54 resultados para Sea grass


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Nitrogen and K deficiency are among the most yield limiting factors in Brazilian pastures. The lack of these nutrients can hamper the chlorophyll biosynthesis and N content in plant tissues. A greenhouse experiment was carried out to evaluate the relationship among N and K concentrations, the indirect determination of chlorophyll content (SPAD readings), nitrate reductase activity (RNO3-) in newly expanded leaf lamina (NL) and the dry matter yield for plant tops of Mombaça grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.). A fractionated 5² factorial design was used, with 13 combinations of N and K rates in the nutrient solution. The experimental units were arranged in a randomized block design, with four replications. Plants were harvested twice. The first harvest occurred 36 days after seedling transplanting and the second 29 days after the first. Significance occurred for the interaction between the N and K rates to SPAD readings and to RNO3- assessment taken on the NL during the first growth. Besides, RNO3- and SPAD readings increased only with the NL N concentration, reaching the highest values of both variables up to about 25 g kg-1, but were ratively constant at higher leaf N. Significant relationships either between SPAD readings or RNO3- activity and shoot dry mass weight were also observed. The critical levels of N concentration in the NL were, respectively, 22 and 17g kg-1 in the first and second harvest. Thus, SPAD instrument and RNO3- assessment can be used as complementary tools to evaluate the N status in forage grass.


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The use of cover crops has been suggested as an effective method to maintain and/or increase the organic matter content, while maintaining and/or enhancing the soil physical, chemical and biological properties. The fertility of Cerrado soils is low and, consequently, phosphorus levels as well. Phosphorus is required at every metabolic stage of the plant, as it plays a role in the processes of protein and energy synthesis and influences the photosynthetic process. This study evaluated the influence of cover crops and phosphorus rates on soil chemical and biological properties after two consecutive years of common bean. The study analyzed an Oxisol in Selvíria (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil), in a randomized block, split plot design, in a total of 24 treatments with three replications. The plot treatments consisted of cover crops (millet, pigeon pea, crotalaria, velvet bean, millet + pigeon pea, millet + crotalaria, and millet + velvet bean) and one plot was left fallow. The subplots were represented by phosphorus rates applied as monoammonium phosphate (0, 60 and 90 kg ha-1 P2O5). In August 2011, the soil chemical properties were evaluated (pH, organic matter, phosphorus, potential acidity, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation) as well as biological variables (carbon of released CO2, microbial carbon, metabolic quotient and microbial quotient). After two years of cover crops in rotation with common bean, the cover crop biomass had not altered the soil chemical properties and barely influenced the microbial activity. The biomass production of millet and crotalaria (monoculture or intercropped) was highest. The biological variables were sensitive and responded to increasing phosphorus rates with increases in microbial carbon and reduction of the metabolic quotient.


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The phosphorus supply to crops in tropical soils is deficient due to its somewhat insoluble nature in soil, and addition of P fertilizers has been necessary to achieve high yields. The objective of this study was to examine the mechanisms through which a cover crop (Congo grass - Brachiaria ruziziensis) in rotation with soybean can enhance soil and fertilizer P availability using long-term field trials and laboratory chemical fractionation approaches. The experimental field had been cropped to soybean in rotation with several species under no-till for six years. An application rate of no P or 240 kg ha-1 of P2O5 had been applied as triple superphosphate or as Arad rock phosphate. In April 2009, once more 0.0 or 80.0 kg ha-1 of P2O5 was applied to the same plots when Congo grass was planted. In November 2009, after Congo grass desiccation, soil samples were taken from the 0-5 and 5-10 cm depth layer and soil P was fractionated. Soil-available P increased to the depth of 10 cm through growing Congo grass when P fertilizers were applied. The C:P ratio was also increased by the cover crop. Congo grass cultivation increased P content in the soil humic fraction to the depth of 10 cm. Congo grass increases soil P availability by preventing fertilizer from being adsorbed and by increasing soil organic P.


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The goal of this trial was to estimate the total dry matter (TDMI) and daily pasture dry matter intakes (PDMI) by lactating crossbred Holstein - Zebu cows grazing elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) paddocks submitted to different rest periods. Three groups of 24 cows were used during two years. The paddocks were grazed during three days at the stocking rate of 4.5 cows/ha. Treatments consisted of resting periods of 30 days without concentrate and resting periods of 30, 37.5 and 45 days with 2 kg/cow/day of 20.6% crude protein concentrate. From July to October, pasture was supplemented with chopped sugarcane plus 1% urea. Total daily dry matter intake was estimated using the extrusa in vitro dry matter digestibility and the fecal output with chromium oxide. Regardless of the treatment the estimated average TDMI was 2.7, 2.9 and 2.9±0.03% and the mean PDMI was 1.9, 2.1 and 2.1±0.03% of body weight in the first, second and third grazing day, respectively (P<0.05). Only during the summer pasture quality was the same whichever the grazing day. Sugarcane effectively replaced grazing pasture, mainly in the first day when pasture dry matter intake was lowest.


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The main scope of this work was to detect (Panicum maximum Jacq.) genotype differences as to morphoagronomic and seed quality indices, and to establish character correlations useful for determining vegetative and reproductive trends. Besides the flowering cycle, eight phenological and two seed quality traits were scored in a greenhouse randomized complete block experiment, as follows: plant height (PH), reproductive tiller number/overall tiller number (RTN/OTN), panicle number/reproductive tillers (PN/RT), leaf length (LL), leaf width (LW), panicle length (PL), fresh weight (FW), dry weight (DW), number of seeds/g (NS/G) and seed sample physical purity (SPP). Very-early and early-flowering hybrids consistently showed the highest correlation values among flowering cycle and RTN/OTN (r = -0.59**), PN/RT (r = -0.48**), NS/G (r = -0.88**) and SPP (r = -0.80**) (reproductive parameters) while intermediate and late-flowering hybrids presented the highest values for LL (r = 0.53**), LW (r = 0.60**), PL (r = 0.77**), FW (r = 0.78**) and DW (r = 0.85**) (vegetative traits). The implications of these results for plant breeding and forage management purposes are discussed.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of grazing interval and period of evaluation over tissue turnover in Tanzania grass pastures (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania) and to ascertain if herbage accumulation rate can be used as a criterion to establish a defoliation schedule for this grass in Southeast of Brazil. A randomized block design with a split-plot arrangement was used. The effect of three grazing intervals was evaluated within seven periods between October 1995 and September 1996. Responses monitored were leaf and stem elongation rates, leaf senescence rate, stem length, and tiller density. Net herbage accumulation rate was calculated using tissue turnover data. The grazing intervals for Tanzania grass should be around 38 days between October and April (spring and early autumn) and 28 days during the reproductive phase of the grass (April/May). Between May and September (late autumn and winter), grazing interval should be around 48 days. Herbage accumulation rate is not a good criterion to establish defoliation time for Tanzania grass. Studies on the effects of stem production in grazing efficiency, animal intake and forage quality are needed to improve Tanzania grass management.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) genotypes for bioenergy production by direct biomass combustion. Five elephant grass genotypes grown in two different soil types, both of low fertility, were evaluated. The experiment was carried out at Embrapa Agrobiologia field station in Seropédica, RJ, Brazil. The design was in randomized complete blocks, with split plots and four replicates. The genotypes studied were Cameroon, Bag 02, Gramafante, Roxo and CNPGL F06-3. Evaluations were made for biomass production, total biomass nitrogen, biomass nitrogen from biological fixation, carbon/nitrogen and stem/leaf ratios, and contents of fiber, lignin, cellulose and ash. The dry matter yields ranged from 45 to 67 Mg ha-1. Genotype Roxo had the lowest yield and genotypes Bag 02 and Cameroon had the highest ones. The biomass nitrogen accumulation varied from 240 to 343 kg ha-1. The plant nitrogen from biological fixation was 51% in average. The carbon/nitrogen and stem/leaf ratios and the contents of fiber, lignin, cellulose and ash did not vary among the genotypes. The five genotypes are suitable for energy production through combustion.


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The objectives of this work were to determine whether and at which seed physiological maturity stage the diquat desiccant affects the tall oat-grass (Arrhenatherum elatius) seed quality and yield, as well as the proper storage period between harvest and sowing. Diquat desiccation was evaluated in applications during milk or dough seed maturation stages. Seeds conventionally produced and stored under traditional storage conditions were used for the analyses. Seed samples were drawn every 30th day after harvest (DAH). After the 240th DAH, samples were drawn every 90th day up the to 690th DAH. The highest yield were obtained by desiccation applied at the beginning of the seed dough stage, with a satisfactory seed quality. Both final germination and seedling growth parameters achieved their maximum values between 180th and 240th DAH. Oat-grass seeds preserved satisfactory level of final germination (75%) up to 420th DAH. The application of diquat desiccant at the beginning of seed dough maturity stage can be a good solution for seed production of tall oat-grass. Early spring is the best sowing period for freshly harvested seeds of tall oat-grass regarding germination and seedling growth.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the genomic behavior of hybrid combinations between elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) and pearl millet (P. glaucum). Tetraploid (AAA'B) and pentaploid (AA'A'BB) chromosome races resulting from the backcross of the hexaploid hybrid to its parents elephant grass (A'A'BB) and pearl millet (AA) were analyzed as to chromosome number and DNA content. Genotypes of elephant grass, millet, and triploid and hexaploid induced hybrids were compared. Pentaploid and tetraploid genomic combinations showed high level of mixoploidy, in discordance with the expected somatic chromosome set. The pentaploid chromosome number ranged from 20 to 34, and the tetraploid chromosome number from 16 to 28. Chromosome number variation was higher in pentaploid genomic combinations than in tetraploid, and mixoploidy was observed among hexaploids. Genomic combinations 4x and 5x are mixoploid, and the variation of chromosome number within chromosomal race 5x is greater than in 4x.


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The objective of this work was to develop and validate linear regression models to estimate the production of dry matter by Tanzania grass (Megathyrsus maximus, cultivar Tanzania) as a function of agrometeorological variables. For this purpose, data on the growth of this forage grass from 2000 to 2005, under dry‑field conditions in São Carlos, SP, Brazil, were correlated to the following climatic parameters: minimum and mean temperatures, degree‑days, and potential and actual evapotranspiration. Simple linear regressions were performed between agrometeorological variables (independent) and the dry matter accumulation rate (dependent). The estimates were validated with independent data obtained in São Carlos and Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. The best statistical results in the development and validation of the models were obtained with the agrometeorological parameters that consider thermal and water availability effects together, such as actual evapotranspiration, accumulation of degree‑days corrected by water availability, and the climatic growth index, based on average temperature, solar radiation, and water availability. These variables can be used in simulations and models to predict the production of Tanzania grass.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the dry matter production of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) genotypes, managed under intermittent stocking. A completely randomized design was used, with two genotypes and three replicates. The treatments consisted of factorial combinations (2x2x2) of genotypes ('BRS Kurumi' and the clone CNPGL 00‑1‑3), two light interception levels (LI) at the onset of grazing (90 and 95%), and two post‑grazing canopy heights (30 and 50 cm). A total of 24 Holstein x Zebu crossbred heifers were used. The stocking density varied in order to finish the grazing periods in two days. The interval between the defoliation, based on 95% LI, resulted in a higher leaf mass per grazing cycle. The post‑grazing height of 30 cm did not affect the number of grazing cycles but provided a greater herbage accumulation rate. The cultivar BRS Kurumi has higher pasture growth, lower rest period, and greater number of grazing cycles, which results in increased forage production in the growing season.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of superficial application of limestone and slag, and their effects on soil chemical attributes and on yield and mineral nutrition of soybean, maize, and Congo signal grass (Urochloa ruziziensis). The experiment was carried out in a Rhodic Hapludox under no tillage system. The treatments consisted of the use of limestone or slag (silicates of calcium and magnesium) to correct soil acidity, and of a control treatment without the use of soil correctives. Rates were calculated in order to raise soil base saturation up to 70%. Soybean was sown in November 2006 and maize in December 2007. Congo signal grass was sown right after the harvests of soybean and maize, and it was cropped during the off-seasons. Soil chemical attributes were evaluated at 6, 12, and 18 months after the application of the corrective materials. Slag is an efficient source for soil acidity correction, being able to raise the exchangeable base levels in the soil profile faster than lime. Both limestone and slag increase dry matter yield of Congo signal grass, and grain yield of soybean and maize. Slag is more effective in improving maize grain yield.


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The objective of this work was to analyze future scenarios for palisade grass yield subjected to climate change for the state of São Paulo, Brazil. An empirical crop model was used to estimate yields, according to growing degree-days adjusted by one drought attenuation factor. Climate data from 1963 to 2009 of 23 meteorological stations were used for current climate conditions. Downscaled outputs of two general circulation models were used to project future climate for the 2013-2040 and 2043-2070 periods, considering two contrasting scenarios of temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration increase (high and low). Annual dry matter yield should be from 14 to 42% higher than the current one, depending on the evaluated scenario. Yield variation between seasons (seasonality) and years is expected to increase. The increase of dry matter accumulation will be higher in the rainy season than in the dry season, and this result is more evident for soils with low-water storage capacity. The results varied significantly between regions (<10% to >60%). Despite their higher climate potential, warmer regions will probably have a lower increase in future forage production.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of integrated managements on white mold control on common bean. Initially, in vitro testing was made to assess the antagonism of 11 Trichoderma isolates against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and to investigate fungicides (fluazinam and procymidone) inhibitory effects on those fungi. In two field experiments the following combinations were tested: irrigation frequencies (seven or 14 days), plant densities (six or 12 plants per meter), and three disease controls (untreated control, fungicide or Trichoderma spp.). In a third experiment plant densities were replaced by grass mulching treatments (with or without mulching). Fluazinam was applied at 45 and 55 days after emergence (DAE). The antagonists T. harzianum (experiments 1 and 3) and T. stromatica (experiment 2) were applied through sprinkler irrigation at 10 and 25 DAE, respectively. Most of the Trichoderma spp. were effective against the pathogen in vitro. Fluazinam was more toxic than procymidone to both the pathogen and the antagonist. Fungicide applications increased yield between 32 % and 41 %. In field one application of Trichoderma spp. did not reduce disease intensity and did not increase yield. The reduction from 12 to six plants per meter did not decrease yield, and disease severity diminished in one of the two experiments. It is concluded that of the strategies for white mold control just reduction of plant density and applications of fungicide were efficient.


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With this study, the objective was to estimate the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and to correlate it with the dry matter (MMSPA) of the emerald zoysia (Zoysia japonica Steud.) on surfaces with different expositions and slopes. The research was conducted at the Experimental Watershed of the Agricultural Engineering Department, School of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences of São Paulo State University (FCAV/UNESP), Brazil, where the surfaces (H, 10 N, 30 N, 50 N, 10 S, 30 S, 50 S, 10 L, 30 L, 50 L, 10 O, 30 O and 50 O) were used. To obtain the global solar radiation, it was installed an automated weather station where the PAR (dependent variable) was obtained by the equation y = a + bx, and the global radiation was independent. To compare means of MMSPA, it was used the Tukey test at 5% probability, and to assess the relation PAR/MMSPA, the simple linear correlation coefficient. The result showed that the accumulation of these effects in the PAR increases with North exposure and decreases with the South, and exposure to 50N is most suitable for slopes, not having correlation between the PAR and the MMSPA for the surfaces evaluated for the study period.