264 resultados para Solanum melongena L
Foi estudada a ocorrência de Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) e de Agrotis ipsilon (Hüfnagel, 1767) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) em plantas de batata, cultivares Achat e Monalisa, influenciadas por dosagens de nitrogênio e potássio, e teor mínimo de açúcares solúveis. Os seguintes parâmetros foram avaliados: concentração de nutrientes minerais e açúcar em folha verde, folha senescente, folha em abcisão, haste, tubérculo e planta total usando extratos de infusão em etanol 80%. A maior infestação por larvas de D. speciosa foi na cultivar Monalisa a 150 kg.ha-1 de N + K com 27,03% a P<0,05. Foi observado que o efeito da dosagem de N + K no incremento da concentração de açúcares solúveis aumentou os danos provocados por A. ipsilon nos tubérculos e hastes. A infestação por essas espécies aumentou para 58,82% na cultivar Monalisa, quando a dosagem de nitrogênio foi elevada de 0 para 150 kg.ha-1, na ausência de potássio. Por outro lado, alta dosagem de potássio reduziu os danos causados por A. ipsilon na cultivar Monalisa. Entretanto, não influiu no armazenamento de açúcar solúvel. Os resultados indicaram que na cultivar Achat os teores de açúcares solúveis foram reduzidos, provavelmente sensibilizados pela elevação da dosagem de adubação potássica, diferindo da cultivar Monalisa cuja influência verificada foi pela dosagem do nitrogênio.
As antocianinas, pigmentos da classe dos flavonóides, são os principais substâncias cromogênicas encontrados nas flores vermelhas, azuis e púrpuras. Uma das principais características das antocianinas, com aproveitamento didático é a sua mudança de coloração em função do pH do meio. Este trabalho se insere em um projeto mais amplo, que visa propor experimentos simples e de baixo custo para ensino, utilizando-se de vegetais facilmente encontrados no Brasil. Os corantes utilizados se prestam ao ensino desde conceitos básicos de equilíbrio químico para estudantes de ensino médio, de indicadores em titulação para cursos de química geral e até da Lei de Lambert-Beer e de Espectros de Absorção, para cursos de instrumentação. A espécie utilizada foi Solanum nigrum L (maria-preta), cujo extrato bruto foi utilizado como agente cromóforo. Usando o extrato bruto como indicador em titulações ácido-base, observaram-se erro relativos da ordem de 0,11-1,0%, quando comparado com os resultados potenciométricos. A mudança de cor observada foi de vermelho para amarelo, entre pH 4 e 10. Espectros de absorção na região do UV e do visível foram obtidos em diferentes pH, para determinação dos comprimentos de onda dos máximos de absorção, bem como para demonstração da mudança da forma destes espectros em função da acidez do meio.
Estudos de biologia floral e dos animais visitantes, em anos diferentes, foram feitos em duas populações (Brotas e Campinas) de jurubeba, um arbusto invasor neotropical. As flores, do tipo aberto, têm odor muito suave. Pétalas de côr violeta-pálido, contrastando com as anteras amarelas, formam um conjunto visualmente atrativo. O pólen é a única recompensa para os visitantes. A espécie é alógama. Uma média de 19% das flores em ambas as populações apresentaram estilete curto e somente flores de estilete longo formaram frutos, indicando a existência de andromonoicia funcional. As taxas de frutificação em condições naturais diferiram entre Brotas (43%) e Campinas (17%). A frutificação por polinização manual foi de 46% em Brotas e nula em Campinas, provavelmente devido a um longo período de seca. A regularidade da microsporogênese e a alta taxa de viabilidade dos grãos de pólen mostraram a normalidade do processo de reprodução sexuada. Anteras poricidas e outras características florais de S. paniculatum estão associadas à síndrome da polinização vibrátil, que requer abelhas especializadas para a retirada de pólen. Os principais polinizadores foram Oxaea flavescens, Bombus morio, e Xylocopa frontalis na população de Campinas e Augochloropsis sp 1 e Augochloropsis sp 2 na de Brotas.
Eggplant (Solanum melongena) is consumed extensively in Brazil. It has been believed that infusion of a powdered preparation of the fruit may reduce serum cholesterol. However, there are few documented reports on its effects on cholesterol metabolism and its possible hypocholesterolemic effect has not been proved by well-controlled studies. The aim of the present study was to observe the effects of S. melongena on the serum cholesterol and triglycerides of 38 hypercholesterolemic human volunteers ingesting S. melongena infusion for five weeks. Thirty-eight hypercholesterolemic subjects receiving either S. melongena infusion (N = 19) or placebo (N = 19) participated in two clinical experiments in which the effect of S. melongena infusion was studied with (N = 16) or without (N = 38) dietary orientation. Total cholesterol and its fractions, triglycerides, and apolipoproteins A and B were measured in blood at the beginning of the experiment and three and five weeks thereafter. No differences were observed compared to control. Intraindividual analysis showed that S. melongena infusion significantly reduced the blood levels of total and LDL cholesterol and of apolipoprotein B. After dietary orientation, no intra- or intergroup differences were seen for any of the parameters analyzed. The results suggest that S. melongena infusion had a modest and transitory effect, which was not different from that obtained with standard orientation for dyslipidemia patients (diet and physical activities).
A batata é uma das principais hortaliças cultivadas no Brasil, constituindo-se em um dos mais importantes alimentos na dieta humana, em decorrência de sua disponibilidade e características nutricionais. Entretanto, membros da família Solanaceae produzem, durante crescimento e após colheita, compostos potencialmente tóxicos denominados glicoalcalóides, dos quais alfa-solanina e alfa-chaconina predominam. A concentração máxima desses compostos em batata in natura considerada segura para consumo humano é estimada em 200mg·kg-1, expressa como glicoalcalóides totais (GAT). No presente estudo, foram extraídos e quantificados os GAT em amostras de tubérculos de batata in natura comercializados na cidade de Campinas, SP. A técnica utilizada foi a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) com coluna C18 e detetor de arranjo de diodos. O valor médio de recuperação foi 102,6% para alfa-solanina e 100,2% para alfa-chaconina. Os limites de quantificação foram 2,5µg·mL-1 para alfa-solanina e 1,4µg·mL-1 para alfa-chaconina. As concentrações de GAT em amostras individuais de tubérculos inteiros das diferentes variedades e tipos estudados (Bintje, Monaliza, Asterix e Bolinha) variaram de 22,4 a 246,9mg·kg-1. Das amostras analisadas, 82% apresentaram níveis de GAT inferiores a 100mg·kg-1, o que indica que as variedades de batatas estudadas podem ser consideradas seguras para consumo humano.
AbstractThermal processing and production practices used in vegetables can cause changes in their phytochemical contents. Eggplant is characterized by its high antioxidant content. The objective of this work was to determine levels of anthocyanins, polyphenols, and flavonoids and antioxidant capacity in organically and conventionally grown eggplant prepared fresh or subjected to one of three thermal preparation methods: boiling, baking or steaming. The soluble and hydrolyzable polyphenols and flavonoids content were quantified by Folin-Ciocalteu and Aluminum chloride methods, respectively. Anthocyanins were quantified according to the pH differential method. Antioxidant capacity was determined by DPPH and ORAC methods. The results showed differences between organic and conventional eggplant for some variables although cultivation method did not have a consistent effect. Hydrolysable polyphenol content was greater, and soluble and hydrolysable antioxidant capacities were higher in organically grown eggplant, while anthocyanin content was greater in conventionally grown eggplant. Fresh eggplant produced under conventional cultivation had a much greater content of anthocyanins compared to that of other cultivation method-thermal treatment combination. In general, steamed eggplant contained higher total polyphenol and flavonoid levels as well as greater antioxidant capacity. Steamed eggplant from both conventional and organic systems also had high amounts of anthocyanins compared to other thermal treatments.
AbstractThe aim of this study was to analyze the impact that heat treatment with salts and freezing processes on the sensory, instrumental, and physico-chemical characteristics of fried potatoes of the Monalisa cultivar. The potatoes were blanched in distilled water (P); sodium chloride solution (B1); calcium chloride solution (B2), and a solution with both of these salts (B3). They were then pre-cooked and frozen for 24 hours and for 30 days. After frying, sensory characteristics were analyzed (color, texture, flavor, oiliness), along with overall preference and instrumental determinations of texture, color, and oil content. Further tests were conducted on the sample with the best results in the sensory analysis (B1), along with sample P as a control, to determine granule microstructure, carbohydrate fractions, glycemic index, and glycemic load. Blanching B3, despite reducing oil absorption and providing less oiliness, obtained lesser overall preference. Freezing for 30 days increased the lightness, except for when sodium chloride was used, which intensified the color yellow. The use of sodium chloride did not interfere with the type of starch granules, nor with the formation of resistant starch; however, longer freezing time reduced the glycemic index and concentrated the dietary fiber content. All samples exhibited low glycemic index and moderate glycemic loads.
Abstract In the postharvest stage, taste and flavor are the key components of the marketability of tomato. Therefore, greater emphasis is now being placed on improving traits such as sugar content. In this study postharvest ultraviolet-B (UV-B) treatments on sugar, total soluble solids, and color of tomatoes harvested at different stages were investigated. Tomatoes harvested at turning, pink, and red stages were treated with two different doses of UV-B irradiation: UVB4 and UVB8. Color L* and hue angle values of tomatoes treated with UV-B were found to be high, which means the red color of tomatoes was improved. UVB4 treatments increased the color a* and saturation index values of tomatoes at pink and red harvest stage, although it did not affect at the turning stage. Additionally, UV-B irradiation treatments had no effect on sucrose content of the tomatoes. Fructose, glucose, and TSS content of tomatoes treated with UVB8 at red harvest stage were found to be high. Hence, the results obtained from this study are of great importance in terms of providing an increase in the amount of sugar without the need for breeding, and also consumer satisfaction.
O controle biológico de Verticillium albo-atrum Reinke & Berth., agente causai da murcha de berinjela (Solanum melongena L.), foi feito em condições de laboratório e em condições de campo. Os melhores isolados de Trichoderma foram aqueles que apresentaram, em placas de Petri, uma zona de inibicão bem evidente. Trichoderma hamatum e o isolado T3 de Trichoderma reduziram sensivelmente a incidência da doença em condições de casa-de-vegetação. No campo, T. lignorum e o isolado T3 propiciaram os melhores resultados. Os mutantes de Trichoderma, obtidos por irradiação ultravioleta, não foram eficientes no biocontrole de Verticillium.
Potassium participates in the essential processes in plant physiology, however, the effects of K sources on plant metabolism have been little studied. Also, in certain cases, K sources and concentrations may cause undesirable effects, e.g., soil salinization. The objective was to evaluate the effect of K sources and levels on the enzyme activity of the antioxidant system and protein content in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) leaves and to determine the most suitable K sources for these physiological characteristics. The experiment was conducted in randomized blocks, in a 2 × 4 factorial design, consisting of two K sources (KCl and K2SO4) and rates (250, 500, 750, and 1000 kg ha-1 K2O), with four replications. The following variables were evaluated: plant height, number of leaves per plant, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and leaf protein content. There was an increase in CAT activity with increasing K levels until 30 days after transplanting (DAT), when K2SO4 was applied and until 60 DAT, when KCl was used; after this period, the enzyme activity decreased under both sources. The activity of SOD increased in the presence of KCl, but was reduced with the application of K2SO4. For both K sources, increasing rates reduced the protein content and number of leaves per plant, and this reduction was greater under KCl application. Thus it was concluded that KCl tends more strongly to salinize the soil than K2SO4. Both for KCl and for K2SO4, the increasing rates adversely affected the activities of CAT and SOD and the levels of leaf protein in eggplant. The potential of KCl to reduce the enzyme activity of SOD and CAT, leaf protein content and plant growth of eggplant was stronger than that of K2SO4.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of grafting (onto Solanum torvum Sw.) on plant growth, yield and fruit quality of the Pala and Faselis eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) cultivars, grown in a soil infested with Verticillium dahliae Kleb. and Meloidogyne incognita, or in noninfested soil. Soil infestation decreased yield, plant height, final above-ground biomass, and also reduced fruit mean weight and shoot dry weight depending on cultivar or grafting. Grafting decreased fruit oxalic acid and the soluble solid contents, and increased mean fruit weight, depending on cultivar and soil infestation. Grafting also reduced the negative effects of the pathogens on disease index, plant height and shoot dry weight. Cultivar Pala was more vigorous than Faselis, and S. torvum was a vigorous rootstock. The combination of a vigorous rootstock with a weak cultivar (Faselis) is more profitable than that of a vigorous rootstock and a vigorous cultivar (Pala). Using S. torvum as a rootstock for cultivar Faselis, grown in soil infested with the pathogens, is most likely to be useful in conventional and low-input sustainable horticulture, since grafting increases protection against the pathogens, and reduces the losses in quality and yield.
Under organic management in Seropédica-RJ, Brazil, using a weighing lysimeter, the crop coefficients (kc), the maximum evapotranspiration and the productivity of eggplant cultivation under two cropping systems (no tillage with straw plus soil with conventional preparation) were determined. A whole randomized layout with two treatments (no tillage and conventional) and five replicates during 134 days of cultivation were adopted. There were no significant differences in the eggplant cultivation in the two cropping systems, with a maximum commercial productivity obtained from 47.42 Mg ha-1 for the no-tillage system, and 47.91 Mg ha-1 for the conventional tillage. The accumulated ETc was 285.15 and 323.44 mm for the no-tillage and conventional, respectively. The crop coefficients value for the phases: 1 - transplanting, flowering, 2 - flowering-fruiting, 3 - fruit- first harvesting, 4- first harvesting of the final crop cycle was 0.83, 0.77, 0.90 and 0.97 in no-tillage system for the respective phases and for the conventional one 0.81, 1.14, 1.17 and 1.05 for the same steps described above.
Este estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a indução da Glutationa S-Transferase, com extratos de vegetais, e caracterizar os parâmetros cinéticos desta enzima. Foram obtidos os extratos aquoso, etanólico e hexanólico de vegetais, amplamente consumidos no Brasil, como berinjela (Solanum melongena L.), couve-flor (Brassica oleracea L.), couve (Brassica oleracea L.), brócolis (Brassica oleracea L.), couve-de-bruxelas (Brassicaoleraea L.), cebola (Allium cepa L.), alho (Allium sativum L.); vegetais que apresentam gosto amargo, como jiló (Solanum gilo Raddi), guariroba (Syagrus oleracea Becc.), mostarda (Brassica nigra L.), carqueja (Cacalia spp.), e de plantas relacionadas, na cultura popular, como curadoras de determinadas doenças, como a babosa (Aloe vera L.). A atividade da enzima foi determinada usando como substrato o 1 cloro 2, 4 dinitrobenzeno, na presença dos extratos vegetais. A mistura da reação, sem a presença do extrato, foi considerada controle. Das amostras de vegetais avaliadas, a berinjela, a couve e o brócolis apresentaram maior indução na atividade da GST, sendo o extrato etanólico o mais eficaz. A enzima apresentou um Vmax de 0,016 abs. min-1/unidade da enzima e um Km de 0,323mM. O baixo valor de Km encontrado indica uma alta especificidade da enzima pelo substrato 1 cloro 2, 4 dinitrobenzeno e a atividade máxima da enzima foi na faixa de pH entre 6,5 e 7,0.
O presente trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade química e física de berinjelas submetidas a diferentes tratamentos pós-colheita. Berinjelas (Solanum melongena L.), cultivar Ciça, foram colhidas em campos de produção comercial em Brasília-DF e submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: atmosfera modificada; CaCl2 (2%) + atmosfera modificada; aplicação de 1-MCP (500nL.L-1); aplicação de 1-MCP (500nL.L-1) + CaCl (2%); e controle. Após os tratamentos, os frutos foram armazenados por 10 dias (12±1°C/UR 85 - 90%) e avaliados a cada dois dias para perda de massa, firmeza, coloração externa e teor de sólidos solúveis totais (°Brix). Observou-se que ao final do experimento os frutos do tratamento controle apresentavam perda de massa ao redor de 14%. No décimo dia de armazenamento os frutos tratados com cloreto de cálcio associado à atmosfera modificada e aqueles armazenados sob atmosfera modificada apresentavam firmeza 2,5 vezes maior do que o tratamento controle. Ao final do experimento os frutos armazenados sob atmosfera modificada possuíam brilho, que era cerca de 20% maior do que o dos frutos do tratamento controle. Berinjelas do tratamento controle possuíam Brix cerca de 20% maior do que dos frutos armazenados sob atmosfera modificada ao final do experimento.
Structural differences such as abnormalities, damage and free spaces in seeds may affect germination. The aim of this study was to study the relationship between eggplant seed morphology and seed germination. Ten seed lots of the eggplant cultivar Embu were evaluated by X-ray image analysis and the germination test. Seed image analysis was performed by Image Pro Plus® software and the whole seed area and free space between the embryo and endosperm were measured. The internal seed area filled by the embryo and endosperm was calculated from the difference between the whole seed and free space areas. Based on these results and visual seed analysis, seeds were classified into three categories and information on germination was obtained for each one. X-ray image analysis provides a perfect view of the internal seed parts and for seed morphology studies. An increase in seed area filled by the endosperm and embryo does not improve seed germination. Mechanical seed damage and deteriorated tissues can adversely affect seed germination.