34 resultados para Sowing date
ABSTRACT Increasing attention has recently been given to sweet sorghum as a renewable raw material for ethanol production, mainly because its cultivation can be fully mechanized. However, the intensive use of agricultural machinery causes soil structural degradation, especially when performed under inadequate conditions of soil moisture. The aims of this study were to evaluate the physical quality of aLatossolo Vermelho Distroférrico (Oxisol) under compaction and its components on sweet sorghum yield forsecond cropsowing in the Brazilian Cerrado (Brazilian tropical savanna). The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design, in a split plot arrangement, with four replications. Five levels of soil compaction were tested from the passing of a tractor at the following traffic intensities: 0 (absence of additional compaction), 1, 2, 7, and 15 passes over the same spot. The subplots consisted of three different sowing times of sweet sorghum during the off-season of 2013 (20/01, 17/02, and 16/03). Soil physical quality was measured through the least limiting water range (LLWR) and soil water limitation; crop yield and technological parameters were also measured. Monitoring of soil water contents indicated a reduction in the frequency of water content in the soil within the limits of the LLWR (Fwithin) as agricultural traffic increased (T0 = T1 = T2>T7>T15), and crop yield is directly associated with soil water content. The crop sown in January had higher industrial quality; however, there was stalk yield reduction when bulk density was greater than 1.26 Mg m-3, with a maximum yield of 50 Mg ha-1 in this sowing time. Cultivation of sweet sorghum as a second crop is a promising alternative, but care should be taken in cultivation under conditions of pronounced climatic risks, due to low stalk yield.
Field studies were established in Zavalla and Oliveros, Argentina, during four years in order to optimize Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.) chemical control by means of the thermal calendar model in comparison with other criteria (weed height or days after sowing). The effect of three application dates of postemergence herbicides was determined by visual control, density of tillers originated from rhizome bud regrowth, and from crown and shoot bud regrowth, and soybean yield. Following the thermal calendar model criterion, applications during the second date afforded the best control. Weed height for the first date showed little variability between experiments but was highly variable in the second and third application dates, achieving in some cases values greater than 120 cm. For all years, no significant differences were detected for crop yield between the first and second application dates, and yields were always lower for the third date. The greatest rhizome bud regrowth was observed for the earliest application date and the highest crown and shoot bud regrowth was determined for the last application date. Parameters associated with control efficiency showed the best behaviour for the second date. However, plant height at this moment may interfere with herbicide application and the variability exhibited by this parameter highlights the risk of determining control timing using only one decision criterion.
The use of wild oat races in artificial hybridization with cultivated oat (Avena sativa L.) has been used as a way of increasing the variability. This work aimed to identify the variability for plant height and flowering date of groups of cultivated oat genotypes, wild introductions of A. fatua L. and segregating populations of natural crosses between A. sativa and A. fatua. Wide genetic variability was observed for both traits in the groups and between them. The wild group of A. fatua L. showed high plants with early maturity, but in the segregating group there was reduced plant height and early maturity. The wild introductions of A. fatua L. studied in this work can be used in oat breeding programs to increase genetic variability by transferring specific characters into the cultivated germ plasm.
If inappropriately conducted, management and sowing practices may compromise the environment and the profitability of the agricultural activity. The aim of this study was to analyze the furrow opener mechanisms action and the level of load applied to soil firming mechanism in no-till, on the Oxisol resistance to penetration during soybean sowing, under three soil moistures. The experiment was arranged in split-split plot design, in which the plots were composed by three soil moistures (23.8; 25.5 and 27.5% b.s.), two furrow opener mechanisms sub-plots (double disks and furrow plough) and the split-split plot of three levels of load applied to soil firming mechanism (12.2; 18.5 and 24.1 kPa), according to randomized blocks design, with three replications. The soil moisture provided different resistance behavior to penetration with the depth, on the seedbed, independently of the furrow opener and the level of load applied to soil firming mechanism. The furrow plough use provided less soil resistance to penetration when compared to the double disk furrow opener, on the seedbed, independently of the soil moisture and the level of load applied to soil firming mechanism. The pressure applied by soil firming mechanism of 18.5 kPa provided the lower resistance to penetration, when the furrow plough was used. The soil resistance to penetration was less on the sowing line than on between rows, with 20 cm deep.
The seeding process was the operation that suffered the most changes in no-tillage system due the cover crop soil and new particle soil arrangement. The objective of this study was to verify the effects of loads applied to the wheels and adjustments of sowing depth on seedling emergence of corn in no-tillage system. The experimental design was completely randomized with a factorial arrangement 5x4, with five loads applied to the wheels and four theoretical sowing depth adjustments. The real sowing depth increased in the lower theoretical depth and decreased in the higher theoretical depth, due to the compaction loads. Regarding the time of emergence, loads applied had not influence at the greater depths. Emergence time decreased with the load increase in the lower depths. Thus, the adjustment of the compactor wheels can influence in the corn seeding process.
The forage production in crop-livestock integration is critical both for formation of straw for no tillage planting and food for livestock farm. The experiment was conducted in the autumn/winter of 2009 and 2010, in the city of Selvíria -state of Mato Grosso do Sul -MS, Brazil, at Experimental Station of FEIS/UNESP. The objective was to evaluate the optimal depth for deposition of seeds of two Brachiaria species intercropped with corn with emphasis on grain yield and straw. The experimental design was a randomized block design in a factorial scheme 3 x 3, with four replications. The main treatments were two species of Brachiaria (Urochloa brizantha "Marandú" and Urochloa ruziziensis), which seeds were mixed with corn fertilizer and a control treatment (without intercropping). Secondary treatments consisted of three depths (8; 10 and 16 cm) in the deposition of fertilizer (in the consortium and the control treatments). The intercropping corn with Brachiaria produced similar amounts of straw. The straw total production was higher when intercropped and decreased with depth. The consortium with U. ruziziensis provided higher grain yield of corn in relation to U. brizantha, in 2010. The sowing depth of forages did not affect corn yield.
The aim of this study was to determine whether the form of placing the fertilizer by the planter during the sowing under mulch in the no till system affects the yield of corn. The treatments consisted of placing the fertilizer during the seeding 0.05 m below and beside the seed, in front of the cutting blade and without fertilizer, in 03 farms during 03 cropping years. The experimental design at each farm was the randomized block, with 08 repetitions, whose plots had 30 m² each. The initial population and yield components were evaluated. Under the experimental conditions it is concluded that base fertilization can affect the yield. Fertilizer placement can affect the initial stand, but not the yield.
Straw on sowing line modifies seed germination environment regarding temperature and water content. Given these considerations, the aim of this study was to evaluate different mechanisms for coverage mobilization on the sowing line and their effect on germination environment of maize seeds, mainly in relation to the dynamics of straw in the seedbed, water content and soil temperature. Treatments consisted on the combination of two mechanisms at front of furrow opener, composed of cutting disc and row cleaners, with three mechanisms behind the seed furrower for returning the soil, consisting of three covering mechanisms, commercial and prototype models. It was found that straw presence on the surface of sowing line contributed to germination of maize seeds, maintenance of temperature and soil water content. The cutting disc treatment, associated with prototype, introduced percentages of water content near the ones in bottom layer, and this soil water content was 29.7% with 93.75% of straw coverage and deeper seeding depth, granting better conditions for seed germination. However, the straw coverage removal on soil by the row cleaners and its low sowing depth caused water loss in the lines resulting in great reduction of the emergence speed index in maize seedlings.
Among studies focused on increasing soybean grain yield, the ones related to sowing process are the most significant. Considering that soybean has an epigeal emergence, it becomes difficult to hint at the length covered by hypocotyl up to soil surface, or the actual planting depth. This study aimed to find an indicator that allows the identification of an ideal soybean planting depth. For this purpose, two complementary assays has been carried out in a greenhouse. The first aimed to identify structures that could be indicators of seed planting depth, on a medium-textured soil from Campos Gerais region, in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Spring NK 8350 cultivar seeds were sown at five theoretical depths (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 cm). As seedlings emerged, the “differentiation zone” and the “root curve” depths were measured. The second assay was the validation of the suggested indicators in assay 1 from two soils, one medium-textured and one clay-textured. For this assay, it was used BRS 232. Both the methodologies showed high correlation with the theoretical planting depth. Although their correlation coefficient values were close, the differentiation zone appeared to be the most efficient reference with less planting depth overestimation.
ABSTRACTPeanut crop (Arachis hypogaeaL.) mechanization has been improved over the years; however there are drawbacks that affect the quality of operations. Thus, this article’s objectives were to evaluate the operational performance of the mechanized sowing of peanut crop according to seeding densities (10, 14, and 18 seeds m-1) and seed sizes (21 and 23 mm). It was observed that the seeds of 23 mm had shorter average number of days to emergence and a higher percentage of emergences, occurring the opposite to the seeding density of 18 seeds m-1. The higher the seeding density, the largest was the plant stand, whereas the 23 mm seed obtained the best results and the same with the seeding density of 14 seeds m-1 that had a higher percentage of normal spacing. The densities of 14 and 18 seeds m-1 reflected in higher yields, being always superior to the 23 mm seeds.
There is interest in the identification of the best seeding density for new corn hybrids and on reduced use of herbicides for weed control. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of seeding density (30, 50, 70, and 90 thousand plants ha-1) and weed control on green ear yield and grain yield in corn cultivar AG 1051. A completely randomized block design was adopted with split-plots (seeding densities assigned to plots) and ten replicates. Weed control was achieved by means of two hoeings and by planting corn intercropped with gliricidia (between corn rows, in pits spaced 0.3 m apart). A "no weeding"treatment was included as well. Increased seeding density increased the total number and weight of marketable green ears and decreased the biomass of both weeds and gliricidia. In non-weeded, intercropped and hoed plots, the maximum grain yield values achieved as seeding density increased were 7,881, 7,021, and 9,213 kg ha-1, respectively, obtained with populations of 67 thousand, 74 thousand, and 67 thousand plants per hectare, respectively. Intercropping did not control weeds (26 species) and provided weed growth, green ear yield, and grain yield (at the lowest densities) similar to those obtained without hoeing, except for total number of green ears, in which no influence of weed control was observed. At densities of 70 thousand and 90 thousand plants per hectare, grain yield with two hoeings was not different from yield values obtained without weeding or in the treatment intercropped with gliricidia, respectively, indicating that increased corn seeding density as well as gliricidiamay help to control weeds.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of weed interference on soybean cultivars at two sowing times in Urutaí, GO. The treatments were arranged in split-plots, and the sowing times (November 16 and December 16, 2009) were allocated in the plots; the soybean cultivars [BRSGO Amaralina, P98C81 (semi-late cycle) BRSGO Raissa, BRSGO Indiara, P98Y11 (median cycle) and BRSGO 7560, BRSGO Caiapônia, Emgopa 302RR (early cycle)] were allocated in the split-plots; and the coexistence or non coexistence of soybean cultivars with weeds, throughout their cycle, was allocated in the split-plots. Non coexistence was established by manual weeding. The experiment was arranged in randomized blocks with four replications. It was verified that the optimal time for sowing soybeans was the month of November, and that under these conditions, the cultivars had higher competitive ability against weeds. Late sowing affected the cycle, development, and yield of the soybean cultivars; this effect was greater under the influence of the weed community.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth and yield of soybean cultivar M-8766 in consortium with Brachiaria brizantha. BRS Piata and Brachiaria ruziziensis at different densities and sowing dates. The experimental design was randomized blocks with treatments arranged in a factorial 2 x 2 x 3 with four replications. Used as factors grass species (Brachiaria brizantha Piata and Brachiaria ruziziensis BRS) intercropped with soybean M-8766, sowing dates (12 and 24 days after soybean emergence) and three seeding rates (0, 5, 10 kg ha-1 of seed). At 71 days after soybean emergence were evaluated plant height, stem diameter, dry mass of leaves, stems and shoots, and 4 months after sowing determined the weight of 100 grains and soybean yield. The results showed that when seeded at a density of 10 kg ha-1 at 12 and 24 DAE soy, Brachiaria brizantha. BRS Piata caused reduction in yield in the order of 6.71% and 3.03% respectively, while the Brachiaria ruziziensis was one that caused a greater reduction in productivity in the order of 13.42 and 16.23%, respectively, of these values expression when considering the price of soybean sack. B. ruziziensis expressed less competitive with soybean. However, the large biomass production of this grass provides deployment system till the next harvest.
The success of conservation systems such as no-till depends on adequate soil cover throughout the year, which is possible through the use of cover crops. For this purpose the species belonging to the genus Urochloa has stood out by virtue of its hardiness and tolerance to drought. Aiming ground cover for the no-till system, the objective was to evaluate the establishment of two species of the genus Urochloa, in three sowing methods, in the weed suppression and the sensitivity of these forages to glyphosate. The study design was a randomized block with a 2 x 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, in which factor A was composed of Urochloa ruziziensis and Urochloa hybrid CIAT 36087 cv. Mulato II, factor B was formed by sowing methods: sown without embedding, sown with light embedding and sown in rows, and factor C was composed of three doses of glyphosate (0.975, 1.625 and 2.275 kg ha-1 of acid equivalent). For determination of weed suppression, assessment of biomass yield and soil cover was performed, by brachiaria and weeds, at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 258 days after sowing. Visual assessment of the desiccation efficiency at 7 and 14 days after herbicide application was performed. It is concluded that embedding Urochloa seeds stands out in relation to sowing in the soil surface. Urochloa ruziziensis is more efficient in the dry weight yield, weed suppression, in addition to being more sensitive to glyphosate herbicide.
ABSTRACT This study aimed to understand the influence of sowing depth and the amount of sugarcane straw on the emergence of weed species Luffa aegyptiaca Miller (Cucurbitaceae); Mucuna aterrima Piper & Tracy (Fabaceae - Leguminosae) and Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae). A completely randomized design with a 5 x 4 x 3 factorial layout with four replications was used, at five sowing depths (0, 2, 4, 8 and 10 cm), four different amounts of sugarcane straw (0, 5, 10 and 15 t ha-1) and three different evaluation periods (7, 14 and 21 days after sowing). After sowing, different amounts of sugarcane straw (0, 5, 10 and 15 t ha-1) were deposited on soil. Seedling emergence was analyzed at 7, 14 and 21 days after sowing, counting the number of seedlings that had emerged. At the end of the trial, weed height (cm), leaf area (cm2) and shoot dry mass (g) were measured. In relation to emergence ability, studied species presented different responses according to sowing depth and to the amount of sugarcane straw deposited on the soil. For the L.aegyptiacaand M.aterrima, no significant difference was observed in the interaction between depth and sugarcane straw, showing the adaptation of these species to no-burn sugarcane system. For R.communis, seeds placed at 0 cm of sugar cane straw depth were observed to favor the emergence of seedlings.