some of the results were compared with dynamometer tests made by FRAS-LE and others were compared with track tests made by Mercedes-Benz. The convergence between the results and the tests is sufficient to validate the mathematical model. The computer program makes it possible to simulate the brake system performance in the vehicle. It assists the designer during the development phase and reduces track tests.
Vochysia tucanorum Mart. (Vochysiaceae) is a very widely distributed species in the cerrado and forests in Brazil, from the State of Bahia to Paraná. Its seed germination was analysed under eight treatments using different conditions of light and temperature. Up to 73 days, at least ca. 93% of the seeds germinated in all treatments, except under alternating temperatures of 35°/10°C (62%). Light enhanced germination, except under constant temperature of 25°C when seeds are not photoblastic. At this temperature, the highest percentage of germination was found. Initial vegetative growth was analysed by comparing the effects of shading, by means of different percentages of full daylight (100%, 45%, 10.6%, 4.8%), and soils from cerrado and forest. During 123 days, no mortality was recorded and cotyledons persisted on the seedlings of all treatments. In general, the seedlings of V. tucanorum were found to be more or less indifferent to the soil from cerrado or forest and shading seems to promote height increment. However, total dry mass was larger under a radiation of 45% full daylight and smaller under extreme conditions (100% or 4.8% full daylight).
(In vitro culture at low temperature and ex vitro acclimatization of Vriesea inflata an ornamental bromeliad). In vitro culture by seeds is a technique for preservation of threatened species because it may provide a large number of plants with genetic diversity. The bromeliad Vriesea inflata (Wawra) Wawra, an ornamental bromeliad, is extensively and illegally collected from the nature and must be preserved. It is possible to form plant threatened collections in vitro by reducing the temperature of culture, while occupying little space, with the consequent reduction of maintenance costs. This work evaluated the influence of temperature on in vitro growth and morphology of plants of V. inflata, with the aim of establishing a slow growth-rate and analyzing the ex vitro acclimatization. Seeds were germinated in vitro in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, with macronutrients reduced to 50% (MS/2). After three months the plants were transferred to flasks of new same medium and kept in two germination chambers with the temperature adjusted to 15 °C and to 28 °C. After 24 months the plants were subject to biometric, photosynthetic pigments content and anatomical analyses. Results showed that plants maintained at 15 °C were smaller than those at 28 °C. Nevertheless, there were no alterations in pigments content, anatomy. In both treatments there was a survival rate of 100%. This work showed that plants of this species can be kept in vitro at 15 °C with the aim of forming a slow-growth collection, thereby seeking its preservation, and can be transferred to growth at ex vitro condition to achieved 100% survival rate.
Recent studies have employed tympanic thermometry to assess lateralization of cognitive and emotional functions in primates. However, no studies using this technique have investigated the possibility of hemispheric specialization in New World monkeys. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate tympanic membrane (TM) temperature asymmetries and their possible correlation with stress responses in marmosets (Callithrix penicillata). Infrared TM thermometry was completed bilaterally in 24 animals (14 males and 10 females) during a stressful situation of capture and restraint. There were no significant differences between gender. A significant negative correlation was observed between TM temperature of the right ear and the number of captures (r = -0.633; P<0.001). Subjects with a more frequent previous history of captures (5 to 9 captures; N = 11) showed lower TM temperature when compared to those with fewer previous captures (1 to 4 captures; N = 13). No differences were observed for the left TM temperature. These results suggest that under intense emotional challenge (capture and restraint) there is a stronger activation of the neural structures situated in the right brain hemisphere. Taken together, the data reveal for the first time evidence of hemispheric specialization in emotional physiological processing in a New World monkey.
The objective of this work was to study the influence of temperature on the respiration rate of minimally processed organic carrots (Daucus Carota L. cv. Brasília) with and without the application of a gelatin film. The samples were packed in flexible bags and stored at 1, 5 and 10 °C. During the five days of storage, the CO2 and O2 concentrations in the headspace of the package were monitored by gas chromatography, and the mathematical model based on enzymatic kinetics was used to estimate the respiration rate of minimally processed organic carrots. The effect of temperature on the respiration rate was evaluated by the Arrhenius equation. The results showed that the O2 concentration decreased during the storage period and the CO2 concentration increased. The lowest O2 concentrations of 2.59 and 2.66% were found for the samples stored at 10 °C with and without the film, respectively. For the CO2 concentration, the highest concentrations of 16.25 and 16.32% were again found for the temperature of 10 °C with and without the application of the film, respectively. At the temperature of 1 °C, the maximum respiratory rates for the samples without and with the film were 10.82 and 10.44 mL CO2.kg-1/hour, respectively, after 72 hours of storage. The greatest respiratory rate was obtained at 10 °C, the maximum peak being reached after 50 hours. Activation energy values were of 50.59 kJ.mol-1, for the samples with the film, and 51.88 kJ.mol-1 for the samples without the film.
Microbial pectinolytic enzymes are known to play a commercially important role in a number of industrial processes. Two kinds of yeast can be discerned regarding the production of enzymes. One group includes those which can produce enzymes in the absence of an inducer, and the other group comprises the yeasts that produce enzymes in the presence of an inducer. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of pectic substances, glucose, pH, and temperature on the polygalacturonase activity by Kluyveromyces marxianus CCMB 322. The yeast was grown in a fermentation broth containing different concentrations of glucose and pectic substances. The polygalacturonase activity was determined by the DNS method, and the pH and temperature were optimized using a central composite experimental design. The polygalacturonase secreted by K. marxianus CCMB 322 was partially constitutive showing optimum pH and temperature of 7.36 and 70 °C, respectively, and maintained approximately 93% of its original activity for 50 minutes at 50 °C. Thermal stability of the polygalacturonase enzyme was studied at different temperatures (50, 60, 70, and 80 °C) and different incubation times (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 minutes). This study showed that glucose can influence the regulation of the synthesis of polygalacturonase.
The objective of this study was to determine the optimal temperature for storing gabiroba fruit (Campomanesia pubescens) without affecting compounds' quality. The fruits were stored at different temperatures (0 ºC, 6 ºC, 12 ºC, and 20 ºC) and the effect on the pH, total titratable acidity, soluble solids, total sugars, vitamin C, and antioxidant components such as tannins and total phenolic compounds was evaluated. It was observed an increase in the pH and total titratable acidity during storage at all the temperatures tested. Gabiroba fruits were stored for 9 and 3 days at 12 ºC and 20 ºC, respectively, and under both temperatures they showed a reduction in tannins and an increase in vitamin C content. As gabirobas armazenadas a 0º and 6 ºC alcançaram maior tempo de armazenamento After 12 days of storage, the fruits stored at 6 ºC contained higher amounts of water soluble solids, sugars, and antioxidants. In general, for long term storage, it is suggested to store gabiroba fruits at 6 ºC. On the other hand, for short term storage, the temperature of 12 ºC would be the better to keep high levels of vitamin C and phenolic compounds.
This study aimed to evaluate the postharvest behavior of peach cv. Aurora 1 harvested in the Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais in two ripening stages and kept under different storage temperatures. Fruits on mid-ripe and fully ripe stages were stored at three temperatures: 5.6 ± 1.57 °C and 72.8 ± 3.8% RH; 10.4 ± 0.5 °C and 95.8 ± 5.5% RH; 21.04 ± 1.63 °C and 96.9 ± 2.6% RH up to 28 storage days (SD) . During storage, fruits stored at 21.04 ± 1.63 °C were evaluated every two days until 8 SD, and every four days for fruits stored at other temperatures. The harvest day was assigned as day zero. The variables evaluated were CO2 production, color of the pericarp and pulp, fresh mass loss, flesh firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, contents of ascorbic acid and carotenoids. The fresh mass loss increased during storage, peaking at 5.6 °C. The reduction in ascorbic acid content was higher in fully ripe fruits at all temperatures. Mid-ripe fruits reached the end of the storage period with better quality. The temperature of 10.4 °C was the most efficient in keeping postharvest quality of peach cv. Aurora 1 harvested in the Zona da Mata region.
Heat shock and salicylic acid have been studied on shelf-life extension of fruits. The benefits of these techniques have been related to their effect on inducing physiological defense responses against the oxidative stress and pathogen development. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of heat shock and salicylic acid on the postharvest preservation and contents of total phenolics, anthocyanins, ascorbic acid, fresh weight loss and microbiological quality of organic strawberries cv. Dover. Strawberries produced organically and stored at 5 ºC were subjected to heat shock (45 ºC ± 3 ºC for 3 h), application of salicylic acid (soaking in 2.0 mmol L-1 solution), heat shock in combination with salicylic acid and control. After treatment, the fruits were packed and stored in a climatic chamber at 5 ºC ± 2 ºC. At 1, 7 and 14 days, the experimental units were removed from refrigeration and kept at room temperature of approximately 20 ºC for two days. There was no effect of treatments on fresh weight loss, incidence of pathogens or chemical variations in strawberry fruits during the storage period. In natural conditions, organically grown strawberries remained in good condition for sale up to seven days of storage in all treatments.
Aedes albopictus were reared in different containers: a tree hole, a bamboo stump and an auto tire. The total times from egg hatching to adult emergence were of 19.6,27.3 and 37.5 days, respectively, according to the container. The first, second and third-instar larvae presented growth periods with highly similar durations. The fourth-instar larvae was longer than the others stages. The pupation time was longer than the fourth-instar larvae growth period. The temperature of the breeding sites studied, which was of 18° C to 22° C on average, was also taken into consideration. The mortality of the immature stages was analysed and compared as between the experimental groups; it was lower in the natural containers than in the discarded tire. The average wing length of adult females emerging from tree hole was significantly larger (p < 0.05) than that of those emerging from the tire.
The effects of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi on the electrocardiographic tracings of mice were studied in 4.groups of animals: (1) normal; (2) infected with a pathogenic T. cruzi strain (TS COB); (3) immunized with 3 intraperitoneal inocula of 10(6) attenuated T. cruzi epimastigotes (TCC) and (4) immunized-infected, which sequentially received the treatments of groups 3 and 2. Infection and protection were confirmed by xenodiagnosis and histopathology. Isolated alterations such as extrasystolia, 1st degree atrioventricular block, arrhythmia and ST elevation were observed in normal as well as infected mice. However, tracings taken repeatedly on each mouse over a 293 day period revealed a set of alterations which were more frequently seen in infected (14/22) than in normal (4/27) animals (p = 0.00048). These alterations consisted of supraventricular tachycardia, sinus bradycardia and persisting, first degree AV blocks, often associated to pacemaker changes. Inoculation of attenuated T. cruzi (group 3) did not increase these alterations (2/27 mice) but significantly prevented their development after challenge with the pathogenic strain (1/19 versus 14/22 mice, p = 0.000095). Thus, preimmunization reduced not only parasitemia but also a pathogenic consequence of T. cruzi infection. This evidence is relevant for immunoprevention studies against Chagas' disease.
We have evaluated the sensitivity of the classical blood subinoculation method, modified through cyclophosphamide treatment of transferred mice, for the detection of occult parasitaemias in Trypanosoma cruzi chronically infected mice. Besides its simplicity, the method was shown to be highly sensitive for both the "chronic" phase parasites (99% of chronic cases were shown to harbour occult parasitaemias) and for the acute phase parasites (T. cruzi could be detected in 53.8% of animals transferred with one Y strain parasite and in 20% of animals transferred with one CL strain parasite). Using acute phase bloodforms, the assay proved to be more sensitive than conventional subinoculation when dealing with the CL, but not the Y strain of the parasite. With the help of this parasite detection tool, we have studied during a one year period, the evolution of subpatent parasitaemias in a group of mice which survived through chemotherapy from lethal acute phase of T. cruzi infection. Cyclophosphamide transfer assay revealed occult parasitaemias in 100% of the chronic animals, nevertheless, continuous and discontinuous patterns of positivity were observed.
Toxocariasis is a worldwide public-health problem that poses major risks to children who may accidentally ingest embryonated eggs of Toxocara. The objectives of this study were to investigate the occurrence of anti-Toxocara spp. antibodies in children and adolescents and the variables that may be involved, as well as environmental contamination by Toxocara spp. eggs, in urban recreation areas of north central mesoregion, Paraná State, Brazil. From June 2005 to March 2007. a total of 376 blood samples were collected by the Public Health Service from children and adolescents one to 12 years old, of both genders. Samples were analyzed by the indirect ELISA method for detection of anti-Toxocara antibodies. Serum samples were previously absorbed with Ascaris suum antigens, and considered positive with a reagent reactivity index >1. Soil samples from all of the public squares and schools located in the four evaluated municipalities that had sand surfaces (n = 19) or lawns (n = 15) were analyzed. Of the 376 serum samples, 194 (51.6%) were positive. The seroprevalence rate was substantially higher among children aging one to five years (p = 0.001) and six to eight years (p = 0.022). The clinical signs and symptoms investigated did not show a statistical difference between seropositive and seronegative individuals (p > 0.05). In 76.5% of the investigated recreation places, eggs of Toxocara were detected in at least one of the five collected samples. Recreation areas from public schools were 2.8 times more contaminated than from public squares. It is important to institute educational programs to inform families and educators, as well as to improve sanitary control of animals and cleaning of the areas intended for recreation in order to prevent toxocariasis.