27 resultados para SMA connector


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Visando contribuir para o conhecimento sobre Mucorales (Zygomycota) em Recife, PE, foram realizadas coletas mensais, de junho/1997 a maio/1998, totalizando 120 amostras de fezes dos herbívoros: Bison bonasus H. Smith, Bos indicus L., Bubalus bubalis H. Smith, Capra hircus L., Oryctolagus cuniculus Lilljeborg, Dasyprocta fuliginosa Wagler, Taurotragus oryx Wagner, Equus caballus L., Ovis aries L. e Mazama gouazoubira Fischer, mantidos em cativeiro no Parque Dois Irmãos e no Departamento de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. As amostras de fezes foram acondicionadas em câmara úmida (placa de Petri) à temperatura ambiente sendo observadas diariamente, do 2º ao 15º dia de incubação. As colônias de interesse foram isoladas e, após desenvolvimento, mantidas em Batata Dextrose Ágar (BDA) e/ou "Synthetic Mucor Agar" (SMA). Foram identificados 11 táxons já conhecidos e uma forma nova: Mucor circinelloides f. circinelloides, M. circinelloides f. griseocyanus, M. circinelloides f. janssenii, M. circinelloides f. lusitanicus, M. hiemalis f. hiemalis, M. hiemalis f. luteus, M. genevensis, M. piriformis f. piriformis, M. piriformis f. nanus, M. racemosus f. chibinensis, M. subtilissimus e M. variosporus. Com exceção das fezes de Bubalus bubalis, todas desenvolveram representantes de táxons de Mucor, apresentando maior diversidade as fezes de Bison bonasus, Oryctolagus cuniculus, Dasyprocta fuliginosa e Mazama gouazoubira. O maior índice de similaridade (75%) foi verificado em táxons de Mucorales nas fezes de Dasyprocta fuliginosa e Ovis aries, assim como de Capra hircus e Oryctolagus cuniculus. Chave para identificação dos táxons isolados, assim como descrições, comentários e ilustrações foram incluídos.


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Shape memory alloys (SMA) are materials that have the ability to return to a former shape when subjected to an appropriate thermomechanical procedure. Pseudoelastic and shape memory effects are some of the behaviors presented by these alloys. The unique properties concerning these alloys have encouraged many investigators to look for applications of SMA in different fields of human knowledge. The purpose of this review article is to present a brief discussion of the thermomechanical behavior of SMA and to describe their most promising applications in the biomedical area. These include cardiovascular and orthopedic uses, and surgical instruments.


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The spinal muscular atrophies (SMA) or hereditary motor neuronopathies result from the continuous degeneration and death of spinal cord lower motor neurons, leading to progressive muscular weakness and atrophy. We describe a large Brazilian family exhibiting an extremely rare, late-onset, dominant, proximal, and progressive SMA accompanied by very unusual manifestations, such as an abnormal sweating pattern, and gastrointestinal and sexual dysfunctions, suggesting concomitant involvement of the autonomic nervous system. We propose a new disease category for this disorder, `hereditary motor and autonomic neuronopathy', and attribute the term, `survival of motor and autonomic neurons 1' (SMAN1) to the respective locus that was mapped to a 14.5 cM region on chromosome 20q13.2-13.3 by genetic linkage analysis and haplotype studies using microsatellite polymorphic markers. This locus lies between markers D20S120 and D20S173 showing a maximum LOD score of 4.6 at D20S171, defining a region with 33 known genes, including several potential candidates. Identifying the SMAN1 gene should not only improve our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying lower motor neuron diseases but also help to clarify the relationship between motor and autonomic neurons.


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The type of fluid used during resuscitation may have an important impact on tissue edema. We evaluated the impact of two different regimens of fluid resuscitation on hemodynamics and on lung and intestinal edema during splanchnic hypoperfusion in rabbits. The study included 16 female New Zealand rabbits (2.9 to 3.3 kg body weight, aged 8 to 12 months) with splanchnic ischemia induced by ligation of the superior mesenteric artery. The animals were randomized into two experimental groups: group I (N = 9) received 12 mL·kg-1·h-1 lactated Ringer solution and 20 mL/kg 6% hydroxyethyl starch solution; group II (N = 7) received 36 mL·kg-1·h-1 lactated Ringer solution and 20 mL/kg 0.9% saline. A segment from the ileum was isolated to be perfused. A tonometric catheter was placed in a second gut segment. Superior mesenteric artery (Q SMA) and aortic (Qaorta) flows were measured using ultrasonic flow probes. After 4 h of fluid resuscitation, tissue specimens were immediately removed for estimations of gut and lung edema. There were no differences in global and regional perfusion variables, lung wet-to-dry weight ratios and oxygenation indices between groups. Gut wet-to-dry weight ratio was significantly lower in the crystalloid/colloid-treated group (4.9 ± 1.5) than in the crystalloid-treated group (7.3 ± 2.4) (P < 0.05). In this model of intestinal ischemia, fluid resuscitation with crystalloids caused more gut edema than a combination of crystalloids and colloids.


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Physical training influences the cells and mediators involved in skin wound healing. The objective of this study was to determine the changes induced by different intensities of physical training in mouse skin wound healing. Ninety male C57BL6 mice (8 weeks old, 20-25 g) were randomized into three physical training groups: moderate (70% VO2max), high (80% VO2max), and strenuous intensity (90% VO2max). Animals trained on a motorized treadmill for 8 weeks (Elesion: physical training until the day of excisional lesion, N = 10) or 10 weeks (Eeuthan: physical training for 2 additional weeks after excisional lesion until euthanasia, N = 10), five times/week, for 45 min. Control groups (CG) trained on the treadmill three times/week only for 5 min (N = 10). In the 8th week, mice were anesthetized, submitted to a dorsal full-thickness excisional wound of 1 cm², and sacrificed 14 days after wounding. Wound areas were measured 4, 7, and 14 days after wounding to evaluate contraction (d4, d7 and d14) and re-epithelialization (d14). Fragments of lesion and adjacent skin were processed and submitted to routine histological staining. Immunohistochemistry against alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) was performed. Moderate-intensity training (M) until lesion (M/Elesion) led to better wound closure 7 days after wounding compared to controls and M/Eeuthan (P < 0.05), and both moderate-intensity groups showed better re-epithelialization rates than controls (M/Elesion = 85.9%, M/Eeuthan = 96.4% and M/CG = 79.9%; P < 0.05). Sections of M/Elesion and M/Eeuthan groups stained with hematoxylin-eosin, Picrosirius red and α-SMA showed the most mature granulation tissues among all trained groups and controls. Thus, moderate-intensity physical training improves skin wound healing.


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In this study, we demonstrated the importance of telomerase protein expression and determined the relationships among telomerase, endothelin-1 (ET-1) and myofibroblasts during early and late remodeling of parenchymal and vascular areas in usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) using 27 surgical lung biopsies from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Telomerase+, myofibroblasts α-SMA+, smooth muscle cells caldesmon+, endothelium ET-1+ cellularity, and fibrosis severity were evaluated in 30 fields covering normal lung parenchyma, minimal fibrosis (fibroblastic foci), severe (mural) fibrosis, and vascular areas of UIP by the point-counting technique and a semiquantitative score. The impact of these markers was determined in pulmonary functional tests and follow-up until death from IPF. Telomerase and ET-1 expression was significantly increased in normal and vascular areas compared to areas of fibroblast foci. Telomerase and ET-1 expression was inversely correlated with minimal fibrosis in areas of fibroblast foci and directly associated with severe fibrosis in vascular areas. Telomerase activity in minimal fibrosis areas was directly associated with diffusing capacity of the lung for oxygen/alveolar volume and ET-1 expression and indirectly associated with diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide and severe fibrosis in vascular areas. Cox proportional hazards regression revealed a low risk of death for females with minimal fibrosis displaying high telomerase and ET-1 expression in normal areas. Vascular dysfunction by telomerase/ET-1 expression was found earlier than vascular remodeling by myofibroblast activation in UIP with impact on IPF evolution, suggesting that strategies aimed at preventing the effect of these mediators may have a greater impact on patient outcome.


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Imatinib mesylate (IM) is used to treat chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) because it selectively inhibits tyrosine kinase, which is a hallmark of CML oncogenesis. Recent studies have shown that IM inhibits the growth of several non-malignant hematopoietic and fibroblast cells from bone marrow (BM). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of IM on stromal and hematopoietic progenitor cells, specifically in the colony-forming units of granulocyte/macrophage (CFU-GM), using BM cultures from 108 1.5- to 2-month-old healthy Swiss mice. The results showed that low concentrations of IM (1.25 µM) reduced the growth of CFU-GM in clonogenic assays. In culture assays with stromal cells, fibroblast proliferation and α-SMA expression by immunocytochemistry analysis were also reduced in a concentration-dependent manner, with a survival rate of approximately 50% with a dose of 2.5 µM. Cell viability and morphology were analyzed using MTT and staining with acrydine orange/ethidium bromide. Most cells were found to be viable after treatment with 5 µM IM, although there was gradual growth inhibition of fibroblastic cells while the number of round cells (macrophage-like cells) increased. At higher concentrations (15 µM), the majority of cells were apoptotic and cell growth ceased completely. Oil red staining revealed the presence of adipocytes only in untreated cells (control). Cell cycle analysis of stromal cells by flow cytometry showed a blockade at the G0/G1 phases in groups treated with 5-15 µM. These results suggest that IM differentially inhibits the survival of different types of BM cells since toxic effects were achieved.


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Vascular hyporeactivity is an important factor in irreversible shock, and post-shock mesenteric lymph (PSML) blockade improves vascular reactivity after hemorrhagic shock. This study explored the possible involvement of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) in PSML-mediated vascular hyporeactivity and calcium desensitization. Rats were divided into sham (n=12), shock (n=18), and shock+drainage (n=18) groups. A hemorrhagic shock model (40±2 mmHg, 3 h) was established in the shock and shock+drainage groups. PSML drainage was performed from 1 to 3 h from start of hypotension in shock+drainage rats. Levels of phospho-MLCK (p-MLCK) were determined in superior mesenteric artery (SMA) tissue, and the vascular reactivity to norepinephrine (NE) and sensitivity to Ca2+ were observed in SMA rings in an isolated organ perfusion system. p-MLCK was significantly decreased in the shock group compared with the sham group, but increased in the shock+drainage group compared with the shock group. Substance P (1 nM), an agonist of MLCK, significantly elevated the decreased contractile response of SMA rings to both NE and Ca2+ at various concentrations. Maximum contractility (Emax) in the shock group increased with NE (from 0.179±0.038 to 0.440±0.177 g/mg, P<0.05) and Ca2+ (from 0.515±0.043 to 0.646±0.096 g/mg, P<0.05). ML-7 (0.1 nM), an inhibitor of MLCK, reduced the increased vascular response to NE and Ca2+ at various concentrations in the shock+drainage group (from 0.744±0.187 to 0.570±0.143 g/mg in Emax for NE and from 0.729±0.037 to 0.645±0.056 g/mg in Emax for Ca2+, P<0.05). We conclude that MLCK is an important contributor to PSML drainage, enhancing vascular reactivity and calcium sensitivity in rats with hemorrhagic shock.


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Liver cirrhosis is one of the most common diseases of Chinese patients. Herein, we report the high expression of a newly identified histone 3 lysine 4 demethylase, retinoblastoma binding protein 2 (RBP2), and its role in liver cirrhosis in humans. The siRNA knockdown of RBP2 expression in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) reduced levels of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and vimentin and decreased the proliferation of HSCs; and overexpression of RBP2 increased α-SMA and vimentin levels. Treatment with transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) upregulated the expression of RBP2, α-SMA, and vimentin, and the siRNA knockdown of RBP2 expression attenuated TGF-β-mediated upregulation of α-SMA and vimentin expression and HSC proliferation. Furthermore, RBP2 was highly expressed in cirrhotic rat livers. Therefore, RBP2 may participate in the pathogenesis of liver cirrhosis by regulating the expression of α-SMA and vimentin. RBP2 may be a useful marker for the diagnosis and treatment of liver cirrhosis.


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Dietary salt intake has been linked to hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Accumulating evidence has indicated that salt-sensitive individuals on high salt intake are more likely to develop renal fibrosis. Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) participates in the development and progression of renal fibrosis in humans and animals. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of a high-salt diet on EMT in Dahl salt-sensitive (SS) rats. Twenty-four male SS and consomic SS-13BN rats were randomized to a normal diet or a high-salt diet. After 4 weeks, systolic blood pressure (SBP) and albuminuria were analyzed, and renal fibrosis was histopathologically evaluated. Tubular EMT was evaluated using immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR with E-cadherin and alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA). After 4 weeks, SBP and albuminuria were significantly increased in the SS high-salt group compared with the normal diet group. Dietary salt intake induced renal fibrosis and tubular EMT as identified by reduced expression of E-cadherin and enhanced expression of α-SMA in SS rats. Both blood pressure and renal interstitial fibrosis were negatively correlated with E-cadherin but positively correlated with α-SMA. Salt intake induced tubular EMT and renal injury in SS rats, and this relationship might depend on the increase in blood pressure.


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The intestinal lymph pathway plays an important role in the pathogenesis of organ injury following superior mesenteric artery occlusion (SMAO) shock. We hypothesized that mesenteric lymph reperfusion (MLR) is a major cause of spleen injury after SMAO shock. To test this hypothesis, SMAO shock was induced in Wistar rats by clamping the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) for 1 h, followed by reperfusion for 2 h. Similarly, MLR was performed by clamping the mesenteric lymph duct (MLD) for 1 h, followed by reperfusion for 2 h. In the MLR+SMAO group rats, both the SMA and MLD were clamped and then released for reperfusion for 2 h. SMAO shock alone elicited: 1) splenic structure injury, 2) increased levels of malondialdehyde, nitric oxide (NO), intercellular adhesion molecule-1, endotoxin, lipopolysaccharide receptor (CD14), lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, and tumor necrosis factor-α, 3) enhanced activities of NO synthase and myeloperoxidase, and 4) decreased activities of superoxide dismutase and ATPase. MLR following SMAO shock further aggravated these deleterious effects. We conclude that MLR exacerbates spleen injury caused by SMAO shock, which itself is associated with oxidative stress, excessive release of NO, recruitment of polymorphonuclear neutrophils, endotoxin translocation, and enhanced inflammatory responses.


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INTRODUCTION: Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a key event in renal fibrosis. The aims of the study were to evaluate acidosis induced EMT, transforming-growth-factor (TGF) β1 role and citrate effect on it. METHODS: HK2 cells (ATCC 2290) were cultured in DMEM/HAM F12 medium, pH 7.4. At 80% confluence, after 24 hr under serum free conditions, cells were distributed in three groups (24 hours): A) Control: pH 7.4, B) Acidosis: pH 7.0 and C) Calcium citrate (0.2 mmol/L) + pH 7.0. Change (Δ) of intracellular calcium concentration, basal and after Angiotensin II (10-6M) exposition, were measured to evaluate cellular performance. EMT was evaluated by the expression of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and E-cadherin by immunocytochemistry and/or Western blot. TGF-β1 secretion was determined by ELISA in cell supernatant. RESULTS: At pH 7.0 HK2 cells significantly reduced E-cadherin and increased α-SMA expression (EMT). Supernatant TGF-β1 levels were higher than in control group. Calcium citrate decreased acidosis induced EMT and improved cells performance, without reduction of TGF-β production. CONCLUSIONS: Acidosis induces EMT and secretion of TGF-β1 in tubular proximal cells in culture and citrate improves cellular performance and ameliorates acidosis induced EMT.