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The effects of forest conversion to agricultural land uses on assemblages of aquatic insects were analyzed in subtropical streams. Organisms and environmental variables were collected in six low-order streams: three streams located in a forested area, and three in areas converted to agricultural land uses. We expected that the aquatic insects' assemblage attributes would be significantly affected by forest conversion, as well as by environmental variables. Streams in converted areas presented lower species richness, abundance and proportion of sensitive insect taxa. The ANOSIM test evidenced strong difference in EPT assemblage structure between streams of forested and converted areas. The ISA test evidenced several EPT genera with high specificity to streams in forested areas and only one genus related to streams in converted areas. Thus, the impacts of the conversion of forested area to agricultural land uses have significantly affected the EPT assemblages, while environmental variables were not affected. We suggest that the effects detected can be influenced by two processes related to vegetation cover: i) lower input of allochthonous material, and ii) increased input of fine sediments in streams draining converted areas.


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O balanço de massa da intemperização de solos desenvolvidos de rochas básico-ultrabásicas no Rio Grande do Sul, os menos intemperizados constatados até o presente no estado, mostrou nos horizontes superficiais uma concentração relativa mais elevada dos elementos móveis do que nos subsuperficiais, indicando a existência de descontinuidade entre eles. Tais feições, em conjunto com a mineralogia e com a morfologia dos perfis investigados, indicam a ocorrência de eventos erosivo-deposicionais em um passado pedogeneticamente recente, bem como uma contribuição importante de materiais intempericamente menos evoluídos para a composição mineral dos horizontes superficiais. Esses eventos erosivos e o rejuvenescimento superficial dos perfis explicam o pouco desenvolvimento e a semelhança química e mineralógica desses solos com os desenvolvidos de rochas básico-ultrabásicas em regiões temperadas.


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Dezenove amostras de horizontes B latossólicos, uma de B plíntico, uma de B incipiente e uma de horizonte Cr foram submetidas a dissoluções seletivas da goethita e da hematita por ditionito-citratro-bicarbonato de sódio a 20 ºC em intervalos de tempo entre 5 e 3.840 minutos. O diâmetro médio do cristal (DMC), área superficial específica (ASE) e substituição do ferro por Al (substituição por Al3+) da goethita e da hematita nas amostras foram estimados, por difratometria de raios X (DRX), em subamostras não tratadas e em subamostras tratadas selecionadas ao longo das dissoluções seletivas. O controle das fases de goethita e hematita que persistiram após cada etapa da dissolução seletiva foi realizado pelo método da difratometria diferencial de raios X (DDRX). A cinética dissolutiva dos cristais foi descrita por meio da segmentação das curvas de dissolução do ferro no tempo em intervalos em que o comportamento dissolutivo foi linear. As taxas de dissolução nos diferentes segmentos lineares foram estimadas a partir do coeficiente angular da reta relativa a cada segmento. Em amostras goethíticas latossólicas, a metodologia discriminou diferentes fases de goethita (populações heterogêneas) quanto à substituição por Al3+, DMC e ASE e ofereceu condições para classificar o grau de estabilidade da goethita em baixa, média, alta e muito alta estabilidade. Amostras goethíticas oriundas de ambientes pedogênicos jovens e amostras hematíticas latossólicas caracterizaram-se pela maior homogeneidade de seus cristais, classificados como de baixa e média estabilidade. Nas amostras goethíticas, a proporção de cristais com maior estabilidade (alta substituição por Al3+ e cristalinidade) em cada população mostrou associação positiva com a proporção de gibbsita em relação a caulinita nas amostras. A hematita apresentou menor resistência à dissolução por redução em relação à goethita, exceto quando a última combinou baixa substituição por Al3+ e alta ASE. A caracterização de populações heterogêneas de goethita pode ampliar a utilização deste óxido como indicador de processos pedogênicos em solos poligenéticos, bem como contribuir para um melhor entendimento do comportamento químico e físico desses solos.


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A presença de gradiente textural é comum e marcante em Argissolos. O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a mineralogia das partículas envolvidas no processo de formação de gradiente textural em um solo subtropical do Rio Grande do Sul. Amostras de um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico abrúptico, material parental sedimentar, foram coletadas em duas trincheiras localizadas em distintas posições no relevo da área do departamento de solos da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. No perfil 1, sob campo nativo e posicionado na meia encosta de uma colina com 9 % declividade, amostras foram coletadas nos horizontes A1, A2, AB e Bt. No perfil 2, sob vegetação espontânea e localizado no topo plano da colina, amostras foram coletadas nos horizontes A1, A2, E e Bt. Atributos químicos foram avaliados sobre a fração de solo menor que 2 mm. Amostras de argila dispersa em NaOH, após serem extraídas, foram submetidas à difração laser, discriminando a distribuição do tamanho de partícula envolvida no processo. A fração menor que 0,2 μm foi extraída, saturada com Ca2+ e submetida à difração de raios X sob os seguintes tratamentos: normal, à temperatura ambiente (N); depois de saturada com etilenoglicol (EG), depois de aquecida a 300 e 550 ºC. Os difratogramas de raios X (N) foram submetidos à modelagem matemática com DecompRX. Ambos os perfis apresentaram gradiente textural. Os teores de argila no horizonte Bt foram 2,9 e 4,4 vezes maiores no perfil 1 e 2 que nos seus respectivos horizontes mais arenosos. Os diagramas de difração laser mostraram enriquecimento no horizonte Bt em partículas de tamanho modal de 0,09 e 0,2 μm. A mineralogia dessa fração apresentou incremento nos horizontes Bt de interestratificados caulinita-esmectita (C-E) em detrimento das fases vermiculita hidróxi-Al entrecamada (VHE) e ilita-esmectita (I-E). Dessa forma, infere-se que o gradiente textural observado no solo está associado ao processo de migração de C-E com partículas de tamanho modal de 0,09 e 0,2 μm. Entretanto, o perfil 2 apresenta indícios de descontinuidade litológica, indicando que o processo de migração de partículas não é o único responsável pela formação de gradiente textural.


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No tillage systems significantly influence the soil system, but knowledge about the effects on the mineralogy of tropical and subtropical soils is limited. This study evaluated the long-term effects (26 years) of no-tillage (NT) on aluminum hydroxy-interlayered minerals of a subtropical Oxisol in Southern Brazil (Guarapuava, PR), compared to the same soil under conventional tillage (CT). The clay fraction (< 2 µm) in soil samples of the surface horizons of a field experiment under both management systems was analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) to identify and characterize Al hydroxy-interlayered minerals before and after treatment with sodium citrate to remove intra-layer material. Soil liquid (solution) and solid phases were also characterized. The contents of total organic C, exchangeable cations, P, and the values of extractable acidity and cation exchange capacity as well as electrical conductivity and levels of dissolved organic C, basic cations, aluminum, Si, and sulfur in the soil solution were higher in the NT soil. Under both soil management systems, more than 90 % of the total soluble Al was complexed with organic compounds, with similar Al activity. No significant changes were detected by 2:1 clay mineral XRD analyses in terms of extension or intercalation of Al-hydroxy-polymers in the no-tilled in comparison to the conventionally tilled soil. In both soil management systems, Al and Si activities in the soil solution indicated thermodynamic stability of 2:1 clay minerals with partially occupied by hydroxy-Al, suggesting deceleration in the intercalation process and a tendency of transforming clay minerals from extensive into partial intercalation.


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The Brazilian System of Soil Classification (SiBCS) is a taxonomic system, open and in permanent construction, as new knowledge on Brazilian soils is obtained. The objective of this study was to characterize the chemical, physical, morphological, micro-morphological and mineralogical properties of four pedons of Oxisols in a highland toposequence in the upper Jequitinhonha Valley, emphasizing aspects of their genesis, classification and landscape development. The pedons occupy the following slope positions: summit - Red Oxisol (LV), mid slope (upper third) - Yellow-Red Oxisol (LVA), lower slope (middle third)- Yellow Oxisol (LA) and bottom of the valley (lowest third) - "Gray Oxisol" ("LAC"). These pedons were described and sampled for characterization in chemical and physical routine analyses. The total Fe, Al and Mn contents were determined by sulfuric attack and the Fe, Al and Mn oxides in dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate and oxalate extraction. The mineralogy of silicate clays was identified by X ray diffraction and the Fe oxides were detected by differential X ray diffraction. Total Ti, Ga and Zr contents were determined by X ray fluorescence spectrometry. The "LAC" is gray-colored and contains significant fragments of structure units in the form of a dense paste, characteristic of a gleysoil, in the horizons A and BA. All pedons are very clayey, dystrophic and have low contents of available P and a pH of around 5. The soil color was related to the Fe oxide content, which decreased along the slope. The decrease of crystalline and low- crystalline Fe along the slope confirmed the loss of Fe from the "LAC". Total Si increased along the slope and total Al remained constant. The clay fraction in all pedons was dominated by kaolinite and gibbsite. Hematite and goethite were identified in LV, low-intensity hematite and goethite in LVA, goethite in LA. In the "LAC", no hematite peaks and goethite were detected by differential X ray diffraction. The micro-morphology indicated prevalence of granular microstructure and porosity with complex stacking patterns.. The soil properties in the toposequence converged to a single soil class, the Oxisols, derived from the same source material. The landscape evolution and genesis of Oxisols of the highlands in the upper Jequitinhonha Valley are related to the evolution of the drainage system and the activity of excavating fauna.


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Nitrous oxide (N2O) is the most important non-CO2 greenhouse gas and soil management systems should be evaluated for their N2O mitigation potential. This research evaluated a long-term (22 years) experiment testing the effect of soil management systems on N2O emissions in the postharvest period (autumn) from a subtropical Rhodic Hapludox at the research center FUNDACEP, in Cruz Alta, state of Rio Grande do Sul. Three treatments were evaluated, one under conventional tillage with soybean residues (CTsoybean) and two under no-tillage with soybean (NTsoybean) and maize residues (NTmaize). N2O emissions were measured eight times within 24 days (May 2007) using closed static chambers. Gas flows were obtained based on the relations between gas concentrations in the chamber at regular intervals (0, 15, 30, 45 min) analyzed by gas chromatography. After soybean harvest, accumulated N2O emissions in the period were approximately three times higher in the untilled soil (164 mg m-2 N) than under CT (51 mg m-2 N), with a short-lived N2O peak of 670 mg m-2 h-1 N. In contrast, soil N2O emissions in NT were lower after maize than after soybean, with a N2O peak of 127 g m-2 h-1 N. The multivariate analysis of N2O fluxes and soil variables, which were determined simultaneously with air sampling, demonstrated that the main driving variables of soil N2O emissions were soil microbial activity, temperature, water-filled pore space, and NO3- content. To replace soybean monoculture, crop rotation including maize must be considered as a strategy to decrease soil N2O emissions from NT soils in Southern Brazil in a Autumn.


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Laser diffraction (LD) provides detailed analysis of particle size distribution. Its application to testing the stability of soil aggregates can assist studies on the aggregation of soils with contrasting electrochemical properties. The objectives of the present work were: (a) to propose a protocol for using LD to study soil aggregation, (b) to study the aggregation of an Acrisol under the influence of different doses and forms of lime. Samples were collected in 2005 from a Brazilian Acrisol that in 1994 had received 0.0; 2.0; 8.5 and 17.0 Mg ha-1 of lime, left on the soil surface or incorporated. Aggregates from 4.76 to 8.00 mm diameters were studied using the traditional method proposed by Kemper & Chepil (1965), with wet sieving, while aggregates from 1.00 to 2.00 mm were studied using a CILAS® laser diffractometer that distinguishes particles ranging from 0.04 to 2,500.00 μm. LD readings were made after six consecutive pre-treatments, using agitation times, a chemical dispersion agent and ultrasound. Mean Weighted Diameter (MWD) and the Aggregate Stability Index (ASI) calculated, using the traditional method does not discriminate the treatments. However, LD is able to produce detailed data on soil aggregation, resulting in indexes of stability of aggregates that are linearly related to the doses of lime applied (MWD: R² = 0.986 and ASI: R² = 0.876). It may be concluded that electrochemical changes in the Brazilian Acrisol resulting from incorporated lime affect the stability of aggregates, increasing stability with increased doses of lime.


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The evolution of organic matter sources in soil is related to climate and vegetation dynamics in the past recorded in paleoenvironmental Quaternary deposits such as peatlands. For this reason, a Histosol of the mineralotrophic peatland from the Pau-de-Fruta Special Protection Area - SPA, Espinhaço Meridional, State of Minas Gerais, was described and characterized to evidence the soil constituent materials and properties as related to changes in environmental conditions, supported by the isotopic and elementary characterization of soil C and N and 14C ages. Samples were collected in a depression at 1,350 m asl, where Histosols are possibly more developed due to the great thickness (505 cm). Nowadays, the area is colonized by vegetation physiognomies of the Cerrado Biome, mainly rocky and wet fields (Campo Rupestre and Campo Úmido), aside from fragments of Semidecidual Seasonal Forest, called Capões forests. The results this study showed that early the genesis of the analyzed soil profile showed a high initial contribution of mostly herbaceous organic matter before 8,090 ± 30 years BP (14C age). In the lower-mid Holocene, between 8,090 ± 30 years AP (14C age) to ± 4,100 years BP (interpolated age), the vegetation gradually became more woody, with forest expansion, possibly due to increased humidity, suggesting the existence of a more woody Cerrado in the past than at present. Drier climate conditions than the current were concluded ± 2,500 years BP (interpolated age) and that after 430 years BP (14C age) the forest gave way to grassland, predominantly. After the dry season, humidity increased to the current conditions. Due to these climate fluctuations during the Holocene, three decomposition stages of organic matter were observed in the Histosols of this study, with prevalence of the most advanced (sapric), typical of a deposit in a highly advanced stage of pedogenetic evolution.


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Sistemas de manejo de pastagem baseiam-se em geral na intensidade e pressão de pastejo, na roçada, no melhoramento da fertilidade do solo ou na queima da vegetação. Tendo em vista que o manejo do solo altera a dinâmica da matéria orgânica, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a distribuição do C, do N e das substâncias húmicas, bem como investigar as interações destas com os íons Fe e Al, em Latossolo Vermelho nos seguintes ambientes: pastagem nativa sem queima há 41 anos, pastagem nativa sem queima há oito anos, pastagem nativa com melhoramento da fertilidade do solo e mata nativa. Em amostras coletadas nas profundidades de 0-5, 0-20, 20-40 e 40-60 cm foi realizado o fracionamento químico da matéria orgânica do solo, caracterizadas as substâncias húmicas por espectroscopia de Espectrocospia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e quantificados os teores de Fe e Al coextraídos nas frações húmicas. O melhoramento da fertilidade do solo com calagem e adubação proporcionou, na camada superficial, aumento de 24 % do teor de C do solo em relação à pastagem nativa sem queima há oito anos e estimulou a formação de huminas. Nesta pastagem, as substâncias húmicas estavam presentes preferencialmente na forma de ácidos fúlvicos (9,4 g kg-1), enquanto na pastagem nativa sem queima há 41 anos os ácidos húmicos foram mais abundantes (11,2 g kg-1). Em todos os ambientes, o Fe associou-se preferencialmente aos ácidos húmicos, e o Al, aos ácidos fúlvicos. O melhoramento da fertilidade do solo representa alternativa sustentável em relação à prática da queima na condução de pastagens nativas.


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Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a crucial role in soil quality and can act as an atmospheric C-CO2 sink under conservationist management systems. This study aimed to evaluate the long-term effects (19 years) of tillage (CT-conventional tillage and NT-no tillage) and crop rotations (R0-monoculture system, R1-winter crop rotation, and R2- intensive crop rotation) on total, particulate and mineral-associated organic carbon (C) stocks of an originally degraded Red Oxisol in Cruz Alta, RS, Southern Brazil. The climate is humid subtropical Cfa 2a (Köppen classification), the mean annual precipitation 1,774 mm and mean annual temperature 19.2 ºC. The plots were divided into four segments, of which each was sampled in the layers 0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20, and 0.20-0.30 m. Sampling was performed manually by opening small trenches. The SOM pools were determined by physical fractionation. Soil C stocks had a linear relationship with annual crop C inputs, regardless of the tillage systems. Thus, soil disturbance had a minor effect on SOM turnover. In the 0-0.30 m layer, soil C sequestration ranged from 0 to 0.51 Mg ha-1 yr-1, using the CT R0 treatment as base-line; crop rotation systems had more influence on soil stock C than tillage systems. The mean C sequestration rate of the cropping systems was 0.13 Mg ha-1 yr-1 higher in NT than CT. This result was associated to the higher C input by crops due to the improvement in soil quality under long-term no-tillage. The particulate C fraction was a sensitive indicator of soil management quality, while mineral-associated organic C was the main pool of atmospheric C fixed in this clayey Oxisol. The C retention in this stable SOM fraction accounts for 81 and 89 % of total C sequestration in the treatments NT R1 and NT R2, respectively, in relation to the same cropping systems under CT. The highest C management index was observed in NT R2, confirming the capacity of this soil management practice to improve the soil C stock qualitatively in relation to CT R0. The results highlighted the diversification of crop rotation with cover crops as a crucial strategy for atmospheric C-CO2 sequestration and SOM quality improvement in highly weathered subtropical Oxisols.


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Soil can be either source or sink of methane (CH4), depending on the balance between methanogenesis and methanotrophy, which are determined by pedological, climatic and management factors. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of drainage of a highland Haplic Histosol on CH4 fluxes. Field research was carried out in Ponta Grossa (Paraná, Brazil) based on the measurement of CH4 fluxes by the static chamber method in natural and drained Histosol, over one year (17 sampling events). The natural Histosol showed net CH4 eflux, with rates varying from 238 µg m-2 h-1 CH4, in cool/cold periods, to 2,850 µg m-2 h-1 CH4, in warm/hot periods, resulting a cumulative emission of 116 kg ha-1 yr-1 CH4. In the opposite, the drained Histosol showed net influx of CH4 (-39 to -146 µg m-2 h-1), which resulted in a net consumption of 9 kg ha-1 yr-1 CH4. The main driving factors of CH4 consumption in the drained soil were the lowering of the water-table (on average -57 cm, vs -7 cm in natural soil) and the lower water content in the 0-10 cm layer (average of 5.5 kg kg-1, vs 9.9 kg kg-1 in natural soil). Although waterlogged Histosols of highland areas are regarded as CH4 sources, they fulfill fundamental functions in the ecosystem, such as the accumulation of organic carbon (581 Mg ha-1 C to a depth of 1 m) and water (8.6 million L ha-1 = 860 mm to a depth of 1 m). For this reason, these soils must not be drained as an alternative to mitigate CH4 emission, but effectively preserved.


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ABSTRACT Tillage systems can influence C sequestration by changing aggregate formation and C distribution within the aggregate. This study was undertaken to explore the impact of no-tillage without straw (NT-S) and with straw (NT+S), and moldboard plow without straw (MP-S) and with straw (MP+S), on soil aggregation and aggregate-associated C after six years of double rice planting in a Hydragric Anthrosol in Guangxi, southwest of China. Soil samples of 0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.20 and 0.20-0.30 m layers were wet-sieved and divided into four aggregate-size classes, >2 mm, 2.00-0.25 mm, 0.25-0.053 and <0.053 mm, respectively, for measuring aggregate associated C and humic and fulvic acids. Results showed that the soil organic carbon (SOC) stock in bulk soil was 40.2-51.1 % higher in the 0.00-0.05 m layer and 11.3-17.0 % lower in the 0.05-0.20 m layer in NT system (NT+S and NT-S) compared to the MP system (MP+S and MP-S), respectively. However, no statistical difference was found across the whole 0.00-0.30 m layer. The NT system increased the proportion of >2 mm aggregate fraction and reduced the proportion of <0.053 mm aggregates in both 0.00-0.05 and 0.05-0.20 m layers. The SOC concentration, SOC stock and humic and fulvic acids within the >0.25 mm macroaggregate fraction also significantly increased in the 0.00-0.5 m layer in NT system. However, those within the 2.00-0.25 mm aggregate fraction were significantly reduced in the 0.05-0.200 m layer under NT system. Straw incorporation increased not only the SOC stock in bulk soil, but also the proportion of macroaggregate, aggregate associated with SOC and humic and fulvic acids concentration within the aggregate. The effect of straw on C sequestration might be dependent on the location of straw incorporation. In conclusion, the NT system increased the total SOC accumulation and humic and fulvic acids within macroaggregates, thus contributing to C sequestration in the 0.00-0.05 m layer.


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The objective of this work was to compare phyllochron and leaf area on individual stalks of selected sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) clones grown in a subtropical environment. A two-year field experiment was carried out in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, during the 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 growing seasons. Three sugarcane clones were used: IAC 822045 (early), SP 711406 (median) and CB 4176 (late), in a complete randomized block design, with four replications. Expanded leaf and total leaf (tips) number were determined, and expanded leaf area was measured. The phyllochron (ºC day leaf-1) based on expanded and tip leaf number was estimated, using 10ºC as base temperature. Allometric relationships between individual area and number of expanded leaves were fitted. Phyllochron was analysed as a four-factor experiment: clone, growing season, phyllochron phase, and phyllochron type. The early clone had the greatest potential for growing in a subtropical climate because of higher leaf output and leaf area.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the adaptation of anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum) cultivars as cut flowers in a subtropical area, located in north of Paraná State, Brazil. The Apalai, Ianomami, Kinã, nK 102, Parakanã, Rubi, and Terena cultivars were cultivated in a nursery under 80% shade. The number of leaves and inflorescences, floral stem length, length and width of inflorescences, and spadix length were evaluated. The experimental design was in completely randomized blocks, with six replicates and five plants per plot. During the 18 months evaluated, 'Parakanã' produced 11 inflorescences per plant, whereas the other cultivars produced seven to nine inflorescences per plant. The number of leaves produced per plant was: 'Ianomami', 25; 'Parakanã', 20; 'Apalai' and 'Terena', 15; 'Kinã' and 'Rubi', 11; and 'nK 102', 9. The Apalai, nK 102, Parakanã, and Rubi cultivars are the most recommended as cut flowers; the Ianomami cultivar is not recommended as a cut flower in this region.