The toxicity of surface waters in a zone with mining activity in the Aconcagua River was determined through growth inhibition bioassays of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, and correlated with heavy metal concentrations. Results show that the waters near the discharge of the mining effluent displayed toxicity during all periods of study; the molybdenum and copper concentration exceeded the norms of water quality. The correlations between the concentrations of metals and the growth rate of P. subcapitata varied in the different periods of the study; inverse and significant correlations with copper stand out in some periods.
The alteration of soil chemicals and its influence on availability (DTPA extractant method) and phytoavailability (63Ni L-value, isotopic method) of Ni was studied in sewage sludge-amended soil at different pHs. The soil pHs were 4.3, 5.3 and 5.9 and the rates of sewage sludge (SS) 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 Mg ha-1. The chemical and physicochemical soil characteristics were altered by the SS rate and increased the Ni availability and phytoavailability. The isotopic method (63Ni L-value) was more efficient in predicting the Ni phytoavailability that the Ni-DTPA extractant in soil pHs 5.3 and 5.9.
The Cd phytoavailability in sewage sludge-amended soils of different pHs using the 109Cd L-value isotopic method and Cd extracted by DTPA has been determined. Maize plants (Zea mais L.) were grown under greenhouse conditions in a xanthic ferralsol at different pHs amended with five sewage sludge (SS) rates, and labeled with 74 kBq kg-1 of 109Cd. The SS rates altered the properties of the soil chemicals and these influenced the isotopic parameter (L-value) and percent of Cd uptake by plants from soil (%Cdpdfs) and SS (%CdpdfSS). L-values and Cd extracted by DTPA correlate significantly with SS rates and Cd uptake by plants and are efficient for predicting the Cd phytoavailability in the sewage sludge-amended soil.
In this investigation antioxidant response and toxicity of metals in receiving water effluent miner in the Blanco river in Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata was assessed. The catalase activity, lipid damage through Tbars, the growth rate of was determined. The result showed an inhibition of the growth rate of P. subcapitata which correlated with increased catalase activity and the lipid liperoxidation. These responses were correlated with the concentrations of copper and iron.
Foi avaliada a compostagem dos biossólidos gerados na Estação de Tratamento de Esgotos - ETE, de Cañaveralejo, da cidade de Cali - Colômbia. Ainda que o processo se mostrasse viável, a incorporação de materiais de suporte e emenda foi favorável ao mesmo e à qualidade do produto final ao melhorar as condições de manejo, estrutura e porosidade do biossólido (B), além de melhorar as relações carbono/nitrogênio. Dos materiais avaliados, os que apresentaram melhor desempenho como materiais de suporte (MS) e Emenda (ME), foram os resíduos de poda e a cachaça, respectivamente; a relação ótima B:MS:ME, em percentagem, foi 72:10:18. Do ponto de vista da gestão dos resíduos e considerando o crescente incremento no número de ETEs municipais, este estudo mostrou que o composto produzido a partir de biossólidos pode ser considerado um material com potencial agrícola; adicionalmente, nos casos em que a única opção é a disposição final, o processo permitiu reduzir o volume a ser disposto até em 70%.
Según estudios realizados en el periodo de 1992-1998 en las aguas de los pozos, norias y manantiales, del municipio de Zimapán, Estado de Hidalgo, México, se corroboró que existía un incremento en el contenido de arsénico rebasando los límites máximos permisibles por la Norma Oficial Mexicana. La determinación de arsénico en las muestras de aguas se realizó por absorción atómica (AAS), mediante generador de hidruros (GH). En este estudio se utilizó el Vicia faba como un bioensayo para evaluar el daño genotóxico con la prueba de inducción de micronúcleos por exposición al agua de Zimapán, contaminada con As en células de raíces. Se utilizó como ensayo de control un agua de pozo de similares características del municipio de Pachuca, pero con contenidos de As por debajo de los límites de detección. Los resultados mostraron que el agua de esta región presenta altas concentraciones de arsénico y que puede provocar efectos genotóxicos que se manifiestan por la inducción de micronúcleos en las células meristemáticas de raíces de tejidos vegetales sensible.