23 resultados para Takano, Cho ei, 1804-1850.
Prosthenhystera obesa (Diesing,1850) Travassos, 1922 from the gall bladder of Astyanax bimaculatus, Caranx gibbosus, Galeocharax humeralis, Leporinus copelandii, Pimelodus fur, Pseudopimelodus roosevelti, Salminus brevidens, Salminus maxillosus and from the new hosts, Cynopotamus amazonum and Triurobrycon lundii is redescribed, demonstrating a large morphological variation, mainly in body and testes size and shape. New hosts harbouring immature specimens of P. obesa are presented: Brycon sp., Leporellus vittatus, Pachyurus squamipinnis, Pimelodus clarias, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and Salminus hilarii. Scanning electron microscopy micrographies, original figures and measurements of adult and immature specimens from different Brazilian hosts and localities are presented
During investigation on the helminth parasites from Brycon hilarii Valenciennes, 1850 (Characiformes, Characidae), from River Juba, Tangará da Serra, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, several specimens of the nematode Neocucullanus Travassos, Artigas et Pereira, 1928 were detected. A detailed study of this material, including scanning electron microscopy, allowed to identify these nematodes as N. neocucullanus Travassos, Artigas et Pereira, 1928 and to confirm N. multipapillatus Petter, 1989 as a junior synonym of N. neocucullanus.
The skeletal remains of 17 people buried in the Eaton Ferry Cemetery in northern North Carolina provide a means of examining health and infectious disease experience in the XIX century South. The cemetery appears to contain the remains of African Americans enslaved on the Eaton family estate from approximately 1830-1850, and thus offers a window into the biological impacts of North American slavery in the years preceding the Civil War. The sample includes the remains of six infants, one child, and one young and nine mature adults (five men, four women, and one unknown). Skeletal indices used to characterize health and disease in the Eaton Ferry sample include dental caries, antemortem tooth loss, enamel hypoplasia, porotic hyperostosis, periosteal lesions, lytic lesions, and stature. These indicators reveal a cumulative picture of compromised health, including high rates of dental disease, childhood growth disruption, and infectious disease. Specific diseases identified in the sample include tuberculosis and congenital syphilis. Findings support previous research on the health impacts of slavery, which has shown that infants and children were the most negatively impacted segment of the enslaved African American population.
Neste estudo foi determinado a cobertura vegetal e a composição florÃstica em 38 parcelas de 3,75 ha (250 m x 150 m), distribuÃdas por 30.000 ha na savana de Alter do Chão, MunicÃpio de Santarém, Pará. Nas 38 parcelas foram registradas 130 espécies em 45 famÃlias. As únicas espécies de dicotiledôneas que cobriram 1% ou mais da área no estrato herbáceo-arbustivo foram Dioclea bicolor Benth. e Lafoensia pacari A. St.-Hil. A maior parte da área foi coberta pelas gramÃneas Paspalum carinatum Humb. & Bonpl. ex Flügge (16%) e Trachypogon plumosus (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Nees (22%). A gramÃnea Axonopus canescens (Nees ex Trin.) Pilg. e a ciperácea Rhyncospora hirsuta Vahl também cobriram mais que 1% da área. Apenas oito espécies, Anacardium occidentale L., Himatanthus fallax (Müll. Arg.) M. M. Plumel, Lafoensia pacari A. St.-Hil., Byrsonima coccolobifolia Kunth, Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth, Pouteria ramiflora (Mart.) Radlk., Qualea grandiflora Mart. e Salvertia convallariodora A. St.-Hil. tinham copas no estrato arbóreo que projetaram sobre mais que 1% da área. Destas, somente B. crassifolia (5,7%), S. convallariodora (6,0%) e P. ramiflora (2,1%) projetaram sobre mais que 2% da área. Cinqüenta e três por cento da área não tinha cobertura de arbustos, gramÃneas ou ciperáceas, e 45% também não tinha cobertura de copas de árvores. GramÃneas e ciperáceas cobriram em média 39,2% das parcelas, e arbustos 11,0%. As correlações entre matrizes de similaridade para as espécies em diferentes estratos e grupos taxonômicos da vegetação foram geralmente baixas e houve pouca correlação entre matrizes baseadas em dados quantitativos e matrizes baseadas em dados de presença/ausência. Portanto, deve-se ter cautela em comparações entre áreas de savana baseadas somente em um estrato vegetativo ou em um grupo taxonômico.
The organophosphorus insecticide Nuvacron (Monocrotophos) is a very toxic agent widely utilized in Brazilian agriculture. To evaluate the clastogenic potential of this insecticide, in vivo and in vitro micronucleus (MN) assay experiments were carried out on Swiss mice and on Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, respectively. Nuvacron administered at doses of 2.5 and 5.0 mg/kg induced a statistically significant increase in the frequencies of MN detected in polychromatic bone marrow erythrocytes from animals (six/group) treated ip 24 h before. Exponentially growing CHAO cells were treated continuously (16h) with Nuvacron diluted in water to final concentrations of 1, 10, 100, 200, and 400 mug/ml. Three experiments were carried out using the cytokinesis-block method and a total of 6000 binucleated cells were scored to determine MN frequencies. A statistically significant increase in the frequencies of MN was observed for the cells treated with 1 and 10 mug/ ml Nuvacron. A marked decrease in cell proliferation rates was observed for CHO cultures treated with higher concentrations. These data demonstrate that Nuvacron has a genotoxic effect on both in vivo and in vitro mammalian test systems.
We have examined the role of cell surface glycosaminoglycans in cell division: adhesion and proliferation of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. We used both wild-type (CHO-K1) cells and a mutant (CHO-745) which is deficient in the synthesis of proteoglycans due to lack of activity of xylosyl transferase. Using different amounts of wild-type and mutant cells, little adhesion was observed in the presence of laminin and type I collagen. However, when fibronectin or vitronectin was used as substrate, there was an enhancement in the adhesion of wild-type and mutant cells. Only CHO-K1 cells showed a time-dependent adhesion on type IV collagen. These results suggest that the two cell lines present different adhesive profiles. Several lines of experimental evidence suggest that heparan sulfate proteoglycans play a role in cell adhesion as positive modulators of cell proliferation and as key participants in the process of cell division. Proliferation and cell cycle assays clearly demonstrate that a decrease in the amount of glycosaminoglycans does not inhibit the proliferation of mutant CHO-745 cells when compared to the wild type CHO-K1, in agreement with the findings that both CHO-K1 and CHO-745 cells take 8 h to enter the S phase.
A construct (AT1R-NF) containing a "Flag" sequence added to the N-terminus of the rat AT1 receptor was stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells and quantified in the cell membrane by confocal microscopy after reaction with a fluorescein-labeled anti-Flag monoclonal antibody. Angiotensin II bound to AT1R-NF and induced endocytosis with a half-time of 2 min. After 60-90 min, fluorescence accumulated around the cell nucleus, suggesting migration of the ligand-receptor complex to the nuclear membrane. Angiotensin antagonists also induced endocytosis, suggesting that a common step in the transduction signal mechanism occurring after ligand binding may be responsible for the ligand-receptor complex internalization.
Neste trabalho, utilizamos o Intron Splice Site primer EI-1 para a análise do perfil de amplificação de diferentes espécies de leveduras consideradas contaminantes no processo de fermentação alcoólica, originadas de uma destilaria no Estado da ParaÃba na safra 2004/2005. Foram realizadas as etapas analÃticas para discriminação molecular das leveduras a partir da extração do DNA total, amplificação por PCR e análise do perfil genético. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o Intron Splice Site primer EI-1é muito eficaz na discriminação das diferentes espécies de Saccharomyces e não Saccharomyces, evidenciando padrões de bandas especÃficos para as leveduras analisadas. Este primer, por ser complementar a uma região muito conservada do genoma das leveduras, mostrou-se incapaz de uma discriminação intraespecÃfica. Isto demonstra a utilidade deste marcador no auxÃlio à taxonomia de leveduras.