31 resultados para Syring, Dick
RESUMO A interação de compostos orgânicos com minerais de argila pode alterar o tamanho dos cristais. No entanto, em solos, esse efeito é ainda pouco claro por causa das limitações na separação de fases puras de minerais para realizar experimentos de dissolução. Neste estudo, a relação entre a matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) e diâmetro médio do cristal (DMC) de minerais de argila de horizontes superficiais e subsuperfíciais de solos de uma topossequência no sul do Brasil foi avaliada. Os teores de C e N foram determinados, e a natureza dos grupos funcionais da MOS foi avaliada por espectroscopia de FTIR. O DMC dos minerais foi avaliado por difração de raios X, em umas amostras desferrificadas e outras com óxidos de Fe concentrados. Os teores de C e N e as intensidades relativas dos espectros de FTIR foram considerados como variáveis preditoras; e o DMC de hematita, goethita, caulinita e gibbsita, como variáveis preditas. Os teores de C e N e os grupos carboxílicos e C-O-Alquil evidenciaram efeito significativo sobre a variação do DMC. A dimensão dos cristais de óxidos de Fe e de caulinita foi inversamente correlacionada com esses atributos da MOS. Em contraste, o DMC de gibbsita não foi influenciado pelos atributos dae MOS. A influência da MOS sobre o DMC dos óxidos de Fe foi atribuída às reações de complexação de superfície e de redox, que promovem um processo contínuo de dissolução-precipitação.
Com o objetivo de estudar a atividade do herbicida acetochlor em Argissolo Vermelho submetido à semeadura direta e ao preparo convencional, foram conduzidos experimentos no campo e em laboratório. O herbicida apresentou menor controle das plantas daninhas na semeadura direta do que sob preparo convencional. A redução de matéria seca de trigo na amostra de solo coletada na profundidade de 16-19 cm foi superior sob semeadura direta, indicando maior potencial de lixiviação do herbicida neste sistema de preparo. Os valores de coeficiente de partição do herbicida no solo (Kd) foram de 2,75 e 1,67 L kg-1 em relação ao solo sob semeadura direta e preparo convencional, respectivamente, indicando que o primeiro apresentou maior capacidade de sorver acetochlor. O coeficiente de partição em relação ao teor de carbono orgânico (Koc) foi de 166 e 126 L kg-1 no solo cultivado em semeadura direta e sob preparo convencional, respectivamente, sugerindo que o herbicida foi sorvido em maior intensidade pela matéria orgânica do solo sob semeadura direta.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito residual de queimadas periódicas nos atributos químicos, teor e composição da matéria orgânica de um Latossolo Vermelho e na composição química da vegetação predominante. Os ambientes estudados foram: campo nativo pastejado, sem queima e sem roçada (PN); campo nativo queimado e pastejado (PQ); e mata nativa adjacente à pastagem (MN). As amostras de solo foram coletadas nas camadas 0-5, 0-20, 20-40 e 40-60 cm, para determinação dos atributos de fertilidade, teores de carbono e nitrogênio, e realização das análises de espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR). A parte aérea da vegetação desses ambientes foi analisada por análise elementar e FTIR. A queima da pastagem reduziu os teores de N, Mg e K e aumentou a saturação por Al no solo, em comparação ao PN. No solo sob mata, os teores dos nutrientes foram menores, e os de C e N e a saturação por Al mais elevados do que em PN. A aromaticidade da matéria orgânica do solo não diferiu entre os três ambientes estudados e aumentou em profundidade. Na vegetação da pastagem queimada, observou-se menor teor de N e maior proporção de grupos silicatados, em comparação ao PN. A vegetação de mata apresentou maior quantidade de grupamentos nitrogenados e aromáticos do que a de PN e PQ.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the distribution pattern and composition of soil organic matter (SOM) and its physical pools of Leptosols periodically affected by fire over the last 100 years in South Brazil. Soil samples at 0-5, 5-10, and 10-15 cm depths were collected from the following environments: native pasture without burning in the last year and grazed with 0.5 livestock per hectare per year (1NB); native pasture without burning in the last 23 years and grazed with 2.0 livestock per hectare per year (23NB); and an Araucaria forest (AF). Physical fractionation was performed with the 0-5 and 5-10 cm soil layers. Soil C and N stocks were determined in the three depths and in the physical pools, and organic matter was characterized by infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetry. The largest C stocks in all depths and physical pools were found under the AF. The 23NB environment showed the lowest soil C and N stocks at the 5-15 cm depth, which was related to the end of burning and to the higher grazing intensity. The SOM of the occluded light fraction showed a greater chemical recalcitrance in 1NB than in 23NB. Annual pasture burning does not affect soil C stocks up to 15 cm of depth.
In this study, controlled release formulations of Atrazine (ATZ) were synthesized by the sol-gel method and characterized by elemental, FTIR, SEM, BET and DSC analyses. The release kinetic of ATZ from the formulations in CaCl2 0.01 mol L-1 medium was monitored by UV/Vis spectroscopy. In all formulations, ATZ was physically dispersed on the Si-polymer, and the dispersion grade decreased with increasing amount of herbicide. The ATZ release kinetics was controlled mainly by dissolution, and the data could be fitted to the Korsmeyer - Pepper model. The ATZ as xerogel presents a lower affinity for soil than as granulated form.
Soil organic matter is the main sorptive soil compartment for atrazine in soils, followed in a minor scale by the inorganic fraction. In this study, the soil organic matter quality and atrazine sorption were investigated in four different soil types. The pedogenic environment affected the humification and therefore the chemical composition of the organic matter. The organic matter contribution to atrazine sorption was larger (60-83%) than that of the inorganic fraction. The organic matter capacity in retaining the herbicide was favoured by a higher decomposition degree and a smaller carboxylic substitution of the aliphatic chains.
Following application herbicides usually reach the soil and undergo several dissipation processes which determine their effects on target organisms and on the environment. This work aimed to evaluate atrazine and mesotrione sorption in Oxisols and estimate their potential impact on the environment. We observed that atrazine sorption was influenced by soil organic matter content and its hydrophobic character. Clay fraction was the main factor influencing mesotrione sorption followed in a lesser extent by soil organic matter content. In contrast to atrazine, mesotrione retention was favored by the higher carboxylic substitution in the aliphatic chains of soil organic matter. Atrazine and mesotrione were considered compounds that are likely to pose an appreciable risk of causing deleterious effects on the environment.
Distribution and stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) compartments after Pinus monoculture introduction in a native pasture area of a Cambisol, Santa Catarina, Brazil, were investigated. Pinus introduction increased soil acidity, content of exchangeable Al+3 and diminished soil nutrients. Nevertheless, soil C stock increased in all humic fractions of the 0-5 cm layer after Pinus afforestation. In the subsurface, the vegetation change only promoted SOM redistribution from the NaOH-extractable humic substances to a less hydrophobic humin fraction. Under Pinus, soil organo-mineral interactions were relevant up to a 15 cm depth, while in pasture environment, this mechanism occurred mainly in the surface layer.
The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of composted pig slurry (PS) on the organic matter concentration and distribution of humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA) and humin (HU) fractions. The fractions were quantified following the addition of composted PS to the soil, which was produced with no acidification (T2) or with acidification with H3PO4 (T3); and in soil without compost addition (T1). The HA chemical composition was analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy. The addition of the two composts did not change the soil carbon concentration but affected the distribution of the humic fractions. For the three treatments, the carbon concentration of humic substances increased until 52 days following compost addition, with more pronounced increases with the addition of non-acidified PS compost (14.5 g kg-1) and acidified PS compost (15.1 g kg-1). This increase was reflected in both the FA and HA concentrations. The addition of compost with PS acidification resulted in the formation of larger humic micelles (HA) with higher aromatic content and fewer functional groups than the non-acidified PS compost. These findings, together with a lower proportion of carbohydrate-type structures, indicated the presence of more stable humic micelles in the soil treated with acidified PS compost.
The intensive use of pesticides have contaminated the soil and groundwater. The application of herbicides as controlled release formulations may reduce the environmental damage related to their use because it may optimize the efficiency of the active ingredient and reducing thus the recommended dose. The objective of this study was to evaluate the persistence of the herbicide atrazine applied as commercial formulation (COM) and as controlled release formulation (xerogel - XER) in Oxisol. The experimental design used was split-plot randomized-blocks with four replications, in a (2 x 6) + 1 arrangement. The two formulations (COM and XER) were assigned to main plots and different atrazine concentrations (0, 3.200, 3.600, 4.200, 5.400 and 8.000 g atrazine ha-1) were assigned to sub-plots. Persistence was determined by means of dissipation kinetics and bioavailability tests. The methodology of bioassays to assess the atrazine availability is efficient and enables to distinguish the tested formulations. The availability of atrazine XER is higher than the commercial in two different periods: up to 5 days after herbicide application and at the 35th day after application. The XER formulation tends to be more persistent in relation to COM formulation.
Mobility of atrazine in soil has contributed to the detection of levels above the legal limit in surface water and groundwater in Europe and the United States. The use of new formulations can reduce or minimize the impacts caused by the intensive use of this herbicide in Brazil, mainly in regions with higher agricultural intensification. The objective of this study was to compare the leaching of a commercial formulation of atrazine (WG) with a controlled release formulation (xerogel) using bioassay and chromatographic methods of analysis. The experiment was a split plot randomized block design with four replications, in a (2 x 6) + 1 arrangement. The main formulations of atrazine (WG and xerogel) were allocated in the plots, and the herbicide concentrations (0, 3200, 3600, 4200, 5400 and 8000 g ha-1), in the subplots. Leaching was determined comparatively by using bioassays with oat and chromatographic analysis. The results showed a greater concentration of the herbicide in the topsoil (0-4 cm) in the treatment with the xerogel formulation in comparison with the commercial formulation, which contradicts the results obtained with bioassays, probably because the amount of herbicide available for uptake by plants in the xerogel formulation is less than that available in the WG formulation.
Accelerated herbicide degradation consists in its faster degradation in areas where it has been previously applied, due to the adaptation of microbial population to that particular compound. Accelerated degradation can reduce herbicide persistence and reduce its efficacy in soil. The objective of this study was to investigate if imidazolinone herbicides have enhanced microbial degradation in rice paddy soils. A laboratory experiment was conducted, evaluating the CO2 evolution rate from soils with and without history of herbicide application (imazapyr + imazapic and imazethapyr + imazapic), incubated with imidazolinone herbicides: imazethapyr, imazapyr, imazapic, imazamethabenz, imazamox and an untreated check. The amount of CO2 released from the soil was measured. As a result, the prior application of imidazolinones does not stimulate microbial degradation of herbicides from the same chemical group.
Para o estudo da diversidade de Oomycota da Reserva Biológica de Paranapiacaba, amostras de água e solo foram coletadas trimestralmente, de novembro/2003 a novembro/2004 e iscadas com substratos celulósicos e queratinosos. De 175 isolamentos realizados, 35 espécies foram identificadas, sendo seis mencionadas pela primeira vez para o Brasil e, descritas, comentadas e ilustradas no presente trabalho. Destas, uma é pertencente a Leptolegniellaceae (Leptolegniella exogena Karling), uma a Pythiaceae (Pythium helicandrum Drechsler) e quatro a Saprolegniaceae (Achlya treleaseana (Humphrey) Kauffman, Leptolegnia subterranea Coker & Harvey, Saprolegnia blelhamensis (Dick) Mil'ko e S. terrestris Cookson ex Seymour).